{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module I.Rational () where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Constraint
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Type.Ord
import GHC.TypeLits qualified as L
import GHC.Real
import KindRational (type (/))
import KindRational qualified as KR
import Prelude hiding (min, max, div, succ, pred)
import Prelude qualified as P
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import I.Internal
type instance MinL P.Rational = 'Nothing
type instance MaxR P.Rational = 'Nothing
instance forall l r.
( IntervalCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
) => Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
type IntervalCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) =
(KR.KnownRational l, KR.KnownRational r, l <= r)
type MinI P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) = l
type MaxI P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) = r
inhabitant :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
inhabitant = I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). Known x l r (MinI x l r) => I x l r
from :: Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
from = \Rational
x -> Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). x -> I x l r
unsafest Rational
x I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe ()
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall a b. a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
<$ Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (Rational
l Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Rational
x Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Rational
where l :: Rational
l = Proxy l -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @l)
r :: Rational
r = Proxy r -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @r)
negate' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
negate' = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))))
-> (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Rational)
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a
P.negate (Rational -> Rational)
-> (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Rational)
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Rational
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
recip' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
recip' I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
x = case I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
x of Integer
n :% Integer
d -> Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Integer
d Integer -> Integer -> Rational
forall a. a -> a -> Ratio a
:% Integer
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a plus' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
`plus'` I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
b = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a mult' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
`mult'` I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
b = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a minus' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
`minus'` I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
b = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a div' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
`div'` I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
b = do Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
b Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
instance forall l r.
( IntervalCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
) => Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
type IntervalCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) =
(KR.KnownRational l, KR.KnownRational r, l < r)
type MinI P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) = l
inhabitant :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
inhabitant = I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). Known x l r (MinI x l r) => I x l r
from :: Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
from = \Rational
x -> Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). x -> I x l r
unsafest Rational
x I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe ()
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall a b. a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
<$ Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (Rational
l Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Rational
x Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Rational
where l :: Rational
l = Proxy l -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @l)
r :: Rational
r = Proxy r -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @r)
negate' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
negate' = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))))
-> (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Rational)
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a
P.negate (Rational -> Rational)
-> (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Rational)
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Rational
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
recip' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
recip' I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
x = case I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
x of Integer
n :% Integer
d -> Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Integer
d Integer -> Integer -> Rational
forall a. a -> a -> Ratio a
:% Integer
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a plus' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
`plus'` I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
b = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a mult' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
`mult'` I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
b = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a minus' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
`minus'` I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
b = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a div' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
`div'` I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
b = do Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
b Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
instance forall l.
( IntervalCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
) => Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing where
type IntervalCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing = KR.KnownRational l
type MinI P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing = l
inhabitant :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
inhabitant = I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). Known x l r (MinI x l r) => I x l r
from :: Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
from = \Rational
x -> Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). x -> I x l r
unsafest Rational
x I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe () -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
forall a b. a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
<$ Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (Rational
l Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Rational
where l :: Rational
l = Proxy l -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @l)
negate' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
negate' = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing))
-> (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational)
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a
P.negate (Rational -> Rational)
-> (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational)
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
-> Rational
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
recip' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
recip' I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
x = case I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
x of Integer
n :% Integer
d -> Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Integer
d Integer -> Integer -> Rational
forall a. a -> a -> Ratio a
:% Integer
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
a plus' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
`plus'` I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
b = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
a mult' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
`mult'` I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
b = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
a minus' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
`minus'` I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
b = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
a div' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
`div'` I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
b = do Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
b Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Rational
Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
instance forall l r.
( IntervalCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
) => Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
type IntervalCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) =
(KR.KnownRational l, KR.KnownRational r, l < r)
type MaxI P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) = r
inhabitant :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
inhabitant = I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). Known x l r (MaxI x l r) => I x l r
from :: Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
from = \Rational
x -> Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). x -> I x l r
unsafest Rational
x I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe ()
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall a b. a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
<$ Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (Rational
l Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Rational
x Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Rational
where l :: Rational
l = Proxy l -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @l)
r :: Rational
r = Proxy r -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @r)
negate' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
negate' = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))))
-> (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Rational)
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a
P.negate (Rational -> Rational)
-> (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Rational)
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Rational
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
recip' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
recip' I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
x = case I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
x of Integer
n :% Integer
d -> Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Integer
d Integer -> Integer -> Rational
forall a. a -> a -> Ratio a
:% Integer
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a plus' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
`plus'` I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
b = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a mult' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
`mult'` I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
b = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a minus' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
`minus'` I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
b = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a div' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
`div'` I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
b = do Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
b Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
instance forall r.
