{-# LANGUAGE CPP                    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies           #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
{-# LANGUAGE AutoDeriveTypeable     #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.FingerTree
-- Copyright   :  (c) Ross Paterson, Ralf Hinze 2006
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  R.Paterson@city.ac.uk
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable (MPTCs and functional dependencies)
-- A general sequence representation with arbitrary annotations, for
-- use as a base for implementations of various collection types, as
-- described in section 4 of
--  * Ralf Hinze and Ross Paterson,
--    \"Finger trees: a simple general-purpose data structure\",
--    /Journal of Functional Programming/ 16:2 (2006) pp 197-217.
--    <http://staff.city.ac.uk/~ross/papers/FingerTree.html>
-- For a directly usable sequence type, see @Data.Sequence@, which is
-- a specialization of this structure.
-- An amortized running time is given for each operation, with /n/
-- referring to the length of the sequence.  These bounds hold even in
-- a persistent (shared) setting.
-- /Note/: Many of these operations have the same names as similar
-- operations on lists in the "Prelude".  The ambiguity may be resolved
-- using either qualification or the @hiding@ clause.

module HaskellWorks.Data.FingerTree
  ( FingerTree(..)
  , Digit(..)
  , Node(..)
  , deep
  , node2
  , node3
  , Measured(..)
  -- * Construction
  , empty
  , singleton
  , append
  , fromList
  -- * Deconstruction
  , null
  , ViewL(..)
  , ViewR(..)
  , viewl
  , viewr
  , split
  , takeUntil
  , dropUntil
  -- * Transformation
  , reverse
  , fmap'
  , fmapWithPos
  , unsafeFmap
  , traverse'
  , traverseWithPos
  , unsafeTraverse
  -- * Example
  -- $example
  , (><)
  , (<|)
  , (|>)
  ) where

import Control.Applicative          (Applicative (pure, (<*>)), (<$>))
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Foldable                (Foldable (foldMap), toList)
import GHC.Generics                 (Generic)
import HaskellWorks.Data.Container
import HaskellWorks.Data.Cons
import HaskellWorks.Data.Snoc
import HaskellWorks.Data.Ops
import Prelude                      hiding (null, reverse)

import qualified Data.Semigroup as S

infixr 5 :<
infixl 5 :>

-- | View of the left end of a sequence.
data ViewL s a
  = EmptyL        -- ^ empty sequence
  | a :< s a      -- ^ leftmost element and the rest of the sequence
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, NFData)

-- | View of the right end of a sequence.
data ViewR s a
  = EmptyR        -- ^ empty sequence
  | s a :> a      -- ^ the sequence minus the rightmost element, -- and the rightmost element
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Generic, NFData)

instance Functor s => Functor (ViewL s) where
  fmap _ EmptyL    = EmptyL
  fmap f (x :< xs) = f x :< fmap f xs

instance Functor s => Functor (ViewR s) where
  fmap _ EmptyR    = EmptyR
  fmap f (xs :> x) = fmap f xs :> f x

instance Measured v a => S.Semigroup (FingerTree v a) where
  (<>) = append
  {-# INLINE (<>) #-}

-- | 'empty' and '><'.
instance Measured v a => Monoid (FingerTree v a) where
  mempty = empty
  {-# INLINE mempty #-}
  mappend = append
  {-# INLINE mappend #-}

instance Container (FingerTree v a) where
  type Elem (FingerTree v a) = a

data Digit a
  = One a
  | Two a a
  | Three a a a
  | Four a a a a
  deriving (Show, Generic, NFData, Functor)

instance Foldable Digit where
  foldMap f (One a)        = f a
  foldMap f (Two a b)      = f a `mappend` f b
  foldMap f (Three a b c)  = f a `mappend` f b `mappend` f c
  foldMap f (Four a b c d) = f a `mappend` f b `mappend` f c `mappend` f d

-- 4.1 Measurements

-- | Things that can be measured.
class (Monoid v) => Measured v a | a -> v where
  measure :: a -> v

instance (Measured v a) => Measured v (Digit a) where
  measure = foldMap measure

