Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module provides an interface to the IDE backend. It centres around the idea of a single threaded IDE session, and operations for updating the session or running queries given the current state of the session.
Interaction with the compiler
Ironically for a pure functional language, the interface to the compiler is rather stateful and sequential. In part this is because it's dealing with the state of files in the file system which are of course mutable variables.
So the general pattern of interaction is sequential and single-threaded. The state transitions are fairly simple:
- update phase: we have a batch of updates, e.g. changes in module contents. This part is declarative, we just describe what changes we want to make.
- compile phase: we apply the updates and invoke the compiler, which incrementally recompiles some modules. This may be a relatively long running operation and we may want progress info.
- query phase: after compiling we can collect information like source errors, the list of successfully loaded modules or symbol maps.
- run phase: regardless of compilation results, we may want to run some code from a module (compiled recently or compiled many updates ago), interact with the running code's input and output, interrupt its execution.
Then the whole process can repeat.
To clarify these different phases we use different types:
for the query mode. This is in a sense also the default mode.IdeSessionUpdate
for accumulating updates.Progress
for the progress information in the compile mode.RunActions
for handles on the running code, through which one can interact with the code.
Additional notes
- Responsibility for managing and mutating files in the sources dir.
In general, updating and changing source files in the sources dir has to be coordinated with the IdeSession, since we're in a concurrent mutable setting.
The model here is that the IdeSession alone manages the files in the sources directory. All file changes and file reading must be managed via the session, and sequenced relative to other session state changes.
The session will manage the files carefully, including in the case of exceptions and things going awry. Thus the caller does not need to duplicate the file state: it can rely on putting files in, applying updates to the files via the session, and extracting the files again at any time (before the session is closed).
- Morally pure queries
Morally, a compiler is a pure function from the current value of the various source files (and other bits of the environment) to object code and/or other information about the modules (errors, types etc).
The intention is to reflect this purity property in this interface. The
value of an IdeSession
represents the state of the files/modules and
contains the other parameters supplied by the user (compiler options,
environment variables). It also contains or represents the result of the
pure compilation function. It should always be the case that we can throw
away all the compilation results and recover them just from the file state
and user parameters.
One example where this notion makes a difference is with warnings. Traditionally, compilers just return the warnings for the modules they compiled, skipping warnings for the modules they didn't need to recompile. But this doesn't match the pure function idea, because the compilation result now depends on which steps we took to get there, rather than just on the current value of the files. So one of the things this wrapper can do is to restore the purity in these corner cases (which otherwise the client of this API would probably have to do).
- Persistent and transitory state
The persistent state is obviously the files: source files and data files, as well as user-supplied parameters of the compilation. Internally there is a great deal of transitory and cached state, either in memory or on disk (such as .hi files on disk or the equivalent in memory). Note that none of the state persists in case of a fatal internal error (the files are wiped out before shutdown) and only the files persist in case of a power failure (but have to be recovered manually).
It should be possible to drop all the transitory state and recover, just at
the cost of some extra work, as long as the original Session
value is
available. The restartSession
function does almost exactly that.
This property is a useful correctness property for internal testing: the results of all the queries should be the same before and after blowing away all the transitory state and recovering.
- data SessionConfig = SessionConfig {
- configDir :: FilePath
- configLocalWorkingDir :: Maybe FilePath
- configExtraPathDirs :: [FilePath]
- configInProcess :: InProcess
- configGenerateModInfo :: Bool
- configPackageDBStack :: PackageDBStack
- configLicenseExc :: [String]
- configLicenseFixed :: [(String, (Maybe License, Maybe FilePath, Maybe String))]
- configLog :: String -> IO ()
- configDeleteTempFiles :: Bool
- configIdeBackendServer :: (ProgramSearchPath, FilePath)
- configIdeBackendExeCabal :: (ProgramSearchPath, FilePath)
- sessionConfigFromEnv :: IO SessionConfig
- defaultSessionConfig :: SessionConfig
- type InProcess = Bool
- type ProgramSearchPath = [ProgramSearchPathEntry]
- data ProgramSearchPathEntry :: *
- data IdeSession
- initSession :: SessionInitParams -> SessionConfig -> IO IdeSession
- initSessionWithCallbacks :: IdeCallbacks -> SessionInitParams -> SessionConfig -> IO IdeSession
- data SessionInitParams = SessionInitParams {}
- defaultSessionInitParams :: SessionInitParams
- data IdeCallbacks = IdeCallbacks {}
- defaultIdeCallbacks :: IdeCallbacks
- shutdownSession :: IdeSession -> IO ()
- forceShutdownSession :: IdeSession -> IO ()
- restartSession :: IdeSession -> IO ()
- data IdeSessionUpdate
