Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
A simple and unambigous text encoding for Osc.
- type FpPrecision = Maybe Int
- showFloatWithPrecision :: RealFloat n => FpPrecision -> n -> String
- showBytes :: [Int] -> String
- escapeString :: String -> String
- showDatum :: FpPrecision -> Datum -> String
- showMessage :: FpPrecision -> Message -> String
- showBundle :: FpPrecision -> Bundle -> String
- showPacket :: FpPrecision -> Packet -> String
- type P a = GenParser Char () a
- (>>~) :: Monad m => m t -> m u -> m t
- lexemeP :: P t -> P t
- stringCharP :: P Char
- stringP :: P String
- oscAddressP :: P String
- oscSignatureP :: P String
- digitP :: P Char
- allowNegativeP :: Num n => P n -> P n
- nonNegativeIntegerP :: (Integral n, Read n) => P n
- integerP :: (Integral n, Read n) => P n
- nonNegativeFloatP :: (Fractional n, Read n) => P n
- floatP :: (Fractional n, Read n) => P n
- hexdigitP :: P Char
- byteP :: (Integral n, Read n) => P n
- byteSeqP :: (Integral n, Read n) => P [n]
- datumP :: Char -> P Datum
- messageP :: P Message
- bundleTagP :: P String
- bundleP :: P Bundle
- packetP :: P Packet
- runP :: P t -> String -> t
- parseDatum :: Char -> String -> Datum
- parseMessage :: String -> Message
- parseBundle :: String -> Bundle
- parsePacket :: String -> Packet
type FpPrecision = Maybe Int Source #
Precision value for floating point numbers.
showFloatWithPrecision :: RealFloat n => FpPrecision -> n -> String Source #
Variant of showFFloat
that deletes trailing zeros.
map (showFloatWithPrecision (Just 4)) [1, 2.0, pi] == ["1.0", "2.0", "3.1416"]
showBytes :: [Int] -> String Source #
Hex encoded byte sequence.
showBytes [0, 15, 16, 144, 255] == "000f1090ff"
escapeString :: String -> String Source #
Escape whites space (space, tab, newline) and the escape character (backslash).
mapM_ (putStrLn . escapeString) ["str", "str ", "st r", "s\tr", "s\\tr", "\nstr"]
showDatum :: FpPrecision -> Datum -> String Source #
Printer for Datum.
aDatumSeq = [Int32 1,Float 1.2,string "str",midi (0,0x90,0x40,0x60),blob [12,16], TimeStamp 100.0] map (showDatum (Just 5)) aDatumSeq == ["1","1.2","str","00904060","0c10","429496729600"]
showMessage :: FpPrecision -> Message -> String Source #
Printer for Message.
aMessage = Message "/addr" [Int32 1, Int64 2, Float 3, Double 4, string "five", blob [6, 7], midi (8, 9, 10, 11)] showMessage (Just 4) aMessage
aMessageSeq = [Message "/c_set" [Int32 1, Float 2.3], Message "/s_new" [string "sine", Int32 (-1), Int32 1, Int32 1]] map (showMessage (Just 4)) aMessageSeq
showBundle :: FpPrecision -> Bundle -> String Source #
Printer for Bundle
aBundle = Bundle 1 [Message "/c_set" [Int32 1, Float 2.3, Int64 4, Double 5.6], Message "/memset" [string "addr", blob [7, 8]]] showBundle (Just 4) aBundle
showPacket :: FpPrecision -> Packet -> String Source #
Printer for Packet.
stringCharP :: P Char Source #
Any non-space character. Allow escaped space.
oscAddressP :: P String Source #
Parser for Osc address.
oscSignatureP :: P String Source #
Parser for Osc signature.
nonNegativeFloatP :: (Fractional n, Read n) => P n Source #
Parser for non-negative float.
bundleTagP :: P String Source #
Bundle tag parser.
parseDatum :: Char -> String -> Datum Source #
Run datum parser.
parseDatum 'i' "-1" == Int32 (-1) parseDatum 'f' "-2.3" == Float (-2.3)
parseMessage :: String -> Message Source #
Run message parser.
aMessageSeq = [Message "/c_set" [Int32 1, Float 2.3, Int64 4, Double 5.6], Message "/memset" [string "addr", blob [7, 8]]] map (parseMessage . showMessage (Just 4)) aMessageSeq == aMessageSeq
parseBundle :: String -> Bundle Source #
Run bundle parser.
aBundle = Bundle 1 [Message "/c_set" [Int32 1, Float 2.3, Int64 4, Double 5.6], Message "/memset" [string "addr", blob [7, 8]]] parseBundle (showBundle (Just 4) aBundle) == aBundle
parsePacket :: String -> Packet Source #
Run packet parser.
aPacket = Packet_Bundle (Bundle 1 [Message "/c_set" [Int32 1, Float 2.3, Int64 4, Double 5.6], Message "/memset" [string "addr", blob [7, 8]]]) parsePacket (showPacket (Just 4) aPacket) == aPacket