{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-| Module : Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Foundation Copyright : (c) Douglas Burke, 2018-2020 License : BSD3 Maintainer : dburke.gw@gmail.com Stability : unstable Portability : OverloadedStrings Basic types that are used throughout VegaLite. Would it make sense to break this up into smaller modules? -} module Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Foundation ( Angle , Color , DashStyle , DashOffset , FieldName , Opacity , VegaExpr , ZIndex , FontWeight(..) , Measurement(..) , Arrangement(..) , APosition(..) , Orientation(..) , Position(..) , HAlign(..) , VAlign(..) , BandAlign(..) , StrokeCap(..) , StrokeJoin(..) , Scale(..) , SortField(..) , Cursor(..) , OverlapStrategy(..) , Side(..) , Symbol(..) , StackProperty(..) , StackOffset(..) , TooltipContent(..) , Channel(..) , Resolve(..) , Resolution(..) , Bounds(..) , CompositionAlignment(..) , Padding(..) , Autosize(..) , RepeatFields(..) , CInterpolate(..) , ViewBackground(..) , HeaderProperty(..) -- not for external export , fontWeightSpec , measurementLabel , arrangementLabel , anchorLabel , orientationSpec , hAlignLabel , vAlignLabel , bandAlignLabel , strokeCapLabel , strokeJoinLabel , scaleLabel , positionLabel , sortFieldSpec , cursorLabel , overlapStrategyLabel , sideLabel , symbolLabel , stackPropertySpecSort , stackPropertySpecOffset , stackOffset , ttContentLabel , channelLabel , resolveProperty , boundsSpec , compositionAlignmentSpec , paddingSpec , autosizeProperty , repeatFieldsProperty , cInterpolateSpec , viewBackgroundSpec , fromT , fromColor , fromDS , splitOnNewline , field_ , header_ , order_ , allowNull ) where import qualified Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Aeson ((.=), object, toJSON) -- added in base / ghc 7.10.1 import Numeric.Natural (Natural) import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Specification ( VLSpec , LabelledSpec , ResolveSpec(..) ) field_ :: FieldName -> LabelledSpec field_ f = "field" .= f header_ :: [HeaderProperty] -> LabelledSpec header_ hps = "header" .= object (map headerProperty hps) -- could restrict to ascending/descending order_ :: T.Text -> LabelledSpec order_ o = "order" .= o -- allowNull :: A.ToJSON a => Maybe a -> VLSpec allowNull :: Maybe Int -> VLSpec allowNull (Just a) = toJSON a allowNull Nothing = A.Null {-| The field name. This can include \"dotted\" notation, such as @\"o.latitude\"@. There is __no attempt__ to validate this value (e.g. check it is not empty, contains only valid characters, or remove excess whitespace). @since -} type FieldName = T.Text {-| Convenience type-annotation label to indicate a color value. There is __no attempt__ to validate that the user-supplied input is a valid color. Any supported HTML color specification can be used, such as: @ \"#eee\" \"#734FD8\" \"crimson\" \"rgb(255,204,210)\" \"hsl(180, 50%, 50%)\" @ A blank string is converted to the JSON null value (new in @ @since -} type Color = T.Text -- strip out trailing white space just to be sure fromColor :: Color -> VLSpec fromColor = cleanT -- strips leading and trailing white space and, if the result -- is empty, returns Null, otherwise the trimmed text. -- cleanT :: T.Text -> VLSpec cleanT t = let tout = T.strip t in if T.null tout then A.Null else toJSON tout {-| The dash style for a line. This is defined as a series of on and then off lengths, in pixels. So @[10, 4, 5, 2]@ means a long line, followed by a space, then a line half as long as the first segment, and then a short space. This pattern is then repeated. This is a convenience type annotation and there is __no validation__ of the input. @since -} type DashStyle = [Double] fromDS :: DashStyle -> VLSpec -- fromDS [] = A.Null -- what is the correct handling of this? fromDS = toJSON {-| The offset at which to start drawing the line dash (given by a 'DashStyle' argument), in pixels. This is a convenience type annotation and there is __no validation__ of the input. @since -} type DashOffset = Double {-| Convenience type-annotation label to indicate an opacity value, which lies in the range 0 to 1 inclusive. There is __no attempt__ to validate that the user-supplied value falls in this range. A value of 0 indicates fully transparent (see through), and 1 is fully opaque (does not show anything it is on top of). @since -} type Opacity = Double {-| Convenience type-annotation label to indicate an angle, which is measured in degrees from the horizontal (so anti-clockwise). The value should be in the range 0 to 360, inclusive, but __no attempt__ is made to enforce this. @since -} type Angle = Double {-| At what "depth" (z index) is the item to be drawn (a relative depth for items in the visualization). The standard values are @0@ for back and @1@ for front, but other values can be used if you want to ensure a certain layering of items. The following example is taken from a discussion with <https://github.com/gicentre/elm-vegalite/issues/15#issuecomment-524527125 Jo Wood>: @ let dcols = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataFromColumns' [] . