module HKD.Delta.Class
( HasDelta(..)
, DeltaReturn
, calcDeltaNEQ
, applyDeltaNEQ
import HKD.Delta.Type
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Type.Bool
import Data.Type.Equality
class HasDelta a where
type DeltaOf a
type DeltaAlways a :: Bool
type DeltaAlways a = NotSumRep (Rep a)
calcDelta :: a -> a -> DeltaReturn a
default calcDelta ::
HasDeltaVia (DeltaAlways a) a (DeltaReturn a) =>
a -> a -> DeltaReturn a
calcDelta = calcDeltaVia @(DeltaAlways a) @a @(DeltaReturn a)
applyDelta :: a -> DeltaReturn a -> a
default applyDelta ::
HasDeltaVia (DeltaAlways a) a (DeltaReturn a) =>
a -> DeltaReturn a -> a
applyDelta = applyDeltaVia @(DeltaAlways a) @a @(DeltaReturn a)
type DeltaReturn a = If (DeltaAlways a) (DeltaOf a) (Revise a (DeltaOf a))
type family NotSumRep a :: Bool where
NotSumRep (M1 t x (a :+: b)) = False
NotSumRep x = True
class HasDeltaVia (ctx :: Bool) a d where
calcDeltaVia :: a -> a -> d
applyDeltaVia :: a -> d -> a
instance ( Generic a, Generic d
, HasDeltaGen Freshest (Rep a) (Rep d)) =>
HasDeltaVia True a (Change d) where
calcDeltaVia a a' = freshest (const Unchanged) (Changed . to)
$ calcDeltaGen @Freshest (from a) (from a')
applyDeltaVia a = change a (to . applyDeltaGen (from a) . Newer . from)
instance {-#Overlappable#-} ( Generic a, Generic d
, HasDeltaGen Freshest (Rep a) (Rep d)) =>
HasDeltaVia True a d where
calcDeltaVia a a' = freshest to to
$ calcDeltaGen @Freshest (from a) (from a')
applyDeltaVia a = to . applyDeltaGen (from a) . Newer . from
instance ( Generic a, Generic d
, HasDeltaGen (Compose Maybe Freshest) (Rep a) (Rep d)) =>
HasDeltaVia False a (Revise a (Change d)) where
calcDeltaVia a a' = maybe (Replace a')
(freshest (const $ Update Unchanged)
(Update . Changed . to))
. getCompose
$ calcDeltaGen @(Compose Maybe Freshest) (from a) (from a')
applyDeltaVia a = revise id (change a (to . applyDeltaGen (from a)
. Compose . Just . Newer . from))
instance {-#Overlappable#-} ( Generic a, Generic d
, HasDeltaGen (Compose Maybe Freshest) (Rep a) (Rep d)) =>
HasDeltaVia False a (Revise a d) where
calcDeltaVia a a' = maybe (Replace a') (Update . freshest to to)
. getCompose
$ calcDeltaGen @(Compose Maybe Freshest) (from a) (from a')
applyDeltaVia a = revise id (to . applyDeltaGen (from a)
. Compose . Just . Newer . from)
data Freshest a = Older a | Newer a
deriving Functor
instance Applicative Freshest where
pure = Older
(Older f) <*> (Older a) = Older (f a)
(Older f) <*> (Newer a) = Newer (f a)
(Newer f) <*> (Older a) = Newer (f a)
(Newer f) <*> (Newer a) = Newer (f a)
freshest :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Freshest a -> b
freshest u _ (Older a) = u a
freshest _ c (Newer a) = c a
class HasDeltaGen ctx a d where