- updateSession :: IdeSession -> IdeSessionUpdate -> (UpdateStatus -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- updateSourceFile :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IdeSessionUpdate
- updateSourceFileFromFile :: FilePath -> IdeSessionUpdate
- updateSourceFileDelete :: FilePath -> IdeSessionUpdate
- updateGhcOpts :: [String] -> IdeSessionUpdate
- updateRtsOpts :: [String] -> IdeSessionUpdate
- updateRelativeIncludes :: [FilePath] -> IdeSessionUpdate
- updateCodeGeneration :: Bool -> IdeSessionUpdate
- updateDataFile :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IdeSessionUpdate
- updateDataFileFromFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IdeSessionUpdate
- updateDataFileDelete :: FilePath -> IdeSessionUpdate
- updateDeleteManagedFiles :: IdeSessionUpdate
- updateEnv :: [(String, Maybe String)] -> IdeSessionUpdate
- updateArgs :: [String] -> IdeSessionUpdate
- updateStdoutBufferMode :: RunBufferMode -> IdeSessionUpdate
- updateStderrBufferMode :: RunBufferMode -> IdeSessionUpdate
- updateTargets :: Targets -> IdeSessionUpdate
- buildExe :: [String] -> [(ModuleName, FilePath)] -> IdeSessionUpdate
- buildDoc :: IdeSessionUpdate
- buildLicenses :: FilePath -> IdeSessionUpdate
- data Progress :: * = Progress {}
- data UpdateStatus :: *
- data RunActions a = RunActions {
- runWait :: IO (Either ByteString a)
- interrupt :: IO ()
- supplyStdin :: ByteString -> IO ()
- forceCancel :: IO ()
- data RunResult :: *
- data RunBufferMode :: *
- = RunNoBuffering
- | RunLineBuffering { }
- | RunBlockBuffering { }
- data BreakInfo :: * = BreakInfo {}
- runStmt :: IdeSession -> String -> String -> IO (RunActions RunResult)
- runStmtPty :: IdeSession -> String -> String -> IO (RunActions RunResult)
- runExe :: IdeSession -> String -> IO (RunActions ExitCode)
- resume :: IdeSession -> IO (RunActions RunResult)
- runWaitAll :: forall a. RunActions a -> IO (ByteString, a)
- setBreakpoint :: IdeSession -> ModuleName -> SourceSpan -> Bool -> IO (Maybe Bool)
- printVar :: IdeSession -> Name -> Bool -> Bool -> IO VariableEnv
- type Query a = IdeSession -> IO a
- data ManagedFiles = ManagedFiles {
- sourceFiles :: [FilePath]
- dataFiles :: [FilePath]
- data Targets :: *
- data GhcVersion :: *
- getSessionConfig :: Query SessionConfig
- getSourcesDir :: Query FilePath
- getDataDir :: Query FilePath
- getDistDir :: Query FilePath
- getSourceModule :: FilePath -> Query ByteString
- getDataFile :: FilePath -> Query ByteString
- getAllDataFiles :: Query [FilePath]
- getCabalMacros :: Query ByteString
- getCodeGeneration :: Query Bool
- getEnv :: Query [(String, Maybe String)]
- getGhcServer :: Query GhcServer
- getGhcVersion :: Query GhcVersion
- getManagedFiles :: Query ManagedFiles
- getBreakInfo :: Query (Maybe BreakInfo)
- getSourceErrors :: Query [SourceError]
- getLoadedModules :: Query [ModuleName]
- getFileMap :: Query (FilePath -> Maybe ModuleId)
- getBuildExeStatus :: Query (Maybe ExitCode)
- getBuildDocStatus :: Query (Maybe ExitCode)
- getBuildLicensesStatus :: Query (Maybe ExitCode)
- getSpanInfo :: Query (ModuleName -> SourceSpan -> [(SourceSpan, SpanInfo)])
- getExpTypes :: Query (ModuleName -> SourceSpan -> [(SourceSpan, Text)])
- getUseSites :: Query (ModuleName -> SourceSpan -> [SourceSpan])
- getDotCabal :: Query (String -> Version -> ByteString)
- getImports :: Query (ModuleName -> Maybe [Import])
- getAutocompletion :: Query (ModuleName -> String -> [IdInfo])
- getPkgDeps :: Query (ModuleName -> Maybe [PackageId])
- data IdNameSpace :: *
- type Type = Text
- data IdInfo :: * = IdInfo {}
- data IdProp :: * = IdProp {
- idName :: !Name
- idSpace :: !IdNameSpace
- idType :: !(Maybe Type)
- idDefinedIn :: !ModuleId
- idDefSpan :: !EitherSpan
- idHomeModule :: !(Maybe ModuleId)
- data IdScope :: *
- = Binder
- | Local
- | Imported {
- idImportedFrom :: !ModuleId
- idImportSpan :: !EitherSpan
- idImportQual :: !Text
- | WiredIn
- data SourceSpan :: * = SourceSpan {
- spanFilePath :: !FilePath
- spanFromLine :: !Int
- spanFromColumn :: !Int
- spanToLine :: !Int
- spanToColumn :: !Int
- data EitherSpan :: *
- = ProperSpan !SourceSpan
- | TextSpan !Text
- data SourceError :: * = SourceError {
- errorKind :: !SourceErrorKind
- errorSpan :: !EitherSpan
- errorMsg :: !Text
- data SourceErrorKind :: *
- type ModuleName = Text
- data ModuleId :: * = ModuleId {}
- data PackageId :: * = PackageId {
- packageName :: !Text
- packageVersion :: !(Maybe Text)
- packageKey :: !Text
- data ImportEntities :: *
- = ImportOnly ![Text]
- | ImportHiding ![Text]
- | ImportAll
- data Import :: * = Import {
- importModule :: !ModuleId
- importPackage :: !(Maybe Text)
- importQualified :: !Bool
- importImplicit :: !Bool
- importAs :: !(Maybe ModuleName)
- importEntities :: !ImportEntities
- data SpanInfo :: *
- idInfoQN :: IdInfo -> String
- haddockLink :: IdProp -> IdScope -> String
- data ExternalException :: * = ExternalException {}
- data InvalidSessionStateQueries = InvalidSessionStateQueries
- type PackageDBStack = [PackageDB]
- data PackageDB :: *
- getGhcExitCode :: GhcServer -> IO (Maybe ExitCode)
- dumpIdInfo :: IdeSession -> IO ()
- dumpAutocompletion :: IdeSession -> IO ()
- dumpFileMap :: IdeSession -> IO ()
- crashGhcServer :: IdeSession -> Maybe Int -> IO ()
- sourceExtensions :: [FilePath]
- ideBackendApiVersion :: Int
- buildLicsFromPkgs :: Bool -> LicenseArgs -> IO ExitCode
- data LicenseArgs = LicenseArgs {
- liPackageDBStack :: PackageDBStack
- liExtraPathDirs :: [FilePath]
- liLicenseExc :: [String]
- liDistDir :: FilePath
- liStdoutLog :: FilePath
- liStderrLog :: FilePath
- licenseFixed :: [(String, (Maybe License, Maybe FilePath, Maybe String))]
- liCabalsDir :: FilePath
- liPkgs :: [PackageId]
data SessionConfig Source
Configuration parameters for a session. These remain the same throughout the whole session's lifetime.
