{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Network.HTTP.Client.Manager
( ManagerSettings (..)
, newManager
, closeManager
, withManager
, getConn
, defaultManagerSettings
, rawConnectionModifySocket
, rawConnectionModifySocketSize
, proxyFromRequest
, noProxy
, useProxy
, proxyEnvironment
, proxyEnvironmentNamed
, defaultProxy
, dropProxyAuthSecure
, useProxySecureWithoutConnect
) where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S8
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Exception (throwIO, fromException, IOException, Exception (..), handle)
import qualified Network.Socket as NS
import Network.HTTP.Types (status200)
import Network.HTTP.Client.Types
import Network.HTTP.Client.Connection
import Network.HTTP.Client.Headers (parseStatusHeaders)
import Network.HTTP.Proxy
import Data.KeyedPool
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
rawConnectionModifySocket :: (NS.Socket -> IO ())
-> IO (Maybe NS.HostAddress -> String -> Int -> IO Connection)
rawConnectionModifySocket = return . openSocketConnection
rawConnectionModifySocketSize :: (NS.Socket -> IO ())
-> IO (Int -> Maybe NS.HostAddress -> String -> Int -> IO Connection)
rawConnectionModifySocketSize = return . openSocketConnectionSize
defaultManagerSettings :: ManagerSettings
defaultManagerSettings = ManagerSettings
{ managerConnCount = 10
, managerRawConnection = return $ openSocketConnection (const $ return ())
, managerTlsConnection = return $ \_ _ _ -> throwHttp TlsNotSupported
, managerTlsProxyConnection = return $ \_ _ _ _ _ _ -> throwHttp TlsNotSupported
, managerResponseTimeout = ResponseTimeoutDefault
, managerRetryableException = \e ->
case fromException e of
Just (_ :: IOException) -> True
_ ->
case fmap unHttpExceptionContentWrapper $ fromException e of
Just NoResponseDataReceived -> True
Just IncompleteHeaders -> True
_ -> False
, managerWrapException = \_req ->
let wrapper se =
case fromException se of
Just (_ :: IOException) -> throwHttp $ InternalException se
Nothing -> throwIO se
in handle wrapper
, managerIdleConnectionCount = 512
, managerModifyRequest = return
, managerModifyResponse = return
, managerProxyInsecure = defaultProxy
, managerProxySecure = defaultProxy
newManager :: ManagerSettings -> IO Manager
newManager ms = do
NS.withSocketsDo $ return ()
httpProxy <- runProxyOverride (managerProxyInsecure ms) False
httpsProxy <- runProxyOverride (managerProxySecure ms) True
createConnection <- mkCreateConnection ms
keyedPool <- createKeyedPool
(managerConnCount ms)
(managerIdleConnectionCount ms)
(const (return ()))
let manager = Manager
{ mConns = keyedPool
, mResponseTimeout = managerResponseTimeout ms
, mRetryableException = managerRetryableException ms
, mWrapException = managerWrapException ms
, mModifyRequest = managerModifyRequest ms
, mModifyResponse = managerModifyResponse ms
, mSetProxy = \req ->
if secure req
then httpsProxy req
else httpProxy req
return manager
closeManager :: Manager -> IO ()
closeManager _ = return ()
{-# DEPRECATED closeManager "Manager will be closed for you automatically when no longer in use" #-}
withManager :: ManagerSettings -> (Manager -> IO a) -> IO a
withManager settings f = newManager settings >>= f
{-# DEPRECATED withManager "Use newManager instead" #-}
dropProxyAuthSecure :: Request -> Request
dropProxyAuthSecure req
| secure req && useProxy' = req
{ requestHeaders = filter (\(k, _) -> k /= "Proxy-Authorization")
(requestHeaders req)
| otherwise = req
useProxy' = isJust (proxy req)
getConn :: Request
-> Manager
-> IO (Managed Connection)
getConn req m
| S8.null h = throwHttp $ InvalidDestinationHost h
| otherwise = takeKeyedPool (mConns m) connkey
h = host req
connkey = connKey req
connKey :: Request -> ConnKey
connKey req@Request { proxy = Nothing, secure = False } =
CKRaw (hostAddress req) (host req) (port req)
connKey req@Request { proxy = Nothing, secure = True } =
CKSecure (hostAddress req) (host req) (port req)
connKey Request { proxy = Just p, secure = False } =
CKRaw Nothing (proxyHost p) (proxyPort p)
connKey req@Request { proxy = Just p, secure = True,
proxySecureMode = ProxySecureWithConnect } =
(proxyHost p)
(proxyPort p)
(lookup "Proxy-Authorization" (requestHeaders req))
(host req)
(port req)
connKey Request { proxy = Just p, secure = True,
proxySecureMode = ProxySecureWithoutConnect } =
CKRaw Nothing (proxyHost p) (proxyPort p)
mkCreateConnection :: ManagerSettings -> IO (ConnKey -> IO Connection)
mkCreateConnection ms = do
rawConnection <- managerRawConnection ms
tlsConnection <- managerTlsConnection ms
tlsProxyConnection <- managerTlsProxyConnection ms
return $ \ck -> wrapConnectExc $ case ck of
CKRaw connaddr connhost connport ->
rawConnection connaddr (S8.unpack connhost) connport
CKSecure connaddr connhost connport ->
tlsConnection connaddr (S8.unpack connhost) connport
CKProxy connhost connport mProxyAuthHeader ultHost ultPort ->
let proxyAuthorizationHeader = maybe
(\h' -> S8.concat ["Proxy-Authorization: ", h', "\r\n"])
hostHeader = S8.concat ["Host: ", ultHost, ":", (S8.pack $ show ultPort), "\r\n"]
connstr = S8.concat
, ultHost
, ":"
, S8.pack $ show ultPort
, " HTTP/1.1\r\n"
, proxyAuthorizationHeader
, hostHeader
, "\r\n"
parse conn = do
StatusHeaders status _ _ <- parseStatusHeaders conn Nothing Nothing
unless (status == status200) $
throwHttp $ ProxyConnectException ultHost ultPort status
in tlsProxyConnection
(S8.unpack ultHost)
(S8.unpack connhost)
wrapConnectExc = handle $ \e ->
throwHttp $ ConnectionFailure (toException (e :: IOException))
proxyFromRequest :: ProxyOverride
proxyFromRequest = ProxyOverride $ const $ return id
noProxy :: ProxyOverride
noProxy = ProxyOverride $ const $ return $ \req -> req { proxy = Nothing }
useProxy :: Proxy -> ProxyOverride
useProxy p = ProxyOverride $ const $ return $ \req -> req { proxy = Just p }
useProxySecureWithoutConnect :: Proxy -> ProxyOverride
useProxySecureWithoutConnect p = ProxyOverride $
const $ return $ \req -> req { proxy = Just p,
proxySecureMode = ProxySecureWithConnect }
proxyEnvironment :: Maybe Proxy
-> ProxyOverride
proxyEnvironment mp = ProxyOverride $ \secure' ->
systemProxyHelper Nothing (httpProtocol secure') $ maybe EHNoProxy EHUseProxy mp
:: Text
-> Maybe Proxy
-> ProxyOverride
proxyEnvironmentNamed name mp = ProxyOverride $ \secure' ->
systemProxyHelper (Just name) (httpProtocol secure') $ maybe EHNoProxy EHUseProxy mp
defaultProxy :: ProxyOverride
defaultProxy = ProxyOverride $ \secure' ->
systemProxyHelper Nothing (httpProtocol secure') EHFromRequest