-- | Description: Module that exchanges messages with the Peer
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Transit.Internal.Peer
  ( makeRecordKeys
  , senderTransitExchange
  , senderOfferExchange
  , sendOffer
  , receiveOffer
  , sendMessageAck
  , receiveMessageAck
  , handshakeExchange
  , sendTransitMsg
  , decodeTransitMsg
  , makeAckMessage
  , receiveWormholeMessage
  , sendWormholeMessage
  , generateTransitSide
  , InvalidHandshake(..)
  , sendRecord
  , receiveRecord
  , unzipInto
  , Mode(..)
  -- * for tests
  , makeSenderHandshake
  , makeReceiverHandshake
  , makeRelayHandshake

import Protolude hiding ((<.>))

import qualified Control.Exception as E
import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Class as Saltine
import qualified Crypto.Saltine.Core.SecretBox as SecretBox
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Set as Set

import Data.Aeson (encode, eitherDecode)
import Data.Binary.Get (getWord32be, runGet)
import Data.ByteString.Builder(toLazyByteString, word32BE, byteString)
import Data.Bits (shiftL)
import Data.Text (toLower)
import System.Posix.Types (FileOffset, FileMode)
import System.PosixCompat.Files (getFileStatus, fileSize, fileMode, isDirectory)
import System.FilePath (takeFileName, takeBaseName, dropTrailingPathSeparator, (<.>), (</>))
import Crypto.Random (MonadRandom(..))
import Data.ByteArray.Encoding (convertToBase, Base(Base16))
import System.IO.Error (IOError)
import System.Directory.PathWalk (pathWalk)
import System.Directory (getTemporaryDirectory)
import System.IO.Temp (createTempDirectory)
import Codec.Archive.Zip ( createArchive
                         , withArchive
                         , CompressionMethod ( Deflate )
                         , mkEntrySelector
                         , unEntrySelector
                         , packDirRecur
                         , unpackInto
                         , forEntries
                         , setExternalFileAttrs)

import Transit.Internal.Messages
  ( TransitMsg(..)
  , TransitAck(..)
  , Ack( FileAck, MessageAck )
  , Ability(..)
  , AbilityV1(..)
  , ConnectionHint)
import Transit.Internal.Network
  ( TCPEndpoint(..)
  , sendBuffer
  , recvBuffer
  , CommunicationError(..))
import Transit.Internal.Crypto
  ( encrypt
  , decrypt
  , deriveKeyFromPurpose
  , Purpose(..)
  , PlainText(..)
  , CipherText(..)
  , CryptoError(..))

import qualified MagicWormhole

-- | Make a bytestring for the handshake message sent by the
-- sender which is of the form "transit sender XXXXXXX..XX ready\n\n"
-- where /XXXXXX..XX/ is the hex ascii representation of the sender
-- handshake key.
makeSenderHandshake :: SecretBox.Key -> ByteString
makeSenderHandshake key =
  (toS @Text @ByteString "transit sender ") <> hexid <> (toS @Text @ByteString " ready\n\n")
    subkey = deriveKeyFromPurpose SenderHandshake key
    hexid = toS (toLower (toS @ByteString @Text (convertToBase Base16 subkey)))

-- | Make a bytestring for the handshake message sent by the receiver
-- which is of the form "transit receiver XXXX...XX ready\n\n" where
-- /XXXX...XX/ is the receiver handshake key.
makeReceiverHandshake :: SecretBox.Key -> ByteString
makeReceiverHandshake key =
  (toS @Text @ByteString "transit receiver ") <> hexid <> (toS @Text @ByteString " ready\n\n")
    subkey = deriveKeyFromPurpose ReceiverHandshake key
    hexid = toS (toLower (toS @ByteString @Text (convertToBase Base16 subkey)))

-- | create relay handshake bytestring
-- "please relay HEXHEX for side XXXXX\n"
makeRelayHandshake :: SecretBox.Key -> MagicWormhole.Side -> ByteString
makeRelayHandshake key (MagicWormhole.Side side) =
  (toS @Text @ByteString "please relay ") <> token <> (toS @Text @ByteString " for side ") <> sideBytes <> "\n"
    subkey = deriveKeyFromPurpose RelayHandshake key
    token = toS (toLower (toS @ByteString @Text (convertToBase Base16 subkey)))
    sideBytes = toS @Text @ByteString side