SessionConfig | |
defaultSessionConfig :: SessionConfig Source
Default session configuration. Most users will probably instead
want localSessionConfigFromEnv
Use this instead of creating your own SessionConfig to be robust against extensions of SessionConfig.
defaultSessionConfig = SessionConfig { configDir = "." , configLocalWorkingDir = Nothing , configExtraPathDirs = [] , configInProcess = False , configGenerateModInfo = True , configPackageDBStack = [GlobalPackageDB, UserPackageDB] -- ghc-prim, integer-gmp, etc., all have their own licenses specified -- in their .cabal files. , configLicenseExc = ["rts"] , configLicenseFixed = [ ("bin-package-db", (Just BSD3, Nothing, Nothing)) , ("ghc", (Just BSD3, Just "../LICENSE", Just "The GHC Team")) , ("ghc-prim", (Just BSD3, Just "LICENSE", Nothing)) , ("integer-gmp", (Just BSD3, Just "LICENSE", Nothing)) ] , configLog = const $ return () , configDeleteTempFiles = True , configIdeBackendServer = (defaultProgramSearchPath,"ide-backend-server") , configIdeBackendExeCabal = (defaultProgramSearchPath,"ide-backend-exe-cabal") }
type ProgramSearchPath = [ProgramSearchPathEntry]
A search path to use when locating executables. This is analogous
to the unix $PATH
or win32 %PATH%
but with the ability to use
the system default method for finding executables (findExecutable
on unix is simply looking on the $PATH
but on win32 is a bit more
The default to use is [ProgSearchPathDefault]
but you can add extra dirs
either before, after or instead of the default, e.g. here we add an extra
dir to search after the usual ones.
['ProgramSearchPathDefault', 'ProgramSearchPathDir' dir]
data ProgramSearchPathEntry :: *
ProgramSearchPathDir FilePath | A specific dir |
ProgramSearchPathDefault | The system default |
Updating the session
Starting and stopping
data IdeSession Source
This type is a handle to a session state. Values of this type point to the non-persistent parts of the session state in memory and to directories containing source and data file that form the persistent part of the session state. Whenever we perform updates or run queries, it's always in the context of a particular handle, representing the session we want to work within. Many sessions can be active at once, but in normal applications this shouldn't be needed.
initSession :: SessionInitParams -> SessionConfig -> IO IdeSession Source
Create a fresh session, using some initial configuration.
Throws an exception if the configuration is invalid, or if GHC_PACKAGE_PATH is set.
initSessionWithCallbacks :: IdeCallbacks -> SessionInitParams -> SessionConfig -> IO IdeSession Source
Like initSession
, but also takes a IdeCallbacks
Since 0.10.0
data SessionInitParams Source
How should the session be initialized?
Client code should use defaultSessionInitParams
to protect itself against
future extensions of this record.
SessionInitParams | |
data IdeCallbacks Source
Session callbacks. Currently this just configures how logging is handled.
IdeCallbacks | |
Fields |
defaultIdeCallbacks :: IdeCallbacks Source
Default session configuration.
Use this instead of creating your own IdeCallbacks to be robust against extensions of IdeCallbacks.
> defaultIdeCallbacks = IdeCallbacks > { ideCallbacksLogFunc = \_ _ _ _ -> return () > }
shutdownSession :: IdeSession -> IO () Source
Close a session down, releasing the resources.
This operation is the only one that can be run after a shutdown was already
performed. This lets the API user execute an early shutdown, e.g., before
the shutdownSession
placed inside bracket
is triggered by a normal
program control flow.
If code is still running, it will be interrupted.
forceShutdownSession :: IdeSession -> IO () Source
Like shutdownSession, but don't be nice about it (SIGKILL)
restartSession :: IdeSession -> IO () Source
Restart a session
This puts the session in a "dead" state; it won't _actually_ be restarted
until the next call to updateSession
Session updates
data IdeSessionUpdate Source
Declarative description of session updates
IdeSessionUpdate forms a monoid, which is right-biased: "later" calls override "earlier" ones:
updateTargets targets1 <> updateTargets2
is equivalent to
However, updates of a different nature are not necessarily executed in order; for instance,
updateDynamicOpts opts <> updateSourceFile fp bs
is equivalent to
updateSourceFile fp bs <> updateDynamicOpts opts
In both cases options are set before new source files are compiled.
File commands are updated in order, so that
updateSourceFile fp bs <> updateSourceFile fp bs'
is equivalent to
updateSourceFile fp bs'
which is consistent with "later updates override earlier ones".
updateSession :: IdeSession -> IdeSessionUpdate -> (UpdateStatus -> IO ()) -> IO () Source
Given the current IDE session state, go ahead and update the session, eventually resulting in a new session state, with fully updated computed information (typing, etc.).
