
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)



module Ideas.Utils.BlackBoxTests (blackBoxTests, TestRunner) where

import Control.Monad

import Data.Char

import Data.List

import Ideas.Utils.TestSuite

import System.Directory

import System.IO

import qualified Data.Algorithm.Diff as Diff

type TestRunner = String -> IO String

-- Returns the number of tests performed

blackBoxTests :: TestRunner -> [String] -> String -> IO TestSuite

blackBoxTests runner exts = rec


    rec path = do

      -- analyse content

      xs0 <- getDirectoryContents path

      let (files, xs1) = partition (`elemExts` exts) xs0

          xs2          = map (path </>) (filter ((/= ".") . take 1) xs1)

      -- recursively visit subdirectories

      subs <- filterM doesDirectoryExist xs2

      rest <- mapM rec subs

      return $ suite ("Directory " ++ simplerDirectory path) $

         [ doBlackBoxTest runner (path </> x)

         | x <- files

         ] ++ rest

doBlackBoxTest :: TestRunner -> FilePath -> TestSuite

doBlackBoxTest runner path =

   assertMessageIO (stripDirectoryPart path) $

      -- Comparing output with expected output

      withFile path ReadMode $ \h1 -> do

         hSetBinaryMode h1 True

         txt <- hGetContents h1

         out <- runner txt

         withFile expPath ReadMode $ \h2 -> do

            hSetBinaryMode h2 True

            expt <- hGetContents h2

            -- Force evaluation of the result, to make sure that

            -- all file handles are closed afterwards.

            let list1 = prepare expt

                list2 = prepare out

                msg   = unlines (path : diffs list1 list2)

            if list1 == list2 then return mempty else do

               force msg -- force evaluation of message before closing files

               return (message msg)


   expPath = baseOf path ++ ".exp"

   baseOf  = reverse . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= '.') . reverse

elemExts :: FilePath -> [String] -> Bool

elemExts s = any (\xs -> ('.':xs)  `isSuffixOf` s)

force :: String -> IO ()

force s | sum (map ord s) >= 0 = return ()

        | otherwise = error "force"

prepare :: String -> [String]

prepare = filter (not . null) . lines . filter (/= '\r') . noVersion


   noVersion s | "version\": \"" `isPrefixOf` s =

      "version\": \"X" ++ dropWhile (/='"') (drop 11 s)

   noVersion s | "version=\"" `isPrefixOf` s =

      "version=\"X" ++ dropWhile (/='"') (drop 9 s)

   noVersion (x:xs) = x:noVersion xs

   noVersion [] = []

diffs :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]

diffs xs ys = concatMap f $ Diff.getDiff xs ys


   f (Diff.First a)  = ["- " ++ a]

   f (Diff.Second a) = ["+ " ++ a]

   f _ = []

simplerDirectory :: String -> String

simplerDirectory s

   | "../"   `isPrefixOf` s = simplerDirectory (drop 3 s)

   | "test/" `isPrefixOf` s = simplerDirectory (drop 5 s)

   | otherwise = s

stripDirectoryPart :: String -> String

stripDirectoryPart = reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') . reverse

(</>) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath

x </> y = x ++ "/" ++ y

logicConfluence :: IO ()
logicConfluence = reportTest "logic rules" (isConfluent f rs)
   f    = normalizeWith ops . normalFormWith ops rs
   ops  = map makeCommutative Logic.logicOperators
   rwrs = Logic.logicRules \\ [Logic.ruleOrOverAnd, Logic.ruleCommOr, Logic.ruleCommAnd]
   rs   = [ r | RewriteRule r <- concatMap transformations rwrs ]
   -- eqs  = bothWays [ r | RewriteRule r <- concatMap transformations Logic.logicRules ]