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' "x" ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Numbers' [ 20, 10 ]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' "y" ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Numbers' [ 10, 20 ]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.dataColumn' "cat" ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Strings' [ "a", "b" ]) axis lbl z = [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.PName' lbl, 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.PmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Quantitative', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.PAxis' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.AxZIndex' z ] ] enc = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.encoding' . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.position' 'X' (axis "x" 2) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.position' 'Y' (axis "y" 1) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.color' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MName' "cat", 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MmType' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Nominal', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MLegend' [] ] cfg = 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configure' . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configuration' ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Axis' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.GridWidth' 8 ]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configuration' ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.AxisX' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.GridColor' "red" ]) . 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.configuration' ('Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.AxisY' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.GridColor' "blue" ]) in 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.toVegaLite' [ cfg [] , dcols [] , enc [] , 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Circle' [ 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MSize' 5000, 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MOpacity' 1 ] ] @ <<images/zindex.png>> <https://vega.github.io/editor/#/url/vega-lite/N4KABBYEQMYPYDsBmBLA5lAXGUk-QEMAPFAZwE0sdx9ao0AnFAEwGE4AbOBqqAIw4BXAKZQatAL4AacfijEyADSq5acxi3Zce2KA2HMxasNNl55JUirNr6TZgHUWAFwAWVABw2IE2afMAtgQMANbWxlCkKABeotgArAAMyTIRcAAOBDAozgCeVACMqbZ56XHQ2QwwHKJ+xRBQzATOBOG2AG4EQsJW2ADa3viqxnQwzbyt9SPmRFQATIlT0w352AWJg3j+y8PLDWPOvHxQS8tQs2uLm7arYAvXPoMAunWyUAAkpDCuwkG8rs5nOlSJgAPSg9rCNAEAB0aByrkEfBhKDgoK+PyCEKhBAAtBwcsIIQBmGEAK1IiBOb2ECHgzBQCAw2F25ng2ja0ygqGEHEMugO1L2UFK5SgCDgAUZXSFZxqaFp-LACEEHA4g22dAu1GFPL5vFmpzoot4AEdBAQEM4cs0UJDZVyFL0dXtIFBoozmMJtXMHiYNUboLdWbY9UqoPlA+YTbpzZbrS1rfao26nZzXe7Pd7Cn7fMY85BfL4gA View the visualization in the Vega Editor> @since -} type ZIndex = Natural {-| Convenience type-annotation label to indicate a <https://vega.github.io/vega/docs/expressions/ Vega Expression>. There is __no attempt__ to validate the expression. Examples include: @ "datum.IMDB_Rating != null" "datum.height / 1000" "if(datum.index % 2 == 1, datum.label, '')" "sampleLogNormal(2.3, 0.3)" @ @since -} type VegaExpr = T.Text -- | Indicates the weight options for a font. data FontWeight = Bold | Bolder | Lighter | Normal | W100 | W200 | W300 | W400 | W500 | W600 | W700 | W800 | W900 fromF :: Double -> VLSpec fromF = toJSON fromT :: T.Text -> VLSpec fromT = toJSON -- If there is a new-line in the text then convert to a list. splitOnNewline :: T.Text -> VLSpec splitOnNewline ts = case T.split (== '\n') ts of [] -> fromT "" [s] -> toJSON s s -> toJSON s fontWeightSpec :: FontWeight -> VLSpec fontWeightSpec Bold = fromT "bold" fontWeightSpec Bolder = fromT "bolder" fontWeightSpec Lighter = fromT "lighter" fontWeightSpec Normal = fromT "normal" fontWeightSpec W100 = fromF 100 fontWeightSpec W200 = fromF 200 fontWeightSpec W300 = fromF 300 fontWeightSpec W400 = fromF 400 fontWeightSpec W500 = fromF 500 fontWeightSpec W600 = fromF 600 fontWeightSpec W700 = fromF 700 fontWeightSpec W800 = fromF 800 fontWeightSpec W900 = fromF 900 {-| Type of measurement to be associated with some channel. -} data Measurement = Nominal -- ^ Data are categories identified by name alone and which have no intrinsic order. | Ordinal -- ^ Data are also categories, but ones which have some natural order. | Quantitative -- ^ Data are numeric measurements typically on a continuous scale. | Temporal -- ^ Data represents time in some manner. | GeoFeature -- ^ Geospatial position encoding ('Longitude' and 'Latitude') should specify the 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.PmType' -- as @Quantitative@. Geographically referenced features encoded as 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.shape' marks -- should specify 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MmType' as @GeoFeature@ (Vega-Lite currently refers to this type -- as @<https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/encoding.html geojson>@. measurementLabel :: Measurement -> T.Text measurementLabel Nominal = "nominal" measurementLabel Ordinal = "ordinal" measurementLabel Quantitative = "quantitative" measurementLabel Temporal = "temporal" measurementLabel GeoFeature = "geojson" -- | Identifies how repeated or faceted views are arranged. -- -- This is used with a number of constructors: 