The update can be a long running operation, so we support a callback which can be used to monitor progress of the operation.
updateSourceFile :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
A session update that changes a source file by providing some contents.
This can be used to add a new module or update an existing one.
The FilePath
argument determines the directory
and file where the module is located within the project.
In case of Haskell source files, the actual internal
compiler module name, such as the one given by the
query, comes from within module ... end
Usually the two names are equal, but they needn't be.
updateSourceFileFromFile :: FilePath -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
Like updateSourceFile
except that instead of passing the source by
value, it's given by reference to an existing file, which will be copied.
updateSourceFileDelete :: FilePath -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
A session update that deletes an existing source file.
updateGhcOpts :: [String] -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
Set ghc options
This function is stateless: the set of actions options is the set provided by the last call to updateGhcOptions.
updateRtsOpts :: [String] -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
Set RTS options for the ghc session (this does not affect executables)
This will cause a session restart.
NOTE: Limiting stack size does not seem to work for ghc 7.4 (https:/github.comfpcoide-backendissues/258).
updateRelativeIncludes :: [FilePath] -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
Set include paths (equivalent of GHC's -i
In general, this requires session restart,
because GHC doesn't revise module dependencies when targets
or include paths change, but only when files change.
This function is stateless: semantically, the set of currently active
include paths are those set in the last call to updateRelativeIncludes.
Any paths set earlier (including those from configRelativeIncludes
are wiped out and overwritten in each call to updateRelativeIncludes.
updateCodeGeneration :: Bool -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
Enable or disable code generation in addition
to type-checking. Required by runStmt
updateDataFile :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
A session update that changes a data file by giving a new value for the file. This can be used to add a new file or update an existing one.
updateDataFileFromFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
Like updateDataFile
except that instead of passing the file content by
value, it's given by reference to an existing file (the second argument),
which will be copied.
updateDataFileDelete :: FilePath -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
Deletes an existing data file.
updateDeleteManagedFiles :: IdeSessionUpdate Source
Delete all files currently managed in this session
updateEnv :: [(String, Maybe String)] -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
Set environment variables
Use updateEnv [(var, Nothing)]
to unset var
Note that this is intended to be stateless:
updateEnv []
will reset the environment to the server's original environment.
updateArgs :: [String] -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
Set command line arguments for snippets
(i.e., the expected value of getArgs
updateStdoutBufferMode :: RunBufferMode -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
Set buffering mode for snippets' stdout
updateStderrBufferMode :: RunBufferMode -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
Set buffering mode for snippets' stderr
updateTargets :: Targets -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
Set compilation targets. In general, this requires session restart, because GHC doesn't revise module dependencies when targets or include paths change, but only when files change.
buildExe :: [String] -> [(ModuleName, FilePath)] -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
Build an exe from sources added previously via the ide-backend
updateSourceFile* mechanism. The modules that contains the main
code are
indicated in second argument to buildExe
. The function can be called
multiple times with different arguments. Additional GHC options,
applied only when building executables, are supplied in the first argument.
We assume any indicated module is already successfully processed by GHC API
in a compilation mode that makes computedImports
available (but no code
needs to be generated). The environment (package dependencies, ghc options,
preprocessor program options, etc.) for building the exe is the same as when
previously compiling the code via GHC API. The module does not have to be
called Main
, but we assume the main function is always main
(we don't
check this and related conditions, but GHC does when eventually called to
build the exe).
The executable files are placed in the filesystem inside the build
subdirectory of getDistDir
, in subdirectories corresponding
to the given module names. The build directory does not overlap
with any of the other used directories and with its path.
Logs from the building process are saved in files
and build/ide-backend-exe.stderr
in the getDistDir
Note: currently it requires configGenerateModInfo
to be set (see #86).
Also, after session restart, one has to call updateSession
at least once
(even with empty updates list) before calling it for buildExe
This ensures the code is compiled again and the results made accessible.
buildDoc :: IdeSessionUpdate Source
Build haddock documentation from sources added previously via
the ide-backend updateSourceFile* mechanism. Similarly to buildExe
it needs the project modules to be already loaded within the session
and the generated docs can be found in the doc
of getDistDir
Logs from the documentation building process are saved in files
and doc/ide-backend-doc.stderr
in the getDistDir
Note: currently it requires configGenerateModInfo
to be set (see #86).
buildLicenses :: FilePath -> IdeSessionUpdate Source
Build a file containing licenses of all used packages.
Similarly to buildExe
, the function needs the project modules to be
already loaded within the session. The concatenated licenses can be found
in file licenses.txt
inside the getDistDir
The function expects .cabal files of all used packages,
except those mentioned in configLicenseExc
to be gathered in the directory given as the first argument
(which needs to be an absolute path or a path relative to the data dir).
The code then expects to find those packages installed and their
license files in the usual place that Cabal puts them
(or the in-place packages should be correctly embedded in the GHC tree).
We guess the installed locations of the license files on the basis
of the haddock interfaces path. If the default setting does not work
properly, the haddock interfaces path should be set manually. E.g.,
cabal configure --docdir=the_same_path --htmldir=the_same_path
affects the haddock interfaces path (because it is by default based
on htmldir) and is reported to work for some values of the_same_path
Logs from the license search and catenation process are saved in files
and licenses.stderr
in the getDistDir
Note: currently configGenerateModInfo
needs to be set
for this function to work (see #86).
Note: if the executable uses TH and its module is named Main
(and so it's not compiled as a part of a temporary library)
needs to be set. See #162.
data Progress :: *
This type represents intermediate progress information during compilation.
