hsc3-0.20: Haskell SuperCollider
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Non-standard mathematical enumerations, classes and base instances.

Enumerations of the unary and binary math unit generators. Names that conflict with existing names have a _ suffix.

The Eq and Ord classes in the Prelude require Bool, hence EqE and OrdE. True is 1.0, False is 0.0

The RealFrac class requires Integral results, hence RealFracE.



data Sc3_Unary_Op Source #

Enumeration of Sc3 unary operator Ugens. The names here are from the enumeration at "serverpluginsUnaryOpUgens.cpp". The capitalisation is edited since these names become function names in rsc3. Names have a _ suffix if they conflict with Ugen names.

zip (map show [minBound :: Sc3_Unary_Op .. maxBound]) [0..]

sc3_unary_op_name :: Sc3_Unary_Op -> String Source #

Enum name without Op prefix.

parse_unary :: Case_Rule -> String -> Maybe Sc3_Unary_Op Source #

parse_enum with Op prefix.

Data.Maybe.mapMaybe (parse_unary Cs) (words "Abs Rand")

sc3_unary_op_tbl :: [(String, Int)] Source #

Table of operator names (non-symbolic) and indices.

map fst sc3_unary_op_tbl

unary_sym_tbl :: [(Sc3_Unary_Op, String)] Source #

Table of symbolic names for standard unary operators.

unaryName :: Int -> String Source #

Lookup possibly symbolic name for standard unary operators.

unaryIndex :: Case_Rule -> String -> Maybe Int Source #

Given name of unary operator derive index.

Data.Maybe.mapMaybe (unaryIndex Ci) (words "abs Cubed midiCps Neg") == [5,13,17,0]
unaryIndex Cs "SinOsc" == Nothing

is_unary :: Case_Rule -> String -> Bool Source #

isJust of unaryIndex.

map (is_unary Ci) (words "Abs MidiCps Neg")
map (is_unary Ci) (words "- rand")
map (is_unary Ci) (words "arctan atan")


data Sc3_Binary_Op Source #

Enumeration of Sc3 unary operator Ugens. The names here are from the enumeration at "serverpluginsBinaryOpUgens.cpp".

zip (map show [minBound :: Sc3_Binary_Op .. maxBound]) [0..]

sc3_binary_op_name :: Sc3_Binary_Op -> String Source #

Enum name without Op prefix.

sc3_binary_op_tbl :: [(String, Int)] Source #

Table of operator names (non-symbolic) and indices.

parse_binary :: Case_Rule -> String -> Maybe Sc3_Binary_Op Source #

parse_enum with Op prefix.

parse_binary Ci "mul" == Just OpMul

binary_sym_tbl :: [(Sc3_Binary_Op, String)] Source #

Table of symbolic names for standard binary operators.

sc3_binary_op_sym_tbl :: [(String, Int)] Source #

Table of operator names (non-symbolic) and indices.

map fst sc3_binary_op_sym_tbl

binaryName :: Int -> String Source #

Lookup possibly symbolic name for standard binary operators.

map binaryName [1,2,8,12] == ["-","*","<","Min"]

binaryIndex :: Case_Rule -> String -> Maybe Int Source #

Given name of binary operator derive index.

Data.Maybe.mapMaybe (binaryIndex Ci) (words "* mul ring1 +") == [2,2,30,0]
binaryIndex Ci "sinosc" == Nothing
map (\x -> (x,binaryIndex Ci x)) (map snd binary_sym_tbl)

is_binary :: Case_Rule -> String -> Bool Source #

isJust of binaryIndex.

map (is_binary Ci) (words "== > % Trunc max")


ugen_operator_name :: String -> Int -> Maybe String Source #

Lookup operator name for operator Ugens, else Ugen name.

resolve_operator :: Case_Rule -> String -> (String, Maybe Int) Source #

Order of lookup: binary then unary.

map (resolve_operator Ci) (words "+ - Add sub Neg abs")
map (resolve_operator Cs) (words "Abs")

resolve_operator_ci :: String -> (String, Maybe Int) Source #

Case-insensitive resolve_operator.


class (Eq a, Num a) => EqE a where Source #

Variant on Eq class, result is of the same type as the values compared.

