> {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections,OverloadedStrings #-}
> module Database.HsSqlPpp.Internals.LexInternal
> (Token(..)
> ,prettyToken
> ,lexToken
> ,lexTokens
> ) where
> import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
> import Text.Parsec
> import Text.Parsec.Text.Lazy
> import Control.Applicative hiding ((<|>), many)
> import Data.Char
> import Database.HsSqlPpp.Internals.Dialect
> import Control.Monad
> import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
> import Data.Maybe
> data Token
> = Symbol String
> | Identifier (Maybe (String,String)) String
> | PrefixedVariable Char String
> | PositionalArg Int
> | SqlString String String String
> | SqlNumber String
> | Whitespace String
> | LineComment String
> | BlockComment String
> | Splice Char String
> | CopyPayload String
> deriving (Eq,Show)
> prettyToken :: Dialect -> Token -> String
> prettyToken _ (Symbol s) = s
> prettyToken _ (Identifier Nothing t) = t
> prettyToken _ (Identifier (Just (a,b)) t) = a ++ t ++ b
> prettyToken _ (PrefixedVariable c s) = c:s
> prettyToken _ (SqlString q r t) = q ++ t ++ r
> prettyToken _ (SqlNumber r) = r
> prettyToken _ (Whitespace t) = t
> prettyToken _ (PositionalArg n) = '$':show n
> prettyToken _ (LineComment l) = l
> prettyToken _ (BlockComment c) = c
> prettyToken _ (Splice c t) = '$':c:'(':t ++ ")"
> prettyToken _ (CopyPayload s) = s ++ "\\.\n"
not sure how to get the position information in the parse errors
TODO: try to make all parsers applicative only
investigate what is missing for postgresql
investigate differences for sql server, oracle, maybe db2 and mysql
> lexTokens :: Dialect -> FilePath -> Maybe (Int,Int) -> LT.Text -> Either ParseError [((FilePath,Int,Int),Token)]
> lexTokens dialect fn' mp txt =
> let (l',c') = fromMaybe (1,1) mp
> in runParser (setPos (fn',l',c') *> many_p <* eof) () "" txt
> where
pretty hacky, want to switch to a different lexer for copy from stdin
if we see 'from stdin;' then try to lex a copy payload
> many_p = some_p `mplus` return []
> some_p = do
> tok <- lexToken dialect
> case tok of
> (_, Identifier Nothing t) | map toLower t == "from" -> (tok:) <$> seeStdin
> _ -> (tok:) <$> many_p
> seeStdin = do
> tok <- lexToken dialect
> case tok of
> (_,Identifier Nothing t) | map toLower t == "stdin" -> (tok:) <$> seeColon
> (_,x) | isWs x -> (tok:) <$> seeStdin
> _ -> (tok:) <$> many_p
> seeColon = do
> tok <- lexToken dialect
> case tok of
> (_,Symbol ";") -> (tok:) <$> copyPayload
> _ -> (tok:) <$> many_p
> copyPayload = do
> p' <- getPosition
> let pos = (sourceName p',sourceLine p', sourceColumn p')
> tok <- char '\n' *>
> ((\x -> (pos, CopyPayload $ x ++ "\n"))
> <$> manyTill anyChar (try $ string "\n\\.\n"))
> (tok:) <$> many_p
> setPos (fn,l,c) = do
> fmap (flip setSourceName fn
> . flip setSourceLine l
> . flip setSourceColumn c) getPosition
> >>= setPosition
> isWs :: Token -> Bool
> isWs (Whitespace {}) = True
> isWs (BlockComment {}) = True
> isWs (LineComment {}) = True
> isWs _ = False
> lexToken :: Dialect -> Parser ((FilePath,Int,Int),Token)
> lexToken d = do
> p' <- getPosition
> let p = (sourceName p',sourceLine p', sourceColumn p')
> (p,) <$> choice [sqlString d
> ,identifier d
> ,lineComment d
> ,blockComment d
> ,sqlNumber d
> ,positionalArg d
> ,dontParseEndBlockComment d
> ,prefixedVariable d
> ,symbol d
> ,sqlWhitespace d
> ,splice d]
Parses identifiers:
u&"unicode quoted identifier"
"quoted identifier"
"quoted identifier "" with double quote char"
`mysql quoted identifier`
> identifier :: Dialect -> Parser Token
> identifier d =
> choice
> [Identifier (Just ("\"","\"")) <$> qiden
> ,Identifier (Just ("u&\"","\"")) <$> (try (string "u&") *> qiden)
> ,Identifier (Just ("U&\"","\"")) <$> (try (string "U&") *> qiden)
> ,Identifier Nothing <$> identifierString
> ,guard (diSyntaxFlavour d == SqlServer) >>
> Identifier (Just ("[","]"))
> <$> (char '[' *> takeWhile1 (`notElem` ("[]"::String)) <* char ']')
> ]
> where
> qiden = char '"' *> qidenSuffix ""
> qidenSuffix t = do
> s <- takeTill (=='"')
> void $ char '"'
> choice [do
> void $ char '"'
> qidenSuffix $ concat [t,s,"\"\""]
> ,return $ concat [t,s]]
This parses a valid identifier without quotes.