Progress | |
Eq Progress | |
Ord Progress | |
Show Progress | |
Generic Progress | |
Binary Progress | |
ToJSON Progress | |
FromJSON Progress | |
PrettyVal Progress | |
type Rep Progress = D1 D1Progress (C1 C1_0Progress ((:*:) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_0Progress (Rec0 Int)) (S1 S1_0_1Progress (Rec0 Int))) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_2Progress (Rec0 (Maybe Text))) (S1 S1_0_3Progress (Rec0 (Maybe Text)))))) |
data UpdateStatus :: *
This type represents the status of the compilation from an IDE update.
UpdateStatusFailed Text | |
UpdateStatusRequiredRestart | |
UpdateStatusCrashRestart Text | |
UpdateStatusServerDied Text | |
UpdateStatusProgress Progress | |
UpdateStatusDone |
Eq UpdateStatus | |
Show UpdateStatus | |
Generic UpdateStatus | |
ToJSON UpdateStatus | |
FromJSON UpdateStatus | |
PrettyVal UpdateStatus | |
Typeable * UpdateStatus | |
type Rep UpdateStatus = D1 D1UpdateStatus ((:+:) ((:+:) (C1 C1_0UpdateStatus (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 Text))) ((:+:) (C1 C1_1UpdateStatus U1) (C1 C1_2UpdateStatus (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 Text))))) ((:+:) (C1 C1_3UpdateStatus (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 Text))) ((:+:) (C1 C1_4UpdateStatus (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 Progress))) (C1 C1_5UpdateStatus U1)))) |
Running code
data RunActions a Source
Handles to the running code snippet, through which one can interact with the snippet.
Requirement: concurrent uses of supplyStdin
should be possible,
e.g., two threads that share a RunActions
should be able to provide
input concurrently without problems. (Currently this is ensured
by supplyStdin
writing to a channel.)
RunActions | |
data RunResult :: *
The outcome of running code
RunOk | The code terminated okay |
RunProgException String | The code threw an exception |
RunGhcException String | GHC itself threw an exception when we tried to run the code |
RunForceCancelled | The session was restarted |
RunBreak | Execution was paused because of a breakpoint |
Eq RunResult | |
Show RunResult | |
Generic RunResult | |
ToJSON RunResult | |
FromJSON RunResult | |
PrettyVal RunResult | |
Typeable * RunResult | |
type Rep RunResult = D1 D1RunResult ((:+:) ((:+:) (C1 C1_0RunResult U1) (C1 C1_1RunResult (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 String)))) ((:+:) (C1 C1_2RunResult (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 String))) ((:+:) (C1 C1_3RunResult U1) (C1 C1_4RunResult U1)))) | |
type XShared RunResult = RunResult |
data RunBufferMode :: *
Buffer modes for running code
Note that NoBuffering
means that something like putStrLn
will do a
syscall per character, and each of these characters will be read and sent
back to the client. This results in a large overhead.
When using LineBuffering
or BlockBuffering
, runWait
will not report
any output from the snippet until it outputs a linebreak/fills the buffer,
respectively (or does an explicit flush). However, you can specify a timeout
in addition to the buffering mode; if you set this to Just n
, the buffer
will be flushed every n
NOTE: This is duplicated in the IdeBackendRTS (defined in IdeSession)
RunNoBuffering | |
RunLineBuffering | |
Fields | |
RunBlockBuffering | |
Fields |
Eq RunBufferMode | |
Show RunBufferMode | |
Generic RunBufferMode | |
Binary RunBufferMode | |
ToJSON RunBufferMode | |
FromJSON RunBufferMode | |
PrettyVal RunBufferMode | |
Typeable * RunBufferMode | |
type Rep RunBufferMode = D1 D1RunBufferMode ((:+:) (C1 C1_0RunBufferMode U1) ((:+:) (C1 C1_1RunBufferMode (S1 S1_1_0RunBufferMode (Rec0 (Maybe Int)))) (C1 C1_2RunBufferMode ((:*:) (S1 S1_2_0RunBufferMode (Rec0 (Maybe Int))) (S1 S1_2_1RunBufferMode (Rec0 (Maybe Int))))))) |
data BreakInfo :: *
Information about a triggered breakpoint
BreakInfo | |
Eq BreakInfo | |
Show BreakInfo | |
Generic BreakInfo | |
ToJSON BreakInfo | |
FromJSON BreakInfo | |
ExplicitSharing BreakInfo | |
PrettyVal BreakInfo | |
Typeable * BreakInfo | |
type Rep BreakInfo = D1 D1BreakInfo (C1 C1_0BreakInfo ((:*:) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_0BreakInfo (Rec0 ModuleName)) (S1 S1_0_1BreakInfo (Rec0 SourceSpan))) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_2BreakInfo (Rec0 Type)) (S1 S1_0_3BreakInfo (Rec0 VariableEnv))))) | |
type XShared BreakInfo = BreakInfo |
runStmt :: IdeSession -> String -> String -> IO (RunActions RunResult) Source
Run a given function in a given module (the name of the module
is the one between module ... end
, which may differ from the file name).