( IntervalCtx P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
) => Interval P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
type IntervalCtx P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) = KR.KnownRational r
type MaxI P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) = r
inhabitant :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
inhabitant = I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). Known x l r (MaxI x l r) => I x l r
from :: Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
from = \Rational
x -> Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). x -> I x l r
unsafest Rational
x I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe () -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall a b. a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
<$ Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Rational
where r :: Rational
r = Proxy r -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @r)
negate' :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
negate' = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))))
-> (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational)
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a
P.negate (Rational -> Rational)
-> (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational)
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Rational
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
recip' :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
recip' I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
x = case I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
x of Integer
n :% Integer
d -> Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Integer
d Integer -> Integer -> Rational
forall a. a -> a -> Ratio a
:% Integer
I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
a plus' :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
`plus'` I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
b = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
a mult' :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
`mult'` I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
b = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
a minus' :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
`minus'` I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
b = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
a div' :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
`div'` I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
b = do Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
b Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Rational
Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
instance forall l r.
( IntervalCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
) => Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
type IntervalCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) =
(KR.KnownRational l, KR.KnownRational r, l < r)
inhabitant :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
inhabitant =
let l' :: Rational
l' = Proxy l -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @l)
r' :: Rational
r' = Proxy r -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @r)
in Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational
l' Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ (Rational
r' Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
l') Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ Rational
from :: Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
from = \Rational
x -> Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). x -> I x l r
unsafest Rational
x I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe ()
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall a b. a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
<$ Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (Rational
l Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Rational
x Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Rational
where l :: Rational
l = Proxy l -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @l)
r :: Rational
r = Proxy r -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @r)
negate' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
negate' = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))))
-> (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Rational)
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a
P.negate (Rational -> Rational)
-> (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Rational)
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Rational
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
recip' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
recip' I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
x = case I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
x of Integer
n :% Integer
d -> Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Integer
d Integer -> Integer -> Rational
forall a. a -> a -> Ratio a
:% Integer
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a plus' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
`plus'` I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
b = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a mult' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
`mult'` I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
b = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a minus' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
`minus'` I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
b = Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a div' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
`div'` I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
b = do Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
b Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
instance forall r.
( IntervalCtx P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
) => Interval P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
type IntervalCtx P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) =
KR.KnownRational r
inhabitant :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
inhabitant = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Proxy r -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @r) Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
from :: Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
from = \Rational
x -> Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). x -> I x l r
unsafest Rational
x I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe () -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall a b. a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
<$ Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Rational
where r :: Rational
r = Proxy r -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @r)
negate' :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
negate' = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))))
-> (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational)
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a
P.negate (Rational -> Rational)
-> (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational)
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Rational
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
recip' :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
recip' I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
x = case I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
x of Integer
n :% Integer
d -> Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Integer
d Integer -> Integer -> Rational
forall a. a -> a -> Ratio a
:% Integer
I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
a plus' :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
`plus'` I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
b = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
a mult' :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
`mult'` I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
b = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
a minus' :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
`minus'` I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
b = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
a div' :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
`div'` I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
b = do Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
b Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Rational
Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
instance forall l.
( IntervalCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
) => Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing where
type IntervalCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing =
KR.KnownRational l
inhabitant :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
inhabitant = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Proxy l -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @l) Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Rational
from :: Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
from = \Rational
x -> Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). x -> I x l r
unsafest Rational
x I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe () -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
forall a b. a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => a -> f b -> f a
<$ Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (Rational
l Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Rational
where l :: Rational
l = Proxy l -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @l)
negate' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
negate' = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing))
-> (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational)
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a
P.negate (Rational -> Rational)
-> (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational)
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
-> Rational
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
recip' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
recip' I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
x = case I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
x of Integer
n :% Integer
d -> Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Integer
d Integer -> Integer -> Rational
forall a. a -> a -> Ratio a
:% Integer
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
a plus' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
`plus'` I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
b = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
a mult' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
`mult'` I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
b = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
a minus' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
`minus'` I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
b = Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
a div' :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
`div'` I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
b = do Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
b Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Rational
Rational -> Maybe (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
instance Interval P.Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing where
inhabitant :: I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
inhabitant = I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). Zero x l r => I x l r
from :: Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
from = I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing))
-> (Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
-> Rational
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
Rational -> I Rational (MinL Rational) (MaxR Rational)
forall x.
