idris- Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types

Safe HaskellNone




data ElabWhat Source




data ElabInfo Source



data PPOption Source




ppopt_impl :: Bool

^ whether to show implicits

ppopt_desugarnats :: Bool
ppopt_pinames :: Bool

^ whether to show names in pi bindings

ppopt_depth :: Maybe Int


defaultPPOption :: PPOption Source

Pretty printing options with default verbosity.

verbosePPOption :: PPOption Source

Pretty printing options with the most verbosity.

ppOption :: IOption -> PPOption Source

Get pretty printing options from the big options record.

ppOptionIst :: IState -> PPOption Source

Get pretty printing options from an idris state record.

data OutputMode Source

The output mode in use


RawOutput Handle

Print user output directly to the handle

IdeMode Integer Handle

Send IDE output for some request ID to the handle

data ConsoleWidth Source

How wide is the console?



Have pretty-printer assume that lines should not be broken

ColsWide Int

Manually specified - must be positive


Attempt to determine width, or 80 otherwise

data IState Source

The global state used in the Idris monad




tt_ctxt :: Context

All the currently defined names and their terms

idris_constraints :: Set ConstraintFC

A list of universe constraints and their corresponding source locations

idris_infixes :: [FixDecl]

Currently defined infix operators

idris_implicits :: Ctxt [PArg]
idris_statics :: Ctxt [Bool]
idris_classes :: Ctxt ClassInfo
idris_records :: Ctxt RecordInfo
idris_dsls :: Ctxt DSL
idris_optimisation :: Ctxt OptInfo
idris_datatypes :: Ctxt TypeInfo
idris_namehints :: Ctxt [Name]
idris_patdefs :: Ctxt ([([Name], Term, Term)], [PTerm])

list of lhs/rhs, and a list of missing clauses

idris_flags :: Ctxt [FnOpt]
idris_callgraph :: Ctxt CGInfo
idris_calledgraph :: Ctxt [Name]
idris_docstrings :: Ctxt (Docstring DocTerm, [(Name, Docstring DocTerm)])
idris_moduledocs :: Ctxt (Docstring DocTerm)

module documentation is saved in a special MN so the context mechanism can be used for disambiguation

idris_tyinfodata :: Ctxt TIData
idris_fninfo :: Ctxt FnInfo
idris_transforms :: Ctxt [(Term, Term)]
idris_autohints :: Ctxt [Name]
idris_totcheck :: [(FC, Name)]
idris_defertotcheck :: [(FC, Name)]
idris_totcheckfail :: [(FC, String)]
idris_options :: IOption
idris_name :: Int
idris_lineapps :: [((FilePath, Int), PTerm)]

Full application LHS on source line

idris_metavars :: [(Name, (Maybe Name, Int, [Name], Bool))]

The currently defined but not proven metavariables. The Int is the number of vars to display as a context, the Maybe Name is its top-level function, the [Name] is the list of local variables available for proof search and the Bool is whether :p is allowed

idris_coercions :: [Name]
idris_errRev :: [(Term, Term)]
syntax_rules :: SyntaxRules
syntax_keywords :: [String]
imported :: [FilePath]

The imported modules

idris_scprims :: [(Name, (Int, PrimFn))]
idris_objs :: [(Codegen, FilePath)]
idris_libs :: [(Codegen, String)]
idris_cgflags :: [(Codegen, String)]
idris_hdrs :: [(Codegen, String)]
idris_imported :: [(FilePath, Bool)]

Imported ibc file names, whether public

proof_list :: [(Name, (Bool, [String]))]
errSpan :: Maybe FC
parserWarnings :: [(FC, Err)]
lastParse :: Maybe Name
indent_stack :: [Int]
brace_stack :: [Maybe Int]
lastTokenSpan :: Maybe FC

What was the span of the latest token parsed?

idris_parsedSpan :: Maybe FC
hide_list :: [(Name, Maybe Accessibility)]
default_access :: Accessibility
default_total :: Bool
ibc_write :: [IBCWrite]
compiled_so :: Maybe String
idris_dynamic_libs :: [DynamicLib]
idris_language_extensions :: [LanguageExt]
idris_outputmode :: OutputMode
idris_colourRepl :: Bool
idris_colourTheme :: ColourTheme
idris_errorhandlers :: [Name]

Global error handlers

idris_nameIdx :: (Int, Ctxt (Int, Name))
idris_function_errorhandlers :: Ctxt (Map Name (Set Name))

Specific error handlers

module_aliases :: Map [Text] [Text]
idris_consolewidth :: ConsoleWidth

How many chars wide is the console?

idris_postulates :: Set Name
idris_externs :: Set (Name, Int)
idris_erasureUsed :: [(Name, Int)]

Function/constructor name, argument position is used

idris_whocalls :: Maybe (Map Name [Name])
idris_callswho :: Maybe (Map Name [Name])
idris_repl_defs :: [Name]

List of names that were defined in the repl, and can be re-/un-defined

elab_stack :: [(Name, Bool)]