-- 4.2 Caching measurements

data Node v a = Node2 !v a a | Node3 !v a a a
  deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)

instance Foldable (Node v) where
  foldMap f (Node2 _ a b)   = f a `mappend` f b
  foldMap f (Node3 _ a b c) = f a `mappend` f b `mappend` f c

node2        ::  (Measured v a) => a -> a -> Node v a
node2 a b    =   Node2 (measure a `mappend` measure b) a b

node3        ::  (Measured v a) => a -> a -> a -> Node v a
node3 a b c  =   Node3 (measure a `mappend` measure b `mappend` measure c) a b c

instance (Monoid v) => Measured v (Node v a) where
  measure (Node2 v _ _)   =  v
  measure (Node3 v _ _ _) =  v

nodeToDigit :: Node v a -> Digit a
nodeToDigit (Node2 _ a b)   = Two a b
nodeToDigit (Node3 _ a b c) = Three a b c

-- | A representation of a sequence of values of type @a@, allowing
-- access to the ends in constant time, and append and split in time
-- logarithmic in the size of the smaller piece.
-- The collection is also parameterized by a measure type @v@, which
-- is used to specify a position in the sequence for the 'split' operation.
-- The types of the operations enforce the constraint @'Measured' v a@,
-- which also implies that the type @v@ is determined by @a@.
-- A variety of abstract data types can be implemented by using different
-- element types and measurements.
data FingerTree v a
  = Empty
  | Single a
  | Deep !v !(Digit a) (FingerTree v (Node v a)) !(Digit a)
  deriving (Generic, NFData)

deep :: (Measured v a) => Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> FingerTree v a
deep pr m sf = Deep ((measure pr `mappendVal` m) `mappend` measure sf) pr m sf

-- | /O(1)/. The cached measure of a tree.
instance (Measured v a) => Measured v (FingerTree v a) where
  measure Empty          =  mempty
  measure (Single x)     =  measure x
  measure (Deep v _ _ _) =  v

instance Foldable (FingerTree v) where
  foldMap _ Empty            = mempty
  foldMap f (Single x)       = f x
  foldMap f (Deep _ pr m sf) = foldMap f pr `mappend` foldMap (foldMap f) m `mappend` foldMap f sf

instance Eq a => Eq (FingerTree v a) where
  xs == ys = toList xs == toList ys

instance Ord a => Ord (FingerTree v a) where
  compare xs ys = compare (toList xs) (toList ys)

instance Show a => Show (FingerTree v a) where
  showsPrec p xs = showParen (p > 10) $ showString "fromList " . shows (toList xs)

-- | Like 'fmap', but with a more constrained type.
fmap' :: (Measured v1 a1, Measured v2 a2) => (a1 -> a2) -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> FingerTree v2 a2
fmap' = mapTree

mapTree :: (Measured v2 a2) => (a1 -> a2) -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> FingerTree v2 a2
mapTree _ Empty            = Empty
mapTree f (Single x)       = Single (f x)
mapTree f (Deep _ pr m sf) = deep (mapDigit f pr) (mapTree (mapNode f) m) (mapDigit f sf)

mapNode :: (Measured v2 a2) => (a1 -> a2) -> Node v1 a1 -> Node v2 a2
mapNode f (Node2 _ a b)   = node2 (f a) (f b)
mapNode f (Node3 _ a b c) = node3 (f a) (f b) (f c)

mapDigit :: (a -> b) -> Digit a -> Digit b
mapDigit f (One a)        = One (f a)
mapDigit f (Two a b)      = Two (f a) (f b)
mapDigit f (Three a b c)  = Three (f a) (f b) (f c)
mapDigit f (Four a b c d) = Four (f a) (f b) (f c) (f d)

-- | Map all elements of the tree with a function that also takes the
-- measure of the prefix of the tree to the left of the element.
fmapWithPos :: (Measured v1 a1, Measured v2 a2) => (v1 -> a1 -> a2) -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> FingerTree v2 a2
fmapWithPos f = mapWPTree f mempty

mapWPTree :: (Measured v1 a1, Measured v2 a2) => (v1 -> a1 -> a2) -> v1 -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> FingerTree v2 a2
mapWPTree _ _ Empty = Empty
mapWPTree f v (Single x) = Single (f v x)
mapWPTree f v (Deep _ pr m sf) = deep
  (mapWPDigit f v pr)
  (mapWPTree (mapWPNode f) vpr m)
  (mapWPDigit f vm sf)
  where vpr = v    `mappend`  measure pr
        vm  = vpr  `mappendVal` m

mapWPNode :: (Measured v1 a1, Measured v2 a2) => (v1 -> a1 -> a2) -> v1 -> Node v1 a1 -> Node v2 a2
mapWPNode f v (Node2 _ a b) = node2 (f v a) (f va b)
  where va = v `mappend` measure a
mapWPNode f v (Node3 _ a b c) = node3 (f v a) (f va b) (f vab c)
  where va  = v  `mappend` measure a
        vab = va `mappend` measure b

