{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Alien.Interaction where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.Bits
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Alien.FFI
modulate :: IntList -> [Bool]
modulate (LInt n) = (if n >= 0 then [False, True] else [True, False])
++ replicate len True
++ [False]
++ map (testBit absn) (reverse [0 .. 4*len-1])
absn = abs n
len = head $ dropWhile (\l -> 16^l <= absn) [0..]
modulate LNil = [False, False]
modulate (LCons x xs) = [True, True] ++ modulate x ++ modulate xs
demodulate :: [Bool] -> IntList
demodulate = fromMaybe (error "Demodulate parse error") . evalStateT (go <* end)
getBit = StateT uncons
end = StateT $ \case
[] -> pure ((), [])
_ -> empty
go = liftA2 (,) getBit getBit >>= \case
(False, False) -> pure LNil
(True, True) -> LCons <$> go <*> go
(sign, _) -> LInt <$> do
let getLen = getBit >>= \b -> if b then succ <$> getLen else pure 0
len <- getLen
mantissa <- replicateM (4 * len) getBit
pure $ (if sign then negate else id) $ foldl' (\x y -> 2*x + if y then 1 else 0) 0 mantissa
:: Monad m
=> (IntList -> m IntList)
-> (AlienState -> m ())
-> alienValue
-> AlienState
-> (Integer, Integer)
-> m (AlienState, [Drawing])
makeClick send step interactor stt (x, y) = go stt (LCons (LInt x) (LInt y))
go st input = step st >> case interactWith interactor st input of
(st', Left request) -> go st' =<< send request
(st', Right pictures) -> pure (st', pictures)
:: Monad m
=> (IntList -> m IntList)
-> ([Drawing] -> m (Integer, Integer))
-> (AlienState -> m ())
-> alienValue
-> AlienState
-> m ()
runInteraction send click step interactor initState = click [] >>= goClick initState
goClick st (x, y) = go st (LCons (LInt x) (LInt y))
go st input = step st >> case interactWith interactor st input of
(st', Left request) -> send request >>= go st'
(st', Right pictures) -> click pictures >>= goClick st'