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ByRepeatOp', -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.HRepeat', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MRepeat', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ORepeat', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.PRepeat', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.TRepeat'. -- based on schema 3.3.0 #/definitions/RepeatRef data Arrangement = Column -- ^ Column arrangement. | Row -- ^ Row arrangement. | Flow -- ^ Flow arrangement (aka \"repeat\"). -- -- @since arrangementLabel :: Arrangement -> T.Text arrangementLabel Column = "column" arrangementLabel Row = "row" arrangementLabel Flow = "repeat" -- NOTE: not "flow"! -- | Indicates the anchor position for text. data APosition = AStart -- ^ The start of the text. | AMiddle -- ^ The middle of the text. | AEnd -- ^ The end of the text. anchorLabel :: APosition -> T.Text anchorLabel AStart = "start" anchorLabel AMiddle = "middle" anchorLabel AEnd = "end" {-| The orientation of an item. This is used with: 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.BLeLDirection', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.LDirection', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.LeGradientDirection', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.LeLDirection', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.LeSymbolDirection', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MOrient'. In @ this was renamed from @MarkOrientation@ to 'Orientation'. -} -- based on schema 3.3.0 #/definitions/Orientation data Orientation = Horizontal -- ^ Display horizontally. | Vertical -- ^ Display vertically. orientationSpec :: Orientation -> VLSpec orientationSpec Horizontal = "horizontal" orientationSpec Vertical = "vertical" -- TODO: -- -- encoding of X2/... shouldn't include the PmType in the output, apparently -- so we could try and filter that out, or just rely on the user to not -- add the PmType fields in this case. {-| Type of position channel, @X@ and @Y@ represent horizontal and vertical axis dimensions on a plane and @X2@ and @Y2@ represent secondary axis dimensions where two scales are overlaid in the same space. Geographic positions represented by longitude and latiutude values are identified with @Longitude@, @Latitude@ and their respective secondary equivalents. Such geographic position channels are subject to a map projection (set using 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.projection') before being placed graphically. -} data Position = X | Y | X2 -- ^ The secondary coordinate for ranged 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Area', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Rect', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Rule' -- marks. | Y2 -- ^ The secondary coordinate for ranged 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Area', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Bar', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Rect', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Rule' -- marks. | XError -- ^ Indicates that the 'X' channel represents the mid-point and -- the 'XError' channel gives the offset. If 'XError2' is not -- defined then this channel value is applied symmetrically. -- -- @since | XError2 -- ^ Used to support asymmetric error ranges defined as 'XError' -- and 'XError2'. One of 'XError' or 'XError2' channels must -- contain positive values and the other negative values. -- -- @since | YError -- ^ Indicates that the 'Y' channel represents the mid-point and -- the 'YError' channel gives the offset. If 'YError2' is not -- defined then this channel value is applied symmetrically. -- -- @since | YError2 -- ^ Used to support asymmetric error ranges defined as 'YError' -- and 'YError2'. One of 'YError' or 'YError2' channels must -- contain positive values and the other negative values. -- -- @since | Longitude -- ^ The longitude value for projections. | Latitude -- ^ The latitude value for projections. | Longitude2 -- ^ A second longitude coordinate. | Latitude2 -- ^ A second longitude coordinate. positionLabel :: Position -> T.Text positionLabel X = "x" positionLabel Y = "y" positionLabel X2 = "x2" positionLabel Y2 = "y2" positionLabel XError = "xError" positionLabel YError = "yError" positionLabel XError2 = "xError2" positionLabel YError2 = "yError2" positionLabel Longitude = "longitude" positionLabel Latitude = "latitude" positionLabel Longitude2 = "longitude2" positionLabel Latitude2 = "latitude2" -- | Indicates the horizontal alignment of text such as on an axis or legend. data HAlign = AlignCenter | AlignLeft | AlignRight -- | Indicates the vertical alignment of text that may be attached to a mark. data VAlign = AlignTop | AlignMiddle | AlignBottom hAlignLabel :: HAlign -> T.Text hAlignLabel AlignLeft = "left" hAlignLabel AlignCenter = "center" hAlignLabel AlignRight = "right" vAlignLabel :: VAlign -> T.Text vAlignLabel AlignTop = "top" vAlignLabel AlignMiddle = "middle" vAlignLabel AlignBottom = "bottom" {-| Where should tick marks and grid lines be placed. This is used with 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.AxTickBand' and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.TickBand'. @since -} data BandAlign = BCenter -- ^ Use the center of the band. | BExtent -- ^ Use the band extents. bandAlignLabel :: BandAlign -> T.Text bandAlignLabel BCenter = "center" bandAlignLabel BExtent = "extent" -- | How are strokes capped? This is used with 