mapWPDigit :: (Measured v a) => (v -> a -> b) -> v -> Digit a -> Digit b
mapWPDigit f v (One a  ) = One (f v a)
mapWPDigit f v (Two a b) = Two (f v a) (f va b)
  where va = v `mappend` measure a
mapWPDigit f v (Three a b c) = Three (f v a) (f va b) (f vab c)
  where va  = v  `mappend` measure a
        vab = va `mappend` measure b
mapWPDigit f v (Four a b c d) = Four (f v a) (f va b) (f vab c) (f vabc d)
  where va    = v   `mappend` measure a
        vab   = va  `mappend` measure b
        vabc  = vab `mappend` measure c

-- | Like 'fmap', but safe only if the function preserves the measure.
unsafeFmap :: (a -> b) -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v b
unsafeFmap _ Empty            = Empty
unsafeFmap f (Single x)       = Single (f x)
unsafeFmap f (Deep v pr m sf) = Deep v (mapDigit f pr) (unsafeFmap (unsafeFmapNode f) m) (mapDigit f sf)

unsafeFmapNode :: (a -> b) -> Node v a -> Node v b
unsafeFmapNode f (Node2 v a b)   = Node2 v (f a) (f b)
unsafeFmapNode f (Node3 v a b c) = Node3 v (f a) (f b) (f c)

-- | Like 'traverse', but with a more constrained type.
traverse' :: (Measured v1 a1, Measured v2 a2, Applicative f) => (a1 -> f a2) -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> f (FingerTree v2 a2)
traverse' = traverseTree

traverseTree :: (Measured v2 a2, Applicative f) => (a1 -> f a2) -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> f (FingerTree v2 a2)
traverseTree _ Empty = pure Empty
traverseTree f (Single x) = Single <$> f x
traverseTree f (Deep _ pr m sf) = deep
  <$> traverseDigit f pr
  <*> traverseTree (traverseNode f) m
  <*> traverseDigit f sf

traverseNode :: (Measured v2 a2, Applicative f) => (a1 -> f a2) -> Node v1 a1 -> f (Node v2 a2)
traverseNode f (Node2 _ a b)   = node2 <$> f a <*> f b
traverseNode f (Node3 _ a b c) = node3 <$> f a <*> f b <*> f c

traverseDigit :: (Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> Digit a -> f (Digit b)
traverseDigit f (One a)        = One   <$> f a
traverseDigit f (Two a b)      = Two   <$> f a <*> f b
traverseDigit f (Three a b c)  = Three <$> f a <*> f b <*> f c
traverseDigit f (Four a b c d) = Four  <$> f a <*> f b <*> f c <*> f d

-- | Traverse the tree with a function that also takes the
-- measure of the prefix of the tree to the left of the element.
traverseWithPos :: (Measured v1 a1, Measured v2 a2, Applicative f) => (v1 -> a1 -> f a2) -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> f (FingerTree v2 a2)
traverseWithPos f = traverseWPTree f mempty

traverseWPTree :: (Measured v1 a1, Measured v2 a2, Applicative f) => (v1 -> a1 -> f a2) -> v1 -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> f (FingerTree v2 a2)
traverseWPTree _ _ Empty = pure Empty
traverseWPTree f v (Single x) = Single <$> f v x
traverseWPTree f v (Deep _ pr m sf) = deep
  <$> traverseWPDigit f v pr
  <*> traverseWPTree (traverseWPNode f) vpr m
  <*> traverseWPDigit f vm sf
  where vpr = v   `mappend`  measure pr
        vm  = vpr `mappendVal` m

traverseWPNode :: (Measured v1 a1, Measured v2 a2, Applicative f) => (v1 -> a1 -> f a2) -> v1 -> Node v1 a1 -> f (Node v2 a2)
traverseWPNode f v (Node2 _ a b) = node2 <$> f v a <*> f va b
  where va = v `mappend` measure a
traverseWPNode f v (Node3 _ a b c) = node3 <$> f v a <*> f va b <*> f vab c
  where va  = v  `mappend` measure a
        vab = va `mappend` measure b

traverseWPDigit :: (Measured v a, Applicative f) => (v -> a -> f b) -> v -> Digit a -> f (Digit b)
traverseWPDigit f v (One a) = One <$> f v a
traverseWPDigit f v (Two a b) = Two <$> f v a <*> f va b
  where va = v `mappend` measure a
traverseWPDigit f v (Three a b c) = Three <$> f v a <*> f va b <*> f vab c
  where va  = v  `mappend` measure a
        vab = va `mappend` measure b
traverseWPDigit f v (Four a b c d) = Four <$> f v a <*> f va b <*> f vab c <*> f vabc d
  where va   = v   `mappend` measure a
        vab  = va  `mappend` measure b
        vabc = vab `mappend` measure c

