hopencl: Haskell bindings for OpenCL

[ bsd3, foreign, library ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

The bindings follows version 1.1 of the OpenCL specification. Haddock documentation is available at http://projects.haskell.org/hopencl/

The following sections of the OpenCL specification are not supported currently:

  • Image Objects (section 5.3)

  • Sampler Objects (section 5.5)

  • Profiling of memory objects and kernels (section 5.12)

  • Extensions of the OpenCL standard involving the API

  • OpenGL and D3D related functions

In addition, the are not currently any Haskell wrappers for the following functions:

clCreateSubBuffer, clEnqueueReadBufferRect, clEnqueueWriteBufferRect, clEnqueueCopyBufferRect, clEnqueueMapBuffer, clEnqueueUnmapMemObject, clEnqueueNativeKernel

[Skip to Readme]


Automatic Flags

Enable debugging messages


Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info


Maintainer's Corner

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  • No Candidates
Versions [RSS] 0.2.0, 0.2.1
Dependencies base (>=4 && <5), bytestring [details]
Tested with ghc ==7.0.3
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Merijn Verstraaten, Martin Dybdal
Author Merijn Verstraaten <merijn@inconsistent.nl> (2014-present), Martin Dybdal <dybber@dybber.dk> (2011-2014)
Maintainer Merijn Verstraaten <merijn@inconsistent.nl>
Category Foreign
Home page https://github.com/merijn/hopencl
Bug tracker https://github.com/merijn/hopencl/issues
Source repo head: git clone http://github.com/merijn/hopencl
Uploaded by MerijnVerstraaten at 2014-03-19T10:25:58Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Downloads 2106 total (6 in the last 30 days)
Rating (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Status Docs uploaded by user
Build status unknown [no reports yet]

Readme for hopencl-0.2.1

[back to package description]


The present repository contains the latest snapshot of a set of Haskell bindings to version 1.1 of the OpenCL specification.

The following sections of the OpenCL specification are not supported currently:

  • Image Objects (section 5.3)
  • Sampler Objects (section 5.5)
  • Profiling of memory objects and kernels (section 5.12)
  • Extensions of the OpenCL standard involving the API
  • OpenGL and D3D related functions

In addition, the are not currently any Haskell wrappers for the following functions:

clCreateSubBuffer, clEnqueueReadBufferRect, clEnqueueWriteBufferRect, clEnqueueCopyBufferRect, clEnqueueMapBuffer, clEnqueueUnmapMemObject, clEnqueueNativeKernel


Installation is handled by cabal, but the tool c2hs is needed for compilation and should be installed prior to hopencl.

cabal install c2hs
cabal install


In examples-directory two simple examples of how the hopencl package can be used are shown. They can be executed using runhaskell

cd examples/PlatformInfo/
runhaskell PlatformInfo.hs
cd examples/VectorAdd/
runhaskell VectorAdd.hs


Haddock documentation is available at http://projects.haskell.org/hopencl/


To compile the test suite, the flag --enable-tests must be given to cabal. The tests can then be executed using cabal test.

cabal install --enable-tests
cabal test

Questions and bug reports

Feel free to contact me by email at merijn@inconsistent.nl with any questions or bug reports.

Alternatively, bugs can be submitted through the bug tracker at: http://github.com/merijn/hopencl/issues