The function resembles a query, but it's not instantaneous
and the running code can be interrupted or interacted with.
will throw an exception if the code has not been compiled yet,
or when the server is in a dead state (i.e., when ghc has crashed). In the
latter case getSourceErrors
will report the ghc exception; it is the
responsibility of the client code to check for this.
runStmtPty :: IdeSession -> String -> String -> IO (RunActions RunResult) Source
Like runStmt
, but runs the statement in a pseudoterminal.
runExe :: IdeSession -> String -> IO (RunActions ExitCode) Source
Run the main function from the last compiled executable.
will throw an exception if there were no executables
compiled since session init, or if the last compilation was not
successful (checked as in getBuildExeStatus
or if none of the executables last compiled have the supplied name
or when the server is in a dead state (i.e., when ghc has crashed). In the
last case getSourceErrors
will report the ghc exception; it is the
responsibility of the client code to check for this.
resume :: IdeSession -> IO (RunActions RunResult) Source
Resume a previously interrupted statement
runWaitAll :: forall a. RunActions a -> IO (ByteString, a) Source
:: IdeSession | |
-> ModuleName | Module where the breakshould should be set |
-> SourceSpan | Location of the breakpoint |
-> Bool | New value for the breakpoint |
-> IO (Maybe Bool) | Old value of the breakpoint (if valid) |
Set a breakpoint at the specified location. Returns Just
the old value of the
breakpoint if successful, or Nothing
:: IdeSession | |
-> Name | Variable to print |
-> Bool | Should printing bind new vars? ( |
-> Bool | Should the value be forced? ( |
-> IO VariableEnv |
Print and/or force values during debugging
Only valid in breakpoint state.
type Query a = IdeSession -> IO a Source
The type of queries in a given session state.
Queries are in IO because they depend on the current state of the session but they promise not to alter the session state (at least not in any visible way; they might update caches, etc.).
data ManagedFiles Source
The collection of source and data files submitted by the user.
ManagedFiles | |
data Targets :: *
TargetsInclude [FilePath] | |
TargetsExclude [FilePath] |
data GhcVersion :: *
GHC version
NOTE: Defined in such a way that the Ord instance makes sense.
Eq GhcVersion | |
Ord GhcVersion | |
Show GhcVersion | |
Generic GhcVersion | |
Binary GhcVersion | |
PrettyVal GhcVersion | |
Typeable * GhcVersion | |
type Rep GhcVersion = D1 D1GhcVersion ((:+:) (C1 C1_0GhcVersion U1) ((:+:) (C1 C1_1GhcVersion U1) (C1 C1_2GhcVersion U1))) |
Queries that rely on the static part of the state only
getSessionConfig :: Query SessionConfig Source
Recover the fixed config the session was initialized with.
getSourcesDir :: Query FilePath Source
Obtain the source files directory for this session.
getDataDir :: Query FilePath Source
Obtain the data files directory for this session.
getDistDir :: Query FilePath Source
Obtain the directory prefix for results of Cabal invocations.
Executables compiled in this session end up in a subdirectory build
haddocks in doc
, concatenated licenses in file licenses
, etc.
getSourceModule :: FilePath -> Query ByteString Source
Read the current value of one of the source modules.
getDataFile :: FilePath -> Query ByteString Source
Read the current value of one of the data files.
getAllDataFiles :: Query [FilePath] Source
Get the list of all data files currently available to the session: both the files copied via an update and files created by user code.
Queries that do not rely on computed state
getCodeGeneration :: Query Bool Source
Is code generation currently enabled?
getGhcServer :: Query GhcServer Source
Get the RPC server used by the session.
getGhcVersion :: Query GhcVersion Source
Which GHC version is `ide-backend-server` using?
getManagedFiles :: Query ManagedFiles Source
Get the collection of files submitted by the user and not deleted yet.
The module names are those supplied by the user as the first
arguments of the updateSourceFile
and updateSourceFileFromFile
as opposed to the compiler internal module ... end
module names.
Usually the two names are equal, but they needn't be.
getBreakInfo :: Query (Maybe BreakInfo) Source
Get information about the last breakpoint that we hit
Returns Nothing if we are not currently stopped on a breakpoint.
Queries that rely on computed state
getSourceErrors :: Query [SourceError] Source
Get any compilation errors or warnings in the current state of the session, meaning errors that GHC reports for the current state of all the source modules.
Note that in the initial implementation this will only return warnings from the modules that changed in the last update, the intended semantics is that morally it be a pure function of the current state of the files, and so it would return all warnings (as if you did clean and rebuild each time).
getSourceErrors does internal normalization. This simplifies the life of the client and anyway there shouldn't be that many source errors that it really makes a big difference.
getLoadedModules :: Query [ModuleName] Source
Get the list of correctly compiled modules, as reported by the compiler
getFileMap :: Query (FilePath -> Maybe ModuleId) Source
Get the mapping from filenames to modules (as computed by GHC)
getBuildExeStatus :: Query (Maybe ExitCode) Source
Get exit status of the last invocation of buildExe
, if any.
getBuildDocStatus :: Query (Maybe ExitCode) Source
Get exit status of the last invocation of buildDoc
, if any.
getBuildLicensesStatus :: Query (Maybe ExitCode) Source
Get exit status of the last invocation of buildLicenses
, if any.
getSpanInfo :: Query (ModuleName -> SourceSpan -> [(SourceSpan, SpanInfo)]) Source
Get information about an identifier at a specific location
getExpTypes :: Query (ModuleName -> SourceSpan -> [(SourceSpan, Text)]) Source
Get information the type of a subexpressions and the subexpressions around it
getUseSites :: Query (ModuleName -> SourceSpan -> [SourceSpan]) Source
Use sites
Use sites are only reported in modules that get compiled successfully.
getDotCabal :: Query (String -> Version -> ByteString) Source
Minimal .cabal file for the loaded modules seen as a library. The argument specifies the name of the library.
License is set to AllRightsReserved
All transitive package dependencies are included,
with package versions set to the currently used versions.
