Copyright (c) 2005-2011 John Goerzen
License: BSD3
{- |

Definition of log formatter support

A few basic, and extendable formatters are defined.

Please see "System.Log.Logger" for extensive documentation on the
logging system.


module System.Log.Formatter( LogFormatter
                           , nullFormatter
                           , simpleLogFormatter
                           , tfLogFormatter
                           , varFormatter
                           ) where
import Data.List
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import System.Posix.Process (getProcessID)

#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
import Data.Time.Format (defaultTimeLocale)
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Data.Time (getZonedTime,getCurrentTime,formatTime)

import System.Log

-- | A LogFormatter is used to format log messages.  Note that it is paramterized on the
-- 'Handler' to allow the formatter to use information specific to the handler
-- (an example of can be seen in the formatter used in 'System.Log.Handler.Syslog')
type LogFormatter a = a -- ^ The LogHandler that the passed message came from 
                    -> LogRecord -- ^ The log message and priority
                    -> String -- ^ The logger name
                    -> IO String -- ^ The formatted log message

-- | Returns the passed message as is, ie. no formatting is done.
nullFormatter :: LogFormatter a
nullFormatter _ (_,msg) _ = return msg

-- | Takes a format string, and returns a formatter that may be used to
--   format log messages.  The format string may contain variables prefixed with
--   a $-sign which will be replaced at runtime with corresponding values.  The 
--   currently supported variables are:
--    * @$msg@ - The actual log message
--    * @$loggername@ - The name of the logger
--    * @$prio@ - The priority level of the message
--    * @$tid@  - The thread ID
--    * @$pid@  - Process ID  (Not available on windows)
--    * @$time@ - The current time 
--    * @$utcTime@ - The current time in UTC Time
simpleLogFormatter :: String -> LogFormatter a
simpleLogFormatter format h (prio, msg) loggername =
    tfLogFormatter "%F %X %Z" format h (prio,msg) loggername

-- | Like 'simpleLogFormatter' but allow the time format to be specified in the first
-- parameter (this is passed to 'Date.Time.Format.formatTime')
tfLogFormatter :: String -> String -> LogFormatter a
tfLogFormatter timeFormat format = do
  varFormatter [("time", formatTime defaultTimeLocale timeFormat <$> getZonedTime)
               ,("utcTime", formatTime defaultTimeLocale timeFormat <$> getCurrentTime)

-- | An extensible formatter that allows new substition /variables/ to be defined.
-- Each variable has an associated IO action that is used to produce the
-- string to substitute for the variable name.  The predefined variables are the same
-- as for 'simpleLogFormatter' /excluding/ @$time@ and @$utcTime@.
varFormatter :: [(String, IO String)] -> String -> LogFormatter a
varFormatter vars format h (prio,msg) loggername = do
    outmsg <- replaceVarM (vars++[("msg", return msg)
                                 ,("prio", return $ show prio)
                                 ,("loggername", return loggername)
                                 ,("tid", show <$> myThreadId)
#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
                                 ,("pid", show <$> getProcessID)
    return outmsg

-- | Replace some '$' variables in a string with supplied values
replaceVarM :: [(String, IO String)] -- ^ A list of (variableName, action to get the replacement string) pairs
           -> String   -- ^ String to perform substitution on
           -> IO String   -- ^ Resulting string
replaceVarM _ [] = return []
replaceVarM keyVals (s:ss) | s=='$' = do (f,rest) <- replaceStart keyVals ss
                                         repRest <- replaceVarM keyVals rest
                                         return $ f ++ repRest
                           | otherwise = replaceVarM keyVals ss >>= return . (s:)
      replaceStart [] str = return ("$",str)
      replaceStart ((k,v):kvs) str | k `isPrefixOf` str = do vs <- v
                                                             return (vs, drop (length k) str)
                                   | otherwise = replaceStart kvs str