Portability | portable |
Stability | stable |
Maintainer | Uwe Schmidt (uwe@fh-wedel.de) |
Safe Haskell | None |
the basic state arrows for URI handling
- setBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s String String
- getBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s b String
- changeBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s String String
- setDefaultBaseURI :: String -> IOStateArrow s b String
- getDefaultBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s b String
- runInLocalURIContext :: IOStateArrow s b c -> IOStateArrow s b c
- parseURIReference' :: String -> Maybe URI
- expandURIString :: String -> String -> Maybe String
- expandURI :: ArrowXml a => a (String, String) String
- mkAbsURI :: IOStateArrow s String String
- getSchemeFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
- getRegNameFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
- getPortFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
- getUserInfoFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
- getPathFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
- getQueryFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
- getFragmentFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String String
- getPartFromURI :: ArrowList a => (URI -> String) -> a String String
setBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s String StringSource
set the base URI of a document, used e.g. for reading includes, e.g. external entities, the input must be an absolute URI
getBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s b StringSource
read the base URI from the globale state
changeBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s String StringSource
change the base URI with a possibly relative URI, can be used for evaluating the xml:base attribute. Returns the new absolute base URI. Fails, if input is not parsable with parseURIReference
see also: setBaseURI
, mkAbsURI
setDefaultBaseURI :: String -> IOStateArrow s b StringSource
set the default base URI, if parameter is null, the system base ( file:///<cwd>/
) is used,
else the parameter, must be called before any document is read
getDefaultBaseURI :: IOStateArrow s b StringSource
get the default base URI
runInLocalURIContext :: IOStateArrow s b c -> IOStateArrow s b cSource
remember base uri, run an arrow and restore the base URI, used with external entity substitution
parseURIReference' :: String -> Maybe URISource
parse a URI reference, in case of a failure, try to escape unescaped chars, convert backslashes to slashes for windows paths, and try parsing again
expandURIString :: String -> String -> Maybe StringSource
compute the absolut URI for a given URI and a base URI
expandURI :: ArrowXml a => a (String, String) StringSource
arrow variant of expandURIString
, fails if expandURIString
returns Nothing
mkAbsURI :: IOStateArrow s String StringSource
arrow for expanding an input URI into an absolute URI using global base URI, fails if input is not a legal URI
getSchemeFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String StringSource
arrow for selecting the scheme (protocol) of the URI, fails if input is not a legal URI.
See Network.URI for URI components
getRegNameFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String StringSource
arrow for selecting the registered name (host) of the URI, fails if input is not a legal URI
getPortFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String StringSource
arrow for selecting the port number of the URI without leading ':', fails if input is not a legal URI
getUserInfoFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String StringSource
arrow for selecting the user info of the URI without trailing '@', fails if input is not a legal URI
getPathFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String StringSource
arrow for computing the path component of an URI, fails if input is not a legal URI
getQueryFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String StringSource
arrow for computing the query component of an URI, fails if input is not a legal URI
getFragmentFromURI :: ArrowList a => a String StringSource
arrow for computing the fragment component of an URI, fails if input is not a legal URI
getPartFromURI :: ArrowList a => (URI -> String) -> a String StringSource
arrow for computing the path component of an URI, fails if input is not a legal URI