module HLRDB
, IsIdentifier(..)
, genId
, genId'
, identifierTimestamp
, declareBasic
, declareIntegral
, declareByteString
, declareBasicZero
, declareList
, declareSet
, declareHSet
, declareSSet
, declareGlobalBasic
, declareGlobalIntegral
, declareGlobalByteString
, declareGlobalBasicZero
, declareGlobalList
, declareGlobalSet
, declareGlobalHSet
, declareGlobalSSet
, encodePath
, foldPath
, Store
, module HLRDB.Core
) where
import HLRDB.Core
import HLRDB.Internal
import Database.Redis
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import GHC.Int
import GHC.Generics
import Data.String (IsString(fromString))
import Data.Store
import Data.ByteString (ByteString,take,drop,unpack)
import qualified Data.ByteString
import qualified Crypto.Hash as H
import qualified Data.ByteArray as H
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import System.Random
import GHC.Word
import Data.Bits
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
newtype Identifier =
Identifier (Int32,Word32,Word16,Word8)
deriving (Generic,Eq,Ord,Hashable)
instance Show Identifier where
show = show . B64.encode . encode
class IsIdentifier a where
toIdentifier :: a -> Identifier
fromIdentifier :: Identifier -> a
instance IsIdentifier Identifier where
toIdentifier = id
fromIdentifier = id
instance Store Identifier where
size = ConstSize 11
peek = fmap Identifier
$ (,,,) <$> peek <*> peek <*> peek <*> peek
poke (Identifier (a,b,c,d)) =
poke a >> poke b >> poke c >> poke d
{-# INLINE genId #-}
genId :: IsIdentifier a => IO a
genId = getPOSIXTime >>= genIdPOSIX
{-# INLINE offset #-}
offset :: Int64
offset = 2524608000
genId' :: IsIdentifier a => UTCTime -> IO a
genId' =
genIdPOSIX . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds
genIdPOSIX :: IsIdentifier a => POSIXTime -> IO a
genIdPOSIX posix = do
let t :: Int32 = fromIntegral (round posix - offset)
w64 :: Word64 <- randomIO
let (a,w32) = w64tow32w32 w64
let (b,x) = w32tow16w16 w32
let (c,_) = w16tow8w8 x
return $ fromIdentifier $ Identifier (t , a , b , c)
w64tow32w32 :: Word64 -> (Word32, Word32)
w64tow32w32 i = (fromIntegral i , fromIntegral (rotate i 32))
w32tow16w16 :: Word32 -> (Word16, Word16)
w32tow16w16 i = (fromIntegral i , fromIntegral (rotate i 16))
w16tow8w8 :: Word16 -> (Word8,Word8)
w16tow8w8 i = (fromIntegral i , fromIntegral (rotate i 8))
{-# INLINABLE identifierTimestamp #-}
identifierTimestamp :: IsIdentifier a => a -> UTCTime
identifierTimestamp i =
let (Identifier (t,_,_,_)) = toIdentifier i in
posixSecondsToUTCTime $ fromIntegral $ offset + fromIntegral t
newtype PathName = PathName ByteString
instance IsString PathName where
fromString =
. Data.ByteString.take 5
. H.convert . H.hashFinalize
. (H.hashUpdate (H.hashInit :: H.Context H.MD5) :: ByteString -> H.Context H.MD5)
. fromString
encodePath :: Store a => PathName -> a -> ByteString
encodePath (PathName n) =
(<>) n . encode
failDecode :: PeekException -> a
failDecode e = error $ "Unexpected data encoding from Redis: " <> show e
{-# INLINE decode' #-}
decode' :: Store a => ByteString -> a
decode' bs = case Data.Store.decode bs of
Left e -> failDecode e
Right a -> a
{-# INLINE declareBasic #-}
declareBasic :: (Store i, Store v) => PathName -> RedisBasic i (Maybe v)
declareBasic pathName = RKeyValue $
E (encodePath pathName)
(fmap encode)
. (=<<)
. flip (.) Data.Store.decode $ \case
Left _ -> Nothing
Right x -> Just x
{-# INLINE declareIntegral #-}
declareIntegral :: (Store i, Integral b) => PathName -> RedisIntegral i b
declareIntegral p =
RKeyValueInteger (encodePath p) toInteger fromIntegral
{-# INLINE declareByteString #-}
declareByteString :: Store i => PathName -> RedisByteString i ByteString
declareByteString p =
RKeyValueByteString (encodePath p)
{-# INLINE declareBasicZero #-}
