{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, BangPatterns, RecordWildCards, OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.HTTP2.Decode (
, decodeFrameHeader
, checkFrameHeader
, decodeFramePayload
, FramePayloadDecoder
, decodeDataFrame
, decodeHeadersFrame
, decodePriorityFrame
, decoderstStreamFrame
, decodeSettingsFrame
, decodePushPromiseFrame
, decodePingFrame
, decodeGoAwayFrame
, decodeWindowUpdateFrame
, decodeContinuationFrame
) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 709
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Array (Array, listArray, (!))
import Data.Bits (clearBit)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString(..))
import Data.Word
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, plusPtr)
import qualified Network.ByteOrder as N
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO)
import Network.HTTP2.Types
decodeFrame :: Settings
-> ByteString
-> Either HTTP2Error Frame
decodeFrame settings bs = checkFrameHeader settings (decodeFrameHeader bs0)
>>= \(typ,header) -> decodeFramePayload typ header bs1
>>= \payload -> return $ Frame header payload
(bs0,bs1) = BS.splitAt 9 bs
decodeFrameHeader :: ByteString -> (FrameTypeId, FrameHeader)
decodeFrameHeader (PS fptr off _) = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do
let p = ptr +. off
len <- fromIntegral <$> N.peek24 p 0
typ <- toFrameTypeId <$> N.peek8 p 3
flg <- N.peek8 p 4
w32 <- N.peek32 p 5
let !sid = streamIdentifier w32
return (typ, FrameHeader len flg sid)
(+.) :: Ptr Word8 -> Int -> Ptr Word8
(+.) = plusPtr
checkFrameHeader :: Settings
-> (FrameTypeId, FrameHeader)
-> Either HTTP2Error (FrameTypeId, FrameHeader)
checkFrameHeader Settings {..} typfrm@(typ,FrameHeader {..})
| payloadLength > maxFrameSize =
Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "exceeds maximum frame size"
| typ `elem` nonZeroFrameTypes && isControl streamId =
Left $ ConnectionError ProtocolError "cannot used in control stream"
| typ `elem` zeroFrameTypes && not (isControl streamId) =
Left $ ConnectionError ProtocolError "cannot used in non-zero stream"
| otherwise = checkType typ
checkType FrameHeaders
| testPadded flags && payloadLength < 1 =
Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "insufficient payload for Pad Length"
| testPriority flags && payloadLength < 5 =
Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "insufficient payload for priority fields"
| testPadded flags && testPriority flags && payloadLength < 6 =
Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "insufficient payload for Pad Length and priority fields"
checkType FramePriority | payloadLength /= 5 =
Left $ StreamError FrameSizeError streamId
checkType FrameRSTStream | payloadLength /= 4 =
Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "payload length is not 4 in rst stream frame"
checkType FrameSettings
| payloadLength `mod` 6 /= 0 =
Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "payload length is not multiple of 6 in settings frame"
| testAck flags && payloadLength /= 0 =
Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "payload length must be 0 if ack flag is set"
checkType FramePushPromise
| not enablePush =
Left $ ConnectionError ProtocolError "push not enabled"
| not (isResponse streamId) =
Left $ ConnectionError ProtocolError "push promise must be used with even stream identifier"
checkType FramePing | payloadLength /= 8 =
Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "payload length is 8 in ping frame"
checkType FrameGoAway | payloadLength < 8 =
Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "goaway body must be 8 bytes or larger"
checkType FrameWindowUpdate | payloadLength /= 4 =
Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "payload length is 4 in window update frame"
checkType _ = Right typfrm
zeroFrameTypes :: [FrameTypeId]
zeroFrameTypes = [
, FramePing
, FrameGoAway
nonZeroFrameTypes :: [FrameTypeId]
nonZeroFrameTypes = [
, FrameHeaders
, FramePriority
, FrameRSTStream
, FramePushPromise
, FrameContinuation
type FramePayloadDecoder = FrameHeader -> ByteString
-> Either HTTP2Error FramePayload