> identifierString :: Parser String
> identifierString =
> startsWith (\c -> c == '_' || isAlpha c) isIdentifierChar
this can be moved to the dialect at some point
> isIdentifierChar :: Char -> Bool
> isIdentifierChar c = c == '_' || isAlphaNum c
> prefixedVariable :: Dialect -> Parser Token
> prefixedVariable d = try $ choice
> [PrefixedVariable <$> char ':' <*> identifierString
> ,guard (diSyntaxFlavour d == SqlServer) >>
> PrefixedVariable <$> char '@' <*> identifierString
> ,guard (diSyntaxFlavour d `elem` [Oracle,SqlServer]) >>
> PrefixedVariable <$> char '#' <*> identifierString
> ]
> positionalArg :: Dialect -> Parser Token
> positionalArg d =
> guard (diSyntaxFlavour d == Postgres) >>
> PositionalArg <$> try (char '$' *> (read <$> many1 digit))
Strings in sql:
postgresql dialect:
strings delimited with single quotes
a literal quote is written ''
the lexer leaves the double quote in the string in the ast
strings can also be written like this:
E'string with quotes in \n \t'
the \n and \t are escape sequences. The lexer passes these through unchanged.
an 'E' escaped string can also contain \' for a literal single quote.
this are also passed into the ast unchanged
strings can be dollar quoted:
the dollar quote can contain an optional tag:
which allows nesting of dollar quoted strings with different tags
Not sure what behaviour in sql server and oracle, pretty sure they
don't have dollar quoting, but I think they have the other two
> sqlString :: Dialect -> Parser Token
> sqlString d = dollarString <|> csString <|> normalString
> where
> dollarString = do
> delim <- (\x -> concat ["$",x,"$"])
> <$> try (char '$' *> option "" identifierString <* char '$')
> SqlString delim delim <$> manyTill anyChar (try $ string delim)
> normalString = SqlString "'" "'" <$> (char '\'' *> normalStringSuffix False "")
> normalStringSuffix allowBackslash t = do
> s <- takeTill $ if allowBackslash
> then (`elem` ("'\\"::String))
> else (== '\'')
> choice [do
> ctu <- choice ["''" <$ try (string "''")
> ,"\\'" <$ try (string "\\'")
> ,"\\" <$ char '\\']
> normalStringSuffix allowBackslash $ concat [t,s,ctu]
> ,concat [t,s] <$ char '\'']
> csString
> | diSyntaxFlavour d == Postgres =
> choice [SqlString <$> try (string "e'" <|> string "E'")
> <*> return "'" <*> normalStringSuffix True ""
> ,csString']
> | otherwise = csString'
> csString' = SqlString
> <$> try cs
> <*> return "'"
> <*> normalStringSuffix False ""
> csPrefixes = "nNbBxX"
> cs = choice $ (map (\x -> string ([x] ++ "'")) csPrefixes)
> ++ [string "u&'"
> ,string "U&'"]
postgresql number parsing
where digits is one or more decimal digits (0 through 9). At least one digit must be before or after the decimal point, if one is used. At least one digit must follow the exponent marker (e), if one is present. There cannot be any spaces or other characters embedded in the constant. Note that any leading plus or minus sign is not actually considered part of the constant; it is an operator applied to the constant.
> sqlNumber :: Dialect -> Parser Token
> sqlNumber _ =
> SqlNumber <$> completeNumber
> <* choice
> [void $ lookAhead (string "..")
> ,void $ notFollowedBy (oneOf "eE.")
> ]
> where
> completeNumber =
> (int <??> (pp dot <??.> pp int)
> <|> try ((++) <$> dot <*> int))
> <??> pp expon
> int = many1 digit
> dot = try (string "." <* notFollowedBy (char '.'))
> expon = (:) <$> oneOf "eE" <*> sInt
> sInt = (++) <$> option "" (string "+" <|> string "-") <*> int
> pp = (<$$> (++))
> (<??>) :: Parser a -> Parser (a -> a) -> Parser a
> p <??> q = p <**> option id q
> (<??.>) :: Parser (a -> a) -> Parser (a -> a) -> Parser (a -> a)
> (<??.>) pa pb = (.) `c` pa <*> option id pb
> where c = (<$>) . flip
> (<$$>) :: Applicative f =>
> f b -> (a -> b -> c) -> f (a -> c)
> (<$$>) pa c = pa <**> pure (flip c)
A symbol is one of the two character symbols, or one of the single
character symbols in the two lists below.
> symbol :: Dialect -> Parser Token
> symbol d | diSyntaxFlavour d == Postgres =
> Symbol <$> choice (otherSymbol ++ [singlePlusMinus,opMoreChars])
An operator name is a sequence of up to NAMEDATALEN-1 (63 by default) characters from the following list:
+ - * / < > = ~ ! @ # % ^ & | ` ?
There are a few restrictions on operator names, however:
A multiple-character operator name cannot end in + or -, unless the name also contains at least one of these characters:
~ ! @ # % ^ & | ` ?
