Packages tagged foreign

118 packages have this tag.

[Merge tag] (trustees only)

Related tags: library (112), bsd3 (52), mit (44), program (14), data (10), gpl (6), ffi (5), ffi-tools (4), graphics (4), java (4), jvm (4), apache (3), c (3), language (3), math (3), system (3), agpl (2), codec (2), deprecated (2), hardware (2), image (2), network (2), public-domain (2), sound (2), .net (1), algorithms (1), barcode (1), bindings (1), client (1), concurrency (1), cryptography (1), data-structures (1), development (1), disassembler (1), ...

Rev Deps
Last U/L
Last Version
AppleScript270.01Call AppleScript from Haskell, and then call back into Haskell. (bsd3, foreign)2012-02-, WouterSwierstra
C-structs202.00C-Structs implementation for Haskell (c, data, foreign, library, mit, structures)2022-09-300.2.0.3SimonPlakolb
HPlot160.01A minimal monadic PLplot interface for Haskell (bsd3, foreign, graphics, library, program)2009-08-040.3YakovZaytsev
HaPy110.01Haskell bindings for Python (foreign, library, mit)2015-05-
LibZip750.04Bindings to libzip, a library for manipulating zip archives. (bsd3, codec, foreign, library)2016-08-291.0.1SergeyAstanin
Salsa80.01A .NET Bridge for Haskell (.net, bsd3, foreign, library)2014-09-, TimMatthews
Thrift260.04Haskell bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system (foreign, library)2013-04-, KirkPeterson, OzgunAtaman
aligned-foreignptr100.01An aligned ForeignPtr type (foreign, library, public-domain, system)2010-08-010.1BalazsKomuves
arbb-vm180.01FFI binding to the Intel Array Building Blocks (ArBB) virtual machine. (bsd3, foreign, library)2012-10-
bindings-libzip470.02Low level bindings to libzip. (bsd3, ffi, foreign, library)2016-08-291.0.1SergeyAstanin
bindings-yices150.02Bindings to the Yices theorem prover (ffi, foreign, library, public-domain, theorem-provers)2015-08-
bits-atomic170.07Atomic bit operations on memory locations for low-level synchronization (bsd3, concurrency, data, foreign, library)2010-09-050.1.3GabrielWicke
bitwise-enum330.01Bitwise operations on bounded enumerations (bsd3, data, data-structures, foreign, library)2023-07-301.0.1.2jnbooth
bool8210.04Alternative Bool type stored as byte (bsd3, foreign, library)2017-10-
c-enum220.09To make a type corresponding to an enum of C language (bsd3, foreign, library)2022-04-
c-storable-deriving130.04Generate C-like storable instances from datatypes (bsd3, foreign, library)2015-12-290.1.3MatthewMaurer
c-struct310.06To make a wrapper for struct of C language (bsd3, foreign, library)2023-05-
c2hs-extra120.03Convenient marshallers for complicate C types. (development, foreign, library, mit)2017-10-
cinvoke30.01A binding to cinvoke. (bsd3, foreign, library)2011-03-050.1RemiTurk
cloudi440.01Haskell CloudI API (foreign, library, mit)2023-10-272.0.7okeuday
cplusplus-th42.02C++ Foreign Import Generation (bsd3, foreign, library)2014-10-
cpython372.02Bindings for libpython (foreign, gpl, library)2024-07-083.9.0zsedem
cublas320.04FFI bindings to the CUDA BLAS library (bsd3, foreign, library)2020-08-, bmsherman
cuda1930.016FFI binding to the CUDA interface for programming NVIDIA GPUs (bsd3, foreign, library, program)2023-08-
cufft640.03Haskell bindings for the CUFFT library (bsd3, foreign, library)2020-08-, TrevorMcDonell
cusolver210.01FFI bindings to CUDA Solver, a LAPACK-like library (bsd3, foreign, library)2020-08-