-- | Like 'traverse', but safe only if the function preserves the measure.
unsafeTraverse :: (Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> FingerTree v a -> f (FingerTree v b)
unsafeTraverse _ Empty = pure Empty
unsafeTraverse f (Single x) = Single <$> f x
unsafeTraverse f (Deep v pr m sf) = Deep v
  <$> traverseDigit f pr
  <*> unsafeTraverse (unsafeTraverseNode f) m
  <*> traverseDigit f sf

unsafeTraverseNode :: (Applicative f) => (a -> f b) -> Node v a -> f (Node v b)
unsafeTraverseNode f (Node2 v a b)   = Node2 v <$> f a <*> f b
unsafeTraverseNode f (Node3 v a b c) = Node3 v <$> f a <*> f b <*> f c

-- 4.3 Construction, deconstruction and concatenation

-- | /O(1)/. The empty sequence.
empty :: Measured v a => FingerTree v a
empty = Empty

-- | /O(1)/. A singleton sequence.
singleton :: Measured v a => a -> FingerTree v a
singleton = Single

-- | /O(n)/. Create a sequence from a finite list of elements.
fromList :: (Measured v a) => [a] -> FingerTree v a
fromList = foldr (<|) Empty

-- | /O(1)/. Add an element to the left end of a sequence.
-- Mnemonic: a triangle with the single element at the pointy end.
instance Measured v a => Cons (FingerTree v a) where
  cons a (Empty                     ) = Single a
  cons a (Single b                  ) = deep (One a) Empty (One b)
  cons a (Deep v (Four b c d e) m sf) = m `seq` Deep (measure a `mappend` v) (Two a b) (node3 c d e <| m) sf
  cons a (Deep v pr m sf            ) = Deep (measure a `mappend` v) (consDigit a pr) m sf

consDigit :: a -> Digit a -> Digit a
consDigit a (One b)        = Two a b
consDigit a (Two b c)      = Three a b c
consDigit a (Three b c d)  = Four a b c d
consDigit _ (Four _ _ _ _) = illegalArgument "consDigit"

-- | /O(1)/. Add an element to the right end of a sequence.
-- Mnemonic: a triangle with the single element at the pointy end.
instance Measured v a => Snoc (FingerTree v a) where
  snoc (Empty                     ) a = Single a
  snoc (Single a                  ) b = deep (One a) Empty (One b)
  snoc (Deep v pr m (Four a b c d)) e = m `seq` Deep (v `mappend` measure e) pr (m |> node3 a b c) (Two d e)
  snoc (Deep v pr m sf            ) x = Deep (v `mappend` measure x) pr m (snocDigit sf x)

snocDigit :: Digit a -> a -> Digit a
snocDigit (One a) b        = Two a b
snocDigit (Two a b) c      = Three a b c
snocDigit (Three a b c) d  = Four a b c d
snocDigit (Four _ _ _ _) _ = illegalArgument "snocDigit"

-- | /O(1)/. Is this the empty sequence?
null :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> Bool
null Empty = True
null _     = False

-- | /O(1)/. Analyse the left end of a sequence.
viewl :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> ViewL (FingerTree v) a
viewl Empty                 =  EmptyL
viewl (Single x)            =  x :< Empty
viewl (Deep _ (One x) m sf) =  x :< rotL m sf
viewl (Deep _ pr m sf)      =  lheadDigit pr :< deep (ltailDigit pr) m sf

rotL :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> FingerTree v a
rotL m sf = case viewl m of
  EmptyL  -> digitToTree sf
  a :< m' -> Deep (measure m `mappend` measure sf) (nodeToDigit a) m' sf

lheadDigit :: Digit a -> a
lheadDigit (One a)        = a
lheadDigit (Two a _)      = a
lheadDigit (Three a _ _)  = a
lheadDigit (Four a _ _ _) = a

ltailDigit :: Digit a -> Digit a
ltailDigit (One _)        = illegalArgument "ltailDigit"
ltailDigit (Two _ b)      = One b
ltailDigit (Three _ b c)  = Two b c
ltailDigit (Four _ b c d) = Three b c d

