{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0) && !MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0)
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-deprecations #-}
module Test.Hspec.Core.Runner.Eval (
, EvalTree
, EvalItem(..)
, runFormatter
#ifdef TEST
, runSequentially
) where
import Prelude ()
import Test.Hspec.Core.Compat hiding (Monad)
import qualified Test.Hspec.Core.Compat as M
import Control.Monad (unless, when)
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async hiding (cancel)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as M
import Control.Monad.Trans.State hiding (State, state)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Test.Hspec.Core.Util
import Test.Hspec.Core.Spec (Tree(..), Progress, FailureReason(..), Result(..), ResultStatus(..), ProgressCallback)
import Test.Hspec.Core.Timer
import Test.Hspec.Core.Format (Format(..))
import qualified Test.Hspec.Core.Format as Format
import Test.Hspec.Core.Clock
import Test.Hspec.Core.Example.Location
type Monad m = (Functor m, Applicative m, M.Monad m)
type MonadIO m = (Monad m, M.MonadIO m)
data EvalConfig m = EvalConfig {
evalConfigFormat :: Format m
, evalConfigConcurrentJobs :: Int
, evalConfigFastFail :: Bool
data State m = State {
stateConfig :: EvalConfig m
, stateSuccessCount :: Int
, statePendingCount :: Int
, stateFailures :: [Path]
type EvalM m = StateT (State m) m
increaseSuccessCount :: Monad m => EvalM m ()
increaseSuccessCount = modify $ \state -> state {stateSuccessCount = stateSuccessCount state + 1}
increasePendingCount :: Monad m => EvalM m ()
increasePendingCount = modify $ \state -> state {statePendingCount = statePendingCount state + 1}
addFailure :: Monad m => Path -> EvalM m ()
addFailure path = modify $ \state -> state {stateFailures = path : stateFailures state}
getFormat :: Monad m => (Format m -> a) -> EvalM m a
getFormat format = gets (format . evalConfigFormat . stateConfig)
reportItem :: Monad m => Path -> Format.Item -> EvalM m ()
reportItem path item = do
case Format.itemResult item of
Format.Success {} -> increaseSuccessCount
Format.Pending {} -> increasePendingCount
Format.Failure {} -> addFailure path
format <- getFormat formatItem
lift (format path item)
failureItem :: Maybe Location -> Seconds -> String -> FailureReason -> Format.Item
failureItem loc duration info err = Format.Item loc duration info (Format.Failure err)
reportResult :: Monad m => Path -> Maybe Location -> (Seconds, Result) -> EvalM m ()
reportResult path loc (duration, result) = do
case result of
Result info status -> case status of
Success -> reportItem path (Format.Item loc duration info Format.Success)
Pending loc_ reason -> reportItem path (Format.Item (loc_ <|> loc) duration info $ Format.Pending reason)
Failure loc_ err@(Error _ e) -> reportItem path (failureItem (loc_ <|> extractLocation e <|> loc) duration info err)
Failure loc_ err -> reportItem path (failureItem (loc_ <|> loc) duration info err)
groupStarted :: Monad m => Path -> EvalM m ()
groupStarted path = do
format <- getFormat formatGroupStarted
lift $ format path
groupDone :: Monad m => Path -> EvalM m ()
groupDone path = do
format <- getFormat formatGroupDone
lift $ format path
data EvalItem = EvalItem {
evalItemDescription :: String
, evalItemLocation :: Maybe Location
, evalItemParallelize :: Bool
, evalItemAction :: ProgressCallback -> IO Result
type EvalTree = Tree (IO ()) EvalItem
runEvalM :: Monad m => EvalConfig m -> EvalM m () -> m (State m)
runEvalM config action = execStateT action (State config 0 0 [])
runFormatter :: forall m. MonadIO m => EvalConfig m -> [EvalTree] -> IO (Int, [Path])
runFormatter config specs = do
start = parallelizeTree (evalConfigConcurrentJobs config) specs
cancel = cancelMany . concatMap toList . map (fmap fst)
E.bracket start cancel $ \ runningSpecs -> do
withTimer 0.05 $ \ timer -> do
state <- formatRun format $ do
runEvalM config $
run $ map (fmap (fmap (. reportProgress timer) . snd)) runningSpecs
failures = stateFailures state
total = stateSuccessCount state + statePendingCount state + length failures
return (total, reverse failures)
format = evalConfigFormat config
reportProgress :: IO Bool -> Path -> Progress -> m ()
