module Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Checks (
  -- * Checks
  , checkDatabaseAllowUnknownObjects
  , createTable
  , createDomain

  -- * Options
  , ExtrasOptions(..)
  , defaultExtrasOptions

  -- * Migrations
  , migrateDatabase
  ) where

import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Int
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Monoid.Utils
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import qualified Data.String
import Data.Text (Text)
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes
import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack)
import Log
import Prelude
import TextShow
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.ExtrasOptions
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Checks.Util
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Migrate
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Model
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.SQL.Builder
import Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Versions

headExc :: String -> [a] -> a
headExc s []    = error s
headExc _ (x:_) = x


-- | Run migrations and check the database structure.
  :: (MonadDB m, MonadLog m, MonadMask m)
  => ExtrasOptions
  -> [Extension]
  -> [CompositeType]
  -> [Domain]
  -> [Table]
  -> [Migration m]
  -> m ()
migrateDatabase options
  extensions composites domains tables migrations = do
  mapM_ checkExtension extensions
  tablesWithVersions <- getTableVersions (tableVersions : tables)
  -- 'checkDBConsistency' also performs migrations.
  checkDBConsistency options domains tablesWithVersions migrations
  resultCheck =<< checkCompositesStructure tablesWithVersions
  resultCheck =<< checkDomainsStructure domains
  resultCheck =<< checkDBStructure options tablesWithVersions
  resultCheck =<< checkTablesWereDropped migrations
  resultCheck =<< checkUnknownTables tables
  resultCheck =<< checkExistenceOfVersionsForTables (tableVersions : tables)

  -- everything is OK, commit changes

-- | Run checks on the database structure and whether the database
-- needs to be migrated. Will do a full check of DB structure.
  :: forall m . (MonadDB m, MonadLog m, MonadThrow m)
  => ExtrasOptions -> [CompositeType] -> [Domain] -> [Table] -> m ()
checkDatabase options = checkDatabase_ options DontAllowUnknownObjects

-- | Same as 'checkDatabase', but will not fail if there are additional tables
-- and composite types in the database.
  :: forall m . (MonadDB m, MonadLog m, MonadThrow m)
  => ExtrasOptions -> [CompositeType] -> [Domain] -> [Table] -> m ()
checkDatabaseAllowUnknownObjects options = checkDatabase_ options AllowUnknownObjects

data ObjectsValidationMode = AllowUnknownObjects | DontAllowUnknownObjects
  deriving Eq

  :: forall m . (MonadDB m, MonadLog m, MonadThrow m)
  => ExtrasOptions
  -> ObjectsValidationMode
  -> [CompositeType]
  -> [Domain]
  -> [Table]
  -> m ()
checkDatabase_ options ovm composites domains tables = do
  tablesWithVersions <- getTableVersions (tableVersions : tables)
  resultCheck $ checkVersions tablesWithVersions
  resultCheck =<< checkCompositesStructure tablesWithVersions DontCreateComposites ovm composites
  resultCheck =<< checkDomainsStructure domains
  resultCheck =<< checkDBStructure options tablesWithVersions
  when (ovm == DontAllowUnknownObjects) $ do
    resultCheck =<< checkUnknownTables tables
    resultCheck =<< checkExistenceOfVersionsForTables (tableVersions : tables)

  -- Check initial setups only after database structure is considered
  -- consistent as before that some of the checks may fail internally.
  resultCheck =<< checkInitialSetups tables

    checkVersions :: TablesWithVersions -> ValidationResult
    checkVersions vs = mconcat . map checkVersion $ vs

    checkVersion :: (Table, Int32) -> ValidationResult
    checkVersion (t@Table{..}, v)
      | tblVersion `elem` tblAcceptedDbVersions
                  = validationError $
                    "Table '" <> tblNameText t <>
                    "' has its current table version in accepted db versions"
      | tblVersion == v || v `elem` tblAcceptedDbVersions
                  = mempty
      | v == 0    = validationError $
                    "Table '" <> tblNameText t <> "' must be created"
      | otherwise = validationError $
                    "Table '" <> tblNameText t
                    <> "' must be migrated" <+> showt v <+> "->"
                    <+> showt tblVersion

    checkInitialSetups :: [Table] -> m ValidationResult
    checkInitialSetups tbls =
      liftM mconcat . mapM checkInitialSetup' $ tbls

    checkInitialSetup' :: Table -> m ValidationResult
    checkInitialSetup' t@Table{..} = case tblInitialSetup of
      Nothing -> return mempty
      Just is -> checkInitialSetup is >>= \case
        True  -> return mempty
        False -> return . validationError $ "Initial setup for table '"
                 <> tblNameText t <> "' is not valid"

-- | Return SQL fragment of current catalog within quotes
currentCatalog :: (MonadDB m, MonadThrow m) => m (RawSQL ())
currentCatalog = do
  runSQL_ "SELECT current_catalog::text"
  dbname <- fetchOne runIdentity
  return $ unsafeSQL $ "\"" ++ dbname ++ "\""

-- | Check for a given extension. We need to read from 'pg_extension'
-- table as Amazon RDS limits usage of 'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS'.
checkExtension :: (MonadDB m, MonadLog m, MonadThrow m) => Extension -> m ()
checkExtension (Extension extension) = do
  logInfo_ $ "Checking for extension '" <> txtExtension <> "'"
  extensionExists <- runQuery01 . sqlSelect "pg_extension" $ do
    sqlResult "TRUE"
    sqlWhereEq "extname" $ unRawSQL extension
  if not extensionExists
    then do
      logInfo_ $ "Creating extension '" <> txtExtension <> "'"
      runSQL_ $ "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS" <+> raw extension
    else logInfo_ $ "Extension '" <> txtExtension <> "' exists"
    txtExtension = unRawSQL extension