Stack of names currently being elaborated, Bool set if it's an instance (instances appear twice; also as a funtion name)

idris_symbols :: Map Name Name

Symbol table (preserves sharing of names)

idris_exports :: [Name]

Functions with ExportList

idris_highlightedRegions :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)]

Highlighting information to output

idris_parserHighlights :: [(FC, OutputAnnotation)]

Highlighting information from the parser

data CGInfo Source




argsdef :: [Name]
calls :: [(Name, [[Name]])]
scg :: [SCGEntry]
argsused :: [Name]
usedpos :: [(Int, [UsageReason])]

idrisInit :: IState Source

The initial state for the compiler

type Idris = StateT IState (ExceptT Err IO) Source

The monad for the main REPL - reading and processing files and updating global state (hence the IO inner monad). type Idris = WriterT [Either String (IO ())] (State IState a))

catchError :: Idris a -> (Err -> Idris a) -> Idris a Source

data Fixity Source




prec :: Int


prec :: Int


prec :: Int


prec :: Int

data FnOpt Source


CExport String 

^ an error handler for use with the ErrorReflection extension


^ attempt to reverse normalise before showing in error

Specialise [(Name, Maybe Int)] 

data ProvideWhat' t Source

Type provider - what to provide


ProvTerm t t

the first is the goal type, the second is the term

ProvPostulate t

goal type must be Type, so only term

data PDecl' t Source

Top-level declarations such as compiler directives, definitions, datatypes and typeclasses.


PFix FC Fixity [String]

Fixity declaration

PTy (Docstring (Either Err t)) [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] SyntaxInfo FC FnOpts Name FC t

Type declaration (last FC is precise name location)

PPostulate Bool (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC FC FnOpts Name t

Postulate, second FC is precise name location

PClauses FC FnOpts Name [PClause' t]

Pattern clause

PCAF FC Name t

Top level constant

PData (Docstring (Either Err t)) [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] SyntaxInfo FC DataOpts (PData' t)

Data declaration.

PParams FC [(Name, t)] [PDecl' t]

Params block

PNamespace String FC [PDecl' t]

New namespace, where FC is accurate location of the namespace in the file

PRecord (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC DataOpts Name FC [(Name, FC, Plicity, t)] [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] [(Maybe (Name, FC), Plicity, t, Maybe (Docstring (Either Err t)))] (Maybe (Name, FC)) (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo

Record declaration

PClass (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC [(Name, t)] Name FC [(Name, FC, t)] [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] [(Name, FC)] [PDecl' t] (Maybe (Name, FC)) (Docstring (Either Err t))

Type class: arguments are documentation, syntax info, source location, constraints, class name, class name location, parameters, method declarations, optional constructor name

PInstance (Docstring (Either Err t)) [(Name, Docstring (Either Err t))] SyntaxInfo FC [(Name, t)] Name FC [t] t (Maybe Name) [PDecl' t]

Instance declaration: arguments are documentation, syntax info, source location, constraints, class name, parameters, full instance type, optional explicit name, and definitions

PDSL Name (DSL' t)

DSL declaration

PSyntax FC Syntax

Syntax definition

PMutual FC [PDecl' t]

Mutual block

PDirective Directive

Compiler directive.

PProvider (Docstring (Either Err t)) SyntaxInfo FC FC (ProvideWhat' t) Name

Type provider. The first t is the type, the second is the term. The second FC is precise highlighting location.

PTransform FC Bool t t

Source-to-source transformation rule. If bool is True, lhs and rhs must be convertible

PRunElabDecl FC t [String]

FC is decl-level, for errors, and Strings represent the namespace


data RDeclInstructions Source

A set of instructions for things that need to happen in IState after a term elaboration when there's been reflected elaboration.

data EState Source

For elaborator state

data PClause' t Source

One clause of a top-level definition. Term arguments to constructors are:

  1. The whole application (missing for PClauseR and PWithR because they're within a "with" clause)
  2. The list of extra with patterns
  3. The right-hand side
  4. The where block (PDecl' t)


PClause FC Name t [t] t [PDecl' t]

A normal top-level definition.

PWith FC Name t [t] t (Maybe (Name, FC)) [PDecl' t] 
PClauseR FC [t] t [PDecl' t] 
PWithR FC [t] t (Maybe (Name, FC)) [PDecl' t] 

data PData' t Source

Data declaration



Data declaration


d_name :: Name

The name of the datatype

d_name_fc :: FC

The precise location of the type constructor name

d_tcon :: t

Type constructor

d_cons :: [(Docstring (Either Err PTerm), [(Name, Docstring (Either Err PTerm))], Name, FC, t, FC, [Name])]



Placeholder for data whose constructors are defined later


d_name :: Name

The name of the datatype

d_name_fc :: FC

The precise location of the type constructor name

d_tcon :: t

Type constructor


mapPDataFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PData -> PData Source

Transform the FCs in a PData and its associated terms. The first function transforms the general-purpose FCs, and the second transforms those that are used for semantic source highlighting, so they can be treated specially.

mapPDeclFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PDecl -> PDecl Source

Transform the FCs in a PTerm. The first function transforms the general-purpose FCs, and the second transforms those that are used for semantic source highlighting, so they can be treated specially.

declared :: PDecl -> [Name] Source

Get all the names declared in a declaration

data PTerm Source

High level language terms


PQuote Raw

Inclusion of a core term into the high-level language

PRef FC [FC] Name

A reference to a variable. The FC is its precise source location for highlighting. The list of FCs is a collection of additional highlighting locations.

