{-# language InstanceSigs, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable, DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# language TemplateHaskell #-}
module Language.Python.Syntax.Operator.Binary where
import Control.Lens.Getter ((^.))
import Control.Lens.Lens (Lens', lens)
import Control.Lens.TH (makeLenses)
import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Generics.Product.Typed (typed)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Language.Python.Syntax.Ann
import Language.Python.Syntax.Whitespace
data BinOp a
= Is (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| IsNot (Ann a) [Whitespace] [Whitespace]
| In (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| NotIn (Ann a) [Whitespace] [Whitespace]
| Minus (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| Exp (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| BoolAnd (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| BoolOr (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| Eq (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| Lt (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| LtEq (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| Gt (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| GtEq (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| NotEq (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| Multiply (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| Divide (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| FloorDivide (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| Percent (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| Plus (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| BitOr (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| BitXor (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| BitAnd (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| ShiftLeft (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| ShiftRight (Ann a) [Whitespace]
| At (Ann a) [Whitespace]
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Generic)
instance HasAnn BinOp where
annot :: forall a. Lens' (BinOp a) (Ann a)
annot = typed @(Ann a)
instance HasTrailingWhitespace (BinOp a) where
trailingWhitespace =
Is _ a -> a
IsNot _ _ a -> a
In _ a -> a
NotIn _ _ a -> a
Minus _ a -> a
Exp _ a -> a
BoolAnd _ a -> a
BoolOr _ a -> a
Multiply _ a -> a
Divide _ a -> a
FloorDivide _ a -> a
Plus _ a -> a
Eq _ a -> a
Lt _ a -> a
LtEq _ a -> a
Gt _ a -> a
GtEq _ a -> a
NotEq _ a -> a
BitOr _ a -> a
BitXor _ a -> a
BitAnd _ a -> a
ShiftLeft _ a -> a
ShiftRight _ a -> a
Percent _ a -> a
At _ a -> a)
(\op ws ->
case op of
Is a _ -> Is a ws
IsNot a b _ -> IsNot a b ws
In a _ -> In a ws
NotIn a b _ -> NotIn a b ws
Minus a _ -> Minus a ws
Exp a _ -> Exp a ws
BoolAnd a _ -> BoolAnd a ws
BoolOr a _ -> BoolOr a ws
Multiply a _ -> Multiply a ws
Divide a _ -> Divide a ws
FloorDivide a _ -> FloorDivide a ws
Plus a _ -> Plus a ws
Eq a _ -> Eq a ws
Lt a _ -> Lt a ws
LtEq a _ -> LtEq a ws
Gt a _ -> Gt a ws
GtEq a _ -> GtEq a ws
NotEq a _ -> NotEq a ws
BitOr a _ -> BitOr a ws
BitAnd a _ -> BitAnd a ws
BitXor a _ -> BitXor a ws
ShiftLeft a _ -> ShiftLeft a ws
ShiftRight a _ -> ShiftRight a ws
Percent a _ -> Eq a ws
At a _ -> At a ws)
data Assoc = L | R deriving (Eq, Show)
data OpEntry
= OpEntry
{ _opOperator :: BinOp ()
, _opPrec :: Int
, _opAssoc :: Assoc
makeLenses ''OpEntry
operatorTable :: [OpEntry]
operatorTable =
[ entry BoolOr 4 L
, entry BoolAnd 5 L
, entry Is 10 L
, entry1 IsNot 10 L
, entry In 10 L
, entry1 NotIn 10 L
, entry Eq 10 L
, entry Lt 10 L
, entry LtEq 10 L
, entry Gt 10 L
, entry GtEq 10 L
, entry NotEq 10 L
, entry BitOr 14 L
, entry BitXor 15 L
, entry BitAnd 16 L
, entry ShiftLeft 17 L
, entry ShiftRight 17 L
, entry Minus 20 L
, entry Plus 20 L
, entry Multiply 25 L
, entry At 25 L
, entry Divide 25 L
, entry FloorDivide 25 L
, entry Percent 25 L
, entry Exp 30 R
entry a = OpEntry (a (Ann ()) [])
entry1 a = OpEntry (a (Ann ()) [] [])
sameOperator :: BinOp a -> BinOp a' -> Bool
sameOperator op op' =
case (op, op') of
(BoolOr{}, BoolOr{}) -> True
(BoolAnd{}, BoolAnd{}) -> True
(Is{}, Is{}) -> True
(IsNot{}, IsNot{}) -> True
(In{}, In{}) -> True
(NotIn{}, NotIn{}) -> True
(Eq{}, Eq{}) -> True
(Lt{}, Lt{}) -> True
(LtEq{}, LtEq{}) -> True
(Gt{}, Gt{}) -> True
(GtEq{}, GtEq{}) -> True
(NotEq{}, NotEq{}) -> True
(Minus{}, Minus{}) -> True
(Plus{}, Plus{}) -> True
(Multiply{}, Multiply{}) -> True
(Divide{}, Divide{}) -> True
(FloorDivide{}, FloorDivide{}) -> True
(Exp{}, Exp{}) -> True
(Percent{}, Percent{}) -> True
(BitOr{}, BitOr{}) -> True
(BitXor{}, BitXor{}) -> True
(BitAnd{}, BitAnd{}) -> True
(ShiftLeft{}, ShiftLeft{}) -> True
(ShiftRight{}, ShiftRight{}) -> True
(At{}, At{}) -> True
_ -> False
isComparison :: BinOp a -> Bool
isComparison a =
case a of
Is{} -> True
IsNot{} -> True
In{} -> True
NotIn{} -> True
Eq{} -> True
Lt{} -> True
LtEq{} -> True
Gt{} -> True
GtEq{} -> True
NotEq{} -> True
_ -> False
lookupOpEntry :: BinOp a -> [OpEntry] -> OpEntry
lookupOpEntry op =
go (op $> ())
go op [] = error $ show op <> " not found in operator table"
go op (x:xs)
| sameOperator (x ^. opOperator) op = x
| otherwise = go op xs