Interval x (MinL x) (MaxR x) =>
x -> I x (MinL x) (MaxR x)
negate' :: I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
negate' = I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing))
-> (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
Rational -> I Rational (MinL Rational) (MaxR Rational)
forall x.
Interval x (MinL x) (MaxR x) =>
x -> I x (MinL x) (MaxR x)
wrap (Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
-> (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational)
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a
P.negate (Rational -> Rational)
-> (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational)
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Rational
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
recip' :: I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
recip' I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
x = case I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
x of Integer
n :% Integer
d -> Rational -> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Interval x l r =>
x -> Maybe (I x l r)
from (Integer
d Integer -> Integer -> Rational
forall a. a -> a -> Ratio a
:% Integer
I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
a plus' :: I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
`plus'` I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
b = I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
a I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Plus x l r =>
I x l r -> I x l r -> I x l r
`plus` I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
a mult' :: I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
`mult'` I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
b = I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
a I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Mult x l r =>
I x l r -> I x l r -> I x l r
`mult` I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
a minus' :: I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
`minus'` I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
b = I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
a I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
Minus x l r =>
I x l r -> I x l r -> I x l r
`minus` I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
a div' :: I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
`div'` I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
b = do Bool -> Maybe ()
forall (f :: * -> *). Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
b Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= Rational
I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Maybe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Rational -> I Rational (MinL Rational) (MaxR Rational)
forall x.
Interval x (MinL x) (MaxR x) =>
x -> I x (MinL x) (MaxR x)
wrap (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
instance (Interval Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
=> Clamp Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
instance (Interval Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
=> Clamp Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing where
clamp :: Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
clamp = \case
x | Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
min_ -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
| Bool
otherwise -> Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
where min_ :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
min_ = I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). Known x l r (MinI x l r) => I x l r
instance (Interval Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
=> Clamp Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
clamp :: Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
clamp = \case
x | Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
max_ -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
| Bool
otherwise -> Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
where max_ :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
max_ = I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). Known x l r (MaxI x l r) => I x l r
instance (Interval Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
=> Clamp Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing where
clamp :: Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
clamp = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
( Interval Rational ('Just '( 'False, ld)) ('Just '( 'False, rd))
, Interval Rational ('Just '( 'False, lu)) ('Just '( 'False, ru))
, lu <= ld
, rd <= ru )
=> Up Rational ('Just '( 'False, ld)) ('Just '( 'False, rd))
('Just '( 'False, lu)) ('Just '( 'False, ru))
( Interval Rational ('Just '( 'False, ld)) ('Just '( ird , rd))
, Interval Rational ('Just '( 'False, lu)) ('Just '( 'True, ru))
, lu <= ld
, rd <= ru )
=> Up Rational ('Just '( 'False, ld)) ('Just '( ird , rd))
('Just '( 'False, lu)) ('Just '( 'True, ru))
( Interval Rational ('Just '( 'False, ld)) yrd
, Interval Rational ('Just '( 'False, lu)) 'Nothing
, lu <= ld )
=> Up Rational ('Just '( 'False, ld)) yrd
('Just '( 'False, lu)) 'Nothing
( Interval Rational ('Just '( ild , ld)) ('Just '( 'False, rd))
, Interval Rational ('Just '( 'True, lu)) ('Just '( 'False, ru))
, lu <= ld
, rd <= ru )
=> Up Rational ('Just '( ild , ld)) ('Just '( 'False, rd))
('Just '( 'True, lu)) ('Just '( 'False, ru))
( Interval Rational ('Just '( ild , ld)) ('Just '( ird , rd))
, Interval Rational ('Just '( 'True, lu)) ('Just '( 'True, ru))
, lu <= ld
, rd <= ru )
=> Up Rational ('Just '( ild , ld)) ('Just '( ird , rd))
('Just '( 'True, lu)) ('Just '( 'True, ru))
( Interval Rational ('Just '( ild , ld)) yrd
, Interval Rational ('Just '( 'True, lu)) 'Nothing
, lu <= ld )
=> Up Rational ('Just '( ild , ld)) yrd
('Just '( 'True, lu)) 'Nothing
( Interval Rational yld ('Just '( 'False, rd))
, Interval Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, ru))
, ru <= rd )
=> Up Rational yld ('Just '( 'False, rd))
'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, ru))
( Interval Rational yld ('Just '( ird , rd))
, Interval Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, ru))
, ru <= rd )
=> Up Rational yld ('Just '( ird , rd))
'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, ru))
( Interval Rational yld yrd
, Interval Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing )
=> Up Rational yld yrd
'Nothing 'Nothing
instance forall t l r.
