{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide, not-home #-}
module Network.Http.ResponseParser (
) where
import Prelude hiding (take, takeWhile)
import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8
import Data.Bits (Bits (..))
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S
import Data.CaseInsensitive (mk)
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import System.IO.Streams (Generator, InputStream)
import qualified System.IO.Streams as Streams
import qualified System.IO.Streams.Attoparsec as Streams
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
import Network.Http.Internal
import Network.Http.Utilities
__BITE_SIZE__ :: Int
__BITE_SIZE__ = 32 * 1024
readResponseHeader :: InputStream ByteString -> IO Response
readResponseHeader i = do
(sc,sm) <- Streams.parseFromStream parseStatusLine i
hs <- readHeaderFields i
let h = buildHeaders hs
let te = case lookupHeader h "Transfer-Encoding" of
Just x' -> if mk x' == "chunked"
then Chunked
else None
Nothing -> None
let ce = case lookupHeader h "Content-Encoding" of
Just x' -> if mk x' == "gzip"
then Gzip
else Identity
Nothing -> Identity
let nm = case lookupHeader h "Content-Length" of
Just x' -> Just (readDecimal x' :: Int64)
Nothing -> case sc of
204 -> Just 0
304 -> Just 0
100 -> Just 0
_ -> Nothing
return Response {
pStatusCode = sc,
pStatusMsg = sm,
pTransferEncoding = te,
pContentEncoding = ce,
pContentLength = nm,
pHeaders = h
parseStatusLine :: Parser (Int,ByteString)
parseStatusLine = do
sc <- string "HTTP/1." *> satisfy version *> char ' ' *> decimal <* char ' '
sm <- takeTill (== '\r') <* crlf
return (sc,sm)
version c = c == '1' || c == '0'
crlf :: Parser ByteString
crlf = string "\r\n"
readResponseBody :: Response -> InputStream ByteString -> IO (InputStream ByteString)
readResponseBody p i1 = do
i2 <- case t of
None -> case l of
Just n -> readFixedLengthBody i1 n
Nothing -> readUnlimitedBody i1
Chunked -> readChunkedBody i1
i3 <- case c of
Identity -> return i2
Gzip -> readCompressedBody i2
Deflate -> throwIO (UnexpectedCompression $ show c)
return i3
t = pTransferEncoding p
c = pContentEncoding p
l = pContentLength p
readDecimal :: (Enum α, Num α, Bits α) => ByteString -> α
readDecimal str' =
S.foldl' f 0 x'
f !cnt !i = cnt * 10 + digitToInt i
x' = head $ S.words str'
{-# INLINE digitToInt #-}
digitToInt :: (Enum α, Num α, Bits α) => Char -> α
digitToInt c | c >= '0' && c <= '9' = toEnum $! ord c - ord '0'
| otherwise = error $ "'" ++ [c] ++ "' is not an ascii digit"
{-# INLINE readDecimal #-}
data UnexpectedCompression = UnexpectedCompression String
deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Exception UnexpectedCompression
readChunkedBody :: InputStream ByteString -> IO (InputStream ByteString)
readChunkedBody i1 = do
i2 <- Streams.fromGenerator (consumeChunks i1)
return i2
consumeChunks :: InputStream ByteString -> Generator ByteString ()
consumeChunks i1 = do
!n <- parseSize
if n > 0
then do
go n
consumeChunks i1
else do
go 0 = return ()
go !n = do
(!x',!r) <- liftIO $ readN n i1
Streams.yield x'
go r
parseSize = do
n <- liftIO $ Streams.parseFromStream transferChunkSize i1
return n
skipEnd = do
liftIO $ do
_ <- readHeaderFields i1
return ()
skipCRLF = do
liftIO $ do
_ <- Streams.parseFromStream crlf i1
return ()
readN :: Int -> InputStream ByteString -> IO (ByteString, Int)
readN n i1 = do
!x' <- Streams.readExactly p i1
return (x', r)
!d = n - size
!p = if d > 0
then size
else n
!r = if d > 0
then d
else 0
size = __BITE_SIZE__
transferChunkSize :: Parser (Int)
transferChunkSize = do
!n <- hexadecimal
void (takeTill (== '\r'))
void crlf
return n
readFixedLengthBody :: InputStream ByteString -> Int64 -> IO (InputStream ByteString)
readFixedLengthBody i1 n = do
i2 <- Streams.takeBytes n i1
return i2
readUnlimitedBody :: InputStream ByteString -> IO (InputStream ByteString)
readUnlimitedBody i1 = do
return i1
readCompressedBody :: InputStream ByteString -> IO (InputStream ByteString)
readCompressedBody i1 = do
i2 <- Streams.gunzip i1
return i2