payloadDecoders :: Array Word8 FramePayloadDecoder
payloadDecoders = listArray (minFrameType, maxFrameType)
[ decodeDataFrame
, decodeHeadersFrame
, decodePriorityFrame
, decoderstStreamFrame
, decodeSettingsFrame
, decodePushPromiseFrame
, decodePingFrame
, decodeGoAwayFrame
, decodeWindowUpdateFrame
, decodeContinuationFrame
decodeFramePayload :: FrameTypeId -> FramePayloadDecoder
decodeFramePayload (FrameUnknown typ) = checkFrameSize $ decodeUnknownFrame typ
decodeFramePayload ftyp = checkFrameSize decoder
decoder = payloadDecoders ! fromFrameTypeId ftyp
decodeDataFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodeDataFrame header bs = decodeWithPadding header bs DataFrame
decodeHeadersFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodeHeadersFrame header bs = decodeWithPadding header bs $ \bs' ->
if hasPriority then
let (bs0,bs1) = BS.splitAt 5 bs'
p = priority bs0
in HeadersFrame (Just p) bs1
HeadersFrame Nothing bs'
hasPriority = testPriority $ flags header
decodePriorityFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodePriorityFrame _ bs = Right $ PriorityFrame $ priority bs
decoderstStreamFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decoderstStreamFrame _ bs = Right $ RSTStreamFrame $ toErrorCodeId (N.word32 bs)
decodeSettingsFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodeSettingsFrame FrameHeader{..} (PS fptr off _) = Right $ SettingsFrame alist
num = payloadLength `div` 6
alist = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do
let p = ptr +. off
settings num p id
settings 0 _ builder = return $ builder []
settings n p builder = do
rawSetting <- N.peek16 p 0
let msettings = toSettingsKeyId rawSetting
n' = n - 1
case msettings of
Nothing -> settings n' (p +. 6) builder
Just k -> do
w32 <- N.peek32 p 2
let v = fromIntegral w32
settings n' (p +. 6) (builder. ((k,v):))
decodePushPromiseFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodePushPromiseFrame header bs = decodeWithPadding header bs $ \bs' ->
let (bs0,bs1) = BS.splitAt 4 bs'
sid = streamIdentifier (N.word32 bs0)
in PushPromiseFrame sid bs1
decodePingFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodePingFrame _ bs = Right $ PingFrame bs
decodeGoAwayFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodeGoAwayFrame _ bs = Right $ GoAwayFrame sid ecid bs2
(bs0,bs1') = BS.splitAt 4 bs
(bs1,bs2) = BS.splitAt 4 bs1'
sid = streamIdentifier (N.word32 bs0)
ecid = toErrorCodeId (N.word32 bs1)
decodeWindowUpdateFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodeWindowUpdateFrame _ bs
| wsi == 0 = Left $ ConnectionError ProtocolError "window update must not be 0"
| otherwise = Right $ WindowUpdateFrame wsi
!wsi = fromIntegral (N.word32 bs `clearBit` 31)
decodeContinuationFrame :: FramePayloadDecoder
decodeContinuationFrame _ bs = Right $ ContinuationFrame bs
decodeUnknownFrame :: FrameType -> FramePayloadDecoder
decodeUnknownFrame typ _ bs = Right $ UnknownFrame typ bs
checkFrameSize :: FramePayloadDecoder -> FramePayloadDecoder
checkFrameSize func header@FrameHeader{..} body
| payloadLength > BS.length body =
Left $ ConnectionError FrameSizeError "payload is too short"
| otherwise = func header body
decodeWithPadding :: FrameHeader -> ByteString -> (ByteString -> FramePayload) -> Either HTTP2Error FramePayload
decodeWithPadding FrameHeader{..} bs body
| padded = let Just (w8,rest) = BS.uncons bs
padlen = intFromWord8 w8
bodylen = payloadLength - padlen - 1
in if bodylen < 0 then
Left $ ConnectionError ProtocolError "padding is not enough"
Right . body $ BS.take bodylen rest
| otherwise = Right $ body bs
padded = testPadded flags
streamIdentifier :: Word32 -> StreamId
streamIdentifier w32 = clearExclusive $ fromIntegral w32
priority :: ByteString -> Priority
priority (PS fptr off _) = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do
let p = ptr +. off
w32 <- N.peek32 p 0
let !streamdId = streamIdentifier w32
!exclusive = testExclusive (fromIntegral w32)
w8 <- N.peek8 p 4
let weight = intFromWord8 w8 + 1
return $ Priority exclusive streamdId weight
intFromWord8 :: Word8 -> Int
intFromWord8 = fromIntegral