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
, KnownCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) t
) => Known P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) t where
type KnownCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) t =
(KR.KnownRational t, l <= t, t <= r)
known' :: Proxy t -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
known' = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
-> (Proxy t -> Rational)
-> Proxy t
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Proxy t -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
instance forall t l r.
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
, KnownCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) t
) => Known P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) t where
type KnownCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) t =
(KR.KnownRational t, l <= t, t < r)
known' :: Proxy t -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
known' = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
-> (Proxy t -> Rational)
-> Proxy t
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Proxy t -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
instance forall t l.
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
, KnownCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing t
) => Known P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing t where
type KnownCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing t =
(KR.KnownRational t, l <= t)
known' :: Proxy t -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
known' = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing)
-> (Proxy t -> Rational)
-> Proxy t
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Proxy t -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
instance forall t l r.
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
, KnownCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) t
) => Known P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) t where
type KnownCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) t =
(KR.KnownRational t, l < t, t <= r)
known' :: Proxy t -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
known' = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
-> (Proxy t -> Rational)
-> Proxy t
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Proxy t -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
instance forall t l.
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
, KnownCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing t
) => Known P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing t where
type KnownCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing t =
(KR.KnownRational t, l < t)
known' :: Proxy t -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
known' = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
-> (Proxy t -> Rational)
-> Proxy t
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Proxy t -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
instance forall t r.
( Interval P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
, KnownCtx P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) t
) => Known P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) t where
type KnownCtx P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) t =
(KR.KnownRational t, t <= r)
known' :: Proxy t -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
known' = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
-> (Proxy t -> Rational)
-> Proxy t
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Proxy t -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
instance forall t r.
( Interval P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
, KnownCtx P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) t
) => Known P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) t where
type KnownCtx P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) t =
(KR.KnownRational t, t < r)
known' :: Proxy t -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
known' = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
-> (Proxy t -> Rational)
-> Proxy t
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Proxy t -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
instance forall t l r.
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
, KnownCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) t
) => Known P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) t where
type KnownCtx P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) t =
(KR.KnownRational t, l < t, t < r)
known' :: Proxy t -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
known' = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
-> (Proxy t -> Rational)
-> Proxy t
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Proxy t -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
instance forall t.
( KnownCtx P.Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing t
) => Known P.Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing t where
type KnownCtx P.Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing t = KR.KnownRational t
known' :: Proxy t -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
known' = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
-> (Proxy t -> Rational) -> Proxy t -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Proxy t -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
instance forall l r.
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
) => With P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
with :: forall b.
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> (forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b)
-> b
with I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
x forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b
g = case Rational -> SomeRational
KR.someRationalVal (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
x) of
KR.SomeRational (Proxy n
pt :: Proxy t) ->
b -> Maybe b -> b
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe ([Char] -> b
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"I.with(Rational): impossible") (Maybe b -> b) -> Maybe b -> b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
(CmpRational_ (Normalize l) (Normalize n)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...))
Dict <- forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
Maybe (Dict (a <= b))
le @l @t
(CmpRational_ (Normalize n) (Normalize r)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...))
Dict <- forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
Maybe (Dict (a <= b))
le @t @r
b -> Maybe b
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Proxy n -> b
forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b
g Proxy n
Proxy n
instance forall l r.
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
) => With P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
with :: forall b.
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> (forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b)
-> b
with I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
x forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b
g = case Rational -> SomeRational
KR.someRationalVal (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
x) of
KR.SomeRational (Proxy n
pt :: Proxy t) ->
b -> Maybe b -> b
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe ([Char] -> b
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"I.with(Rational): impossible") (Maybe b -> b) -> Maybe b -> b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
(CmpRational_ (Normalize l) (Normalize n)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...))
