hnock: A Nock interpreter.

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A Nock interpreter.

From the shell, simply pipe Nock expressions into the hnock executable:

$ echo '*[[[4 5] [6 14 15]] [0 7]]' | hnock
[14 15]

For playing around in GHCi, import the Nock library and use hnock to parse and evaluate Nock expressions:

*Nock> hnock "*[[[4 5] [6 14 15]] [0 7]]"
[14 15]

To evaluate raw nock Nouns, i.e. to compute nock(a) for some noun a, use the nock function:

*Nock> let expression = hnock "[[[4 5] [6 14 15]] [0 7]]"
*Nock> expression
[[[4 5] [6 [14 15]]] [0 7]]
*Nock> nock expression
[14 15]

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Versions [RSS] 0.4.0
Change log CHANGELOG
Dependencies base (>=4.12 && <5), hnock, parsec (>= && <3.2), text (>= && <1.3) [details]
License MIT
Author Jared Tobin
Category Language
Home page
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by JaredTobin at 2019-10-01T17:27:56Z
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Last success reported on 2019-10-01 [all 1 reports]

Readme for hnock-0.4.0

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Build Status MIT License

A Nock interpreter.


Use a simple

stack install

to build the hnock binary and get it moved somewhere on your PATH. If you just want to build the binary, you can use stack build.


From bash, simply pipe Nock expressions into the hnock executable:

$ echo '*[[[4 5] [6 14 15]] [0 7]]' | hnock
[14 15]

For playing around in GHCi, import the Nock library and use hnock to parse and evaluate Nock expressions:

*Nock> hnock "*[[[4 5] [6 14 15]] [0 7]]"
[14 15]

To evaluate raw nock Nouns, i.e. to compute nock(a) for some noun a, use the nock function:

*Nock> let expression = hnock "[[[4 5] [6 14 15]] [0 7]]"
*Nock> expression
[[[4 5] [6 [14 15]]] [0 7]]
*Nock> nock expression
[14 15]


Use a simple stack test to run the test suite.

See Also