module Transit.Internal.Crypto
( encrypt
, decrypt
, PlainText(..)
, CipherText(..)
, deriveKeyFromPurpose
, Purpose(..)
, CryptoError(..)
import Protolude
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Class as Saltine
import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.SecretBox as SecretBox
import Crypto.Saltine.Internal.ByteSizes (boxNonce)
import qualified Crypto.KDF.HKDF as HKDF
import Crypto.Hash (SHA256(..))
import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Internal.ByteSizes as ByteSizes
newtype PlainText = PlainText ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype CipherText = CipherText ByteString
deriving (Eq)
data CryptoError = BadNonce Text
| CouldNotDecrypt Text
| KeyGenError Text
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance E.Exception CryptoError
decrypt :: SecretBox.Key -> CipherText -> Either CryptoError (PlainText, SecretBox.Nonce)
decrypt key (CipherText ciphertext) =
let (nonceBytes, record) = BS.splitAt boxNonce ciphertext
maybeResult = Saltine.decode nonceBytes >>=
\nonce -> SecretBox.secretboxOpen key nonce record >>=
\plaintext -> return (plaintext, nonce)
case maybeResult of
Just (plaintext, nonce) -> Right (PlainText plaintext, nonce)
Nothing -> Left (CouldNotDecrypt "SecretBox failed to open")
encrypt :: SecretBox.Key -> SecretBox.Nonce -> PlainText -> Either CryptoError CipherText
encrypt key nonce (PlainText plaintext) =
let nonceLE = BS.reverse $ toS $ Saltine.encode nonce
maybeResult = Saltine.decode (toS nonceLE) >>=
\newNonce -> Just (toS (SecretBox.secretbox key newNonce plaintext))
case maybeResult of
Just ciphertext -> Right (CipherText (nonceLE <> ciphertext))
Nothing -> Left (BadNonce "encrypt: could not decode nonce")
hkdf :: ByteString -> SecretBox.Key -> ByteString -> ByteString
hkdf salt key purpose =
HKDF.expand (HKDF.extract salt (Saltine.encode key) :: HKDF.PRK SHA256) purpose keySize
keySize = ByteSizes.secretBoxKey
data Purpose
= SenderHandshake
| ReceiverHandshake
| SenderRecord
| ReceiverRecord
| RelayHandshake
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriveKeyFromPurpose :: Purpose -> SecretBox.Key -> ByteString
deriveKeyFromPurpose purpose key =
hkdf salt key (purposeStr purpose)
salt = "" :: ByteString
purposeStr :: Purpose -> ByteString
purposeStr SenderHandshake = "transit_sender"
purposeStr ReceiverHandshake = "transit_receiver"
purposeStr SenderRecord = "transit_record_sender_key"
purposeStr ReceiverRecord = "transit_record_receiver_key"
purposeStr RelayHandshake = "transit_relay_token"