hsass-0.4.0: Integrating Sass into Haskell applications.

Safe HaskellNone



Compilation options.



data SassOptions Source

Describes options used by libsass during compilation.




sassPrecision :: Int

Precision of fractional numbers.

sassOutputStyle :: SassOutputStyle

Output style for the generated css code.

sassSourceComments :: Bool

Emit comments in the generated CSS indicating the corresponding source line.

sassSourceMapEmbed :: Bool

Embed sourceMappingUrl as data uri.

sassSourceMapContents :: Bool

Embed include contents in maps.

sassOmitSourceMapUrl :: Bool

Disable sourceMappingUrl in css output.

sassIsIndentedSyntax :: Bool

Treat source_string as sass (as opposed to scss).

sassIndent :: String

String to be used for indentation.

sassLinefeed :: String

String to be used to for line feeds.

sassInputPath :: Maybe FilePath

The input path used for source map generation. It can be used to define something with string compilation or to overload the input file path.

sassOutputPath :: Maybe FilePath

The output path used for source map generation.

sassPluginPaths :: Maybe [FilePath]

Paths used to load plugins by libsass.

sassIncludePaths :: Maybe [FilePath]

Paths used to resolve @include.

sassSourceMapFile :: Maybe FilePath

Path to source map file. Enables source map generation and is used to create sourceMappingUrl

sassSourceMapRoot :: Maybe String

Directly inserted in source maps.

sassFunctions :: Maybe [SassFunction]

List of user-supplied functions that may be used in sass files.

sassHeaders :: Maybe [SassImporter]

List of user-supplied functions that provide "headers" for sass files. Header is injected at the beginning of a file which name is passed as the first argument of importer.

sassImporters :: Maybe [SassImporter]

List of user-supplied functions that resolve @import directives.