{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}


-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)



module Ideas.Encoding.OpenMathSupport

   ( -- * Conversion functions to/from OpenMath

     toOpenMath, fromOpenMath, noMixedFractions

   , toOMOBJ, fromOMOBJ

   ) where

import Control.Monad

import Data.Char

import Data.List

import Ideas.Common.Library

import Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Dictionary.Arith1

import Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Dictionary.Fns1

import Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Object

import Ideas.Utils.Uniplate

import qualified Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Dictionary.List1 as OM

import qualified Ideas.Text.OpenMath.Symbol as OM


-- Utility functions for conversion to/from OpenMath

toOpenMath :: Monad m => Exercise a -> a -> m OMOBJ

toOpenMath ex a = do

   v <- hasTermViewM ex

   return (toOMOBJ (build v a))

fromOpenMath :: MonadPlus m => Exercise a -> OMOBJ -> m a

fromOpenMath ex omobj = do

   v <- hasTermViewM ex

   a <- fromOMOBJ omobj

   matchM v a

toOMOBJ :: IsTerm a => a -> OMOBJ

toOMOBJ = rec . toTerm


   rec term =

      case term of

         TVar s    -> OMV s

         TCon s xs

            | null xs   -> OMS (idToSymbol (getId s))

            | otherwise -> make (OMS (idToSymbol (getId s)):map rec xs)

         TMeta i   -> OMV ('$' : show i)

         TNum n    -> OMI n

         TFloat d  -> OMF d

         TList xs  -> rec (function (newSymbol OM.listSymbol) xs)

   make [OMS s, OMV x, body] | s == lambdaSymbol =

      OMBIND (OMS s) [x] body

   make xs = OMA xs

fromOMOBJ :: (MonadPlus m, IsTerm a) => OMOBJ -> m a

fromOMOBJ = (>>= fromTerm) . rec


   rec omobj =

      case omobj of

         OMV x  -> case isMeta x of

                      Just n  -> return (TMeta n)

                      Nothing -> return (TVar x)

         OMS s  -> return (symbol (newSymbol (OM.dictionary s, OM.symbolName s)))

         OMI n  -> return (TNum n)

         OMF a  -> return (TFloat a)

         OMA xs -> case xs of

                      OMS s:ys | s == OM.listSymbol -> TList <$> mapM rec ys

                               | otherwise -> function (newSymbol s) <$> mapM rec ys

                      _ -> fail "Invalid OpenMath object"

         OMBIND binder xs body ->

            rec (OMA (binder:map OMV xs++[body]))

   isMeta ('$':xs) = Just (foldl' (\a b -> a*10+ord b-48) 0 xs) -- '

   isMeta _        = Nothing

noMixedFractions :: OMOBJ -> OMOBJ

noMixedFractions = transform f


   f (OMA [OMS s, a, b, c]) | s == mfSymbol =

      OMA [OMS plusSymbol, a, OMA [OMS divideSymbol, b, c]]

   f a = a

idToSymbol :: Id -> OM.Symbol

idToSymbol a

   | null (qualifiers a) =

        OM.extraSymbol (unqualified a)

   | otherwise =

        OM.makeSymbol (qualification a) (unqualified a)

hasTermViewM  :: Monad m => Exercise a -> m (View Term a)

hasTermViewM = maybe (fail "No support for terms") return . hasTermView

mfSymbol :: OM.Symbol

mfSymbol = OM.makeSymbol "extra" "mixedfraction"