declareBasicZero :: (Store i, Store v) => PathName -> v -> RedisBasic i v
declareBasicZero pathName zero = RKeyValue $
E (encodePath pathName)
(Just . encode)
$ \case
Nothing -> zero
Just bs -> case Data.Store.decode bs of
Left _ -> zero
Right x -> x
{-# INLINE declareList #-}
declareList :: (Store i, Store v) => PathName -> Maybe TrimScheme -> RedisList i v
declareList pathName = RList $ E (encodePath pathName) (pure . encode) (decode' . runIdentity)
{-# INLINE declareHSet #-}
declareHSet :: (Store i, Store s, Store v) => PathName -> RedisHSet i s v
declareHSet pathName =
RHSet (E (encodePath pathName) (pure . encode) (decode' . runIdentity)) (HSET encode decode')
{-# INLINE declareSet #-}
declareSet :: (Store i, Store v) => PathName -> RedisSet i v
declareSet pathName =
RSet $ E (encodePath pathName) (pure . encode) (decode' . runIdentity)
{-# INLINE declareSSet #-}
declareSSet :: (Store i, Store v) => PathName -> Maybe TrimScheme -> RedisSSet i v
declareSSet pathName =
RSortedSet $ E (encodePath pathName) (pure . encode) (decode' . runIdentity)
{-# INLINE declareGlobalBasic #-}
declareGlobalBasic :: Store v => PathName -> RedisBasic () (Maybe v)
declareGlobalBasic (PathName p) = RKeyValue $ E (const p) (fmap encode) $ \case
Just bs -> case Data.Store.decode bs of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right x -> Just x
Nothing -> Nothing
{-# INLINE declareGlobalIntegral #-}
declareGlobalIntegral :: Integral b => PathName -> RedisIntegral () b
declareGlobalIntegral (PathName p) = RKeyValueInteger (const p) toInteger fromIntegral
{-# INLINE declareGlobalByteString #-}
declareGlobalByteString :: PathName -> RedisByteString () ByteString
declareGlobalByteString (PathName p) = RKeyValueByteString (const p)
{-# INLINE declareGlobalBasicZero #-}
declareGlobalBasicZero :: Store v => PathName -> v -> RedisBasic () v
declareGlobalBasicZero (PathName p) zero = RKeyValue $
E (const p)
(Just . encode)
$ \case
Nothing -> zero
Just bs -> case Data.Store.decode bs of
Left _ -> zero
Right x -> x
{-# INLINE declareGlobalList #-}
declareGlobalList :: Store v => PathName -> Maybe TrimScheme -> RedisList () v
declareGlobalList (PathName p) = RList $ E (const p) (pure . encode) (decode' . runIdentity)
{-# INLINE declareGlobalHSet #-}
declareGlobalHSet :: (Store s , Store v) => PathName -> RedisHSet () s v
declareGlobalHSet (PathName p) =
RHSet (E (const p) (pure . encode) (decode' . runIdentity)) (HSET encode decode')
{-# INLINE declareGlobalSet #-}
declareGlobalSet :: Store v => PathName -> RedisSet () v
declareGlobalSet (PathName p) =
RSet $ E (const p) (pure . encode) (decode' . runIdentity)
{-# INLINE declareGlobalSSet #-}
declareGlobalSSet :: Store v => PathName -> Maybe TrimScheme -> RedisSSet () v
declareGlobalSSet (PathName p) =
RSortedSet $ E (const p) (pure . encode) (decode' . runIdentity)
scanGlob :: IsIdentifier i => RedisStructure s i v -> ByteString
scanGlob = pathGlob . extractPathName
pathGlob :: ByteString -> ByteString
pathGlob p =
let bs :: [ Word8 ] = unpack p in
foldr (\c a -> enc c <> a) "*" bs
enc :: Word8 -> ByteString
enc 42 = "\\*"
enc 63 = "\\?"
enc 91 = "\\["
enc w = Data.ByteString.pack [ w ]
extractPathName :: (IsIdentifier i) => RedisStructure s i v -> ByteString
extractPathName p = Data.ByteString.take 5 $ primKey p zeroIdentifier
zeroIdentifier :: (IsIdentifier i) => i
zeroIdentifier = fromIdentifier $ Identifier (0,0,0,0)
foldPath :: (MonadRedis m , IsIdentifier i , Store v) => RedisStructure s i v -> (a -> i -> m a) -> a -> m a
foldPath p f z = go (cursor0,z)
go (c,a) = do
(c', bs) <- unwrap $ scanOpts c defaultScanOpts { scanMatch = Just m }
!a' <- Control.Monad.foldM (\x -> f x . fromIdentifier . decodeEx . Data.ByteString.drop 5) a bs
if c' == cursor0
then pure a'
else go (c',a')
m = scanGlob p