Dict <- forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
Maybe (Dict (a <= b))
le @l @t
(CmpRational_ (Normalize n) (Normalize r)) 'True 'False 'False)
(TypeError ...))
Dict <- forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
Maybe (Dict (a < b))
lt @t @r
b -> Maybe b
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Proxy n -> b
forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b
g Proxy n
Proxy n
instance forall l.
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
) => With P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing where
with :: forall b.
I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
-> (forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing t =>
Proxy t -> b)
-> b
with I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
x forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing t =>
Proxy t -> b
g = case Rational -> SomeRational
KR.someRationalVal (I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
x) of
KR.SomeRational (Proxy n
pt :: Proxy t) ->
b -> Maybe b -> b
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe ([Char] -> b
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"I.with(Rational): impossible") (Maybe b -> b) -> Maybe b -> b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
(CmpRational_ (Normalize l) (Normalize n)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...))
Dict <- forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
Maybe (Dict (a <= b))
le @l @t
b -> Maybe b
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Proxy n -> b
forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing t =>
Proxy t -> b
g Proxy n
Proxy n
instance forall l.
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
) => With P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing where
with :: forall b.
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
-> (forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing t =>
Proxy t -> b)
-> b
with I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
x forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing t =>
Proxy t -> b
g = case Rational -> SomeRational
KR.someRationalVal (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
x) of
KR.SomeRational (Proxy n
pt :: Proxy t) ->
b -> Maybe b -> b
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe ([Char] -> b
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"I.with(Rational): impossible") (Maybe b -> b) -> Maybe b -> b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
(CmpRational_ (Normalize l) (Normalize n)) 'True 'False 'False)
(TypeError ...))
Dict <- forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
Maybe (Dict (a < b))
lt @l @t
b -> Maybe b
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Proxy n -> b
forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing t =>
Proxy t -> b
g Proxy n
Proxy n
instance forall l r.
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
) => With P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
with :: forall b.
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> (forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b)
-> b
with I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
x forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b
g = case Rational -> SomeRational
KR.someRationalVal (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
x) of
KR.SomeRational (Proxy n
pt :: Proxy t) ->
b -> Maybe b -> b
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe ([Char] -> b
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"I.with(Rational): impossible") (Maybe b -> b) -> Maybe b -> b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
(CmpRational_ (Normalize l) (Normalize n)) 'True 'False 'False)
(TypeError ...))
Dict <- forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
Maybe (Dict (a < b))
lt @l @t
(CmpRational_ (Normalize n) (Normalize r)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...))
Dict <- forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
Maybe (Dict (a <= b))
le @t @r
b -> Maybe b
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Proxy n -> b
forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b
g Proxy n
Proxy n
instance forall r.
( Interval P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
) => With P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
with :: forall b.
I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
-> (forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b)
-> b
with I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
x forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b
g = case Rational -> SomeRational
KR.someRationalVal (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
x) of
KR.SomeRational (Proxy n
pt :: Proxy t) ->
b -> Maybe b -> b
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe ([Char] -> b
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"I.with(Rational): impossible") (Maybe b -> b) -> Maybe b -> b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
(CmpRational_ (Normalize n) (Normalize r)) 'True 'True 'False)
(TypeError ...))
Dict <- forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
Maybe (Dict (a <= b))
le @t @r
b -> Maybe b
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Proxy n -> b
forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b
g Proxy n
Proxy n
instance forall l r.
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
) => With P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
with :: forall b.
I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> (forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b)
-> b
with I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
x forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b
g = case Rational -> SomeRational
KR.someRationalVal (I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
x) of
KR.SomeRational (Proxy n
pt :: Proxy t) ->
b -> Maybe b -> b
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe ([Char] -> b
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"I.with(Rational): impossible") (Maybe b -> b) -> Maybe b -> b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
(CmpRational_ (Normalize l) (Normalize n)) 'True 'False 'False)
(TypeError ...))
Dict <- forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
Maybe (Dict (a < b))
lt @l @t
(CmpRational_ (Normalize n) (Normalize r)) 'True 'False 'False)
(TypeError ...))
Dict <- forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
Maybe (Dict (a < b))
lt @t @r
b -> Maybe b
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Proxy n -> b
forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b
g Proxy n
Proxy n
instance forall r.