-- | Check whether the database returns timestamps in UTC, and set the
-- timezone to UTC if it doesn't.
setDBTimeZoneToUTC :: (MonadDB m, MonadLog m, MonadThrow m) => m ()
setDBTimeZoneToUTC = do
  runSQL_ "SHOW timezone"
  timezone :: String <- fetchOne runIdentity
  when (timezone /= "UTC") $ do
    dbname <- currentCatalog
    logInfo_ $ "Setting '" <> unRawSQL dbname
      <> "' database to return timestamps in UTC"
    runQuery_ $ "ALTER DATABASE" <+> dbname <+> "SET TIMEZONE = 'UTC'"

-- | Get the names of all user-defined tables that actually exist in
-- the DB.
getDBTableNames :: (MonadDB m) => m [Text]
getDBTableNames = do
  runQuery_ $ sqlSelect "information_schema.tables" $ do
    sqlResult "table_name::text"
    sqlWhere "table_name <> 'table_versions'"
    sqlWhere "table_type = 'BASE TABLE'"
    sqlWhereExists $ sqlSelect "unnest(current_schemas(false)) as cs" $ do
      sqlResult "TRUE"
      sqlWhere "cs = table_schema"

  dbTableNames <- fetchMany runIdentity
  return dbTableNames

-- | Check that there's a 1-to-1 correspondence between the list of
-- 'Table's and what's actually in the database.
checkUnknownTables :: (MonadDB m, MonadLog m) => [Table] -> m ValidationResult
checkUnknownTables tables = do
  dbTableNames  <- getDBTableNames
  let tableNames = map (unRawSQL . tblName) tables
      absent     = dbTableNames L.\\ tableNames
      notPresent = tableNames   L.\\ dbTableNames

  if (not . null $ absent) || (not . null $ notPresent)
    then do
    mapM_ (logInfo_ . (<+>) "Unknown table:") absent
    mapM_ (logInfo_ . (<+>) "Table not present in the database:") notPresent
    return $
      (validateIsNull "Unknown tables:" absent) <>
      (validateIsNull "Tables not present in the database:" notPresent)
    else return mempty

validateIsNull :: Text -> [Text] -> ValidationResult
validateIsNull _   [] = mempty
validateIsNull msg ts = validationError $ msg <+> T.intercalate ", " ts

-- | Check that there's a 1-to-1 correspondence between the list of
-- 'Table's and what's actually in the table 'table_versions'.
  :: (MonadDB m, MonadLog m)
  => [Table] -> m ValidationResult
checkExistenceOfVersionsForTables tables = do
  runQuery_ $ sqlSelect "table_versions" $ do
    sqlResult "name::text"
  (existingTableNames :: [Text]) <- fetchMany runIdentity

  let tableNames = map (unRawSQL . tblName) tables
      absent     = existingTableNames L.\\ tableNames
      notPresent = tableNames   L.\\ existingTableNames

  if (not . null $ absent) || (not . null $ notPresent)
    then do
    mapM_ (logInfo_ . (<+>) "Unknown entry in 'table_versions':") absent
    mapM_ (logInfo_ . (<+>) "Table not present in the 'table_versions':")
    return $
      (validateIsNull "Unknown entry in table_versions':"  absent ) <>
      (validateIsNull "Tables not present in the 'table_versions':" notPresent)
    else return mempty

checkDomainsStructure :: (MonadDB m, MonadThrow m)
                      => [Domain] -> m ValidationResult
checkDomainsStructure defs = fmap mconcat . forM defs $ \def -> do
  runQuery_ . sqlSelect "pg_catalog.pg_type t1" $ do
    sqlResult "t1.typname::text" -- name
    sqlResult "(SELECT pg_catalog.format_type(t2.oid, t2.typtypmod) \
              \FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t2 \
              \WHERE t2.oid = t1.typbasetype)" -- type
    sqlResult "NOT t1.typnotnull" -- nullable
    sqlResult "t1.typdefault" -- default value
    sqlResult "ARRAY(SELECT c.conname::text FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c \
              \WHERE c.contypid = t1.oid ORDER by c.oid)" -- constraint names
    sqlResult "ARRAY(SELECT regexp_replace(pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid, true), '\
              \CHECK \\((.*)\\)', '\\1') FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c \
              \WHERE c.contypid = t1.oid \
              \ORDER by c.oid)" -- constraint definitions
    sqlResult "ARRAY(SELECT c.convalidated FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c \
              \WHERE c.contypid = t1.oid \
              \ORDER by c.oid)" -- are constraints validated?
    sqlWhereEq "t1.typname" $ unRawSQL $ domName def
  mdom <- fetchMaybe $
    \(dname, dtype, nullable, defval, cnames, conds, valids) ->
      { domName = unsafeSQL dname
      , domType = dtype
      , domNullable = nullable
      , domDefault = unsafeSQL <$> defval
      , domChecks =
          mkChecks $ zipWith3
          (\cname cond validated ->
             { chkName = unsafeSQL cname
             , chkCondition = unsafeSQL cond
             , chkValidated = validated
             }) (unArray1 cnames) (unArray1 conds) (unArray1 valids)
  return $ case mdom of
    Just dom
      | dom /= def -> topMessage "domain" (unRawSQL $ domName dom) $ mconcat [
          compareAttr dom def "name" domName
        , compareAttr dom def "type" domType
        , compareAttr dom def "nullable" domNullable
        , compareAttr dom def "default" domDefault
        , compareAttr dom def "checks" domChecks
      | otherwise -> mempty
    Nothing -> validationError $ "Domain '" <> unRawSQL (domName def)
               <> "' doesn't exist in the database"
    compareAttr :: (Eq a, Show a)
                => Domain -> Domain -> Text -> (Domain -> a) -> ValidationResult
    compareAttr dom def attrname attr
      | attr dom == attr def = mempty
      | otherwise            = validationError $
        "Attribute '" <> attrname
        <> "' does not match (database:" <+> T.pack (show $ attr dom)
        <> ", definition:" <+> T.pack (show $ attr def) <> ")"