-- | Make sender and receiver symmetric keys for the records transmission.
-- Records are chunks of data corresponding to the blocks of the file.
-- Sender record key is used for decrypting incoming records and receiver
-- record key is for sending file_ack back to the sender.
makeRecordKeys :: SecretBox.Key -> Either CryptoError (SecretBox.Key, SecretBox.Key)
makeRecordKeys key =
  maybe (Left (KeyGenError "Could not generate record keys")) Right keyPair
    keyPair = (,) <$> makeSenderRecordKey key
              <*> makeReceiverRecordKey key
    makeSenderRecordKey :: SecretBox.Key -> Maybe SecretBox.Key
    makeSenderRecordKey = Saltine.decode . (deriveKeyFromPurpose SenderRecord)
    makeReceiverRecordKey :: SecretBox.Key -> Maybe SecretBox.Key
    makeReceiverRecordKey = Saltine.decode . (deriveKeyFromPurpose ReceiverRecord)

-- |'senderTransitExchange' exchanges transit message with the peer.
-- Sender sends a transit message with its abilities and hints.
-- Receiver sends either another Transit message or an Error message.
senderTransitExchange :: MagicWormhole.EncryptedConnection -> [ConnectionHint] -> IO (Either CommunicationError TransitMsg)
senderTransitExchange conn hs = do
  let abilities' = [Ability DirectTcpV1, Ability RelayV1]
  (_, rxMsg) <- concurrently (sendTransitMsg conn abilities' hs) receiveTransitMsg
  case eitherDecode (toS rxMsg) of
    Right t@(Transit _ _) -> return (Right t)
    Left s -> return (Left (TransitError (toS s)))
    Right (Error errstr) -> return (Left (TransitError errstr))
    Right (Answer _) -> return (Left (TransitError "Answer message from the peer is unexpected"))
    receiveTransitMsg = do
      -- receive the transit from the receiving side
      responseMsg <- receiveWormholeMessage conn
      return responseMsg

-- | create and send a Transit message to the peer.
sendTransitMsg :: MagicWormhole.EncryptedConnection -> [Ability] -> [ConnectionHint] -> IO ()
sendTransitMsg conn abilities' hints' = do
  -- create transit message
  let txTransitMsg = Transit abilities' (Set.fromList hints')
  let encodedTransitMsg = toS (encode txTransitMsg)
  -- send the transit message (dictionary with key as "transit" and value as abilities)
  MagicWormhole.sendMessage conn (MagicWormhole.PlainText encodedTransitMsg)

-- | Parse the given bytestring into a Transit Message
decodeTransitMsg :: ByteString -> Either CommunicationError TransitMsg
decodeTransitMsg received =
  case eitherDecode (toS received) of
    Right transitMsg -> Right transitMsg
    Left err -> Left $ TransitError (toS err)

-- | Send an offer message to the connected peer over the wormhole
sendOffer :: MagicWormhole.EncryptedConnection -> MagicWormhole.Offer -> IO ()
sendOffer conn offer =
  MagicWormhole.sendMessage conn (MagicWormhole.PlainText (toS (encode offer)))

-- | receive a message over wormhole and try to decode it as an offer message.
-- If it is not an offer message, pass the raw bytestring as a Left value.
receiveOffer :: MagicWormhole.EncryptedConnection -> IO (Either ByteString MagicWormhole.Offer)
receiveOffer conn = do
  received <- receiveWormholeMessage conn
  case eitherDecode (toS received) of
    Right msg@(MagicWormhole.Message _) -> return $ Right msg
    Right file@(MagicWormhole.File _ _) -> return $ Right file
    Right dir@(MagicWormhole.Directory _ _ _ _ _) -> return $ Right dir
    Left _ -> return $ Left received

-- | Receive an Ack message over the wormhole connection
receiveMessageAck :: MagicWormhole.EncryptedConnection -> IO (Either CommunicationError ())
receiveMessageAck conn = do
  rxTransitMsg <- receiveWormholeMessage conn
  case eitherDecode (toS rxTransitMsg) of
    Left s -> return $ Left (TransitError (show s))
    Right (Answer (MessageAck msg')) | msg' == "ok" -> return $ Right ()
                                     | otherwise -> return $ Left (TransitError "Message ack failed")
    Right s -> return $ Left (TransitError (show s))

-- | Send an Ack message as a regular text message encapsulated in
-- an 'Answer' message over the wormhole connection
sendMessageAck :: MagicWormhole.EncryptedConnection -> Text -> IO ()
sendMessageAck conn msg = do
  let ackMessage = Answer (MessageAck msg)
  MagicWormhole.sendMessage conn (MagicWormhole.PlainText (toS (encode ackMessage)))

