hpqtypes- Haskell bindings to libpqtypes

Safe HaskellNone




data Interval Source #

Representation of INTERVAL PostgreSQL type.


Eq Interval Source # 
Ord Interval Source # 
Show Interval Source # 
Semigroup Interval Source # 
Monoid Interval Source # 
Storable Interval Source # 
PQFormat Interval Source # 
FromSQL Interval Source # 

Associated Types

type PQBase Interval :: * Source #

ToSQL Interval Source # 

Associated Types

type PQDest Interval :: * Source #


toSQL :: Interval -> ParamAllocator -> (Ptr (PQDest Interval) -> IO r) -> IO r Source #

type PQBase Interval Source # 
type PQDest Interval Source # 

iyears :: Int32 -> Interval Source #

Convert Int32 to appropriate Interval representation of given number of years.

imonths :: Int32 -> Interval Source #

Convert Int32 to appropriate Interval representation of given number of months.

idays :: Int32 -> Interval Source #

Convert Int32 to appropriate Interval representation of given number of days.

ihours :: Int32 -> Interval Source #

Convert Int32 to appropriate Interval representation of given number of hours.

iminutes :: Int32 -> Interval Source #

Convert Int32 to appropriate Interval representation of given number of minutes.

iseconds :: Int32 -> Interval Source #

Convert Int32 to appropriate Interval representation of given number of seconds.

imicroseconds :: Int32 -> Interval Source #

Convert Int32 to appropriate Interval representation of given number of microseconds.