> where
> otherSymbol = many1 (char '.') :
> try (string ":=") :
> try (string "::" <* notFollowedBy (char ':')) :
> try (string ":" <* notFollowedBy (char ':')) :
> (map (string . (:[])) "[],;()"
> ++ if True
> then [string "{", string "}"]
> else []
> )
exception char is one of:
~ ! @ # % ^ & | ` ?
which allows the last character of a multi character symbol to be + or
> allOpSymbols = "+-*/<>=~!@#%^&|`?"
> exceptionOpSymbols = "~!@#%^&|`?"
> singlePlusMinus = try $ do
> c <- oneOf "+-"
> notFollowedBy $ oneOf allOpSymbols
> return [c]
> moreOpCharsException = do
> c <- oneOf (filter (`notElem` ("-/*"::String)) allOpSymbols)
> <|> try (char '/' <* notFollowedBy (char '*'))
> <|> try (char '-' <* notFollowedBy (char '-'))
> <|> try (char '*' <* notFollowedBy (char '/'))
> (c:) <$> option [] moreOpCharsException
> opMoreChars = choice
> [
> (:)
> <$> oneOf exceptionOpSymbols
> <*> option [] moreOpCharsException
> ,(:)
> <$> (
> try (char '+' <* lookAhead (oneOf allOpSymbols))
> <|>
> try (char '-'
> <* notFollowedBy (char '-')
> <* lookAhead (oneOf allOpSymbols))
> <|>
> try (char '/' <* notFollowedBy (char '*'))
> <|>
> try (char '*' <* notFollowedBy (char '/'))
> <|>
> oneOf "<>=")
> <*> option [] opMoreChars
> ]
> symbol d | diSyntaxFlavour d == SqlServer =
> Symbol <$> choice (otherSymbol ++ regularOp)
> where
> otherSymbol = string "." :
> (map (string . (:[])) ",;():?"
> ++ if True
> then [string "{", string "}"]
> else [])
try is used because most of the first characters of the two character
symbols can also be part of a single character symbol
> regularOp = map (try . string) [">=","<=","!=","<>"]
> ++ map (string . (:[])) "+-^*/%~&<>="
> ++ [char '|' *>
> choice ["||" <$ char '|' <* notFollowedBy (char '|')
> ,return "|"]]
> symbol _d =
> Symbol <$> choice (otherSymbol ++ regularOp)
> where
> otherSymbol = many1 (char '.') :
> (map (string . (:[])) "[],;():?"
> ++ if True
> then [string "{", string "}"]
> else [])
try is used because most of the first characters of the two character
symbols can also be part of a single character symbol
> regularOp = map (try . string) [">=","<=","!=","<>"]
> ++ map (string . (:[])) "+-^*/%~&<>=[]"
> ++ [char '|' *>
> choice ["||" <$ char '|' <* notFollowedBy (char '|')
> ,return "|"]]
> sqlWhitespace :: Dialect -> Parser Token
> sqlWhitespace _ = Whitespace <$> many1 (satisfy isSpace)
> lineComment :: Dialect -> Parser Token
> lineComment _ =
> (\s -> LineComment $ concat ["--",s]) <$>
> (try (string "--") *> (
> conc <$> manyTill anyChar (lookAhead lineCommentEnd) <*> lineCommentEnd))
> where
> conc a Nothing = a
> conc a (Just b) = a ++ b
> lineCommentEnd = Just "\n" <$ char '\n' <|> Nothing <$ eof
> blockComment :: Dialect -> Parser Token
> blockComment _ =
> (\s -> BlockComment $ concat ["/*",s]) <$>
> (try (string "/*") *> commentSuffix 0)
> where
> commentSuffix :: Int -> Parser String
> commentSuffix n = do
> x <- takeWhile (\e -> e /= '/' && e /= '*')
> choice [
> try (string "*/") *> let t = concat [x,"*/"]
> in if n == 0
> then return t
> else (\s -> concat [t,s]) <$> commentSuffix (n - 1)
> ,try (string "/*") *> ((\s -> concat [x,"/*",s]) <$> commentSuffix (n + 1))
> ,(\c s -> concat [x, [c], s]) <$> anyChar <*> commentSuffix n]
> dontParseEndBlockComment :: Dialect -> Parser Token
> dontParseEndBlockComment _ =
> try (string "*/") *> fail "comment end without comment start"
> splice :: Dialect -> Parser Token
> splice _ = do
> Splice
> <$> (char '$' *> letter)
> <*> (char '(' *> identifierString <* char ')')
> startsWith :: (Char -> Bool) -> (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
> startsWith p ps = do
> c <- satisfy p
> choice [(c:) <$> (takeWhile1 ps)
> ,return [c]]
> takeWhile1 :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
> takeWhile1 p = many1 (satisfy p)
> takeWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
> takeWhile p = many (satisfy p)
> takeTill :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser String
> takeTill p =
> manyTill anyChar (peekSatisfy p)
> peekSatisfy :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser ()
> peekSatisfy p = do
> void $ lookAhead (satisfy p)