-- | /O(1)/. Analyse the right end of a sequence.
viewr :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> ViewR (FingerTree v) a
viewr Empty                 =  EmptyR
viewr (Single x)            =  Empty :> x
viewr (Deep _ pr m (One x)) =  rotR pr m :> x
viewr (Deep _ pr m sf)      =  deep pr m (rtailDigit sf) :> rheadDigit sf

rotR :: (Measured v a) => Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> FingerTree v a
rotR pr m = case viewr m of
  EmptyR  -> digitToTree pr
  m' :> a -> Deep (measure pr `mappendVal` m) pr m' (nodeToDigit a)

rheadDigit :: Digit a -> a
rheadDigit (One a)        = a
rheadDigit (Two _ b)      = b
rheadDigit (Three _ _ c)  = c
rheadDigit (Four _ _ _ d) = d

rtailDigit :: Digit a -> Digit a
rtailDigit (One _)        = illegalArgument "rtailDigit"
rtailDigit (Two a _)      = One a
rtailDigit (Three a b _)  = Two a b
rtailDigit (Four a b c _) = Three a b c

digitToTree :: (Measured v a) => Digit a -> FingerTree v a
digitToTree (One a)        = Single a
digitToTree (Two a b)      = deep (One a) Empty (One b)
digitToTree (Three a b c)  = deep (Two a b) Empty (One c)
digitToTree (Four a b c d) = deep (Two a b) Empty (Two c d)

-- Concatenation

-- | /O(log(min(n1,n2)))/. Concatenate two sequences.
append :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
append =  appendTree0

appendTree0 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
appendTree0 Empty xs                                = xs
appendTree0 xs Empty                                = xs
appendTree0 (Single x) xs                           = x <| xs
appendTree0 xs (Single x)                           = xs |> x
appendTree0 (Deep _ pr1 m1 sf1) (Deep _ pr2 m2 sf2) = deep pr1 (addDigits0 m1 sf1 pr2 m2) sf2

addDigits0 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> FingerTree v (Node v a)
addDigits0 m1 (One    a       ) (One    b       ) m2 = appendTree1 m1 (node2 a b  )                           m2
addDigits0 m1 (One    a       ) (Two    b c     ) m2 = appendTree1 m1 (node3 a b c)                           m2
addDigits0 m1 (One    a       ) (Three  b c d   ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b  ) (node2 c d  )             m2
addDigits0 m1 (One    a       ) (Four   b c d e ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  )             m2
addDigits0 m1 (Two    a b     ) (One    c       ) m2 = appendTree1 m1 (node3 a b c)                           m2
addDigits0 m1 (Two    a b     ) (Two    c d     ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b  ) (node2 c d  )             m2
addDigits0 m1 (Two    a b     ) (Three  c d e   ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  )             m2
addDigits0 m1 (Two    a b     ) (Four   c d e f ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f)             m2
addDigits0 m1 (Three  a b c   ) (One    d       ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b  ) (node2 c d  )             m2
addDigits0 m1 (Three  a b c   ) (Two    d e     ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  )             m2
addDigits0 m1 (Three  a b c   ) (Three  d e f   ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f)             m2
addDigits0 m1 (Three  a b c   ) (Four   d e f g ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  ) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Four   a b c d ) (One    e       ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  )             m2
addDigits0 m1 (Four   a b c d ) (Two    e f     ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f)             m2
addDigits0 m1 (Four   a b c d ) (Three  e f g   ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  ) (node2 f g) m2
addDigits0 m1 (Four   a b c d ) (Four   e f g h ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h) m2

appendTree1 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
appendTree1 Empty a xs                                = a <| xs
appendTree1 xs a Empty                                = xs |> a
appendTree1 (Single x) a xs                           = x <| a <| xs
appendTree1 xs a (Single x)                           = xs |> a |> x
appendTree1 (Deep _ pr1 m1 sf1) a (Deep _ pr2 m2 sf2) = deep pr1 (addDigits1 m1 sf1 a pr2 m2) sf2

addDigits1 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> a -> Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> FingerTree v (Node v a)
addDigits1 m1 (One    a       ) b (One    c       ) m2 = appendTree1 m1 (node3 a b c)                             m2
addDigits1 m1 (One    a       ) b (Two    c d     ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b  ) (node2 c d  )               m2
addDigits1 m1 (One    a       ) b (Three  c d e   ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  )               m2
addDigits1 m1 (One    a       ) b (Four   c d e f ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f)               m2
addDigits1 m1 (Two    a b     ) c (One    d       ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b  ) (node2 c d  )               m2
addDigits1 m1 (Two    a b     ) c (Two    d e     ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  )               m2
addDigits1 m1 (Two    a b     ) c (Three  d e f   ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f)               m2
addDigits1 m1 (Two    a b     ) c (Four   d e f g ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  ) (node2 f g  ) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d (One    e       ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  )               m2
addDigits1 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d (Two    e f     ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f)               m2
addDigits1 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d (Three  e f g   ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  ) (node2 f g  ) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d (Four   e f g h ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  ) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e (One    f       ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f)               m2
addDigits1 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e (Two    f g     ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  ) (node2 f g  ) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e (Three  f g h   ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  ) m2
addDigits1 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e (Four   f g h i ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) m2

