
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)



module Ideas.Encoding.RulePresenter (ruleToHTML) where

import Data.List

import Data.Maybe

import Ideas.Common.Library

import Ideas.Text.HTML

ruleToHTML :: Some Exercise -> Rule a -> HTMLBuilder

ruleToHTML ex r = mconcat

   [ rewriteRuleToHTML (not $ isBuggy r) ex rr

   | Some rr <- getRewriteRules (transformation r)


rewriteRuleToHTML :: Bool -> Some Exercise -> RewriteRule a -> HTMLBuilder

rewriteRuleToHTML sound ex r =

   showTerm ex lhs <> spaces 3 <>

   showLeadsTo sound <> spaces 3 <>

   showTerm ex rhs <> br


   lhs :~> rhs = ruleSpecTerm r

showLeadsTo :: Bool -> HTMLBuilder

showLeadsTo sound = string (if sound then "\x21D2" else "\x21CF")

showTerm :: Some Exercise -> Term -> HTMLBuilder

showTerm (Some ex) = string . rec


   rec term =

      case term of

         TVar s    -> s

         TNum i    -> show i

         TFloat a  -> show a

         TMeta n   -> showMeta ex n

         TCon s xs -> concatMap (either id recp) $

                      let txt = spaced (Left (show s) : map Right xs)

                      in fromMaybe txt (specialSymbol s xs)

         TList xs  -> "[" ++ intercalate ", " (map rec xs) ++ "]"

   recp term = parIf (isCon term) (rec term)

   spaced    = intersperse (Left " ")

   isCon (TCon _ xs) = not (null xs)

   isCon _           = False

   parIf b s = if b then "(" ++ s ++ ")" else s

specialSymbol :: Symbol -> [Term] -> Maybe [Either String Term]

-- constants

specialSymbol s []

   | sameSymbol s "logic1.true"     = con "T"

   | sameSymbol s "logic1.false"    = con "F"

   | sameSymbol s "relalg.universe" = con "V" -- universe

   | sameSymbol s "relalg.ident"    = con "I" -- identity


   con x = return [Left x]

-- unary symbols

specialSymbol s [a]

   | sameSymbol s "logic1.not"         = pref "\172" -- "~"

   | sameSymbol s "arith1.unary_minus" = pref "-"

   | sameSymbol s "relalg.not"         = post "\x203E"

   | sameSymbol s "relalg.inv"         = post "~"


   pref x  = return [Left x, Right a]

   post x = return [Right a, Left x]

-- binary symbols

specialSymbol s [a, b]

   | sameSymbol s "logic1.or"         = bin " \8744 " -- "||"

   | sameSymbol s "logic1.and"        = bin " \8743 " -- "&&"

   | sameSymbol s "logic1.implies"    = bin " \8594 " -- "->"

   | sameSymbol s "logic1.equivalent" = bin " \8596 " -- "<->"

   | sameSymbol s "relation1.eq"      = bin " = "

   | sameSymbol s "arith1.plus"       = bin "+"

   | sameSymbol s "arith1.minus"      = bin "-"

   | sameSymbol s "arith1.power"      = bin "^"

   | sameSymbol s "arith1.times"      = bin "\x00B7" -- "*"

   | sameSymbol s "arith1.divide"     = bin "/"

   | sameSymbol s "relalg.conj"       = bin " \x2229 " -- intersect

   | sameSymbol s "relalg.disj"       = bin " \x222A " -- union

   | sameSymbol s "relalg.comp"       = bin " ; " -- composition

   | sameSymbol s "relalg.add"        = bin " \x2020 " -- relative addition/dagger


   bin x = return [Right a, Left x, Right b]

specialSymbol s1 [TCon s2 [x, a]]

   | sameSymbol s1 "calculus1.diff" && sameSymbol s2 "fns1.lambda" =

        return [Left "D(", Right x, Left ") ", Right a]

specialSymbol _ _ = Nothing

sameSymbol :: Symbol -> String -> Bool

sameSymbol = (==) . show

showMeta :: Exercise a -> Int -> String

showMeta ex n

   | listToMaybe (qualifiers ex) == Just "logic" = [ [c] | c <- ['p'..] ] !! n

   | listToMaybe (qualifiers ex) == Just "relationalgebra" = [ [c] | c <- ['r'..] ] !! n

   | otherwise = [ [c] | c <- ['a'..] ] !! n