{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, RecordWildCards, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}

module Network.HPACK.Table.Dynamic (
  , newDynamicTableForEncoding
  , newDynamicTableForDecoding
  , renewDynamicTable
  , huffmanDecoder
  , printDynamicTable
  , isDynamicTableEmpty
  , isSuitableSize
  , TableSizeAction(..)
  , needChangeTableSize
  , setLimitForEncoding
  , resetLimitForEncoding
  , insertEntry
  , toDynamicEntry
  , CodeInfo(..)
  , clearDynamicTable
  , withDynamicTableForEncoding
  , withDynamicTableForDecoding
  , toIndexedEntry
  , fromHIndexToIndex
  , getRevIndex
  ) where

import Control.Exception (bracket, throwIO)
import Data.Array.Base (unsafeRead, unsafeWrite)
import Data.Array.IO (IOArray, newArray)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.IORef
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (mallocBytes, free)

import Imports
import Network.HPACK.Huffman
import Network.HPACK.Table.Entry
import Network.HPACK.Table.RevIndex
import Network.HPACK.Table.Static
import Network.HPACK.Types


-- For decoder
{-# INLINE toIndexedEntry #-}
toIndexedEntry :: DynamicTable -> Index -> IO Entry
toIndexedEntry dyntbl idx
  | idx <= 0               = throwIO $ IndexOverrun idx
  | idx <= staticTableSize = return $! toStaticEntry idx
  | otherwise              = toDynamicEntry dyntbl idx

-- For encoder
{-# INLINE fromHIndexToIndex #-}
fromHIndexToIndex :: DynamicTable -> HIndex -> IO Index
fromHIndexToIndex _ (SIndex idx) = return idx
fromHIndexToIndex DynamicTable{..} (DIndex didx) = do
    maxN <- readIORef maxNumOfEntries
    off <- readIORef offset
    x <- adj maxN (didx - off)
    return $! x + staticTableSize


type Table = IOArray Index Entry

   | | | |z|y|x| | |
          1 2 3      (numOfEntries = 3)

After insertion:

   | | |w|z|y|x| | |
        1 2 3 4      (numOfEntries = 4)

data CodeInfo =
    EncodeInfo !RevIndex -- Reverse index
               -- The value informed by SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE.
               -- If 'Nothing', dynamic table size update is not necessary.
               -- Otherwise, dynamic table size update is sent
               -- and this value should be set to 'Nothing'.
               !(IORef (Maybe Size))
  | DecodeInfo !HuffmanDecoding
               !(IORef Size)  -- The limit size
               !(IO ())       -- Action to free the buffer

-- | Type for dynamic table.
data DynamicTable = DynamicTable {
    codeInfo :: !CodeInfo
  -- | An array
  , circularTable :: !(IORef Table)
  -- | Start point
  , offset :: !(IORef Index)
  -- | The current number of entries
  , numOfEntries :: !(IORef Int)
  -- | The size of the array
  , maxNumOfEntries :: !(IORef Int)
  -- | The current dynamic table size (defined in HPACK)
  , dynamicTableSize :: !(IORef Size)
  -- | The max dynamic table size (defined in HPACK)
  , maxDynamicTableSize :: !(IORef Size)

{-# INLINE adj #-}
adj :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
adj maxN x
  | maxN == 0 = throwIO TooSmallTableSize
  | otherwise = let !ret = (x + maxN) `mod` maxN
                in return ret

huffmanDecoder :: DynamicTable -> HuffmanDecoding
huffmanDecoder DynamicTable{..} = dec
    DecodeInfo dec _ _ = codeInfo


-- | Printing 'DynamicTable'.
printDynamicTable :: DynamicTable -> IO ()
printDynamicTable DynamicTable{..} = do
    maxN <- readIORef maxNumOfEntries
    off <- readIORef offset
    n <- readIORef numOfEntries
    let !beg = off + 1
        !end = off + n
    tbl <- readIORef circularTable
    es <- mapM (adj maxN >=> unsafeRead tbl) [beg .. end]
    let !ts = zip [1..] es
    mapM_ printEntry ts
    dsize <- readIORef dynamicTableSize
    maxdsize <- readIORef maxDynamicTableSize
    putStrLn $ "      Table size: " ++ show dsize ++ "/" ++ show maxdsize

printEntry :: (Index,Entry) -> IO ()
printEntry (i,e) = do
    putStr "[ "
    putStr $ show i
    putStr "] (s = "
    putStr $ show $ entrySize e
    putStr ") "
    BS.putStr $ entryHeaderName e
    putStr ": "
    BS.putStrLn $ entryHeaderValue e


isDynamicTableEmpty :: DynamicTable -> IO Bool
isDynamicTableEmpty DynamicTable{..} = do
    n <- readIORef numOfEntries
    return $! n == 0