appendTree2 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> a -> a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
appendTree2 Empty a b xs                                = a <| b <| xs
appendTree2 xs a b Empty                                = xs |> a |> b
appendTree2 (Single x) a b xs                           = x <| a <| b <| xs
appendTree2 xs a b (Single x)                           = xs |> a |> b |> x
appendTree2 (Deep _ pr1 m1 sf1) a b (Deep _ pr2 m2 sf2) = deep pr1 (addDigits2 m1 sf1 a b pr2 m2) sf2

addDigits2 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> a -> a -> Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> FingerTree v (Node v a)
addDigits2 m1 (One    a       ) b c (One    d       ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node2 a b  ) (node2 c d  )                           m2
addDigits2 m1 (One    a       ) b c (Two    d e     ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  )                           m2
addDigits2 m1 (One    a       ) b c (Three  d e f   ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f)                           m2
addDigits2 m1 (One    a       ) b c (Four   d e f g ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  ) (node2 f g  )             m2
addDigits2 m1 (Two    a b     ) c d (One    e       ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  )                           m2
addDigits2 m1 (Two    a b     ) c d (Two    e f     ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f)                           m2
addDigits2 m1 (Two    a b     ) c d (Three  e f g   ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  ) (node2 f g  )             m2
addDigits2 m1 (Two    a b     ) c d (Four   e f g h ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  )             m2
addDigits2 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d e (One    f       ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f)                           m2
addDigits2 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d e (Two    f g     ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  ) (node2 f g  )             m2
addDigits2 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d e (Three  f g h   ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  )             m2
addDigits2 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d e (Four   f g h i ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i)             m2
addDigits2 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e f (One    g       ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  ) (node2 f g  )             m2
addDigits2 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e f (Two    g h     ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  )             m2
addDigits2 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e f (Three  g h i   ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i)             m2
addDigits2 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e f (Four   g h i j ) m2 = appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  ) (node2 i j) m2

appendTree3 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> a -> a -> a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
appendTree3 Empty a b c xs                                = a <| b <| c <| xs
appendTree3 xs a b c Empty                                = xs |> a |> b |> c
appendTree3 (Single x) a b c xs                           = x <| a <| b <| c <| xs
appendTree3 xs a b c (Single x)                           = xs |> a |> b |> c |> x
appendTree3 (Deep _ pr1 m1 sf1) a b c (Deep _ pr2 m2 sf2) = deep pr1 (addDigits3 m1 sf1 a b c pr2 m2) sf2

addDigits3 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> a -> a -> a -> Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> FingerTree v (Node v a)
addDigits3 m1 (One    a       ) b c d (One    e       ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  )                           m2
addDigits3 m1 (One    a       ) b c d (Two    e f     ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f)                           m2
addDigits3 m1 (One    a       ) b c d (Three  e f g   ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  ) (node2 f g  )             m2
addDigits3 m1 (One    a       ) b c d (Four   e f g h ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  )             m2
addDigits3 m1 (Two    a b     ) c d e (One    f       ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f)                           m2
addDigits3 m1 (Two    a b     ) c d e (Two    f g     ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  ) (node2 f g  )             m2
addDigits3 m1 (Two    a b     ) c d e (Three  f g h   ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  )             m2
addDigits3 m1 (Two    a b     ) c d e (Four   f g h i ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i)             m2
addDigits3 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d e f (One    g       ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  ) (node2 f g  )             m2
addDigits3 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d e f (Two    g h     ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  )             m2
addDigits3 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d e f (Three  g h i   ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i)             m2
addDigits3 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d e f (Four   g h i j ) m2 = appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  ) (node2 i j) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e f g (One    h       ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  )             m2
addDigits3 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e f g (Two    h i     ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i)             m2
addDigits3 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e f g (Three  h i j   ) m2 = appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  ) (node2 i j) m2
addDigits3 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e f g (Four   h i j k ) m2 = appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) (node2 j k) m2