-- | Check that the tables that must have been dropped are actually
-- missing from the DB.
checkTablesWereDropped :: (MonadDB m, MonadThrow m) =>
                          [Migration m] -> m ValidationResult
checkTablesWereDropped mgrs = do
  let droppedTableNames = [ mgrTableName mgr
                          | mgr <- mgrs, isDropTableMigration mgr ]
  fmap mconcat . forM droppedTableNames $
    \tblName -> do
      mver <- checkTableVersion (T.unpack . unRawSQL $ tblName)
      return $ if isNothing mver
               then mempty
               else validationError $ "The table '" <> unRawSQL tblName
                    <> "' that must have been dropped"
                    <> " is still present in the database."

data CompositesCreationMode
  = CreateCompositesIfDatabaseEmpty
  | DontCreateComposites
  deriving Eq

-- | Check that there is 1 to 1 correspondence between composite types in the
-- database and the list of their code definitions.
  :: MonadDB m
  => TablesWithVersions
  -> CompositesCreationMode
  -> ObjectsValidationMode
  -> [CompositeType]
  -> m ValidationResult
checkCompositesStructure tablesWithVersions ccm ovm compositeList = getDBCompositeTypes >>= \case
  [] | noTablesPresent tablesWithVersions && ccm == CreateCompositesIfDatabaseEmpty -> do
         -- DB is not initialized, create composites if there are any defined.
         mapM_ (runQuery_ . sqlCreateComposite) compositeList
         return mempty
  dbCompositeTypes -> pure $ mconcat
    [ checkNotPresentComposites
    , checkDatabaseComposites
      compositeMap = M.fromList $
        map ((unRawSQL . ctName) &&& ctColumns) compositeList

      checkNotPresentComposites =
        let notPresent = S.toList $ M.keysSet compositeMap
              S.\\ S.fromList (map (unRawSQL . ctName) dbCompositeTypes)
        in validateIsNull "Composite types not present in the database:" notPresent

      checkDatabaseComposites = mconcat . (`map` dbCompositeTypes) $ \dbComposite ->
        let cname = unRawSQL $ ctName dbComposite
        in case cname `M.lookup` compositeMap of
          Just columns -> topMessage "composite type" cname $
            checkColumns 1 columns (ctColumns dbComposite)
          Nothing -> case ovm of
            AllowUnknownObjects     -> mempty
            DontAllowUnknownObjects -> validationError $ mconcat
              [ "Composite type '"
              , T.pack $ show dbComposite
              , "' from the database doesn't have a corresponding code definition"
            :: Int -> [CompositeColumn] -> [CompositeColumn] -> ValidationResult
          checkColumns _ [] [] = mempty
          checkColumns _ rest [] = validationError $
            objectHasLess "Composite type" "columns" rest
          checkColumns _ [] rest = validationError $
            objectHasMore "Composite type" "columns" rest
          checkColumns !n (d:defs) (c:cols) = mconcat [
              validateNames $ ccName d == ccName c
            , validateTypes $ ccType d == ccType c
            , checkColumns (n+1) defs cols
              validateNames True  = mempty
              validateNames False = validationError $
                errorMsg ("no. " <> showt n) "names" (unRawSQL . ccName)

              validateTypes True  = mempty
              validateTypes False = validationError $
                errorMsg (unRawSQL $ ccName d) "types" (T.pack . show . ccType)

              errorMsg ident attr f =
                "Column '" <> ident <> "' differs in"
                <+> attr <+> "(database:" <+> f c <> ", definition:" <+> f d <> ")."

-- | Checks whether the database is consistent.
  :: forall m. (MonadDB m, MonadThrow m)
  => ExtrasOptions
  -> TablesWithVersions
  -> m ValidationResult
checkDBStructure options tables = fmap mconcat .
                                  forM tables $ \(table, version) ->
  result <- topMessage "table" (tblNameText table) <$> checkTableStructure table
  -- If one of the accepted versions defined for the table is the current table
  -- version in the database, show inconsistencies as info messages only.
  return $ if version `elem` tblAcceptedDbVersions table
           then validationErrorsToInfos result
           else result
    checkTableStructure :: Table -> m ValidationResult
    checkTableStructure table@Table{..} = do
      -- get table description from pg_catalog as describeTable
      -- mechanism from HDBC doesn't give accurate results
      runQuery_ $ sqlSelect "pg_catalog.pg_attribute a" $ do
        sqlResult "a.attname::text"
        sqlResult "pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod)"
        sqlResult "NOT a.attnotnull"
        sqlResult . parenthesize . toSQLCommand $
          sqlSelect "pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d" $ do
            sqlResult "pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid)"
            sqlWhere "d.adrelid = a.attrelid"
            sqlWhere "d.adnum = a.attnum"
            sqlWhere "a.atthasdef"
        sqlWhere "a.attnum > 0"
        sqlWhere "NOT a.attisdropped"
        sqlWhereEqSql "a.attrelid" $ sqlGetTableID table
        sqlOrderBy "a.attnum"
      desc <- fetchMany fetchTableColumn
      -- get info about constraints from pg_catalog
      pk <- sqlGetPrimaryKey table
      runQuery_ $ sqlGetChecks table
      checks <- fetchMany fetchTableCheck
      runQuery_ $ sqlGetIndexes table
      indexes <- fetchMany fetchTableIndex
      runQuery_ $ sqlGetForeignKeys table
      fkeys <- fetchMany fetchForeignKey
      return $ mconcat [
          checkColumns 1 tblColumns desc
        , checkPrimaryKey tblPrimaryKey pk
        , checkChecks tblChecks checks
        , checkIndexes tblIndexes indexes
        , checkForeignKeys tblForeignKeys fkeys
          :: (String, ColumnType, Bool, Maybe String) -> TableColumn
        fetchTableColumn (name, ctype, nullable, mdefault) = TableColumn {
            colName = unsafeSQL name
          , colType = ctype
          , colNullable = nullable
          , colDefault = unsafeSQL `liftM` mdefault

