{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module HsSpeedscope where

import Data.Aeson
import GHC.RTS.Events hiding (header, str)

import Data.Word
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List.Extra
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char

import Data.Version
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import qualified Paths_hs_speedscope as Paths

import Options.Applicative hiding (optional)
import qualified Options.Applicative as O
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))

data SSOptions = SSOptions { file :: FilePath
                       , isolateStart :: Maybe String
                       , isolateEnd :: Maybe String
                       } deriving Show

optsParser :: Parser SSOptions
optsParser = SSOptions
  <$> argument str (metavar "FILE.eventlog")
  <*> O.optional (strOption
    ( short 's'
    <> long "start"
    <> metavar "STRING"
    <> help "No samples before the first eventlog message with this prefix will be included in the output" ))
  <*> O.optional (strOption
    ( short 'e' <> long "end" <> metavar "STRING" <> help "No samples after the first eventlog message with this prefix will be included in the output" ))

entry :: IO ()
entry = do
  os <- execParser opts
  run os
    opts = info (optsParser <**> helper)
      ( fullDesc
     <> progDesc "Generate a speedscope.app json file from an eventlog"
     <> header "hs-speedscope" )

run :: SSOptions -> IO ()
run os = do
  el <- either error id <$> readEventLogFromFile (file os)
  encodeFile (file os ++ ".json") (convertToSpeedscope (isolateStart os, isolateEnd os) el)

data ReadState =
        ReadAll -- Ignore all future
      | IgnoreUntil String ReadState
      | ReadUntil String ReadState
      | IgnoreAll deriving Show

shouldRead :: ReadState -> Bool
shouldRead ReadAll = True
shouldRead (ReadUntil {}) = True
shouldRead _ = False

transition :: String -> ReadState -> ReadState
transition s r = case r of
                   (ReadUntil is n) | is `isPrefixOf` s -> n
                   (IgnoreUntil is n) | is `isPrefixOf` s -> n
                   _ -> r

initState :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> ReadState
initState Nothing Nothing = ReadAll
initState (Just s) e = IgnoreUntil s (initState Nothing e)
initState Nothing  (Just e) = ReadUntil e IgnoreAll

convertToSpeedscope :: (Maybe String, Maybe String) -> EventLog -> Value
convertToSpeedscope (is, ie) (EventLog _h (Data (sortOn evTime -> es))) =
  case el_version of
    Just (ghc_version, _) | ghc_version < makeVersion [8,9,0]  ->
      error ("Eventlog is from ghc-" ++ showVersion ghc_version ++ " hs-speedscope only works with GHC 8.10 or later")
    _ -> object [ "version" .= ("0.0.1" :: String)
                , "$schema" .= ("https://www.speedscope.app/file-format-schema.json" :: String)
                , "shared" .= object [ "frames" .= ccs_json ]
                , "profiles" .= map (mkProfile profile_name interval) caps
                , "name" .= profile_name
                , "activeProfileIndex" .= (0 :: Int)
                , "exporter" .= version_string
    (EL (fromMaybe "" -> profile_name) el_version (fromMaybe 1 -> interval) frames samples) =
      snd $ foldl' (flip processEvents) (initState is ie, initEL) es

    initEL = EL Nothing Nothing Nothing [] []

    version_string :: String
    version_string = "hs-speedscope@" ++ showVersion Paths.version

    -- Drop 7 events for built in cost centres like GC, IDLE etc
    ccs_raw = reverse (drop 7 (reverse frames))

    ccs_json :: [Value]
    ccs_json = map mkFrame ccs_raw

    num_frames = length ccs_json

    caps :: [(Capset, [[Int]])]
    caps = groupSort $ mapMaybe mkSample (reverse samples)

    mkFrame :: CostCentre -> Value
    mkFrame (CostCentre _n l _m s) = object [ "name" .= l, "file" .= s ]

    mkSample :: Sample -> Maybe (Capset, [Int])
    -- Filter out system frames
    mkSample (Sample _ti [k]) | fromIntegral k >= num_frames = Nothing
    mkSample (Sample ti ccs) = Just (ti, map (subtract 1 . fromIntegral) (reverse ccs))

    processEvents :: Event -> (ReadState, EL) -> (ReadState, EL)
    processEvents (Event _t ei _c) (do_sample, el) =
      case ei of
        ProgramArgs _ (pname: _args) ->
          (do_sample, el { prog_name = Just pname })
        RtsIdentifier _ rts_ident ->
          (do_sample, el { rts_version = parseIdent rts_ident })
        ProfBegin ival ->
          (do_sample, el { prof_interval = Just ival })
        HeapProfCostCentre n l m s _ ->
          (do_sample, el { cost_centres = CostCentre n l m s : cost_centres el })
        ProfSampleCostCentre t _ _ st ->
          if shouldRead do_sample then
            (do_sample, el { el_samples = Sample t (V.toList st) : el_samples el })
            else (do_sample, el)
        (UserMarker m) -> (transition m do_sample, el)
        _ -> (do_sample, el)

mkProfile :: String -> Word64 -> (Capset, [[Int]]) -> Value
mkProfile pname interval (_n, samples) =
  object [ "type" .= ("sampled" :: String)
         , "unit" .= ("nanoseconds" :: String)
         , "name" .= pname
         , "startValue" .= (0 :: Int)
         , "endValue" .= (length samples :: Int)
         , "samples" .= samples
         , "weights" .= sample_weights ]
    sample_weights :: [Word64]
    sample_weights = replicate (length samples) interval

parseIdent :: String -> Maybe (Version, String)
parseIdent s = listToMaybe $ flip readP_to_S s $ do
  void $ string "GHC-"
  [v1, v2, v3] <- replicateM 3 (intP <* optional (char '.'))
  return (makeVersion [v1,v2,v3])
    intP = do
      x <- munch1 isDigit
      return $ read x

data EL = EL {
    prog_name :: Maybe String
    , rts_version :: Maybe (Version, String)
    , prof_interval :: Maybe Word64
    , cost_centres :: [CostCentre]
    , el_samples :: [Sample]

data CostCentre = CostCentre Word32 Text Text Text deriving Show

data Sample = Sample Capset [Word32]