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MStrokeCap', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.VBStrokeCap', -- and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ViewStrokeCap'. -- -- @since data StrokeCap = CButt -- ^ Butt stroke cap. | CRound -- ^ Rounded stroke cap. | CSquare -- ^ Square stroke cap. strokeCapLabel :: StrokeCap -> T.Text strokeCapLabel CButt = "butt" strokeCapLabel CRound = "round" strokeCapLabel CSquare = "square" -- | How are strokes joined? This is used with 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MStrokeJoin', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.VBStrokeJoin', -- and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ViewStrokeJoin'. -- -- -- @since data StrokeJoin = JMiter -- ^ Mitred stroke join. | JRound -- ^ Rounded stroke join. | JBevel -- ^ Bevelled stroke join. strokeJoinLabel :: StrokeJoin -> T.Text strokeJoinLabel JMiter = "miter" strokeJoinLabel JRound = "round" strokeJoinLabel JBevel = "bevel" -- | Used to indicate the type of scale transformation to apply. -- -- The @ release removed the @ScSequential@ constructor, as -- 'ScLinear' should be used instead. data Scale = ScLinear -- ^ A linear scale. | ScPow -- ^ A power scale. The exponent to use for scaling is specified with -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.SExponent'. | ScSqrt -- ^ A square-root scale. | ScLog -- ^ A log scale. Defaults to log of base 10, but can be customised with -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.SBase'. | ScSymLog -- ^ A [symmetrical log (PDF link)](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/John_Webber4/publication/233967063_A_bi-symmetric_log_transformation_for_wide-range_data/links/0fcfd50d791c85082e000000.pdf) -- scale. Similar to a log scale but supports zero and negative values. The slope -- of the function at zero can be set with 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.SConstant'. -- -- @since | ScTime -- ^ A temporal scale. | ScUtc -- ^ A temporal scale, in UTC. | ScOrdinal -- ^ An ordinal scale. | ScBand -- ^ A band scale. | ScPoint -- ^ A point scale. | ScBinLinear -- ^ A linear band scale. | ScBinOrdinal -- ^ An ordinal band scale. | ScQuantile -- ^ A quantile scale. -- -- @since | ScQuantize -- ^ A quantizing scale. -- -- @since | ScThreshold -- ^ A threshold scale. -- -- @since scaleLabel :: Scale -> T.Text scaleLabel ScLinear = "linear" scaleLabel ScPow = "pow" scaleLabel ScSqrt = "sqrt" scaleLabel ScLog = "log" scaleLabel ScSymLog = "symlog" scaleLabel ScTime = "time" scaleLabel ScUtc = "utc" scaleLabel ScOrdinal = "ordinal" scaleLabel ScBand = "band" scaleLabel ScPoint = "point" scaleLabel ScBinLinear = "bin-linear" scaleLabel ScBinOrdinal = "bin-ordinal" scaleLabel ScQuantile = "quantile" scaleLabel ScQuantize = "quantize" scaleLabel ScThreshold = "threshold" -- | How should the field be sorted when performing a window transform. -- -- @since 0.4.00 data SortField = WAscending FieldName -- ^ Sort the field into ascending order. | WDescending FieldName -- ^ Sort the field into descending order. sortFieldSpec :: SortField -> VLSpec sortFieldSpec (WAscending f) = object [field_ f, order_ "ascending"] sortFieldSpec (WDescending f) = object [field_ f, order_ "descending"] {-| Represents the type of cursor to display. For an explanation of each type, see the <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/cursor#Keyword%20values CSS documentation>. -} data Cursor = CAuto | CDefault | CNone | CContextMenu | CHelp | CPointer | CProgress | CWait | CCell | CCrosshair | CText | CVerticalText | CAlias | CCopy | CMove | CNoDrop | CNotAllowed | CAllScroll | CColResize | CRowResize | CNResize | CEResize | CSResize | CWResize | CNEResize | CNWResize | CSEResize | CSWResize | CEWResize | CNSResize | CNESWResize | CNWSEResize | CZoomIn | CZoomOut | CGrab | CGrabbing cursorLabel :: Cursor -> T.Text cursorLabel CAuto = "auto" cursorLabel CDefault = "default" cursorLabel CNone = "none" cursorLabel CContextMenu = "context-menu" cursorLabel CHelp = "help" cursorLabel CPointer = "pointer" cursorLabel CProgress = "progress" cursorLabel CWait = "wait" cursorLabel CCell = "cell" cursorLabel CCrosshair = "crosshair" cursorLabel CText = "text" cursorLabel CVerticalText = "vertical-text" cursorLabel CAlias = "alias" cursorLabel CCopy = "copy" cursorLabel CMove = "move" cursorLabel CNoDrop = "no-drop" cursorLabel CNotAllowed = "not-allowed" cursorLabel CAllScroll = "all-scroll" cursorLabel CColResize = "col-resize" cursorLabel CRowResize = "row-resize" cursorLabel CNResize = "n-resize" cursorLabel CEResize = "e-resize" cursorLabel CSResize = "s-resize" cursorLabel CWResize = "w-resize" cursorLabel CNEResize = "ne-resize" cursorLabel CNWResize = "nw-resize" cursorLabel CSEResize = "se-resize" cursorLabel CSWResize = "sw-resize" cursorLabel CEWResize = "ew-resize" cursorLabel CNSResize = "ns-resize" cursorLabel CNESWResize = "nesw-resize" cursorLabel CNWSEResize = "nwse-resize" cursorLabel CZoomIn = "zoom-in" cursorLabel CZoomOut = "zoom-out" cursorLabel CGrab = "grab" cursorLabel CGrabbing = "grabbing" {-| Type of overlap strategy to be applied when there is not space to show all items on an axis, and is used by 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.AxLabelOverlap', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.LabelOverlap', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.LLabelOverlap', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.LeLabelOverlap'. See