          :: Int -> [TableColumn] -> [TableColumn] -> ValidationResult
        checkColumns _ [] [] = mempty
        checkColumns _ rest [] = validationError $
          objectHasLess "Table" "columns" rest
        checkColumns _ [] rest = validationError $
          objectHasMore "Table" "columns" rest
        checkColumns !n (d:defs) (c:cols) = mconcat [
            validateNames $ colName d == colName c
          -- bigserial == bigint + autoincrement and there is no
          -- distinction between them after table is created.
          , validateTypes $ colType d == colType c ||
            (colType d == BigSerialT && colType c == BigIntT)
          -- There is a problem with default values determined by
          -- sequences as they're implicitly specified by db, so
          -- let's omit them in such case.
          , validateDefaults $ colDefault d == colDefault c ||
            (colDefault d == Nothing
             && ((T.isPrefixOf "nextval('" . unRawSQL) `liftM` colDefault c)
                == Just True)
          , validateNullables $ colNullable d == colNullable c
          , checkColumns (n+1) defs cols
            validateNames True  = mempty
            validateNames False = validationError $
              errorMsg ("no. " <> showt n) "names" (unRawSQL . colName)

            validateTypes True  = mempty
            validateTypes False = validationError $
              errorMsg cname "types" (T.pack . show . colType)
              <+> sqlHint ("TYPE" <+> columnTypeToSQL (colType d))

            validateNullables True  = mempty
            validateNullables False = validationError $
              errorMsg cname "nullables" (showt . colNullable)
              <+> sqlHint ((if colNullable d then "DROP" else "SET")
                            <+> "NOT NULL")

            validateDefaults True  = mempty
            validateDefaults False = validationError $
              (errorMsg cname "defaults" (showt . fmap unRawSQL . colDefault))
              <+> sqlHint set_default
                set_default = case colDefault d of
                  Just v  -> "SET DEFAULT" <+> v
                  Nothing -> "DROP DEFAULT"

            cname = unRawSQL $ colName d
            errorMsg ident attr f =
              "Column '" <> ident <> "' differs in"
              <+> attr <+> "(table:" <+> f c <> ", definition:" <+> f d <> ")."
            sqlHint sql =
              "(HINT: SQL for making the change is: ALTER TABLE"
              <+> tblNameText table <+> "ALTER COLUMN" <+> unRawSQL (colName d)
              <+> unRawSQL sql <> ")"

        checkPrimaryKey :: Maybe PrimaryKey -> Maybe (PrimaryKey, RawSQL ())
                        -> ValidationResult
        checkPrimaryKey mdef mpk = mconcat [
            checkEquality "PRIMARY KEY" def (map fst pk)
          , checkNames (const (pkName tblName)) pk
          , if (eoEnforcePKs options)
            then checkPKPresence tblName mdef mpk
            else mempty
            def = maybeToList mdef
            pk = maybeToList mpk

        checkChecks :: [Check] -> [Check] -> ValidationResult
        checkChecks defs checks =
          mapValidationResult id mapErrs (checkEquality "CHECKs" defs checks)
            mapErrs []      = []
            mapErrs errmsgs = errmsgs <>
              [ " (HINT: If checks are equal modulo number of \
                \ parentheses/whitespaces used in conditions, \
                \ just copy and paste expected output into source code)"

        checkIndexes :: [TableIndex] -> [(TableIndex, RawSQL ())]
                     -> ValidationResult
        checkIndexes defs indexes = mconcat [
            checkEquality "INDEXes" defs (map fst indexes)
          , checkNames (indexName tblName) indexes

        checkForeignKeys :: [ForeignKey] -> [(ForeignKey, RawSQL ())]
                         -> ValidationResult
        checkForeignKeys defs fkeys = mconcat [
            checkEquality "FOREIGN KEYs" defs (map fst fkeys)
          , checkNames (fkName tblName) fkeys

-- | Checks whether database is consistent, performing migrations if
-- necessary. Requires all table names to be in lower case.
-- The migrations list must have the following properties:
--   * consecutive 'mgrFrom' numbers
--   * no duplicates
--   * all 'mgrFrom' are less than table version number of the table in
--     the 'tables' list
  :: forall m. (MonadDB m, MonadLog m, MonadMask m)
  => ExtrasOptions -> [Domain] -> TablesWithVersions -> [Migration m]
  -> m ()
checkDBConsistency options domains tablesWithVersions migrations = do
  autoTransaction <- tsAutoTransaction <$> getTransactionSettings
  unless autoTransaction $ do
    error "checkDBConsistency: tsAutoTransaction setting needs to be True"
  -- Check the validity of the migrations list.

  -- Load version numbers of the tables that actually exist in the DB.
  dbTablesWithVersions <- getDBTableVersions

  if noTablesPresent tablesWithVersions

    -- No tables are present, create everything from scratch.
    then do

    -- Migration mode.
    else do
      -- Additional validity checks for the migrations list.
      validateMigrationsAgainstDB [ (tblName table, tblVersion table, actualVer)
                                  | (table, actualVer) <- tablesWithVersions ]
      validateDropTableMigrationsAgainstDB dbTablesWithVersions
      -- Run migrations, if necessary.
      runMigrations dbTablesWithVersions

    tables = map fst tablesWithVersions

    errorInvalidMigrations :: HasCallStack => [RawSQL ()] -> a
    errorInvalidMigrations tblNames =
      error $ "checkDBConsistency: invalid migrations for tables"
              <+> (L.intercalate ", " $ map (T.unpack . unRawSQL) tblNames)

    checkMigrationsListValidity :: Table -> [Int32] -> [Int32] -> m ()
    checkMigrationsListValidity table presentMigrationVersions
      expectedMigrationVersions = do
      when (presentMigrationVersions /= expectedMigrationVersions) $ do
        logAttention "Migrations are invalid" $ object [
            "table"                       .= tblNameText table
          , "migration_versions"          .= presentMigrationVersions
          , "expected_migration_versions" .= expectedMigrationVersions
        errorInvalidMigrations [tblName $ table]

    validateMigrations :: m ()
    validateMigrations = forM_ tables $ \table -> do
      let presentMigrationVersions
            = [ mgrFrom | Migration{..} <- migrations
                        , mgrTableName == tblName table ]
            = reverse $ take (length presentMigrationVersions) $
              reverse  [0 .. tblVersion table - 1]
      checkMigrationsListValidity table presentMigrationVersions

    validateDropTableMigrations :: m ()
    validateDropTableMigrations = do
      let droppedTableNames =
            [ mgrTableName $ mgr | mgr <- migrations
                                 , isDropTableMigration mgr ]
          tableNames =
            [ tblName tbl | tbl <- tables ]