isSuitableSize :: Size -> DynamicTable -> IO Bool
isSuitableSize siz DynamicTable{..} = do
    let DecodeInfo _ limref _ = codeInfo
    lim <- readIORef limref
    return $! siz <= lim

data TableSizeAction = Keep | Change !Size | Ignore !Size

needChangeTableSize :: DynamicTable -> IO TableSizeAction
needChangeTableSize DynamicTable{..} = do
    let EncodeInfo _ limref = codeInfo
    mlim <- readIORef limref
    maxsiz <- readIORef maxDynamicTableSize
    return $ case mlim of
        Nothing          -> Keep
        Just lim
          | lim < maxsiz -> Change lim
          | otherwise    -> Ignore maxsiz

-- | When SETTINGS_HEADER_TABLE_SIZE is received from a peer,
--   its value should be set by this function.
setLimitForEncoding :: Size -> DynamicTable -> IO ()
setLimitForEncoding siz DynamicTable{..} = do
    let EncodeInfo _ limref = codeInfo
    writeIORef limref $ Just siz

resetLimitForEncoding :: DynamicTable -> IO ()
resetLimitForEncoding DynamicTable{..} = do
    let EncodeInfo _ limref = codeInfo
    writeIORef limref Nothing


-- | Creating 'DynamicTable' for encoding.
newDynamicTableForEncoding :: Size -- ^ The dynamic table size
                           -> IO DynamicTable
newDynamicTableForEncoding maxsiz = do
    rev <- newRevIndex
    lim <- newIORef Nothing
    let !info = EncodeInfo rev lim
    newDynamicTable maxsiz info

-- | Creating 'DynamicTable' for decoding.
newDynamicTableForDecoding :: Size -- ^ The dynamic table size
                           -> Size -- ^ The size of temporary buffer for Huffman decoding
                           -> IO DynamicTable
newDynamicTableForDecoding maxsiz huftmpsiz = do
    lim <- newIORef maxsiz
    buf <- mallocBytes huftmpsiz
    let !decoder = decode buf huftmpsiz
        !clear = free buf
        !info = DecodeInfo decoder lim clear
    newDynamicTable maxsiz info

newDynamicTable :: Size -> CodeInfo -> IO DynamicTable
newDynamicTable maxsiz info = do
    tbl <- newArray (0,end) dummyEntry
    DynamicTable info <$> newIORef tbl     -- circularTable
                      <*> newIORef end     -- offset
                      <*> newIORef 0       -- numOfEntries
                      <*> newIORef maxN    -- maxNumOfEntries
                      <*> newIORef 0       -- dynamicTableSize
                      <*> newIORef maxsiz  -- maxDynamicTableSize
    !maxN = maxNumbers maxsiz
    !end = maxN - 1

-- | Renewing 'DynamicTable' with necessary entries copied.
renewDynamicTable :: Size -> DynamicTable -> IO ()
renewDynamicTable 0 _ = return () -- FIXME: handle case 'Max table size = 0'.
renewDynamicTable maxsiz dyntbl@DynamicTable{..} = do
    renew <- shouldRenew dyntbl maxsiz
    when renew $ do
        !entries <- getEntries dyntbl
        let !maxN = maxNumbers maxsiz
            !end = maxN - 1
        newtbl <- newArray (0,end) dummyEntry
        writeIORef circularTable newtbl
        writeIORef offset end
        writeIORef numOfEntries 0
        writeIORef maxNumOfEntries maxN
        writeIORef dynamicTableSize 0
        writeIORef maxDynamicTableSize maxsiz
        case codeInfo of
            EncodeInfo rev _ -> renewRevIndex rev
            _                -> return ()
        copyEntries dyntbl entries

getEntries :: DynamicTable -> IO [Entry]
getEntries DynamicTable{..} = do
    maxN <- readIORef maxNumOfEntries
    off <- readIORef offset
    n <- readIORef numOfEntries
    table <- readIORef circularTable
    let readTable i = adj maxN (off + i) >>= unsafeRead table
    forM [1 .. n] readTable

copyEntries :: DynamicTable -> [Entry] -> IO ()
copyEntries _                           [] = return ()
copyEntries dyntbl@DynamicTable{..} (e:es) = do
    dsize <- readIORef dynamicTableSize
    maxdsize <- readIORef maxDynamicTableSize
    when (dsize + entrySize e <= maxdsize) $ do
        insertEnd e dyntbl
        copyEntries dyntbl es

-- | Is the size of 'DynamicTable' really changed?
shouldRenew :: DynamicTable -> Size -> IO Bool
shouldRenew DynamicTable{..} maxsiz = do
    maxdsize <- readIORef maxDynamicTableSize
    return $! maxdsize /= maxsiz