the <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/axis.html#labels Vega-Lite documentation> for more details. -} data OverlapStrategy = ONone -- ^ No overlap strategy to be applied when there is not space to show all items -- on an axis. | OParity -- ^ Give all items equal weight in overlap strategy to be applied when there is -- not space to show them all on an axis. | OGreedy -- ^ Greedy overlap strategy to be applied when there is not space to show all -- items on an axis. overlapStrategyLabel :: OverlapStrategy -> VLSpec overlapStrategyLabel ONone = toJSON False overlapStrategyLabel OParity = toJSON True -- fromT "parity" overlapStrategyLabel OGreedy = fromT "greedy" {-| Represents one side of a rectangular space. Used by 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.AxOrient', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.HLabelOrient', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.HTitleOrient', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.LTitleOrient', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.LeTitleOrient', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Orient', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.TOrient'. -} data Side = STop | SBottom | SLeft | SRight sideLabel :: Side -> T.Text sideLabel STop = "top" sideLabel SBottom = "bottom" sideLabel SLeft = "left" sideLabel SRight = "right" -- | Identifies the type of symbol used with the 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Point' mark type. -- It is used with 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MShape', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.LeSymbolType', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.LSymbolType'. -- -- In version @ all constructors were changed to start -- with @Sym@. -- data Symbol = SymCircle -- ^ Specify a circular symbol for a shape mark. | SymSquare -- ^ Specify a square symbol for a shape mark. | SymCross -- ^ Specify a cross symbol for a shape mark. | SymDiamond -- ^ Specify a diamond symbol for a shape mark. | SymTriangleUp -- ^ Specify an upward-triangular symbol for a shape mark. | SymTriangleDown -- ^ Specify a downward-triangular symbol for a shape mark. | SymTriangleRight -- ^ Specify an right-facing triangular symbol for a shape mark. -- -- @since | SymTriangleLeft -- ^ Specify an left-facing triangular symbol for a shape mark. -- -- @since | SymStroke -- ^ The line symbol. -- -- @since | SymArrow -- ^ Centered directional shape. -- -- @since | SymTriangle -- ^ Centered directional shape. It is not clear what difference -- this is to 'SymTriangleUp'. -- -- @since | SymWedge -- ^ Centered directional shape. -- -- @since | SymPath T.Text -- ^ A custom symbol shape as an -- [SVG path description](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths). -- -- For correct sizing, the path should be defined within a square -- bounding box, defined on an axis of -1 to 1 for both dimensions. symbolLabel :: Symbol -> T.Text symbolLabel SymCircle = "circle" symbolLabel SymSquare = "square" symbolLabel SymCross = "cross" symbolLabel SymDiamond = "diamond" symbolLabel SymTriangleUp = "triangle-up" symbolLabel SymTriangleDown = "triangle-down" symbolLabel SymTriangleRight = "triangle-right" symbolLabel SymTriangleLeft = "triangle-left" symbolLabel SymStroke = "stroke" symbolLabel SymArrow = "arrow" symbolLabel SymTriangle = "triangle" symbolLabel SymWedge = "wedge" symbolLabel (SymPath svgPath) = svgPath -- | How are stacks applied within a transform? -- -- Prior to version @ the @StackProperty@ type was -- what is now @StackOffset@. data StackProperty = StOffset StackOffset -- ^ Stack offset. -- -- @since | StSort [SortField] -- ^ Ordering within a stack. -- -- @since -- | Describes the type of stacking to apply to a bar chart. -- -- In @ this was renamed from @StackProperty@ to @StackOffset@, -- but the constructor names have not changed. -- data StackOffset = StZero -- ^ Offset a stacked layout using a baseline at the foot of -- the stack. | StNormalize -- ^ Rescale a stacked layout to use a common height while -- preserving the relative size of stacked quantities. | StCenter -- ^ Offset a stacked layout using a central stack baseline. | NoStack -- ^ Do not stack marks, but create a layered plot. stackOffsetSpec :: StackOffset -> VLSpec stackOffsetSpec StZero = "zero" stackOffsetSpec StNormalize = "normalize" stackOffsetSpec StCenter = "center" stackOffsetSpec NoStack = A.Null stackOffset :: StackOffset -> LabelledSpec stackOffset so = "stack" .