      -- Check that the intersection between the 'tables' list and
      -- dropped tables is empty.
      let intersection = L.intersect droppedTableNames tableNames
      when (not . null $ intersection) $ do
          logAttention ("The intersection between tables "
                        <> "and dropped tables is not empty")
            $ object
            [ "intersection" .= map unRawSQL intersection ]
          errorInvalidMigrations [ tblName tbl
                                 | tbl <- tables
                                 , tblName tbl `elem` intersection ]

      -- Check that if a list of migrations for a given table has a
      -- drop table migration, it is unique and is the last migration
      -- in the list.
      let migrationsByTable     = L.groupBy ((==) `on` mgrTableName)
          dropMigrationLists    = [ mgrs | mgrs <- migrationsByTable
                                         , any isDropTableMigration mgrs ]
          invalidMigrationLists =
            [ mgrs | mgrs <- dropMigrationLists
                   , (not . isDropTableMigration . last $ mgrs) ||
                     (length . filter isDropTableMigration $ mgrs) > 1 ]

      when (not . null $ invalidMigrationLists) $ do
        let tablesWithInvalidMigrationLists =
              [ mgrTableName mgr | mgrs <- invalidMigrationLists
                                 , let mgr = head mgrs ]
        logAttention ("Migration lists for some tables contain "
                      <> "either multiple drop table migrations or "
                      <> "a drop table migration in non-tail position.")
          $ object [ "tables" .=
                     [ unRawSQL tblName
                     | tblName <- tablesWithInvalidMigrationLists ] ]
        errorInvalidMigrations tablesWithInvalidMigrationLists

    createDBSchema :: m ()
    createDBSchema = do
      logInfo_ "Creating domains..."
      mapM_ createDomain domains
      -- Create all tables with no constraints first to allow cyclic references.
      logInfo_ "Creating tables..."
      mapM_ (createTable False) tables
      logInfo_ "Creating table constraints..."
      mapM_ createTableConstraints tables
      logInfo_ "Done."

    initializeDB :: m ()
    initializeDB = do
      logInfo_ "Running initial setup for tables..."
      forM_ tables $ \t -> case tblInitialSetup t of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just tis -> do
          logInfo_ $ "Initializing" <+> tblNameText t <> "..."
          initialSetup tis
      logInfo_ "Done."

    -- | Input is a list of (table name, expected version, actual
    -- version) triples.
    validateMigrationsAgainstDB :: [(RawSQL (), Int32, Int32)] -> m ()
    validateMigrationsAgainstDB tablesWithVersions_
      = forM_ tablesWithVersions_ $ \(tableName, expectedVer, actualVer) ->
        when (expectedVer /= actualVer) $
        case [ m | m@Migration{..} <- migrations
                 , mgrTableName == tableName ] of
          [] ->
            error $ "checkDBConsistency: no migrations found for table '"
              ++ (T.unpack . unRawSQL $ tableName) ++ "', cannot migrate "
              ++ show actualVer ++ " -> " ++ show expectedVer
          (m:_) | mgrFrom m > actualVer ->
                  error $ "checkDBConsistency: earliest migration for table '"
                    ++ (T.unpack . unRawSQL $ tableName) ++ "' is from version "
                    ++ show (mgrFrom m) ++ ", cannot migrate "
                    ++ show actualVer ++ " -> " ++ show expectedVer
                | otherwise -> return ()

    validateDropTableMigrationsAgainstDB :: [(Text, Int32)] -> m ()
    validateDropTableMigrationsAgainstDB dbTablesWithVersions = do
      let dbTablesToDropWithVersions =
            [ (tblName, mgrFrom mgr, fromJust mver)
            | mgr <- migrations
            , isDropTableMigration mgr
            , let tblName = mgrTableName mgr
            , let mver = lookup (unRawSQL tblName) $ dbTablesWithVersions
            , isJust mver ]
      forM_ dbTablesToDropWithVersions $ \(tblName, fromVer, ver) ->
        when (fromVer /= ver) $
          -- In case when the table we're going to drop is an old
          -- version, check that there are migrations that bring it to
          -- a new one.
          validateMigrationsAgainstDB [(tblName, fromVer, ver)]

    findMigrationsToRun :: [(Text, Int32)] -> [Migration m]
    findMigrationsToRun dbTablesWithVersions =
      let tableNamesToDrop = [ mgrTableName mgr | mgr <- migrations
                                                , isDropTableMigration mgr ]
          droppedEventually :: Migration m -> Bool
          droppedEventually mgr = mgrTableName mgr `elem` tableNamesToDrop

          lookupVer :: Migration m -> Maybe Int32
          lookupVer mgr = lookup (unRawSQL $ mgrTableName mgr)

          tableDoesNotExist = isNothing . lookupVer

          -- The idea here is that we find the first migration we need
          -- to run and then just run all migrations in order after
          -- that one.
          migrationsToRun' = dropWhile
            (\mgr ->
               case lookupVer mgr of
                 -- Table doesn't exist in the DB. If it's a create
                 -- table migration and we're not going to drop the
                 -- table afterwards, this is our starting point.
                 Nothing -> not $
                            (mgrFrom mgr == 0) &&
                            (not . droppedEventually $ mgr)
                 -- Table exists in the DB. Run only those migrations
                 -- that have mgrFrom >= table version in the DB.
                 Just ver -> not $
                             mgrFrom mgr >= ver)