( Interval P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
) => With P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
with :: forall b.
I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
-> (forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b)
-> b
with I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
x forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b
g = case Rational -> SomeRational
KR.someRationalVal (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
x) of
KR.SomeRational (Proxy n
pt :: Proxy t) ->
b -> Maybe b -> b
forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe ([Char] -> b
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"I.with(Rational): impossible") (Maybe b -> b) -> Maybe b -> b
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
(CmpRational_ (Normalize n) (Normalize r)) 'True 'False 'False)
(TypeError ...))
Dict <- forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
Maybe (Dict (a < b))
lt @t @r
b -> Maybe b
forall a. a -> Maybe a
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure (Proxy n -> b
forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) t =>
Proxy t -> b
g Proxy n
Proxy n
instance With P.Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing where
with :: forall b.
I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> (forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing t =>
Proxy t -> b)
-> b
with I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
x forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing t =>
Proxy t -> b
g = case Rational -> SomeRational
KR.someRationalVal (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
x) of
KR.SomeRational (Proxy n
pt :: Proxy t) -> Proxy n -> b
forall (t :: T Rational).
Known Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing t =>
Proxy t -> b
g Proxy n
Proxy n
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing, 0/1 <= l
) => Plus P.Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing where
I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
a plus :: I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
-> I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
-> I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
`plus` I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
b = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
( Interval P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '(ir, r)), r <= 0/1
) => Plus P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '(ir, r)) where
I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '(ir, r))
a plus :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '(ir, r))
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '(ir, r))
-> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '(ir, r))
`plus` I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '(ir, r))
b = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '(ir, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '(ir, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '(ir, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '(ir, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '(ir, r))
instance Plus P.Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing where
I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
a plus :: I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
`plus` I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
b = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing, 1/1 <= l
) => Mult P.Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing where
I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
a mult :: I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
-> I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
-> I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
`mult` I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
b = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) 'Nothing
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r)), 0/1 <= l, r <= 1/1
) => Mult P.Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r)) where
I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
a mult :: I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
`mult` I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
b = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
instance Mult P.Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing where
I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
a mult :: I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
`mult` I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
b = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
( 0/1 < l, r <= 1/1
, Interval P.Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
) => Div P.Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r)) where
I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
a div :: I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
`div` I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
b = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational ('Just '(il, l)) ('Just '(ir, r))
instance Minus P.Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing where
I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
a minus :: I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
`minus` I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
b = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
a Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
unwrap I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
( l <= 0/1, 0/1 <= r
, Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
) => Zero P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
zero :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
zero = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( l <= 0/1, 0/1 < r
, Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
) => Zero P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
zero :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
zero = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( l < 0/1, 0/1 <= r
, Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
) => Zero P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
zero :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
zero = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing, l <= 0/1
) => Zero P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing where
zero :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
zero = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing, l < 0/1
) => Zero P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing where
zero :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
zero = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( Interval P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)), 0/1 <= r
) => Zero P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
zero :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
zero = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( Interval P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)), 0/1 < r
) => Zero P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
zero :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
zero = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( l < 0/1, 0/1 < r
, Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
) => Zero P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
zero :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
zero = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
instance Zero P.Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing where
zero :: I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
zero = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( l <= 1/1, 1/1 <= r
, Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
) => One P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
one :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
one = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( l <= 1/1, 1/1 < r
, Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
) => One P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
one :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
one = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( l < 1/1, 1/1 <= r
, Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
) => One P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
one :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
one = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing, l <= 1/1
) => One P.Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing where
one :: I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
one = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing, l < 1/1
) => One P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing where
one :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
one = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( Interval P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)), 1/1 <= r
) => One P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
one :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
one = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( Interval P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)), 1/1 < r
) => One P.Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
one :: I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
one = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( l < 1/1, 1/1 < r
, Interval P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
) => One P.Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
one :: I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
one = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
instance One P.Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing where
one :: I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
one = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe Rational
( l KR.== KR.Negate r
, Zero P.Rational ('Just '(i, l)) ('Just '(i, r))
) => Negate P.Rational ('Just '(i, l)) ('Just '(i, r)) where
negate :: I Rational ('Just '(i, l)) ('Just '(i, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '(i, l)) ('Just '(i, r))
negate = Rational -> I Rational ('Just '(i, l)) ('Just '(i, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational ('Just '(i, l)) ('Just '(i, r)))
-> (I Rational ('Just '(i, l)) ('Just '(i, r)) -> Rational)
-> I Rational ('Just '(i, l)) ('Just '(i, r))
-> I Rational ('Just '(i, l)) ('Just '(i, r))
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a
P.negate (Rational -> Rational)
-> (I Rational ('Just '(i, l)) ('Just '(i, r)) -> Rational)
-> I Rational ('Just '(i, l)) ('Just '(i, r))
-> Rational
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. I Rational ('Just '(i, l)) ('Just '(i, r)) -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
