
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Services using XML notation



module Ideas.Encoding.ModeXML (processXML) where

import Control.Exception

import Control.Monad

import Ideas.Common.Library hiding (exerciseId)

import Ideas.Encoding.DecoderXML

import Ideas.Encoding.EncoderHTML

import Ideas.Encoding.EncoderXML

import Ideas.Encoding.Evaluator

import Ideas.Encoding.Logging (LogRef, changeLog, errormsg)

import Ideas.Encoding.Options (Options, makeOptions, maxTime, cgiBin)

import Ideas.Encoding.Request

import Ideas.Service.DomainReasoner

import Ideas.Text.HTML

import Ideas.Text.XML

import Ideas.Utils.Prelude (timedSeconds)

import System.IO.Error

processXML :: Options -> DomainReasoner -> LogRef -> String -> IO (Request, String, String)

processXML options dr logRef txt = do

   xml  <- either fail return (parseXML txt)

   req  <- xmlRequest (cgiBin options) xml

   resp <- maybe id timedSeconds (maxTime options) (xmlReply options dr logRef req xml)

    `catch` handler

   let showXML | compactOutput req = compactXML

               | otherwise = show

       showHtmlDoc doc = "<!DOCTYPE html>" ++ compactXML doc

   if htmlOutput req

      then return (req, showHtmlDoc resp, "text/html")

      else let out = addVersion (version dr) resp

           in return (req, showXML out, "application/xml")


   handler :: SomeException -> IO XML

   handler e = resultError logRef $

      case fromException e of

         Just ioe -> ioeGetErrorString ioe

         Nothing  -> show e

addVersion :: String -> XML -> XML

addVersion s xml =

   let info = [ "version" := s ]

   in xml { attributes = attributes xml ++ info }

xmlRequest :: Monad m => Maybe String -> XML -> m Request

xmlRequest ms xml = do

   unless (name xml == "request") $

      fail "expected xml tag request"

   enc  <- case findAttribute "encoding" xml of

              Just s  -> readEncoding s

              Nothing -> return []

   return mempty

      { serviceId      = newId <$> findAttribute "service" xml

      , exerciseId     = extractExerciseId xml

      , source         = findAttribute "source" xml

      , cgiBinary      = ms

      , requestInfo    = findAttribute "requestinfo" xml

      , logSchema      = findAttribute "logging" xml >>= readSchema

      , feedbackScript = findAttribute "script" xml

      , randomSeed     = defaultSeed ms $

                            findAttribute "randomseed" xml >>= readM

      , dataformat     = Just XML

      , encoding       = enc


-- Use a fixed seed for random number generation for command-line invocations

defaultSeed :: Maybe String -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int

defaultSeed Nothing Nothing = Just 2805 -- magic number

defaultSeed _ m = m

xmlReply :: Options -> DomainReasoner -> LogRef -> Request -> XML -> IO XML

xmlReply opt1 dr logRef request xml = do

   srv <- case serviceId request of

             Just a  -> findService dr a

             Nothing -> fail "No service"

   Some ex <- case exerciseId request of

                 Just a  -> findExercise dr a

                 Nothing -> return (Some emptyExercise)

   opt2 <- makeOptions dr ex request

   let options = opt1 <> opt2

   if htmlOutput request

      -- HTML evaluator

      then toXML <$> evalService logRef ex options (htmlEvaluator dr) srv xml

      -- xml evaluator

      else resultOk <$> evalService logRef ex options xmlEvaluator srv xml

extractExerciseId :: Monad m => XML -> m Id

extractExerciseId = fmap newId . findAttribute "exerciseid"

resultOk :: XMLBuilder -> XML

resultOk body = makeXML "reply" $

   ("result" .=. "ok")

   <> body

resultError :: LogRef -> String -> IO XML

resultError logRef msg = do

   changeLog logRef (\r -> r {errormsg = msg})

   return $ makeXML "reply" $

      ("result" .=. "error")

      <> tag "message" (string msg)


xmlEvaluator :: Evaluator a XML XMLBuilder

xmlEvaluator = Evaluator xmlDecoder xmlEncoder

htmlEvaluator :: DomainReasoner -> Evaluator a XML HTMLPage

htmlEvaluator dr = Evaluator xmlDecoder (htmlEncoder dr)