calcDeltaGen :: a p -> a p -> ctx (d p)
applyDeltaGen :: a p -> ctx (d p) -> a p
instance (Functor f, HasDeltaGen f a d) =>
HasDeltaGen f (M1 t x a) (M1 t x d) where
calcDeltaGen a a' = M1 <$> calcDeltaGen @f (unM1 a) (unM1 a')
applyDeltaGen a d = M1 $ applyDeltaGen (unM1 a) (unM1 <$> d)
instance (HasDelta a, DeltaReturn a ~ Change d) =>
HasDeltaGen Freshest (K1 x a) (K1 x (Change d)) where
calcDeltaGen a a' = change (Older $ K1 Unchanged)
(Newer . K1. Changed)
$ calcDelta (unK1 a) (unK1 a')
applyDeltaGen = applyAnyFreshnessK1
instance ( HasDelta a, DeltaReturn a ~ f (Change d)
, Traversable f) =>
HasDeltaGen Freshest (K1 x a) (K1 x (f (Change d))) where
calcDeltaGen a a' = (\r -> change (Older (K1 r))
(const $ Newer (K1 r))
$ sequenceA r)
$ calcDelta (unK1 a) (unK1 a')
applyDeltaGen = applyAnyFreshnessK1
HasDeltaGen Freshest (K1 x a) (K1 x (Static b)) where
calcDeltaGen a a' = Older $ K1 Static
applyDeltaGen a _ = a
instance {-#Overlappable#-} (HasDelta a, DeltaReturn a ~ d) =>
HasDeltaGen Freshest (K1 x a) (K1 x d) where
calcDeltaGen a a' = Newer . K1
$ calcDelta (unK1 a) (unK1 a')
applyDeltaGen = applyAnyFreshnessK1
instance ( HasDeltaGen ctx al dl
, HasDeltaGen ctx ar dr
, Applicative ctx) =>
HasDeltaGen ctx (al :*: ar) (dl :*: dr) where
calcDeltaGen (al :*: ar) (al' :*: ar')
= (:*:)
<$> calcDeltaGen @ctx al al'
<*> calcDeltaGen @ctx ar ar'
applyDeltaGen (al :*: ar) d = (applyDeltaGen al $ lProd <$> d)
:*: (applyDeltaGen ar $ rProd <$> d)
lProd (a :*: _) = a
rProd (_ :*: b) = b
instance ( HasDeltaGen (Compose Maybe Freshest) (all :+: alr) (dll :+: dlr)
, HasDeltaGen (Compose Maybe Freshest) (arl :+: arr) (drl :+: drr)
) =>
HasDeltaGen (Compose Maybe Freshest) ((all :+: alr) :+: (arl :+: arr))
((dll :+: dlr) :+: (drl :+: drr)) where
calcDeltaGen (L1 a) (L1 a')
= L1 <$> calcDeltaGen @(Compose Maybe Freshest) a a'
calcDeltaGen (R1 a) (R1 a')
= R1 <$> calcDeltaGen @(Compose Maybe Freshest) a a'
calcDeltaGen _ _ = Compose Nothing
applyDeltaGen s = maybe s (freshest (goSum (Compose . Just . Older)
(Compose . Just . Older) s)
(goSum (Compose . Just . Newer)
(Compose . Just . Newer) s))
. getCompose
instance {-#Overlappable#-}
( HasDeltaGen Freshest al dl
, HasDeltaGen (Compose Maybe Freshest) (arl :+: arr) (drl :+: drr)
) =>
HasDeltaGen (Compose Maybe Freshest) (al :+: (arl :+: arr))
(dl :+: (drl :+: drr)) where
calcDeltaGen (L1 a) (L1 a')
= Compose . Just $ L1 <$> calcDeltaGen @Freshest a a'
calcDeltaGen (R1 a) (R1 a')
= R1 <$> calcDeltaGen @(Compose Maybe Freshest) a a'
calcDeltaGen _ _ = Compose Nothing
applyDeltaGen s = maybe s (freshest (goSum Older (Compose . Just . Older) s)
(goSum Newer (Compose . Just . Newer) s))
. getCompose
instance {-#Overlappable#-}
( HasDeltaGen (Compose Maybe Freshest) (all :+: alr) (dll :+: dlr)