          -- Special case: also include migrations for tables that do
          -- not exist in the DB and ARE going to be dropped if they
          -- come as a consecutive list before the starting point that
          -- we've found.
          -- Case in point: createTable t, doSomethingTo t,
          -- doSomethingTo t1, dropTable t. If our starting point is
          -- 'doSomethingTo t1', and that step depends on 't',
          -- 'doSomethingTo t1' will fail. So we include 'createTable
          -- t' and 'doSomethingTo t' as well.
          l                     = length migrationsToRun'
          initialMigrations     = drop l $ reverse migrations
          additionalMigrations' = takeWhile
            (\mgr -> droppedEventually mgr && tableDoesNotExist mgr)
          -- Check that all extra migration chains we've chosen begin
          -- with 'createTable', otherwise skip adding them (to
          -- prevent raising an exception during the validation step).
          additionalMigrations  =
            let ret  = reverse additionalMigrations'
                grps = L.groupBy ((==) `on` mgrTableName) ret
            in if any ((/=) 0 . mgrFrom . head) grps
               then []
               else ret
          -- Also there's no point in adding these extra migrations if
          -- we're not running any migrations to begin with.
          migrationsToRun       = if not . null $ migrationsToRun'
                                  then additionalMigrations ++ migrationsToRun'
                                  else []
      in migrationsToRun

    runMigration :: (Migration m) -> m ()
    runMigration Migration{..} = do
      case mgrAction of
        StandardMigration mgrDo -> do

        DropTableMigration mgrDropTableMode -> do
          logInfo_ $ arrListTable mgrTableName <> "drop table"
          runQuery_ $ sqlDropTable mgrTableName
          runQuery_ $ sqlDelete "table_versions" $ do
            sqlWhereEq "name" (T.unpack . unRawSQL $ mgrTableName)

        CreateIndexConcurrentlyMigration tname idx -> do
          -- If migration was run before but creation of an index failed, index
          -- will be left in the database in an inactive state, so when we
          -- rerun, we need to remove it first (see
          -- for more
          -- information).
          runQuery_ $ "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS" <+> indexName tname idx
          -- We're in auto transaction mode (as ensured at the beginning of
          -- 'checkDBConsistency'), so we need to issue explicit SQL commit,
          -- because using 'commit' function automatically starts another
          -- transaction. We don't want that as concurrent creation of index
          -- won't run inside a transaction.
          runSQL_ "COMMIT"
          runQuery_ (sqlCreateIndexConcurrently tname idx) `finally` begin
        logMigration = do
          logInfo_ $ arrListTable mgrTableName
            <> showt mgrFrom <+> "->" <+> showt (succ mgrFrom)

        updateTableVersion = do
          runQuery_ $ sqlUpdate "table_versions" $ do
            sqlSet "version"  (succ mgrFrom)
            sqlWhereEq "name" (T.unpack . unRawSQL $ mgrTableName)

    runMigrations :: [(Text, Int32)] -> m ()
    runMigrations dbTablesWithVersions = do
      let migrationsToRun = findMigrationsToRun dbTablesWithVersions
      validateMigrationsToRun migrationsToRun dbTablesWithVersions
      when (not . null $ migrationsToRun) $ do
        logInfo_ "Running migrations..."
        forM_ migrationsToRun $ \mgr -> do
          runMigration mgr

          when (eoForceCommit options) $ do
            logInfo_ $ "Committing migration changes..."
            logInfo_ $ "Committing migration changes done."
            logInfo_ "!IMPORTANT! Database has been permanently changed"
        logInfo_ "Running migrations... done."

    validateMigrationsToRun :: [Migration m] -> [(Text, Int32)] -> m ()
    validateMigrationsToRun migrationsToRun dbTablesWithVersions = do

      let migrationsToRunGrouped :: [[Migration m]]
          migrationsToRunGrouped =
            L.groupBy ((==) `on` mgrTableName) .
            L.sortBy (comparing mgrTableName) $ -- NB: stable sort

          loc_common = "Database.PostgreSQL.PQTypes.Checks."
            ++ "checkDBConsistency.validateMigrationsToRun"

          lookupDBTableVer :: [Migration m] -> Maybe Int32
          lookupDBTableVer mgrGroup =
            lookup (unRawSQL . mgrTableName . headExc head_err
                    $ mgrGroup) dbTablesWithVersions
              head_err = loc_common ++ ".lookupDBTableVer: broken invariant"

          groupsWithWrongDBTableVersions :: [([Migration m], Int32)]
          groupsWithWrongDBTableVersions =
            [ (mgrGroup, dbTableVer)
            | mgrGroup <- migrationsToRunGrouped
            , let dbTableVer = fromMaybe 0 $ lookupDBTableVer mgrGroup
            , dbTableVer /= (mgrFrom . headExc head_err $ mgrGroup)
              head_err = loc_common
                ++ ".groupsWithWrongDBTableVersions: broken invariant"

          mgrGroupsNotInDB :: [[Migration m]]
          mgrGroupsNotInDB =
            [ mgrGroup
            | mgrGroup <- migrationsToRunGrouped
            , isNothing $ lookupDBTableVer mgrGroup

          groupsStartingWithDropTable :: [[Migration m]]
          groupsStartingWithDropTable =
            [ mgrGroup
            | mgrGroup <- mgrGroupsNotInDB
            , isDropTableMigration . headExc head_err $ mgrGroup
              head_err = loc_common
                ++ ".groupsStartingWithDropTable: broken invariant"