reportProgress timer path progress = do
r <- liftIO timer
when r (formatProgress format path progress)
cancelMany :: [Async a] -> IO ()
cancelMany asyncs = do
mapM_ (killThread . asyncThreadId) asyncs
mapM_ waitCatch asyncs
data Item a = Item {
_itemDescription :: String
, _itemLocation :: Maybe Location
, _itemAction :: a
} deriving Functor
type Job m p a = (p -> m ()) -> m a
type RunningItem m = Item (Path -> m (Seconds, Result))
type RunningTree m = Tree (IO ()) (RunningItem m)
type RunningItem_ m = (Async (), Item (Job m Progress (Seconds, Result)))
type RunningTree_ m = Tree (IO ()) (RunningItem_ m)
data Semaphore = Semaphore {
semaphoreWait :: IO ()
, semaphoreSignal :: IO ()
parallelizeTree :: MonadIO m => Int -> [EvalTree] -> IO [RunningTree_ m]
parallelizeTree n specs = do
sem <- newQSem n
mapM (traverse $ parallelizeItem sem) specs
parallelizeItem :: MonadIO m => QSem -> EvalItem -> IO (RunningItem_ m)
parallelizeItem sem EvalItem{..} = do
(asyncAction, evalAction) <- parallelize (Semaphore (waitQSem sem) (signalQSem sem)) evalItemParallelize (interruptible . evalItemAction)
return (asyncAction, Item evalItemDescription evalItemLocation evalAction)
parallelize :: MonadIO m => Semaphore -> Bool -> Job IO p a -> IO (Async (), Job m p (Seconds, a))
parallelize sem isParallelizable
| isParallelizable = runParallel sem
| otherwise = runSequentially
runSequentially :: MonadIO m => Job IO p a -> IO (Async (), Job m p (Seconds, a))
runSequentially action = do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
(asyncAction, evalAction) <- runParallel (Semaphore (takeMVar mvar) (return ())) action
return (asyncAction, \ notifyPartial -> liftIO (putMVar mvar ()) >> evalAction notifyPartial)
data Parallel p a = Partial p | Return a
runParallel :: forall m p a. MonadIO m => Semaphore -> Job IO p a -> IO (Async (), Job m p (Seconds, a))
runParallel Semaphore{..} action = do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
asyncAction <- async $ E.bracket_ semaphoreWait semaphoreSignal (worker mvar)
return (asyncAction, eval mvar)
worker mvar = do
let partialCallback = replaceMVar mvar . Partial
result <- measure $ action partialCallback
replaceMVar mvar (Return result)
eval :: MVar (Parallel p (Seconds, a)) -> (p -> m ()) -> m (Seconds, a)
eval mvar notifyPartial = do
r <- liftIO (takeMVar mvar)
case r of
Partial p -> do
notifyPartial p
eval mvar notifyPartial
Return result -> return result
replaceMVar :: MVar a -> a -> IO ()
replaceMVar mvar p = tryTakeMVar mvar >> putMVar mvar p
run :: forall m. MonadIO m => [RunningTree m] -> EvalM m ()
run specs = do
fastFail <- gets (evalConfigFastFail . stateConfig)
sequenceActions fastFail (concatMap foldSpec specs)
foldSpec :: RunningTree m -> [EvalM m ()]
foldSpec = foldTree FoldTree {
onGroupStarted = groupStarted
, onGroupDone = groupDone
, onCleanup = runCleanup
, onLeafe = evalItem
runCleanup :: [String] -> IO () -> EvalM m ()
runCleanup groups action = do
(dt, r) <- liftIO $ measure $ safeTry action
either (\ e -> reportItem path . failureItem (extractLocation e) dt "" . Error Nothing $ e) return r
path = (groups, "afterAll-hook")
evalItem :: [String] -> RunningItem m -> EvalM m ()
evalItem groups (Item requirement loc action) = do
lift (action path) >>= reportResult path loc
path :: Path
path = (groups, requirement)
data FoldTree c a r = FoldTree {
onGroupStarted :: Path -> r
, onGroupDone :: Path -> r
, onCleanup :: [String] -> c -> r
, onLeafe :: [String] -> a -> r
foldTree :: FoldTree c a r -> Tree c a -> [r]
foldTree FoldTree{..} = go []
go rGroups (Node group xs) = start : children ++ [done]
path = (reverse rGroups, group)
start = onGroupStarted path
children = concatMap (go (group : rGroups)) xs
done = onGroupDone path
go rGroups (NodeWithCleanup action xs) = children ++ [cleanup]
children = concatMap (go rGroups) xs
cleanup = onCleanup (reverse rGroups) action
go rGroups (Leaf a) = [onLeafe (reverse rGroups) a]
sequenceActions :: Monad m => Bool -> [EvalM m ()] -> EvalM m ()
sequenceActions fastFail = go
go [] = return ()
go (action : actions) = do
() <- action
hasFailures <- (not . null) <$> gets stateFailures
let stopNow = fastFail && hasFailures
unless stopNow (go actions)