Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell98 |
- data ElabMode
- data ElabResult = ElabResult {
- resultTerm :: Term
- resultMetavars :: [(Name, (Int, Maybe Name, Type, [Name]))]
- resultCaseDecls :: [PDecl]
- resultContext :: Context
- resultTyDecls :: [RDeclInstructions]
- resultHighlighting :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)]
- resultName :: Int
- build :: IState -> ElabInfo -> ElabMode -> FnOpts -> Name -> PTerm -> ElabD ElabResult
- buildTC :: IState -> ElabInfo -> ElabMode -> FnOpts -> Name -> [Name] -> PTerm -> ElabD ElabResult
- getUnmatchable :: Context -> Name -> [Bool]
- data ElabCtxt = ElabCtxt {}
- initElabCtxt :: ElabCtxt
- goal_polymorphic :: ElabD Bool
- elab :: IState -> ElabInfo -> ElabMode -> FnOpts -> Name -> PTerm -> ElabD ()
- pruneAlt :: [PTerm] -> [PTerm]
- pruneByType :: Env -> Term -> IState -> [PTerm] -> [PTerm]
- isPlausible :: IState -> Bool -> Env -> Name -> Type -> Bool
- findHighlight :: Name -> ElabD OutputAnnotation
- solveAuto :: IState -> Name -> Bool -> (Name, [FailContext]) -> ElabD ()
- solveAutos :: IState -> Name -> Bool -> ElabD ()
- tcRecoverable :: ElabMode -> Err -> Bool
- trivial' :: IState -> ElabD ()
- trivialHoles' :: [Name] -> [(Name, Int)] -> IState -> ElabD ()
- proofSearch' :: IState -> Bool -> Bool -> Int -> Bool -> Maybe Name -> Name -> [Name] -> [Name] -> StateT (ElabState EState) TC ()
- resolveTC' :: Bool -> Bool -> Int -> Term -> Name -> IState -> ElabD ()
- collectDeferred :: Maybe Name -> [Name] -> Context -> Term -> State [(Name, (Int, Maybe Name, Type, [Name]))] Term
- case_ :: Bool -> Bool -> IState -> Name -> PTerm -> ElabD ()
- metavarName :: Maybe [String] -> Name -> Name
- runElabAction :: IState -> FC -> Env -> Term -> [String] -> ElabD Term
- runTac :: Bool -> IState -> Maybe FC -> Name -> PTactic -> ElabD ()
- elaboratingArgErr :: [(Name, Name)] -> Err -> Err
- withErrorReflection :: Idris a -> Idris a
- solveAll :: Elab' aux ()
- processTacticDecls :: ElabInfo -> [RDeclInstructions] -> Idris ()
data ElabResult Source
ElabResult | |
buildTC :: IState -> ElabInfo -> ElabMode -> FnOpts -> Name -> [Name] -> PTerm -> ElabD ElabResult Source
getUnmatchable :: Context -> Name -> [Bool] Source
elab :: IState -> ElabInfo -> ElabMode -> FnOpts -> Name -> PTerm -> ElabD () Source
Returns the set of declarations we need to add to complete the definition (most likely case blocks to elaborate) as well as declarations resulting from user tactic scripts (%runElab)
findHighlight :: Name -> ElabD OutputAnnotation Source
Use the local elab context to work out the highlighting for a name
tcRecoverable :: ElabMode -> Err -> Bool Source
proofSearch' :: IState -> Bool -> Bool -> Int -> Bool -> Maybe Name -> Name -> [Name] -> [Name] -> StateT (ElabState EState) TC () Source
collectDeferred :: Maybe Name -> [Name] -> Context -> Term -> State [(Name, (Int, Maybe Name, Type, [Name]))] Term Source
metavarName :: Maybe [String] -> Name -> Name Source
Compute the appropriate name for a top-level metavariable
withErrorReflection :: Idris a -> Idris a Source
processTacticDecls :: ElabInfo -> [RDeclInstructions] -> Idris () Source
Do the left-over work after creating declarations in reflected elaborator scripts