          groupsNotStartingWithCreateTable :: [[Migration m]]
          groupsNotStartingWithCreateTable =
            [ mgrGroup
            | mgrGroup <- mgrGroupsNotInDB
            , mgrFrom (headExc head_err mgrGroup) /= 0
              head_err = loc_common
                ++ ".groupsNotStartingWithCreateTable: broken invariant"

          tblNames :: [[Migration m]] -> [RawSQL ()]
          tblNames grps =
            [ mgrTableName . headExc head_err $ grp | grp <- grps ]
              head_err = loc_common ++ ".tblNames: broken invariant"

      when (not . null $ groupsWithWrongDBTableVersions) $ do
        let tnms = tblNames . map fst $ groupsWithWrongDBTableVersions
          ("There are migration chains selected for execution "
            <> "that expect a different starting table version number "
            <> "from the one in the database. "
            <> "This likely means that the order of migrations is wrong.")
          $ object [ "tables" .= map unRawSQL tnms ]
        errorInvalidMigrations tnms

      when (not . null $ groupsStartingWithDropTable) $ do
        let tnms = tblNames groupsStartingWithDropTable
        logAttention "There are drop table migrations for non-existing tables."
          $ object [ "tables" .= map unRawSQL tnms ]
        errorInvalidMigrations tnms

      -- NB: the following check can break if we allow renaming tables.
      when (not . null $ groupsNotStartingWithCreateTable) $ do
        let tnms = tblNames groupsNotStartingWithCreateTable
          ("Some tables haven't been created yet, but" <>
            "their migration lists don't start with a create table migration.")
          $ object [ "tables" .=  map unRawSQL tnms ]
        errorInvalidMigrations tnms

-- | Type synonym for a list of tables along with their database versions.
type TablesWithVersions = [(Table, Int32)]

-- | Associate each table in the list with its version as it exists in
-- the DB, or 0 if it's missing from the DB.
getTableVersions :: (MonadDB m, MonadThrow m) => [Table] -> m TablesWithVersions
getTableVersions tbls =
  [ (\mver -> (tbl, fromMaybe 0 mver)) <$> checkTableVersion (tblNameString tbl)
  | tbl <- tbls ]

-- | Given a result of 'getTableVersions' check if no tables are present in the
-- database.
noTablesPresent :: TablesWithVersions -> Bool
noTablesPresent = all ((==) 0 . snd)

-- | Like 'getTableVersions', but for all user-defined tables that
-- actually exist in the DB.
getDBTableVersions :: (MonadDB m, MonadThrow m) => m [(Text, Int32)]
getDBTableVersions = do
  dbTableNames <- getDBTableNames
    [ (\mver -> (name, fromMaybe 0 mver)) <$> checkTableVersion (T.unpack name)
    | name <- dbTableNames ]

-- | Check whether the table exists in the DB, and return 'Just' its
-- version if it does, or 'Nothing' if it doesn't.
checkTableVersion :: (MonadDB m, MonadThrow m) => String -> m (Maybe Int32)
checkTableVersion tblName = do
  doesExist <- runQuery01 . sqlSelect "pg_catalog.pg_class c" $ do
    sqlResult "TRUE"
    sqlLeftJoinOn "pg_catalog.pg_namespace n" "n.oid = c.relnamespace"
    sqlWhereEq "c.relname" $ tblName
    sqlWhere "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)"
  if doesExist
    then do
      runQuery_ $ "SELECT version FROM table_versions WHERE name ="
        <?> tblName
      mver <- fetchMaybe runIdentity
      case mver of
        Just ver -> return $ Just ver
        Nothing  -> error $ "checkTableVersion: table '"
          ++ tblName
          ++ "' is present in the database, "
          ++ "but there is no corresponding version info in 'table_versions'."
    else do
      return Nothing


sqlGetTableID :: Table -> SQL
sqlGetTableID table = parenthesize . toSQLCommand $
  sqlSelect "pg_catalog.pg_class c" $ do
    sqlResult "c.oid"
    sqlLeftJoinOn "pg_catalog.pg_namespace n" "n.oid = c.relnamespace"
    sqlWhereEq "c.relname" $ tblNameString table
    sqlWhere "pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)"

-- *** PRIMARY KEY ***

  :: (MonadDB m, MonadThrow m)
  => Table -> m (Maybe (PrimaryKey, RawSQL ()))
sqlGetPrimaryKey table = do

  (mColumnNumbers :: Maybe [Int16]) <- do
    runQuery_ . sqlSelect "pg_catalog.pg_constraint" $ do
      sqlResult "conkey"
      sqlWhereEqSql "conrelid" (sqlGetTableID table)
      sqlWhereEq "contype" 'p'
    fetchMaybe $ unArray1 . runIdentity

  case mColumnNumbers of
    Nothing -> do return Nothing
    Just columnNumbers -> do
      columnNames <- do
        forM columnNumbers $ \k -> do
          runQuery_ . sqlSelect "pk_columns" $ do

            sqlWith "key_series" . sqlSelect "pg_constraint as c2" $ do
              sqlResult "unnest(c2.conkey) as k"
              sqlWhereEqSql "c2.conrelid" $ sqlGetTableID table
              sqlWhereEq "c2.contype" 'p'

            sqlWith "pk_columns" . sqlSelect "key_series" $ do
              sqlJoinOn  "pg_catalog.pg_attribute as a" "a.attnum = key_series.k"
              sqlResult "a.attname::text as column_name"
              sqlResult "key_series.k as column_order"
              sqlWhereEqSql "a.attrelid" $ sqlGetTableID table

            sqlResult "pk_columns.column_name"
            sqlWhereEq "pk_columns.column_order" k

          fetchOne (\(Identity t) -> t :: String)

      runQuery_ . sqlSelect "pg_catalog.pg_constraint as c" $ do
        sqlWhereEq "c.contype" 'p'
        sqlWhereEqSql "c.conrelid" $ sqlGetTableID table
        sqlResult "c.conname::text"
        sqlResult $ Data.String.fromString
          ("array['" <> (mintercalate "', '" columnNames) <> "']::text[]")

      join <$> fetchMaybe fetchPrimaryKey

fetchPrimaryKey :: (String, Array1 String) -> Maybe (PrimaryKey, RawSQL ())
fetchPrimaryKey (name, Array1 columns) = (, unsafeSQL name)
  <$> (pkOnColumns $ map unsafeSQL columns)