cusparse210.01FFI bindings to the CUDA Sparse BLAS library (bsd3, foreign, library)2020-08-
derive-storable892.011Derive Storable instances with GHC.Generics. (foreign, library, mit)2022-04-
derive-storable-plugin540.07GHC core plugin supporting the derive-storable package. (foreign, library, mit)2023-05-
emacs-module300.01Utilities to write Emacs dynamic modules (apache, foreign, foreign-binding, library)2024-05-
enumset400.011Sets of enumeration values represented by machine words (bsd3, data, foreign, library)2021-07-260.1HenningThielemann
erlang210.01FFI interface to Erlang. (foreign, library)2018-07-220.2.3EricSessoms, gombocarti
erlang-ffi50.00Send messages to an Erlang node using Haskell (foreign, library)2021-03-181.0.0Szetty
errno60.01a FFI utility (bsd3, foreign, library)2009-01-020.1CreightonHogg
exiftool250.00Haskell bindings to ExifTool (foreign, library, mit)2024-04-
foreign170.00A collection of helpers for ffi. (bsd3, foreign, library)2023-10-
foreign-storable-asymmetric50.02Types and instances for implementing a Storable with different peek and poke (bsd3, foreign, library)2012-04-280.0.1AndrewMiller
gmpint (deprecated in favor of hgmp)560.02GMP integer conversions (bsd3, c, deprecated, ffi, foreign, library)2018-08-
greencard270.03GreenCard, a foreign function pre-processor for Haskell. (bsd3, foreign, library, program)2014-05-, SigbjornFinne
hR (deprecated)100.01R bindings and interface (bsd3, deprecated, foreign, library, math)2012-03-050.1.1DylanSimon
hdis8680.02Interface to the udis86 disassembler for x86 and x86-64 / AMD64 (bsd3, disassembler, foreign, language, library, reverse-engineering)2011-08-280.2KeeganMcAllister
hhwloc80.00Bindings to (foreign, library, mit, system)2020-01-270.2.1dtaskoff
hlibcpuid110.00Bindings to (foreign, library, mit, program, system)2020-01-210.2.0dtaskoff
hlibev410.02FFI interface to libev (bsd3, foreign, library)2011-08-010.4.0AycanIrican
hlibfam130.01FFI interface to libFAM (bsd3, foreign, library)2010-06-120.2AycanIrican
hlibsass800.03Low-level bindings to Libsass (foreign, library, mit)2020-06-
hopencl70.01Haskell bindings for OpenCL (bsd3, foreign, library)2014-03-190.2.1MartinDybdal, MerijnVerstraaten
hopenssl620.04FFI Bindings to OpenSSL's EVP Digest Interface (bsd3, cryptography, foreign, library)2023-01-162.2.5PeterSimons
hoppy-docs430.01C++ FFI generator - Documentation (agpl, foreign, library)2024-06-020.9.0khumba
hoppy-generator560.04C++ FFI generator - Code generator (agpl, foreign, library)2024-06-020.9.0khumba
hoppy-runtime520.02C++ FFI generator - Runtime support (apache, foreign, library)2024-06-020.9.0khumba
hoppy-std400.01C++ FFI generator - Standard library bindings (apache, foreign, library)2024-06-020.9.0khumba
hs-tango110.00Bindings to the Tango Controls system (bindings, client, distributed-systems, ffi, foreign, hardware, library, mit, science)2024-11-072.0.0pimiddy
hsdns620.04Asynchronous DNS Resolver (foreign, lgpl, library, network)2019-01-231.8GwernBranwen, PeterSimons
hslua4222.517Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language (foreign, library, mit)2024-01-182.3.1GracjanPolak, OmerAgacan, tarleb
hslua-aeson3570.04Allow aeson data types to be used with Lua. (foreign, library, mit)2024-07-
hslua-classes2450.01Type classes for HsLua (foreign, library, mit)2024-01-182.3.1tarleb