-- | Exchange offer message with the peer over the wormhole connection
senderOfferExchange :: MagicWormhole.EncryptedConnection -> FilePath -> IO (Either Text FilePath)
senderOfferExchange conn path = do
  (filePath, rx) <- concurrently sendFileOrDirOffer receiveResponse
  -- receive file ack message {"answer": {"file_ack": "ok"}}
  case eitherDecode (toS rx) of
    Left s -> return $ Left (toS s)
    Right (Error errstr) -> return $ Left (toS errstr)
    Right (Answer (FileAck msg)) | msg == "ok" -> return (Right filePath)
                                 | otherwise -> return $ Left "Did not get file ack. Exiting"
    Right (Answer (MessageAck _)) -> return $ Left "expected file ack, got message ack instead"
    Right (Transit _ _) -> return $ Left "unexpected transit message"
    sendFileOrDirOffer :: IO FilePath
    sendFileOrDirOffer = do
      isDir <- isDirectory <$> getFileStatus path
      if isDir
        then sendDirOffer
        else sendFileOffer
    receiveResponse :: IO ByteString
    receiveResponse = do
      rxFileOffer <- receiveWormholeMessage conn
      return rxFileOffer
    getFileSize :: FilePath -> IO FileOffset
    getFileSize file = fileSize <$> getFileStatus file
    sendFileOffer = do
      size <- getFileSize path
      let fileOffer = MagicWormhole.File (toS (takeFileName path)) size
      sendOffer conn fileOffer
      return path
    sendDirOffer = do
      (zipFilePath, (totalFiles, totalSize)) <- zipDir path
      size <- getFileSize zipFilePath
      let dirOffer = MagicWormhole.Directory MagicWormhole.ZipFileDeflated (toS (takeBaseName (dropTrailingPathSeparator path))) (fromIntegral size) (fromIntegral totalSize) (fromIntegral totalFiles)
      sendOffer conn dirOffer
      return zipFilePath

-- | Receive a bytestring via the established wormhole connection
receiveWormholeMessage :: MagicWormhole.EncryptedConnection -> IO ByteString
receiveWormholeMessage conn = do
  MagicWormhole.PlainText msg <- atomically $ MagicWormhole.receiveMessage conn
  return msg

-- | Send a bytestring over the established wormhole connection
sendWormholeMessage :: MagicWormhole.EncryptedConnection -> BL.ByteString -> IO ()
sendWormholeMessage conn msg =
  MagicWormhole.sendMessage conn (MagicWormhole.PlainText (toS msg))

-- | Error type for the Peer module
data InvalidHandshake = InvalidHandshake
                      -- ^ Handshake with the peer didn't succeed
                      | InvalidRelayHandshake
                      -- ^ Handshake with the relay server didn't succeed
  deriving (Show, Eq)

instance E.Exception InvalidHandshake where

-- | Exchange handshake message with the Relay server.
relayHandshakeExchange :: TCPEndpoint -> SecretBox.Key -> MagicWormhole.Side -> IO ()
relayHandshakeExchange ep key side = do
  r <- sendRelayHandshake >> receiveAck
  if r == "ok\n"
    then return ()
    else throwIO InvalidRelayHandshake
    sendRelayHandshake = sendBuffer ep sHandshakeMsg
    sHandshakeMsg = makeRelayHandshake key side
    receiveAck = recvByteString (BS.length rHandshakeMsg)
    rHandshakeMsg = "ok\n"
    recvByteString n = recvBuffer ep n

-- | Client mode
data Mode = Send | Receive
  deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Exchange transit handshake message
handshakeExchange :: Mode -> TCPEndpoint -> SecretBox.Key -> MagicWormhole.Side -> IO (Either InvalidHandshake ())
handshakeExchange mode ep key side = do
  when (conntype ep == Just RelayV1) $ do
    relayHandshakeExchange ep key side
  (_, r) <- concurrently sendHandshake rxHandshake
  case mode of
    Send -> do
      -- compare received handshake with locally computed rx handshake
      -- and if it matches, send go
      if r == rHandshakeMsg
        then do
        _ <- sendGo
        return $ Right ()
        else do
        _ <- sendNeverMind
        return $ Left InvalidHandshake
    Receive -> do
      -- compare the received handshake with the locally computed tx handshake
      -- and also receive "go\n" from the sender. if they are not matching,
      -- send InvalidHandshake, else do nothing.
      r' <- recvByteString (BS.length "go\n")
      if (r <> r') == sHandshakeMsg <> "go\n"
        then return $ Right ()
        else return $ Left InvalidHandshake
    sendHandshake | mode == Send = sendBuffer ep sHandshakeMsg
                  | otherwise    = sendBuffer ep rHandshakeMsg
    rxHandshake | mode == Send = recvByteString (BS.length rHandshakeMsg)
                | otherwise    = recvByteString (BS.length sHandshakeMsg)
    sendGo = sendBuffer ep (toS @Text @ByteString "go\n")
    sendNeverMind = sendBuffer ep (toS @Text @ByteString "nevermind\n")
    sHandshakeMsg = makeSenderHandshake key
    rHandshakeMsg = makeReceiverHandshake key
    recvByteString n = recvBuffer ep n