instance Negate P.Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing where
negate :: I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
negate = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing)
-> (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational)
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a
P.negate (Rational -> Rational)
-> (I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational)
-> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
-> Rational
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing -> Rational
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). I x l r -> x
( Interval Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
) => Shove Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
shove :: Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
shove | Rational
d Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Rational
0 = \Rational
_ -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x). Known x l r (MinI x l r) => I x l r
| Bool
otherwise = \Rational
x ->
let t :: Rational
t = Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
P.min (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
numerator Rational
x)) (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
denominator Rational
Integer -> Integer -> Rational
forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> Ratio a
% Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
P.max (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
numerator Rational
x)) (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
denominator Rational
in Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
-> Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ if Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Rational
0 then Rational
r Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
d Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Rational
t else Rational
l Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Rational
d Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Rational
l :: Rational
l = Proxy l -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @l)
r :: Rational
r = Proxy r -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @r)
d :: Rational
d = Rational
r Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
( Interval Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
) => Shove Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
shove :: Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
shove = \Rational
x -> let t :: Rational
t = Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
P.min (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
numerator Rational
x)) (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
denominator Rational
Integer -> Integer -> Rational
forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> Ratio a
% Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
P.max (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
numerator Rational
x)) (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
denominator Rational
in Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
-> Rational
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ if Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Rational
0 then Rational
r1 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
d1 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Rational
t else Rational
l0 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Rational
d1 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Rational
l0 :: Rational
l0 = Proxy l -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @l)
r0 :: Rational
r0 = Proxy r -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @r)
d0 :: Rational
d0 = Rational
r0 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
p0 :: Rational
p0 = Rational
d0 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ Rational
r1 :: Rational
r1 = Rational
r0 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
d1 :: Rational
d1 = Rational
r1 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
instance Interval Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
=> Shove Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing where
shove :: Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
shove = \Rational
x -> Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'True, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (if Rational
l Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Rational
x then Rational
x else Rational
l Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ (Rational
l Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
where l :: Rational
l = Proxy l -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @l)
( Interval Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
) => Shove Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
shove :: Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
shove = \Rational
x -> let t :: Rational
t = Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
P.min (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
numerator Rational
x)) (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
denominator Rational
Integer -> Integer -> Rational
forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> Ratio a
% Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
P.max (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
numerator Rational
x)) (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
denominator Rational
in Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r)))
-> Rational
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ if Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Rational
0 then Rational
r0 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
d1 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Rational
t else Rational
l1 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Rational
d1 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Rational
l0 :: Rational
l0 = Proxy l -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @l)
r0 :: Rational
r0 = Proxy r -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @r)
d0 :: Rational
d0 = Rational
r0 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
p0 :: Rational
p0 = Rational
d0 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ Rational
l1 :: Rational
l1 = Rational
l0 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Rational
d1 :: Rational
d1 = Rational
r0 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
( Interval Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
) => Shove Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
shove :: Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
shove = \Rational
x -> let t :: Rational
t = Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
P.min (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
numerator Rational
x)) (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
denominator Rational
Integer -> Integer -> Rational
forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> Ratio a
% Integer -> Integer -> Integer
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> a
P.max (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
numerator Rational
x)) (Integer -> Integer
forall a. Num a => a -> a
abs (Rational -> Integer
forall a. Ratio a -> a
denominator Rational
in Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r)))
-> Rational
-> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ if Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Rational
0 then Rational
r1 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
d1 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Rational
t else Rational
l1 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Rational
d1 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* Rational
l0 :: Rational
l0 = Proxy l -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @l)
r0 :: Rational
r0 = Proxy r -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @r)
d0 :: Rational
d0 = Rational
r0 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
p0 :: Rational
p0 = Rational
d0 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Fractional a => a -> a -> a
/ Rational
l1 :: Rational
l1 = Rational
l0 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Rational
r1 :: Rational
r1 = Rational
r0 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
d1 :: Rational
d1 = Rational
r1 Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
( Interval Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
) => Shove Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing where
shove :: Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
shove = \Rational
x -> Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing)
-> Rational -> I Rational ('Just '( 'False, l)) 'Nothing
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ if Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Rational
l then Rational
l Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ (Rational
l Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
x) Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
+ Rational
1 else Rational
where l :: Rational
l = Proxy l -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @l)
( Interval Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
) => Shove Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)) where
shove :: Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
shove = \Rational
x -> Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r)))
-> Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'True, r))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ if Rational
r Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< Rational
x then Rational
r Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- (Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
r) else Rational
where r :: Rational
r = Proxy r -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @r)
( Interval Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
) => Shove Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)) where
shove :: Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
shove = \Rational
x -> Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
unsafe (Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r)))
-> Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing ('Just '( 'False, r))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ if Rational
r Rational -> Rational -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Rational
x then Rational
r Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- (Rational
x Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
r) Rational -> Rational -> Rational
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
- Rational
1 else Rational
where r :: Rational
r = Proxy r -> Rational
forall (r :: Rational) (proxy :: Rational -> *).