Minimal complete definition



equal_to :: a -> a -> a Source #

not_equal_to :: a -> a -> a Source #


Instances details
EqE Int32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator

EqE Int64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator

EqE Ugen Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Ugen.Ugen

EqE Integer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator

EqE Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator

EqE Float Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator

EqE Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator


equal_to :: Int -> Int -> Int Source #

not_equal_to :: Int -> Int -> Int Source #

class (Ord a, Num a) => OrdE a where Source #

Variant on Ord class, result is of the same type as the values compared.

Minimal complete definition



less_than :: a -> a -> a Source #

less_than_or_equal_to :: a -> a -> a Source #

greater_than :: a -> a -> a Source #

greater_than_or_equal_to :: a -> a -> a Source #


Instances details
OrdE Int32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator

OrdE Int64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator

OrdE Ugen Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Ugen.Ugen

OrdE Integer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator

OrdE Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator

OrdE Float Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator

OrdE Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator

class RealFrac a => RealFracE a where Source #

Variant of RealFrac with non Integral results.

Minimal complete definition



properFractionE :: a -> (a, a) Source #

truncateE :: a -> a Source #

roundE :: a -> a Source #

ceilingE :: a -> a Source #

floorE :: a -> a Source #

class (Floating a, Ord a) => UnaryOp a where Source #

Unary operator class.

map (floor . (* 1e4) . dbAmp) [-90,-60,-30,0] == [0,10,316,10000]

Minimal complete definition



ampDb :: a -> a Source #

asFloat :: a -> a Source #

asInt :: a -> a Source #

cpsMidi :: a -> a Source #

cpsOct :: a -> a Source #

cubed :: a -> a Source #

dbAmp :: a -> a Source #

distort :: a -> a Source #

frac :: a -> a Source #

isNil :: a -> a Source #

log10 :: a -> a Source #

log2 :: a -> a Source #

midiCps :: a -> a Source #

midiRatio :: a -> a Source #

notE :: a -> a Source #

notNil :: a -> a Source #

octCps :: a -> a Source #

ramp_ :: a -> a Source #

ratioMidi :: a -> a Source #

softClip :: a -> a Source #

squared :: a -> a Source #


Instances details
UnaryOp Ugen Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Ugen.Ugen

UnaryOp Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator

UnaryOp Float Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator

class (Floating a, RealFrac a, Ord a) => BinaryOp a where Source #

Sc3_Binary_Op operator class.

Minimal complete definition



absDif :: a -> a -> a Source #

amClip :: a -> a -> a Source #

atan2E :: a -> a -> a Source #

clip2 :: a -> a -> a Source #

difSqr :: a -> a -> a Source #

excess :: a -> a -> a Source #

exprandRange :: a -> a -> a Source #

fill :: a -> a -> a Source #

firstArg :: a -> a -> a Source #

fold2 :: a -> a -> a Source #

gcdE :: a -> a -> a Source #

hypot :: a -> a -> a Source #

hypotx :: a -> a -> a Source #

iDiv :: a -> a -> a Source #

lcmE :: a -> a -> a Source #

modE :: a -> a -> a Source #

randRange :: a -> a -> a Source #

ring1 :: a -> a -> a Source #

ring2 :: a -> a -> a Source #

ring3 :: a -> a -> a Source #

ring4 :: a -> a -> a Source #

roundUp :: a -> a -> a Source #

scaleNeg :: a -> a -> a Source #

sqrDif :: a -> a -> a Source #

sqrSum :: a -> a -> a Source #

sumSqr :: a -> a -> a Source #

thresh :: a -> a -> a Source #

trunc :: a -> a -> a Source #

wrap2 :: a -> a -> a Source #


Instances details
BinaryOp Ugen Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Ugen.Ugen

BinaryOp Double Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator

BinaryOp Float Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Sound.Sc3.Common.Math.Operator


(==**) :: EqE a => a -> a -> a Source #

(/=**) :: EqE a => a -> a -> a Source #

(<**) :: OrdE a => a -> a -> a Source #

(<=**) :: OrdE a => a -> a -> a Source #

(>**) :: OrdE a => a -> a -> a Source #

(>=**) :: OrdE a => a -> a -> a Source #


binop_hs_tbl :: (Real n, Floating n, RealFrac n) => [(Sc3_Binary_Op, n -> n -> n)] Source #

Association table for Sc3_Binary_Op to haskell function implementing operator.

uop_hs_tbl :: (RealFrac n, Floating n) => [(Sc3_Unary_Op, n -> n)] Source #

Association table for Unary to haskell function implementing operator.