-- | Create an encrypted Transit Ack message
makeAckMessage :: SecretBox.Key -> ByteString -> Either CryptoError CipherText
makeAckMessage key sha256Sum =
  let transitAckMsg = TransitAck "ok" (toS @ByteString @Text sha256Sum)
    encrypt key Saltine.zero (PlainText (BL.toStrict (encode transitAckMsg)))

-- | A Record is an encrypted chunk of byte string. On the wire, a header of
-- 4 bytes which denotes the length of the payload is sent before sending the
-- actual payload.
sendRecord :: TCPEndpoint -> ByteString -> IO (Either CommunicationError Int)
sendRecord ep record = do
  -- send size of the encrypted payload as 4 bytes, then send record
  -- format sz as a fixed 4 byte bytestring
  let payloadSize = word32BE (fromIntegral (BS.length record))
      payload = byteString record
      packet = payloadSize <> payload
  res <- try $ sendBuffer ep (BL.toStrict (toLazyByteString packet)) :: IO (Either IOError Int)
  case res of
    Left e -> return $ Left (ConnectionError (show e))
    Right x -> return $ Right x

-- | Receive a packet corresponding to a record (4-byte header representing the
-- length /n/, of the record, followed by /n/ bytes of encrypted payload) and then
-- decrypts and returns the payload.
receiveRecord :: TCPEndpoint -> SecretBox.Key -> IO (Either CryptoError ByteString)
receiveRecord ep key = do
  -- read 4 bytes that consists of length
  -- read as much bytes specified by the length. That would be encrypted record
  -- decrypt the record
    lenBytes <- recvBuffer ep 4
    let len = runGet getWord32be (BL.fromStrict lenBytes)
    encRecord <- recvBuffer ep (fromIntegral len)
    case decrypt key (CipherText encRecord) of
      Left e -> return $ Left e
      Right (PlainText plaintext, _) -> return $ Right plaintext

-- | There is a separate 8-bytes of random 'side' for Transit protocol, which
-- is different from the 'side' used in the wormhole encrypted channel establishment
generateTransitSide :: MonadRandom m => m MagicWormhole.Side
generateTransitSide = do
  randomBytes <- getRandomBytes 8
  pure . MagicWormhole.Side . toS @ByteString . convertToBase Base16 $ (randomBytes :: ByteString)

type DirState = (Int, FileOffset)

-- | Given an input FilePath representing a directory, zip
-- the entire directory contents and return the path to the
-- zip file and a state (number of files and total size of all
-- the files).
zipDir :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, DirState)
zipDir filePath = do
  systemTmpDir <- getTemporaryDirectory
  tmpDir <- createTempDirectory systemTmpDir "wormhole"
  let dirName = takeBaseName (dropTrailingPathSeparator filePath)
  let zipFileName = tmpDir </> dirName <.> "zip"
  ((_, stats), _) <- concurrently
                     (runStateT (dirStats filePath) (0,0))
                         createArchive zipFileName $
                           packDirRecur Deflate mkEntrySelector filePath
                         withArchive zipFileName $ do
                           forEntries $ \selector -> do
                             mode <- liftIO $ getFileMode (dirName </> unEntrySelector selector)
                             setExternalFileAttrs (fromIntegral (mode `shiftL` 16)) selector)
  return (zipFileName, stats)
      getFileMode :: FilePath -> IO FileMode
      getFileMode file = fileMode <$> getFileStatus file

dirStats :: FilePath -> StateT DirState IO ()
dirStats filePath = do
  pathWalk filePath $ \root _dirs files -> do
      forM_ files $ \file -> do
        size <- liftIO (getFileSize (root </> file))
        (numFiles, totalSize) <- get
        put (numFiles + 1, totalSize + size)
            getFileSize :: FilePath -> IO FileOffset
            getFileSize file = fileSize <$> getFileStatus file

-- | unzip the given zip file into the especified directory
-- under current working directory
unzipInto :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
unzipInto dirname zipFilePath = withArchive zipFilePath (unpackInto dirname)