hslua-cli2480.00Command-line interface for Lua (foreign, library, mit)2024-06-281.4.3tarleb
hslua-core2882.018Bindings to Lua, an embeddable scripting language (foreign, library, mit)2024-01-182.3.2tarleb
hslua-examples100.00Examples of how to combine Haskell and Lua. (foreign, mit, program)2023-03-132.0.2tarleb
hslua-list2420.02Opinionated, but extensible Lua list type. (foreign, library, mit)2024-10-011.1.4tarleb
hslua-marshalling2600.016Marshalling of values between Haskell and Lua. (foreign, library, mit)2024-01-182.3.1tarleb
hslua-module-doclayout3360.02Lua module wrapping Text.DocLayout. (foreign, library, mit)2024-09-211.2.0JohnMacFarlane, tarleb
hslua-module-path2740.02Lua module to work with file paths. (foreign, library, mit)2024-01-181.1.1tarleb
hslua-module-system3360.02Lua module wrapper around Haskell's System module. (foreign, library, mit)2024-05-281.1.2tarleb
hslua-module-text3270.02Lua module for text (foreign, library, mit)2024-01-181.1.1tarleb
hslua-module-version2430.02Lua module to work with version specifiers. (foreign, library, mit)2024-01-181.1.1tarleb
hslua-module-zip2390.01Lua module to work with file zips. (foreign, library, mit)2024-05-051.1.3tarleb
hslua-objectorientation2680.02Object orientation tools for HsLua (foreign, library, mit)2024-01-182.3.1tarleb
hslua-packaging2570.06Utilities to build Lua modules. (foreign, library, mit)2024-01-182.3.1tarleb
hslua-repl2060.02Isocline-based Lua REPL (foreign, library, mit)2024-01-180.1.2tarleb
hslua-typing1980.04Type specifiers for Lua. (foreign, library, mit)2024-01-180.1.1tarleb
hswip52.01embedding prolog in haskell (foreign, language, library)2010-08-130.3EvgenyTarasov
hsyscall150.01FFI to syscalls (bsd3, foreign, library)2010-06-010.4AycanIrican
hsyslog1320.020FFI interface to syslog(3) from POSIX.1-2001 (bsd3, foreign, library)2019-01-235.0.2PeterSimons
htaglib562.01Bindings to TagLib, audio meta-data library (bsd3, foreign, library, sound)2023-10-241.2.1mrkkrp
j2hs160.01j2hs (ffi-tools, foreign, java, jvm, mit, program)2013-06-240.99.1JulianFleischer
java-bridge282.03Bindings to the JNI and a high level interface generator. (ffi-tools, foreign, java, jvm, mit)2013-06-080.20130606.3JulianFleischer
java-bridge-extras70.01Utilities for working with the java-bridge package. (ffi-tools, foreign, java, jvm, library, mit)2013-06-240.99JulianFleischer
java-reflect170.01Tools for reflecting on Java classes. (ffi-tools, foreign, java, jvm, library, mit)2013-06-240.99JulianFleischer
lambda-bridge60.01A bridge from Haskell (on a CPU) to VHDL on a FPGA. (bsd3, foreign, hardware, library, middleware, network, program)2010-11-160.1AndyGill
language-c-inline540.01Inline C & Objective-C code in Haskell for language interoperability (bsd3, foreign, language, library)2017-07-300.7.11.0ManuelChakravarty
libffi742.06A binding to libffi (bsd3, foreign, library)2022-09-240.2.1RemiTurk, ryanglscott
libffi-dynamic90.00LibFFI interface with dynamic bidirectional type-driven binding generation (foreign, library)2019-05-
libltdl250.01FFI interface to libltdl (bsd3, foreign, library)2020-02-
libnix141.751Bindings to the nix package manager (foreign, gpl, library, nix)2021-11-, chris_martin
libnvvm40.01FFI binding to libNVVM, a compiler SDK component from NVIDIA (foreign, library, mit)2014-04-031.0.0seanprime7