-- | Creating 'DynamicTable' for encoding,
--   performing the action and
--   clearing the 'DynamicTable'.
withDynamicTableForEncoding :: Size -- ^ The dynamic table size
                            -> (DynamicTable -> IO a)
                            -> IO a
withDynamicTableForEncoding maxsiz action =
    bracket (newDynamicTableForEncoding maxsiz) clearDynamicTable action

-- | Creating 'DynamicTable' for decoding,
--   performing the action and
--   clearing the 'DynamicTable'.
withDynamicTableForDecoding :: Size -- ^ The dynamic table size
                            -> Size -- ^ The size of temporary buffer for Huffman
                            -> (DynamicTable -> IO a)
                            -> IO a
withDynamicTableForDecoding maxsiz huftmpsiz action =
    bracket (newDynamicTableForDecoding maxsiz huftmpsiz) clearDynamicTable action

-- | Clearing 'DynamicTable'.
--   Currently, this frees the temporary buffer for Huffman decoding.
clearDynamicTable :: DynamicTable -> IO ()
clearDynamicTable DynamicTable{..} = case codeInfo of
    EncodeInfo _ _       -> return ()
    DecodeInfo _ _ clear -> clear


-- | Inserting 'Entry' to 'DynamicTable'.
--   New 'DynamicTable', the largest new 'Index'
--   and a set of dropped OLD 'Index'
--   are returned.
insertEntry :: Entry -> DynamicTable -> IO ()
insertEntry e dyntbl@DynamicTable{..} = do
    insertFront e dyntbl
    es <- adjustTableSize dyntbl
    case codeInfo of
        EncodeInfo rev _ -> deleteRevIndexList es rev
        _                -> return ()

insertFront :: Entry -> DynamicTable -> IO ()
insertFront e DynamicTable{..} = do
    maxN <- readIORef maxNumOfEntries
    off <- readIORef offset
    n <- readIORef numOfEntries
    dsize <- readIORef dynamicTableSize
    table <- readIORef circularTable
    let i = off
        !dsize' = dsize + entrySize e
    !off' <- adj maxN (off - 1)
    unsafeWrite table i e
    writeIORef offset off'
    writeIORef numOfEntries $ n + 1
    writeIORef dynamicTableSize dsize'
    case codeInfo of
        EncodeInfo rev _ -> insertRevIndex e (DIndex i) rev
        _                -> return ()

adjustTableSize :: DynamicTable -> IO [Entry]
adjustTableSize dyntbl@DynamicTable{..} = adjust []
    adjust :: [Entry] -> IO [Entry]
    adjust !es = do
        dsize <- readIORef dynamicTableSize
        maxdsize <- readIORef maxDynamicTableSize
        if dsize <= maxdsize then
            return es
          else do
            e <- removeEnd dyntbl
            adjust (e:es)


insertEnd :: Entry -> DynamicTable -> IO ()
insertEnd e DynamicTable{..} = do
    maxN <- readIORef maxNumOfEntries
    off <- readIORef offset
    n <- readIORef numOfEntries
    dsize <- readIORef dynamicTableSize
    table <- readIORef circularTable
    !i <- adj maxN (off + n + 1)
    let !dsize' = dsize + entrySize e
    unsafeWrite table i e
    writeIORef numOfEntries $ n + 1
    writeIORef dynamicTableSize dsize'
    case codeInfo of
        EncodeInfo rev _ -> insertRevIndex e (DIndex i) rev
        _                -> return ()


removeEnd :: DynamicTable -> IO Entry
removeEnd DynamicTable{..} = do
    maxN <- readIORef maxNumOfEntries
    off <- readIORef offset
    n <- readIORef numOfEntries
    !i <- adj maxN (off + n)
    table <- readIORef circularTable
    e <- unsafeRead table i
    unsafeWrite table i dummyEntry -- let the entry GCed
    dsize <- readIORef dynamicTableSize
    let !dsize' = dsize - entrySize e
    writeIORef numOfEntries (n - 1)
    writeIORef dynamicTableSize dsize'
    return e


{-# INLINE toDynamicEntry #-}
toDynamicEntry :: DynamicTable -> Index -> IO Entry
toDynamicEntry DynamicTable{..} idx = do
    !maxN <- readIORef maxNumOfEntries
    !off <- readIORef offset
    !n <- readIORef numOfEntries
    when (idx > n + staticTableSize) $ throwIO $ IndexOverrun idx
    !didx <- adj maxN (idx + off - staticTableSize)
    !table <- readIORef circularTable
    unsafeRead table didx


{-# INLINE getRevIndex #-}
getRevIndex :: DynamicTable-> RevIndex
getRevIndex DynamicTable{..} = rev
    EncodeInfo rev _ = codeInfo