= stackOffsetSpec so stackPropertySpecOffset , stackPropertySpecSort:: StackProperty -> Maybe VLSpec stackPropertySpecOffset (StOffset op) = Just (stackOffsetSpec op) stackPropertySpecOffset _ = Nothing stackPropertySpecSort (StSort sfs) = Just (toJSON (map sortFieldSpec sfs)) stackPropertySpecSort _ = Nothing -- | This is used with 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MTooltip' and -- can be used with 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.mark' or -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MarkStyle'. -- -- @since data TooltipContent = TTEncoding -- ^ When enabled, tooltips are generated by the encoding -- (this is the default). -- -- For example: -- -- @'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Circle' ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MTooltip' 'TTEncoding']@ | TTData -- ^ Tooltips are generated by all fields in the underlying data. -- -- For example: -- -- @'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Circle' ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MTooltip' 'TTData']@ | TTNone -- ^ Disable tooltips. This is the default behavior in Vega-Lite 4, -- and can also be achieved by adding an encoding of -- @'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.tooltip' []@. -- -- For example: -- -- @'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.mark' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Circle' ['Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.MTooltip' 'TTNone']@ -- Note that TTNone is special cased by markProperty ttContentLabel :: TooltipContent -> T.Text ttContentLabel TTEncoding = "encoding" ttContentLabel TTData = "data" ttContentLabel TTNone = "null" -- | Indicates a channel type to be used in a resolution specification. -- assuming this is based on schema 3.3.0 #/definitions/SingleDefUnitChannel data Channel = ChX | ChY | ChX2 | ChY2 | ChLongitude -- ^ @since | ChLongitude2 -- ^ @since | ChLatitude -- ^ @since | ChLatitude2 -- ^ @since | ChColor | ChFill -- ^ @since | ChFillOpacity -- ^ @since | ChHref -- ^ @since | ChKey -- ^ @since | ChStroke -- ^ @since | ChStrokeOpacity -- ^ @since | ChStrokeWidth -- ^ @since | ChOpacity | ChShape | ChSize | ChText -- ^ @since | ChTooltip -- ^ @since channelLabel :: Channel -> T.Text channelLabel ChX = "x" channelLabel ChY = "y" channelLabel ChX2 = "x2" channelLabel ChY2 = "y2" channelLabel ChLongitude = "longitude" channelLabel ChLatitude = "latitude" channelLabel ChLongitude2 = "longitude2" channelLabel ChLatitude2 = "latitude2" channelLabel ChColor = "color" channelLabel ChFill = "fill" channelLabel ChStroke = "stroke" channelLabel ChStrokeWidth = "strokeWidth" channelLabel ChShape = "shape" channelLabel ChSize = "size" channelLabel ChFillOpacity = "fillOpacity" channelLabel ChStrokeOpacity = "strokeOpacity" channelLabel ChOpacity = "opacity" channelLabel ChText = "text" channelLabel ChTooltip = "tooltip" channelLabel ChHref = "href" channelLabel ChKey = "key" {-| Indicates whether or not a scale domain should be independent of others in a composite visualization. See the <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/resolve.html Vega-Lite documentation> for details. For use with 'Resolve'. -} data Resolution = Shared | Independent resolutionLabel :: Resolution -> T.Text resolutionLabel Shared = "shared" resolutionLabel Independent = "independent" {-| Used to determine how a channel's axis, scale or legend domains should be resolved if defined in more than one view in a composite visualization. See the <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/resolve.html Vega-Lite documentation> for details. -} data Resolve = RAxis [(Channel, Resolution)] | RLegend [(Channel, Resolution)] | RScale [(Channel, Resolution)] resolveProperty :: Resolve -> ResolveSpec resolveProperty res = let (nme, rls) = case res of RAxis chRules -> ("axis", chRules) RLegend chRules -> ("legend", chRules) RScale chRules -> ("scale", chRules) ans = map (\(ch, rule) -> channelLabel ch .= resolutionLabel rule) rls in RS (nme, object ans) -- | This is used with 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.bounds' to define the extent of a sub plot. -- -- @since data Bounds = Full -- ^ Bounds calculation should use the entire plot area (including axes, title, -- and legend). | Flush -- ^ Bounds calculation should take only the specified width and height values for -- a sub-view. Useful when attempting to place sub-plots without axes or legends into -- a uniform grid structure. boundsSpec :: Bounds -> VLSpec boundsSpec Full = "full" boundsSpec Flush = "flush" -- | Specifies the alignment of compositions. It is used with: -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.align', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.alignRC', 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.LeGridAlign', and 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.LGridAlign'. -- -- @since data CompositionAlignment = CANone -- ^ Flow layout is used, where adjacent subviews are placed one after -- another. | CAEach -- ^ Each row and column may be of a variable size. | CAAll -- ^ All the rows and columns are of the same size (this is based on the -- maximum subview size). compositionAlignmentSpec :: CompositionAlignment -> VLSpec compositionAlignmentSpec CANone = "none" compositionAlignmentSpec CAEach = "each" compositionAlignmentSpec CAAll = "all" -- | Specify the padding dimensions in pixel units. data Padding = PSize Double -- ^ Use the same padding on all four edges of the container. | PEdges Double Double Double Double -- ^ Specify the padding for the left, top, right, and bottom edges. paddingSpec :: Padding -> VLSpec paddingSpec (PSize p) = toJSON p paddingSpec (PEdges l t r b) = object [ "left" .= l , "top" .= t , "right" .= r , "bottom" .