Copyright | (c) Galois, Inc. 2007, 2008 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
- data StatusCode
- = Continue
- | SwitchingProtocols
- | OK
- | Created
- | Accepted
- | NonAuthoritativeInformation
- | NoContent
- | ResetContent
- | PartialContent
- | MultipleChoices
- | MovedPermanently
- | Found
- | SeeOther
- | NotModified
- | UseProxy
- | TemporaryRedirect
- | BadRequest
- | Unauthorized
- | PaymentRequired
- | Forbidden
- | NotFound
- | MethodNotAllowed
- | NotAcceptable
- | ProxyAuthenticationRequired
- | RequestTimeout
- | Conflict
- | Gone
- | LengthRequired
- | PreconditionFailed
- | RequestEntityTooLarge
- | RequestURITooLong
- | UnsupportedMediaType
- | RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable
- | ExpectationFailed
- | InternalServerError
- | NotImplemented
- | BadGateway
- | ServiceUnavailable
- | GatewayTimeout
- | HTTPVersionNotSupported
- err_response :: BufferType a => StatusCode -> Response a
- respond :: BufferType a => StatusCode -> Response a
- reason :: StatusCode -> String
- statusCodeTriplet :: StatusCode -> (Int, Int, Int)
data StatusCode Source
HTTP/1.1 status codes
err_response :: BufferType a => StatusCode -> Response a Source
Make a simple response with the given status and body. Intended to be used for (bad) errors. Adds a "close" header.
respond :: BufferType a => StatusCode -> Response a Source
Make a simple response with the given status and body. No headers or body.
reason :: StatusCode -> String Source
A brief description of what happend.
statusCodeTriplet :: StatusCode -> (Int, Int, Int) Source