, HasDeltaGen Freshest ar dr
) =>
HasDeltaGen (Compose Maybe Freshest) ((all :+: alr) :+: ar)
((dll :+: dlr) :+: dr) where
calcDeltaGen (L1 a) (L1 a')
= L1 <$> calcDeltaGen @(Compose Maybe Freshest) a a'
calcDeltaGen (R1 a) (R1 a')
= Compose . Just $ R1 <$> calcDeltaGen @Freshest a a'
calcDeltaGen _ _ = Compose Nothing
applyDeltaGen s = maybe s (freshest (goSum (Compose . Just . Older) Older s)
(goSum (Compose . Just . Newer) Newer s))
. getCompose
instance {-#Overlappable#-} ( HasDeltaGen Freshest al dl
, HasDeltaGen Freshest ar dr
) =>
HasDeltaGen (Compose Maybe Freshest) (al :+: ar) (dl :+: dr) where
calcDeltaGen (L1 a) (L1 a') = Compose . Just
$ L1 <$> calcDeltaGen @Freshest a a'
calcDeltaGen (R1 a) (R1 a') = Compose . Just
$ R1 <$> calcDeltaGen @Freshest a a'
calcDeltaGen _ _ = Compose Nothing
applyDeltaGen s = maybe s (freshest (goSum Older Older s)
(goSum Newer Newer s))
. getCompose
instance HasDeltaGen Freshest U1 U1 where
calcDeltaGen _ _ = Older U1
applyDeltaGen _ _ = U1
instance HasDeltaGen Freshest V1 V1 where
calcDeltaGen _ _ = undefined
applyDeltaGen _ _ = undefined
applyAnyFreshnessK1 :: HasDelta a =>
K1 x a p -> Freshest (K1 x (DeltaReturn a) p) -> K1 x a p
applyAnyFreshnessK1 a = K1 . freshest go go
where go d = applyDelta (unK1 a) (unK1 d)
goSum :: ( HasDeltaGen f al dl
, HasDeltaGen g ar dr ) =>
(forall x . x -> f x) -> (forall x . x -> g x) ->
(al :+: ar) p -> ((dl :+: dr) p) -> (al :+: ar) p
goSum f _ (L1 a) (L1 d) = L1 $ applyDeltaGen a (f d)
goSum _ g (R1 a) (R1 d) = R1 $ applyDeltaGen a (g d)
goSum _ _ s _ = s
instance HasDelta () where
type DeltaOf () = Static ()
calcDelta _ _ = Static
applyDelta _ _ = ()
calcDeltaNEQ :: Eq a => a -> a -> Change a
calcDeltaNEQ a b | a == b = Unchanged
| otherwise = Changed b
applyDeltaNEQ :: a -> Change a -> a
applyDeltaNEQ a = change a id
instance HasDelta Bool where
type DeltaOf Bool = Change Bool
type DeltaAlways Bool = True
calcDelta = calcDeltaNEQ
applyDelta = applyDeltaNEQ
instance HasDelta Char where
type DeltaOf Char = Change Char
type DeltaAlways Char = True
calcDelta = calcDeltaNEQ
applyDelta = applyDeltaNEQ
instance HasDelta Double where
type DeltaOf Double = Change Double
type DeltaAlways Double = True
calcDelta = calcDeltaNEQ
applyDelta = applyDeltaNEQ
instance HasDelta Float where
type DeltaOf Float = Change Float
type DeltaAlways Float = True
calcDelta = calcDeltaNEQ
applyDelta = applyDeltaNEQ
instance HasDelta Int where
type DeltaOf Int = Change Int
type DeltaAlways Int = True
calcDelta = calcDeltaNEQ
applyDelta = applyDeltaNEQ
instance HasDelta Integer where
type DeltaOf Integer = Change Integer
type DeltaAlways Integer = True
calcDelta = calcDeltaNEQ
applyDelta = applyDeltaNEQ