= b ] {-| Indicates the auto-sizing characteristics of the visualization such as amount of padding, whether it should fill the parent container etc. For more details see the <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/size.html#autosize Vega-Lite documentation>. -} data Autosize = AContent -- ^ Interpret visualization dimensions to be for the data rectangle (external -- padding added to this size). | AFit -- ^ Interpret visualization dimensions to be for the entire visualization (data -- rectangle is shrunk to accommodate external decorations padding). | AFitX -- ^ Interpret visualization width to be for the entire visualization width (data -- rectangle width is shrunk to accommodate external decorations padding). -- -- @since | AFitY -- ^ Interpret visualization height to be for the entire visualization height (data -- rectangle height is shrunk to accommodate external decorations padding). -- -- @since | ANone -- ^ No autosizing is applied. | APad -- ^ Automatically expand size of visualization from the given dimensions in order -- to fit in all supplementary decorations (legends etc.). | APadding -- ^ Interpret visualization width to be for the entire visualization (data -- rectangle is shrunk to accommodate external padding). | AResize -- ^ Recalculate autosizing on every view update. autosizeProperty :: Autosize -> LabelledSpec autosizeProperty APad = "type" .= fromT "pad" autosizeProperty AFit = "type" .= fromT "fit" autosizeProperty AFitX = "type" .= fromT "fit-x" autosizeProperty AFitY = "type" .= fromT "fit-y" autosizeProperty ANone = "type" .= fromT "none" autosizeProperty AResize = "resize" .= True autosizeProperty AContent = "contains" .= fromT "content" autosizeProperty APadding = "contains" .= fromT "padding" {-| Create a list of fields to use in set of repeated small multiples. The list of fields named here can be referenced in an encoding with @'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.PRepeat' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Column'@ or @'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.PRepeat' 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.Row'@. -} data RepeatFields = RowFields [FieldName] | ColumnFields [FieldName] repeatFieldsProperty :: RepeatFields -> LabelledSpec repeatFieldsProperty (RowFields fs) = "row" .= fs repeatFieldsProperty (ColumnFields fs) = "column" .= fs {-| Indicates the type of color interpolation to apply, when mapping a data field onto a color scale. For details see the <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/scale.html#continuous Vega-Lite documentation>. -} data CInterpolate = CubeHelix Double -- ^ Cube helix color interpolation for continuous color scales using the given -- gamma value (anchored at 1). | CubeHelixLong Double -- ^ Long-path cube helix color interpolation for continuous color scales using -- the given gamma value (anchored at 1). | Hcl -- ^ HCL color interpolation for continuous color scales. | HclLong -- ^ HCL color interpolation in polar coordinate space for continuous color scales. | Hsl -- ^ HSL color interpolation for continuous color scales. | HslLong -- ^ HSL color interpolation in polar coordinate space for continuous color scales. | Lab -- ^ Lab color interpolation for continuous color scales. | Rgb Double -- ^ RGB color interpolation for continuous color scales using the given gamma -- value (anchored at 1). -- Need to tie down some types as things are too polymorphic, -- particularly in the presence of OverloadedStrings. -- pairT :: T.Text -> T.Text -> (T.Text, A.Value) pairT a b = a .= b cInterpolateSpec :: CInterpolate -> VLSpec cInterpolateSpec (Rgb gamma) = object [pairT "type" "rgb", "gamma" .= gamma] cInterpolateSpec Hsl = object [pairT "type" "hsl"] cInterpolateSpec HslLong = object [pairT "type" "hsl-long"] cInterpolateSpec Lab = object [pairT "type" "lab"] cInterpolateSpec Hcl = object [pairT "type" "hcl"] cInterpolateSpec HclLong = object [pairT "type" "hcl-long"] cInterpolateSpec (CubeHelix gamma) = object [pairT "type" "cubehelix", "gamma" .= gamma] cInterpolateSpec (CubeHelixLong gamma) = object [pairT "type" "cubehelix-long", "gamma" .= gamma] -- | The properties for a single view or layer background. -- -- Used with 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.viewBackground' and -- 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.ViewBackgroundStyle'. -- -- @since data ViewBackground = VBStyle [T.Text] -- ^ A list of named styles to apply. A named style can be specified -- via 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.NamedStyle' or 'Graphics.Vega.VegaLite.NamedStyles'. Later styles in the list will -- override earlier ones if there is a conflict in any of the mark -- properties. | VBCornerRadius Double -- ^ The radius in pixels of rounded corners. | VBFill (Maybe Color) -- ^ Fill color. -- -- This was changed to use the @Color@ type alias in version @ | VBFillOpacity Opacity -- ^ Fill opacity. | VBOpacity Opacity -- ^ Overall opacity. | VBStroke (Maybe Color) -- ^ The stroke color for a line around the background. If @Nothing@ then -- no line is drawn. -- -- This was changed to use the @Color@ type alias in version @ | VBStrokeOpacity Opacity -- ^ The opacity of the line around the background, if drawn. | VBStrokeWidth Double -- ^ The width of the line around the background, if drawn. | VBStrokeCap StrokeCap -- ^ The cap line-ending for the line around the background, if drawn. | VBStrokeDash DashStyle -- ^ The dash pattern of the line around the background, if drawn. | VBStrokeDashOffset DashOffset -- ^ The offset of the dash pattern for the line around the background, if drawn. | VBStrokeJoin StrokeJoin -- ^ The line-joining style of the line around the background, if drawn. | VBStrokeMiterLimit Double -- ^ The mitre limit at which to bevel the line around the background, if drawn. viewBackgroundSpec :: ViewBackground -> LabelledSpec viewBackgroundSpec (VBStyle [style]) = "style" .