Only modules that get compiled successfully are included.
Source directory is the currently used session source directory.
Warning: all modules named Main
(even in subdirectories
or files with different names) are ignored so that they
don't get in the way when we build an executable using the library
and so that the behaviour is consistent with that of buildExe
getImports :: Query (ModuleName -> Maybe [Import]) Source
Get import information
This information is available even for modules with parse/type errors
getAutocompletion :: Query (ModuleName -> String -> [IdInfo]) Source
getPkgDeps :: Query (ModuleName -> Maybe [PackageId]) Source
(Transitive) package dependencies
These are only available for modules that got compiled successfully.
Types for identifier info, errors, etc.
data IdNameSpace :: *
Identifiers in Haskell are drawn from a number of different name spaces
VarName | Variables, including real data constructors |
DataName | Source data constructors |
TvName | Type variables |
TcClsName | Type constructors and classes |
Eq IdNameSpace | |
Show IdNameSpace | |
Generic IdNameSpace | |
Binary IdNameSpace | |
ToJSON IdNameSpace | |
FromJSON IdNameSpace | |
PrettyVal IdNameSpace | |
type Rep IdNameSpace = D1 D1IdNameSpace ((:+:) ((:+:) (C1 C1_0IdNameSpace U1) (C1 C1_1IdNameSpace U1)) ((:+:) (C1 C1_2IdNameSpace U1) (C1 C1_3IdNameSpace U1))) |
data IdInfo :: *
Information about identifiers
data IdProp :: *
Identifier info that is independent of the usage site
IdProp | |
Eq IdProp | |
Show IdProp | |
Generic IdProp | |
Binary IdProp | |
ToJSON IdProp | |
FromJSON IdProp | |
ExplicitSharing IdProp | |
PrettyVal IdProp | |
type Rep IdProp = D1 D1IdProp (C1 C1_0IdProp ((:*:) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_0IdProp (Rec0 Name)) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_1IdProp (Rec0 IdNameSpace)) (S1 S1_0_2IdProp (Rec0 (Maybe Type))))) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_3IdProp (Rec0 ModuleId)) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_4IdProp (Rec0 EitherSpan)) (S1 S1_0_5IdProp (Rec0 (Maybe ModuleId))))))) | |
type XShared IdProp = IdProp |
data IdScope :: *
Binder | This is a binding occurrence ( |
Local | Defined within this module |
Imported | Imported from a different module |
| |
WiredIn | Wired into the compiler ( |
Eq IdScope | |
Show IdScope | |
Generic IdScope | |
Binary IdScope | |
ToJSON IdScope | |
FromJSON IdScope | |
ExplicitSharing IdScope | |
PrettyVal IdScope | |
type Rep IdScope = D1 D1IdScope ((:+:) ((:+:) (C1 C1_0IdScope U1) (C1 C1_1IdScope U1)) ((:+:) (C1 C1_2IdScope ((:*:) (S1 S1_2_0IdScope (Rec0 ModuleId)) ((:*:) (S1 S1_2_1IdScope (Rec0 EitherSpan)) (S1 S1_2_2IdScope (Rec0 Text))))) (C1 C1_3IdScope U1))) | |
type XShared IdScope = IdScope |
data SourceSpan :: *
SourceSpan | |
Eq SourceSpan | |
Ord SourceSpan | |
Show SourceSpan | |
Generic SourceSpan | |
Binary SourceSpan | |
ToJSON SourceSpan | |
FromJSON SourceSpan | |
ExplicitSharing SourceSpan | |
IntroduceSharing SourceSpan | |
PrettyVal SourceSpan | |
type Rep SourceSpan = D1 D1SourceSpan (C1 C1_0SourceSpan ((:*:) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_0SourceSpan (Rec0 FilePath)) (S1 S1_0_1SourceSpan (Rec0 Int))) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_2SourceSpan (Rec0 Int)) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_3SourceSpan (Rec0 Int)) (S1 S1_0_4SourceSpan (Rec0 Int)))))) | |
type XShared SourceSpan = SourceSpan |
data EitherSpan :: *
ProperSpan !SourceSpan | |
TextSpan !Text |
Eq EitherSpan | |
Show EitherSpan | |
Generic EitherSpan | |
Binary EitherSpan | |
ToJSON EitherSpan | |
FromJSON EitherSpan | |
ExplicitSharing EitherSpan | |
PrettyVal EitherSpan | |
type Rep EitherSpan = D1 D1EitherSpan ((:+:) (C1 C1_0EitherSpan (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 SourceSpan))) (C1 C1_1EitherSpan (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 Text)))) | |
type XShared EitherSpan = EitherSpan |
data SourceError :: *
An error or warning in a source module.
Most errors are associated with a span of text, but some have only a location point.
SourceError | |
Eq SourceError | |
Show SourceError | |
Generic SourceError | |
Binary SourceError | |
ToJSON SourceError | |
FromJSON SourceError | |
ExplicitSharing SourceError | |
PrettyVal SourceError | |
type Rep SourceError = D1 D1SourceError (C1 C1_0SourceError ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_0SourceError (Rec0 SourceErrorKind)) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_1SourceError (Rec0 EitherSpan)) (S1 S1_0_2SourceError (Rec0 Text))))) | |
type XShared SourceError = SourceError |
data SourceErrorKind :: *
Severity of an error.