appendTree4 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
appendTree4 Empty a b c d xs                                = a <| b <| c <| d <| xs
appendTree4 xs a b c d Empty                                = xs |> a |> b |> c |> d
appendTree4 (Single x) a b c d xs                           = x <| a <| b <| c <| d <| xs
appendTree4 xs a b c d (Single x)                           = xs |> a |> b |> c |> d |> x
appendTree4 (Deep _ pr1 m1 sf1) a b c d (Deep _ pr2 m2 sf2) = deep pr1 (addDigits4 m1 sf1 a b c d pr2 m2) sf2

addDigits4 :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> a -> a -> a -> a -> Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> FingerTree v (Node v a)
addDigits4 m1 (One    a       ) b c d e (One    f       ) m2 = appendTree2 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f)                             m2
addDigits4 m1 (One    a       ) b c d e (Two    f g     ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  ) (node2 f g  )               m2
addDigits4 m1 (One    a       ) b c d e (Three  f g h   ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  )               m2
addDigits4 m1 (One    a       ) b c d e (Four   f g h i ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i)               m2
addDigits4 m1 (Two    a b     ) c d e f (One    g       ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node2 d e  ) (node2 f g  )               m2
addDigits4 m1 (Two    a b     ) c d e f (Two    g h     ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  )               m2
addDigits4 m1 (Two    a b     ) c d e f (Three  g h i   ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i)               m2
addDigits4 m1 (Two    a b     ) c d e f (Four   g h i j ) m2 = appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  ) (node2 i j  ) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d e f g (One    h       ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  )               m2
addDigits4 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d e f g (Two    h i     ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i)               m2
addDigits4 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d e f g (Three  h i j   ) m2 = appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  ) (node2 i j  ) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Three  a b c   ) d e f g (Four   h i j k ) m2 = appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) (node2 j k  ) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e f g h (One    i       ) m2 = appendTree3 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i)               m2
addDigits4 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e f g h (Two    i j     ) m2 = appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node2 g h  ) (node2 i j  ) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e f g h (Three  i j k   ) m2 = appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) (node2 j k  ) m2
addDigits4 m1 (Four   a b c d ) e f g h (Four   i j k l ) m2 = appendTree4 m1 (node3 a b c) (node3 d e f) (node3 g h i) (node3 j k l) m2

-- 4.4 Splitting

-- | /O(log(min(i,n-i)))/. Split a sequence at a point where the predicate
-- on the accumulated measure changes from 'False' to 'True'.
-- For predictable results, one should ensure that there is only one such
-- point, i.e. that the predicate is /monotonic/.
split :: (Measured v a) => (v -> Bool) -> FingerTree v a -> (FingerTree v a, FingerTree v a)
split _ Empty  =  (Empty, Empty)
split p xs
  | p (measure xs)  =  (l, x <| r)
  | otherwise       =  (xs, Empty)
  where Split l x r = splitTree p mempty xs

-- | /O(log(min(i,n-i)))/.
-- Given a monotonic predicate @p@, @'takeUntil' p t@ is the largest
-- prefix of @t@ whose measure does not satisfy @p@.
-- *  @'takeUntil' p t = 'fst' ('split' p t)@
takeUntil :: (Measured v a) => (v -> Bool) -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
takeUntil p  =  fst . split p

-- | /O(log(min(i,n-i)))/.
-- Given a monotonic predicate @p@, @'dropUntil' p t@ is the rest of @t@
-- after removing the largest prefix whose measure does not satisfy @p@.
-- * @'dropUntil' p t = 'snd' ('split' p t)@
dropUntil :: (Measured v a) => (v -> Bool) -> FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
dropUntil p  =  snd . split p

data Split t a = Split t a t

splitTree :: (Measured v a) => (v -> Bool) -> v -> FingerTree v a -> Split (FingerTree v a) a
splitTree _ _ Empty = illegalArgument "splitTree"
splitTree _ _ (Single x) = Split Empty x Empty
splitTree p i (Deep _ pr m sf)
  | p vpr       =  let  Split l x r     =  splitDigit p i pr
                   in   Split (maybe Empty digitToTree l) x (deepL r m sf)
  | p vm        =  let  Split ml xs mr  =  splitTree p vpr m
                        Split l x r     =  splitNode p (vpr `mappendVal` ml) xs
                   in   Split (deepR pr  ml l) x (deepL r mr sf)
  | otherwise   =  let  Split l x r     =  splitDigit p vm sf
                   in   Split (deepR pr  m  l) x (maybe Empty digitToTree r)
  where vpr =  i    `mappend`  measure pr
        vm  =  vpr  `mappendVal` m

