{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}


-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Basic machinery for fully executing a strategy expression, or only

-- partially. Partial execution results in a prefix that keeps the current

-- locations in the strategy (a list of @Path@s) for continuing the execution

-- later on. A path can be used to reconstruct the sequence of steps already

-- performed (a so-called trace). Prefixes can be merged with the Monoid

-- operation.



module Ideas.Common.Strategy.Prefix

   ( -- * Prefix

     Prefix, noPrefix, makePrefix, firstsOrdered

   , replayProcess

   , isEmptyPrefix, majorPrefix, searchModePrefix, prefixPaths

     -- * Path

   , Path, emptyPath, readPath, readPaths

   ) where

import Data.Char

import Data.List (intercalate)

import Data.Maybe

import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>))

import Data.Semigroup as Sem

import Ideas.Common.Classes

import Ideas.Common.Environment

import Ideas.Common.Rewriting.Term

import Ideas.Common.Rule

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Choice

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Process

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.Sequence

import Ideas.Common.Strategy.StrategyTree

import Ideas.Utils.Prelude (splitsWithElem, readM)


-- Prefix datatype

data Prefix a = Prefix

   { getPaths  :: [Path]

   , remainder :: Menu (Rule a) (a, Environment, Prefix a)


instance Show (Prefix a) where

   show = intercalate ";" . map show . prefixPaths

instance Sem.Semigroup (Prefix a) where

   (Prefix xs p) <> (Prefix ys q) = Prefix (xs ++ ys) (p .|. q)

instance Monoid (Prefix a) where

   mempty  = noPrefix

   mappend = (<>)

instance Firsts (Prefix a) where

   type Elem (Prefix a) = (Rule a, a, Environment)

   ready  = hasDone . remainder

   firsts = map reorder . bests . remainder

firstsOrdered :: (Rule a -> Rule a -> Ordering) -> Prefix a -> [((Rule a, a, Environment), Prefix a)]

firstsOrdered cmp = map reorder . bestsOrdered cmp . remainder

reorder :: (a, (b, env, c)) -> ((a, b, env), c)

reorder (x, (y, env, z)) = ((x, y, env), z)


-- Constructing a prefix

-- | The error prefix (i.e., without a location in the strategy).

noPrefix :: Prefix a

noPrefix = Prefix [] empty

-- | Make a prefix from a core strategy and a start term.

makePrefix :: Process (Leaf a) -> a -> Prefix a

makePrefix = snd . replayProcess emptyPath

-- | Construct a prefix by replaying a path in a core strategy: the third

-- argument is the current term.

replayProcess :: Path -> Process (Leaf a) -> ([Rule a], a -> Prefix a)

replayProcess (Path is) = fromMaybe ([], const noPrefix) . replay [] is


   replay acc path p =

      case path of

         []         -> return (reverse acc, createPrefix p)

         Input _:_  -> Nothing

         Index n:ns -> do

            (leaf, q) <- getByIndex n (menu p)

            case (leaf, ns) of

               (LeafRule r, _) -> replay (r:acc) ns q

               (LeafDyn d, Input t:ns2) -> do

                  a <- dynamicFromTerm d t

                  replay acc ns2 (treeToProcess a .*. q)

               _ -> Nothing

   createPrefix p = Prefix [Path is] . flip (rec []) p

   rec ns a = cut . onMenuWithIndex f doneMenu . menu


      f n (LeafDyn d) p = fromMaybe empty $ do

         t <- dynamicToTerm d a

         s <- dynamicFromTerm d t

         return (rec (Input t:Index n:ns) a (treeToProcess s .*. p))

      f n (LeafRule r) p = choice

         [ r ?~> (b, env, mk b)

         | (b, env) <- transApply (transformation r) a



         ms   = Index n:ns

         path = Path (is ++ reverse ms)

         mk b = Prefix [path] (rec ms b p)

         x ?~> y@(_, _, q)

            | isMinor r && stopped q = empty

            | otherwise = x |-> y

stopped :: Prefix a -> Bool

stopped = isEmpty . remainder


-- Prefix fuctions

isEmptyPrefix :: Prefix a -> Bool

isEmptyPrefix = all (== emptyPath) . getPaths

-- | Transforms the prefix such that only major steps are kept in the remaining

-- strategy.

majorPrefix :: Prefix a -> Prefix a

majorPrefix prfx = prfx { remainder = onMenu f doneMenu (remainder prfx) }


   f r (a, env, p)

      | isMajor r = r |-> (a, env, majorPrefix p)

      | otherwise = remainder (majorPrefix p)

-- | The searchModePrefix transformation changes the process in such a way that

--   all intermediate states can only be reached by one path. A prerequisite is

--   that symbols are unique (or only used once).

searchModePrefix :: Prefix a -> Prefix a

searchModePrefix prfx =

   prfx { remainder = rec (remainder (majorPrefix prfx)) }


   rec m | hasDone m = doneMenu

         | otherwise = process (bests m)

   process [] = empty

   process ((r, (a, env, pr)):xs) =

      (r |-> (a, env, pr { remainder = rec (remainder pr) }))

      .|. process (concatMap (change r) xs)

   change y (r, pair) =

      bests (filterPrefix (/= y) r pair)

filterPrefix :: (Rule a -> Bool) -> Rule a -> (a, Environment, Prefix a) -> Menu (Rule a) (a, Environment, Prefix a)

filterPrefix cond = f


   rec = onMenu f doneMenu

   f r (a, env, pr) = if cond r then r |-> (a, env, pr { remainder = rec (remainder pr) }) else empty

-- | Returns the current @Path@.

prefixPaths :: Prefix a -> [Path]

prefixPaths = getPaths


-- Path

-- | A path encodes a location in a strategy. Paths are represented as a list

-- of integers and terms (the latter act as input for the dynamic strategies).

newtype Path = Path [PathItem]

   deriving Eq

data PathItem = Index Int | Input Term

   deriving Eq

instance Show PathItem where

   show (Index n) = show n

   show (Input t) = show t

instance Read PathItem where

   readsPrec n s =

      case dropWhile isSpace s of

         s2@(c:_) | isDigit c -> map (mapFirst Index) (readsPrec n s2)

         s2 -> map (mapFirst Input) (readsPrec n s2)

instance Show Path where

   show (Path is) = show is

   showList = (++) . intercalate ";" . map show

-- | The empty path.

emptyPath :: Path

emptyPath = Path []

readPath :: Monad m => String -> m Path

readPath = fmap Path . readM

readPaths :: Monad m => String -> m [Path]

readPaths = mapM readPath . splitsWithElem ';'