KindError | |
KindWarning | |
KindServerDied |
Eq SourceErrorKind | |
Show SourceErrorKind | |
Generic SourceErrorKind | |
Binary SourceErrorKind | |
ToJSON SourceErrorKind | |
FromJSON SourceErrorKind | |
PrettyVal SourceErrorKind | |
type Rep SourceErrorKind = D1 D1SourceErrorKind ((:+:) (C1 C1_0SourceErrorKind U1) ((:+:) (C1 C1_1SourceErrorKind U1) (C1 C1_2SourceErrorKind U1))) |
type ModuleName = Text
data ModuleId :: *
ModuleId | |
Eq ModuleId | |
Ord ModuleId | |
Show ModuleId | |
Generic ModuleId | |
Binary ModuleId | |
ToJSON ModuleId | |
FromJSON ModuleId | |
ExplicitSharing ModuleId | |
PrettyVal ModuleId | |
type Rep ModuleId = D1 D1ModuleId (C1 C1_0ModuleId ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_0ModuleId (Rec0 ModuleName)) (S1 S1_0_1ModuleId (Rec0 PackageId)))) | |
type XShared ModuleId = ModuleId |
data PackageId :: *
A package ID in ide-backend consists of a human-readable package name and version (what Cabal calls a source ID) along with ghc's internal package key (primarily for internal use).
PackageId | |
Eq PackageId | |
Ord PackageId | |
Show PackageId | |
Generic PackageId | |
Binary PackageId | |
ToJSON PackageId | |
FromJSON PackageId | |
ExplicitSharing PackageId | |
PrettyVal PackageId | |
type Rep PackageId = D1 D1PackageId (C1 C1_0PackageId ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_0PackageId (Rec0 Text)) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_1PackageId (Rec0 (Maybe Text))) (S1 S1_0_2PackageId (Rec0 Text))))) | |
type XShared PackageId = PackageId |
data ImportEntities :: *
ImportOnly ![Text] | |
ImportHiding ![Text] | |
ImportAll |
Eq ImportEntities | |
Ord ImportEntities | |
Show ImportEntities | |
Generic ImportEntities | |
Binary ImportEntities | |
ToJSON ImportEntities | |
FromJSON ImportEntities | |
ExplicitSharing ImportEntities | |
PrettyVal ImportEntities | |
type Rep ImportEntities = D1 D1ImportEntities ((:+:) (C1 C1_0ImportEntities (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 [Text]))) ((:+:) (C1 C1_1ImportEntities (S1 NoSelector (Rec0 [Text]))) (C1 C1_2ImportEntities U1))) | |
type XShared ImportEntities = ImportEntities |
data Import :: *
Import | |
Eq Import | |
Ord Import | |
Show Import | |
Generic Import | |
Binary Import | |
ToJSON Import | |
FromJSON Import | |
ExplicitSharing Import | |
PrettyVal Import | |
type Rep Import = D1 D1Import (C1 C1_0Import ((:*:) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_0Import (Rec0 ModuleId)) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_1Import (Rec0 (Maybe Text))) (S1 S1_0_2Import (Rec0 Bool)))) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_3Import (Rec0 Bool)) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_4Import (Rec0 (Maybe ModuleName))) (S1 S1_0_5Import (Rec0 ImportEntities)))))) | |
type XShared Import = Import |
data SpanInfo :: *
Returned when the IDE asks "what's at this particular location?"
SpanId IdInfo | Identifier |
SpanQQ IdInfo | Quasi-quote. The |
haddockLink :: IdProp -> IdScope -> String
Show approximately a haddock link (without haddock root) for an id. This is an illustration and a test of the id info, but under ideal conditions could perhaps serve to link to documentation without going via Hoogle.
Exception types
data ExternalException :: *
Exceptions thrown by the remote server
ExternalException | |
data InvalidSessionStateQueries Source
InvalidSessionStateQueries |
Re-exports from Cabal
type PackageDBStack = [PackageDB]
We typically get packages from several databases, and stack them together. This type lets us be explicit about that stacking. For example typical stacks include:
[GlobalPackageDB] [GlobalPackageDB, UserPackageDB] [GlobalPackageDB, SpecificPackageDB "package.conf.inplace"]
Note that the GlobalPackageDB
is invariably at the bottom since it
contains the rts, base and other special compiler-specific packages.
We are not restricted to using just the above combinations. In particular we can use several custom package dbs and the user package db together.
When it comes to writing, the top most (last) package is used.
data PackageDB :: *
Some compilers have a notion of a database of available packages. For some there is just one global db of packages, other compilers support a per-user or an arbitrary db specified at some location in the file system. This can be used to build isloated environments of packages, for example to build a collection of related packages without installing them globally.
GlobalPackageDB | |
UserPackageDB | |
SpecificPackageDB FilePath |
For internal/debugging use only
dumpIdInfo :: IdeSession -> IO () Source
Print the id info maps to stdout (for debugging purposes only)
dumpAutocompletion :: IdeSession -> IO () Source
Print autocompletion to stdout (for debugging purposes only)
dumpFileMap :: IdeSession -> IO () Source
Print file mapping to stdout (for debugging purposes only)
crashGhcServer :: IdeSession -> Maybe Int -> IO () Source
Crash the GHC server. For debugging only. If the specified delay is
, crash immediately; otherwise, set up a thread that throws
an exception to the main thread after the delay.
sourceExtensions :: [FilePath]
Extensions of all source files we keep in our source directory.
For detecting runtime version mismatch between the server and the library
We use a Unix timestamp for this so that these API versions have some semantics (http:/, GMT).
buildLicsFromPkgs :: Bool -> LicenseArgs -> IO ExitCode Source
Build the concatenation of all license files from a given list
of packages. See buildLicenses
data LicenseArgs Source
LicenseArgs | |