KnownRational r =>
proxy r -> Rational
KR.rationalVal (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @r)
instance Shove Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing where
shove :: Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
shove = Rational -> I Rational 'Nothing 'Nothing
forall x (l :: L x) (r :: R x).
(HasCallStack, Interval x l r) =>
x -> I x l r
lt :: forall (a :: KR.Rational) (b :: KR.Rational)
. (KR.KnownRational a, KR.KnownRational b)
=> Maybe (Dict (a < b))
lt :: forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
Maybe (Dict (a < b))
lt = case Proxy a -> Proxy b -> OrderingI a b
forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational) (proxy1 :: Rational -> *)
(proxy2 :: Rational -> *).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
proxy1 a -> proxy2 b -> OrderingI a b
KR.cmpRational (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @a) (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @b) of
OrderingI a b
L.LTI -> Dict (a < b) -> Maybe (Dict (a < b))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Dict (a < b) -> Maybe (Dict (a < b)))
-> Dict (a < b) -> Maybe (Dict (a < b))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Dict (() :: Constraint) -> Dict (() :: Constraint)
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce (forall (a :: Constraint). a => Dict a
Dict @())
OrderingI a b
L.EQI -> Maybe (Dict (TypeError ...))
Maybe (Dict (a < b))
forall a. Maybe a
OrderingI a b
L.GTI -> Maybe (Dict (TypeError ...))
Maybe (Dict (a < b))
forall a. Maybe a
le :: forall (a :: KR.Rational) (b :: KR.Rational)
. (KR.KnownRational a, KR.KnownRational b)
=> Maybe (Dict (a <= b))
le :: forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
Maybe (Dict (a <= b))
le = case Proxy a -> Proxy b -> OrderingI a b
forall (a :: Rational) (b :: Rational) (proxy1 :: Rational -> *)
(proxy2 :: Rational -> *).
(KnownRational a, KnownRational b) =>
proxy1 a -> proxy2 b -> OrderingI a b
KR.cmpRational (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @a) (forall {k} (t :: k). Proxy t
forall (t :: Rational). Proxy t
Proxy @b) of
OrderingI a b
L.LTI -> Dict (a <= b) -> Maybe (Dict (a <= b))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Dict (a <= b) -> Maybe (Dict (a <= b)))
-> Dict (a <= b) -> Maybe (Dict (a <= b))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Dict (() :: Constraint) -> Dict (() :: Constraint)
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce (forall (a :: Constraint). a => Dict a
Dict @())
OrderingI a b
L.EQI -> Dict (a <= b) -> Maybe (Dict (a <= b))
forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just (Dict (a <= b) -> Maybe (Dict (a <= b)))
-> Dict (a <= b) -> Maybe (Dict (a <= b))
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Dict (() :: Constraint) -> Dict (() :: Constraint)
forall a b. a -> b
unsafeCoerce (forall (a :: Constraint). a => Dict a
Dict @())
OrderingI a b
L.GTI -> Maybe (Dict (TypeError ...))
Maybe (Dict (a <= b))
forall a. Maybe a