-- Avoid relying on right identity (cf Exercise 7)
mappendVal :: (Measured v a) => v -> FingerTree v a -> v
mappendVal v Empty = v
mappendVal v t     = v `mappend` measure t

deepL :: (Measured v a) => Maybe (Digit a) -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Digit a -> FingerTree v a
deepL Nothing m sf   =   rotL m sf
deepL (Just pr) m sf =   deep pr m sf

deepR :: (Measured v a) => Digit a -> FingerTree v (Node v a) -> Maybe (Digit a) -> FingerTree v a
deepR pr m Nothing   =   rotR pr m
deepR pr m (Just sf) =   deep pr m sf

splitNode :: (Measured v a) => (v -> Bool) -> v -> Node v a -> Split (Maybe (Digit a)) a
splitNode p i (Node2 _ a b)
  | p va      = Split Nothing a (Just (One b))
  | otherwise = Split (Just (One a)) b Nothing
  where va = i `mappend` measure a
splitNode p i (Node3 _ a b c)
  | p va      = Split Nothing a (Just (Two b c))
  | p vab     = Split (Just (One a)) b (Just (One c))
  | otherwise = Split (Just (Two a b)) c Nothing
  where va  = i  `mappend` measure a
        vab = va `mappend` measure b

splitDigit :: (Measured v a) => (v -> Bool) -> v -> Digit a -> Split (Maybe (Digit a)) a
splitDigit _ i (One a) = i `seq` Split Nothing a Nothing
splitDigit p i (Two a b)
  | p va        = Split Nothing a (Just (One b))
  | otherwise   = Split (Just (One a)) b Nothing
  where va = i `mappend` measure a
splitDigit p i (Three a b c)
  | p va        = Split Nothing a (Just (Two b c))
  | p vab       = Split (Just (One a)) b (Just (One c))
  | otherwise   = Split (Just (Two a b)) c Nothing
  where va  = i `mappend` measure a
        vab = va `mappend` measure b
splitDigit p i (Four a b c d)
  | p va        = Split Nothing a (Just (Three b c d))
  | p vab       = Split (Just (One a)) b (Just (Two c d))
  | p vabc      = Split (Just (Two a b)) c (Just (One d))
  | otherwise   = Split (Just (Three a b c)) d Nothing
  where va    = i `mappend` measure a
        vab   = va `mappend` measure b
        vabc  = vab `mappend` measure c

-- Transformations

-- | /O(n)/. The reverse of a sequence.
reverse :: (Measured v a) => FingerTree v a -> FingerTree v a
reverse = reverseTree id

reverseTree :: (Measured v2 a2) => (a1 -> a2) -> FingerTree v1 a1 -> FingerTree v2 a2
reverseTree _ Empty            = Empty
reverseTree f (Single x)       = Single (f x)
reverseTree f (Deep _ pr m sf) = deep (reverseDigit f sf) (reverseTree (reverseNode f) m) (reverseDigit f pr)

reverseNode :: (Measured v2 a2) => (a1 -> a2) -> Node v1 a1 -> Node v2 a2
reverseNode f (Node2 _ a b)   = node2 (f b) (f a)
reverseNode f (Node3 _ a b c) = node3 (f c) (f b) (f a)

reverseDigit :: (a -> b) -> Digit a -> Digit b
reverseDigit f (One a)        = One (f a)
reverseDigit f (Two a b)      = Two (f b) (f a)
reverseDigit f (Three a b c)  = Three (f c) (f b) (f a)
reverseDigit f (Four a b c d) = Four (f d) (f c) (f b) (f a)

illegalArgument :: String -> a
illegalArgument name = error $ "Logic error: " ++ name ++ " called with illegal argument"

{- $example

Particular abstract data types may be implemented by defining
element types with suitable 'Measured' instances.

(from section 4.5 of the paper)
Simple sequences can be implemented using a 'Sum' monoid as a measure:

> newtype Elem a = Elem { getElem :: a }
> instance Measured (Sum Int) (Elem a) where
>     measure (Elem _) = Sum 1
> newtype Seq a = Seq (FingerTree (Sum Int) (Elem a))

Then the measure of a subsequence is simply its length.
This representation supports log-time extraction of subsequences:

> take :: Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
> take k (Seq xs) = Seq (takeUntil (> Sum k) xs)
> drop :: Int -> Seq a -> Seq a
> drop k (Seq xs) = Seq (dropUntil (> Sum k) xs)

The module @Data.Sequence@ is an optimized instantiation of this type.

For further examples, see "Data.IntervalMap.FingerTree" and