= style -- special case singleton viewBackgroundSpec (VBStyle styles) = "style" .= styles viewBackgroundSpec (VBCornerRadius r) = "cornerRadius" .= r viewBackgroundSpec (VBFill (Just s)) = "fill" .= s viewBackgroundSpec (VBFill Nothing) = "fill" .= A.Null viewBackgroundSpec (VBFillOpacity x) = "fillOpacity" .= x viewBackgroundSpec (VBOpacity x) = "opacity" .= x viewBackgroundSpec (VBStroke (Just s)) = "stroke" .= s viewBackgroundSpec (VBStroke Nothing) = "stroke" .= A.Null viewBackgroundSpec (VBStrokeOpacity x) = "strokeOpacity" .= x viewBackgroundSpec (VBStrokeCap cap) = "strokeCap" .= strokeCapLabel cap viewBackgroundSpec (VBStrokeJoin jn) = "strokeJoin" .= strokeJoinLabel jn viewBackgroundSpec (VBStrokeWidth x) = "strokeWidth" .= x viewBackgroundSpec (VBStrokeDash xs) = "strokeDash" .= fromDS xs viewBackgroundSpec (VBStrokeDashOffset x) = "strokeDashOffset" .= x viewBackgroundSpec (VBStrokeMiterLimit x) = "strokeMiterLimit" .= x {-| Represents a facet header property. For details, see the <https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/facet.html#header Vega-Lite documentation>. Labels refer to the title of each sub-plot in a faceted view and title is the overall title of the collection. -} -- TODO: should there be a HLabelBaseline, HTitleFontStyle, ...? -- However, the following covers the vega-lite 3.3.0 schema data HeaderProperty = HFormat T.Text -- ^ [Formatting pattern](https://vega.github.io/vega-lite/docs/format.html) for -- facet header (title) values. To distinguish between formatting as numeric values -- and data/time values, additionally use 'HFormatAsNum' or 'HFormatAsTemporal'. | HFormatAsNum -- ^ Facet headers should be formatted as numbers. Use a -- [d3 numeric format string](https://github.com/d3/d3-format#locale_format) -- with 'HFormat'. -- -- @since | HFormatAsTemporal -- ^ Facet headers should be formatted as dates or times. Use a -- [d3 date/time format string](https://github.com/d3/d3-time-format#locale_format) -- with 'HFormat'. -- -- @since | HTitle T.Text -- ^ The title for the facets. | HNoTitle -- ^ Draw no title for the facets. -- -- @since | HLabelAlign HAlign -- ^ The horizontal alignment of the labels. -- -- @since | HLabelAnchor APosition -- ^ The anchor position for the labels. -- -- @since | HLabelAngle Angle -- ^ The angle to draw the labels. -- -- @since | HLabelColor Color -- ^ The color of the labels. -- -- @since | HLabelFont T.Text -- ^ The font for the labels. -- -- @since | HLabelFontSize Double -- ^ The font size for the labels. -- -- @since | HLabelLimit Double -- ^ The maximum length of each label. -- -- @since | HLabelOrient Side -- ^ The position of the label relative to its sub-plot. -- -- @since | HLabelPadding Double -- ^ The spacing in pixels between the label and its sub-plot. -- -- @since | HTitleAlign HAlign -- ^ The horizontal alignment of the title. -- -- @since | HTitleAnchor APosition -- ^ The anchor position for the title. -- -- @since | HTitleAngle Angle -- ^ The angle to draw the title. -- -- @since | HTitleBaseline VAlign -- ^ The vertical alignment of the title. -- -- @since | HTitleColor Color -- ^ The color of the title. -- -- @since | HTitleFont T.Text -- ^ The font for the title. -- -- @since | HTitleFontSize Double -- ^ The font size for the title. -- -- @since | HTitleFontWeight T.Text -- ^ The font weight for the title. -- -- @since | HTitleLimit Double -- ^ The maximum length of the title. -- -- @since | HTitleOrient Side -- ^ The position of the title relative to the sub-plots. -- -- @since | HTitlePadding Double -- ^ The spacing in pixels between the title and the labels. -- -- @since headerProperty :: HeaderProperty -> LabelledSpec headerProperty (HFormat fmt) = "format" .= fmt headerProperty HFormatAsNum = "formatType" .= fromT "number" headerProperty HFormatAsTemporal = "formatType" .= fromT "time" headerProperty (HTitle ttl) = "title" .= splitOnNewline ttl headerProperty HNoTitle = "title" .= A.Null headerProperty (HLabelAlign ha) = "labelAlign" .= hAlignLabel ha headerProperty (HLabelAnchor a) = "labelAnchor" .= anchorLabel a headerProperty (HLabelAngle x) = "labelAngle" .= x headerProperty (HLabelColor s) = "labelColor" .= fromColor s headerProperty (HLabelFont s) = "labelFont" .= s headerProperty (HLabelFontSize x) = "labelFontSize" .= x headerProperty (HLabelLimit x) = "labelLimit" .= x headerProperty (HLabelOrient orient) = "labelOrient" .= sideLabel orient headerProperty (HLabelPadding x) = "labelPadding" .= x headerProperty (HTitleAlign ha) = "titleAlign" .= hAlignLabel ha headerProperty (HTitleAnchor a) = "titleAnchor" .= anchorLabel a headerProperty (HTitleAngle x) = "titleAngle" .= x headerProperty (HTitleBaseline va) = "titleBaseline" .= vAlignLabel va headerProperty (HTitleColor s) = "titleColor" .= fromColor s headerProperty (HTitleFont s) = "titleFont" .= s headerProperty (HTitleFontWeight s) = "titleFontWeight" .= s headerProperty (HTitleFontSize x) = "titleFontSize" .= x headerProperty (HTitleLimit x) = "titleLimit" .= x headerProperty (HTitleOrient orient) = "titleOrient" .= sideLabel orient headerProperty (HTitlePadding x) = "titlePadding" .= x