-- *** CHECKS ***

sqlGetChecks :: Table -> SQL
sqlGetChecks table = toSQLCommand . sqlSelect "pg_catalog.pg_constraint c" $ do
  sqlResult "c.conname::text"
  sqlResult "regexp_replace(pg_get_constraintdef(c.oid, true), \
            \'CHECK \\((.*)\\)', '\\1') AS body" -- check body
  sqlResult "c.convalidated" -- validated?
  sqlWhereEq "c.contype" 'c'
  sqlWhereEqSql "c.conrelid" $ sqlGetTableID table

fetchTableCheck :: (String, String, Bool) -> Check
fetchTableCheck (name, condition, validated) = Check {
  chkName = unsafeSQL name
, chkCondition = unsafeSQL condition
, chkValidated = validated

-- *** INDEXES ***

sqlGetIndexes :: Table -> SQL
sqlGetIndexes table = toSQLCommand . sqlSelect "pg_catalog.pg_class c" $ do
  sqlResult "c.relname::text" -- index name
  sqlResult $ "ARRAY(" <> selectCoordinates <> ")" -- array of index coordinates
  sqlResult "am.amname::text" -- the method used (btree, gin etc)
  sqlResult "i.indisunique" -- is it unique?
  sqlResult "i.indisvalid"  -- is it valid?
  -- if partial, get constraint def
  sqlResult "pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(i.indpred, i.indrelid, true)"
  sqlJoinOn "pg_catalog.pg_index i" "c.oid = i.indexrelid"
  sqlJoinOn "pg_catalog.pg_am am" "c.relam = am.oid"
  sqlLeftJoinOn "pg_catalog.pg_constraint r"
    "r.conrelid = i.indrelid AND r.conindid = i.indexrelid"
  sqlWhereEqSql "i.indrelid" $ sqlGetTableID table
  sqlWhereIsNULL "r.contype" -- fetch only "pure" indexes
    -- Get all coordinates of the index.
    selectCoordinates = smconcat [
        "WITH RECURSIVE coordinates(k, name) AS ("
      , "  VALUES (0, NULL)"
      , "  UNION ALL"
      , "    SELECT k+1, pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid, k+1, true)"
      , "      FROM coordinates"
      , "     WHERE pg_catalog.pg_get_indexdef(i.indexrelid, k+1, true) != ''"
      , ")"
      , "SELECT name FROM coordinates WHERE k > 0"

fetchTableIndex :: (String, Array1 String, String, Bool, Bool, Maybe String)
                -> (TableIndex, RawSQL ())
fetchTableIndex (name, Array1 columns, method, unique, valid, mconstraint) =
   { idxColumns = map unsafeSQL columns
   , idxMethod = read method
   , idxUnique = unique
   , idxValid = valid
   , idxWhere = unsafeSQL `liftM` mconstraint
  , unsafeSQL name)

-- *** FOREIGN KEYS ***

sqlGetForeignKeys :: Table -> SQL
sqlGetForeignKeys table = toSQLCommand
                          . sqlSelect "pg_catalog.pg_constraint r" $ do
  sqlResult "r.conname::text" -- fk name
  sqlResult $
    "ARRAY(SELECT a.attname::text FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a JOIN ("
    <> unnestWithOrdinality "r.conkey"
    <> ") conkeys ON (a.attnum = conkeys.item) \
       \WHERE a.attrelid = r.conrelid \
       \ORDER BY conkeys.n)" -- constrained columns
  sqlResult "c.relname::text" -- referenced table
  sqlResult $ "ARRAY(SELECT a.attname::text \
              \FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a JOIN ("
    <> unnestWithOrdinality "r.confkey"
    <> ") confkeys ON (a.attnum = confkeys.item) \
       \WHERE a.attrelid = r.confrelid \
       \ORDER BY confkeys.n)" -- referenced columns
  sqlResult "r.confupdtype" -- on update
  sqlResult "r.confdeltype" -- on delete
  sqlResult "r.condeferrable" -- deferrable?
  sqlResult "r.condeferred" -- initially deferred?
  sqlResult "r.convalidated" -- validated?
  sqlJoinOn "pg_catalog.pg_class c" "c.oid = r.confrelid"
  sqlWhereEqSql "r.conrelid" $ sqlGetTableID table
  sqlWhereEq "r.contype" 'f'
    unnestWithOrdinality :: RawSQL () -> SQL
    unnestWithOrdinality arr =
      "SELECT n, " <> raw arr
      <> "[n] AS item FROM generate_subscripts(" <> raw arr <> ", 1) AS n"

fetchForeignKey ::
  (String, Array1 String, String, Array1 String, Char, Char, Bool, Bool, Bool)
  -> (ForeignKey, RawSQL ())
  ( name, Array1 columns, reftable, Array1 refcolumns
  , on_update, on_delete, deferrable, deferred, validated ) = (ForeignKey {
  fkColumns = map unsafeSQL columns
, fkRefTable = unsafeSQL reftable
, fkRefColumns = map unsafeSQL refcolumns
, fkOnUpdate = charToForeignKeyAction on_update
, fkOnDelete = charToForeignKeyAction on_delete
, fkDeferrable = deferrable
, fkDeferred = deferred
, fkValidated = validated
}, unsafeSQL name)
    charToForeignKeyAction c = case c of
      'a' -> ForeignKeyNoAction
      'r' -> ForeignKeyRestrict
      'c' -> ForeignKeyCascade
      'n' -> ForeignKeySetNull
      'd' -> ForeignKeySetDefault
      _   -> error $ "fetchForeignKey: invalid foreign key action code: "
                     ++ show c