libxml-sax690.05Bindings for the libXML2 SAX interface (foreign, library, mit, parsing, text, xml)2024-11-260.7.6StephenWeber
lpeg2710.02LPeg – Parsing Expression Grammars For Lua (foreign, library, mit)2023-09-271.1.0tarleb
lua2992.06Lua, an embeddable scripting language (foreign, library, mit)2024-08-312.3.3tarleb
lua-arbitrary1390.01Arbitrary instances for Lua types. (foreign, library, mit)2023-03-
marshal-contt250.00A ContT-based wrapper for Haskell-to-C marshalling functions. (foreign, library, mpl)2019-09-
mathlink420.01Write Mathematica packages in Haskell (bsd3, foreign, library)2009-11-, jfennick
matlab130.01Matlab bindings and interface (bsd3, foreign, library, math, program)2020-07-, bmsherman, bebarker
minimung70.01Shows how to run grabber on Mac OS X (bsd3, foreign, graphics, program)2010-02-200.1YakovZaytsev
missing-py2110.01Haskell interface to Python (foreign, gpl, library)2013-11-121.0.1domdere
ncurses1210.05Modernised bindings to GNU ncurses (foreign, gpl, library, user-interfaces)2016-08-290.2.16tjtrabue
notmuch-haskell100.01Binding for notmuch MUA library (email, foreign, library, program)2015-04-
nvvm560.02FFI bindings to NVVM (bsd3, foreign, library)2023-08-
pandoc-lua-marshal4100.02Use pandoc types in Lua (foreign, library, mit)2024-12-070.3.0JohnMacFarlane, tarleb
primesieve150.00FFI bindings for the primesieve library. (algorithms, foreign, library, math, mit, number-theory, program)2024-03-170.2.0sighingnow
sdl2-gfx220.06Haskell bindings to SDL2_gfx (foreign, graphics, library, mit, program)2021-09-, locallycompact
sdl2-image580.09Haskell bindings to SDL2_image (foreign, graphics, image, library, mit, program)2021-09-, cailei, ccll, locallycompact
sdl2-mixer430.05Haskell bindings to SDL2_mixer (bsd3, foreign, library, program, sound)2021-09-, locallycompact
storable50.01Storable type class for variable-sized data (bsd3, data, foreign, library)2009-03-050.1TomasJanousek
storable-enum70.03Wrapper that makes any Enum type Storable (bsd3, foreign, library)2019-10-080.0HenningThielemann
storable-generic70.00Derive Storable instances with GHC.Generics (bsd3, foreign, library)2024-12-
storable-hetero-list80.02about Storable and Hetero list (bsd3, data, foreign, library)2024-11-
storable-peek-poke130.05class Sizable, Peek and Poke (bsd3, data, foreign, library)2024-12-
storable-record2020.032Elegant definition of Storable instances for records (bsd3, data, foreign, library)2023-02-210.0.7HenningThielemann
storable-tuple1562.015Storable instance for pairs and triples (bsd3, data, foreign, library)2023-02-210.1HenningThielemann
tasty-hslua630.00Tasty helpers to test HsLua. (foreign, library, mit)2024-01-181.1.1tarleb
tasty-lua1762.01Write tests in Lua, integrate into tasty. (foreign, library, mit)2024-01-181.1.1tarleb
thrift180.06Haskell bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system (foreign, library)2019-11-180.13.0ChristianLavoie, jfarrell, jking
timezone-detect130.00Haskell bindings for the zone-detect C library; plus tz-aware utils. (data, foreign, gpl, library, time)2021-03-
winerror110.02Error handling for foreign calls to the Windows API. (bsd3, foreign)2008-11-141.0.1FelixMartini
yajl390.02Bindings for YAJL, an event-based JSON implementation (codec, foreign, gpl, library)2014-02-150.3.2JohnMillikin
zbar180.00zbar bindings in Haskell (barcode, bsd3, c, ffi, foreign, image, library)2021-03-