PInferRef FC [FC] Name

A name to be defined later

PPatvar FC Name

A pattern variable

PLam FC Name FC PTerm PTerm

A lambda abstraction. Second FC is name span.

PPi Plicity Name FC PTerm PTerm

(n : t1) -> t2, where the FC is for the precise location of the variable

PLet FC Name FC PTerm PTerm PTerm

A let binding (second FC is precise name location)

PTyped PTerm PTerm

Term with explicit type

PApp FC PTerm [PArg]

e.g. IO (), List Char, length x

PAppImpl PTerm [ImplicitInfo]

Implicit argument application (introduced during elaboration only)

PAppBind FC PTerm [PArg]

implicitly bound application

PMatchApp FC Name

Make an application by type matching

PIfThenElse FC PTerm PTerm PTerm

Conditional expressions - elaborated to an overloading of ifThenElse

PCase FC PTerm [(PTerm, PTerm)]

A case expression. Args are source location, scrutinee, and a list of pattern/RHS pairs

PTrue FC PunInfo

Unit type..?

PResolveTC FC

Solve this dictionary by type class resolution

PRewrite FC PTerm PTerm (Maybe PTerm)

"rewrite" syntax, with optional result type

PPair FC [FC] PunInfo PTerm PTerm

A pair (a, b) and whether it's a product type or a pair (solved by elaboration). The list of FCs is its punctuation.

PDPair FC [FC] PunInfo PTerm PTerm PTerm

A dependent pair (tm : a ** b) and whether it's a sigma type or a pair that inhabits one (solved by elaboration). The [FC] is its punctuation.

PAs FC Name PTerm

@-pattern, valid LHS only

PAlternative [(Name, Name)] PAltType [PTerm]

(| A, B, C|). Includes unapplied unique name mappings for mkUniqueNames.

PHidden PTerm

Irrelevant or hidden pattern

PType FC

Type type

PUniverse Universe

Some universe

PGoal FC PTerm Name PTerm

quoteGoal, used for %reflection functions

PConstant FC Const

Builtin types



PDoBlock [PDo]

Do notation

PIdiom FC PTerm

Idiom brackets

PReturn FC 
PMetavar FC Name

A metavariable, ?name, and its precise location

PProof [PTactic]

Proof script

PTactics [PTactic]

As PProof, but no auto solving

PElabError Err

Error to report on elaboration


Special case for declaring when an LHS can't typecheck

PCoerced PTerm

To mark a coerced argument, so as not to coerce twice

PDisamb [[Text]] PTerm

Preferences for explicit namespaces

PUnifyLog PTerm

dump a trace of unifications when building term

PNoImplicits PTerm

never run implicit converions on the term

PQuasiquote PTerm (Maybe PTerm)

`(Term [: Term])

PUnquote PTerm


PQuoteName Name Bool FC

`{n} where the FC is the precise highlighting for the name in particular. If the Bool is False, then it's `{{n}} and the name won't be resolved.

PRunElab FC PTerm [String]

%runElab tm - New-style proof script. Args are location, script, enclosing namespace.

PConstSugar FC PTerm

A desugared constant. The FC is a precise source location that will be used to highlight it later.

data PAltType Source


ExactlyOne Bool

flag sets whether delay is allowed


mapPTermFC :: (FC -> FC) -> (FC -> FC) -> PTerm -> PTerm Source

Transform the FCs in a PTerm. The first function transforms the general-purpose FCs, and the second transforms those that are used for semantic source highlighting, so they can be treated specially.

data PDo' t Source


DoExp FC t 
DoBind FC Name FC t

second FC is precise name location

DoBindP FC t t [(t, t)] 
DoLet FC Name FC t t

second FC is precise name location

DoLetP FC t t 


Functor PDo' 
Eq t => Eq (PDo' t) 
Data t => Data (PDo' t) 
Binary t => Binary (PDo' t) 
NFData t => NFData (PDo' t) 
Typeable (* -> *) PDo' 

data PArg' t Source




priority :: Int
machine_inf :: Bool
argopts :: [ArgOpt]
pname :: Name
getTm :: t


priority :: Int
argopts :: [ArgOpt]
pname :: Name
getTm :: t


priority :: Int
argopts :: [ArgOpt]
pname :: Name
getTm :: t


priority :: Int
argopts :: [ArgOpt]
pname :: Name
getScript :: t
getTm :: t


Functor PArg' 
Eq t => Eq (PArg' t) 
Data t => Data (PArg' t) 
Show t => Show (PArg' t) 
Binary t => Binary (PArg' t) 
NFData t => NFData (PArg' t) 
Typeable (* -> *) PArg' 

pimp :: Name -> t -> Bool -> PArg' t Source

pexp :: t -> PArg' t Source

pconst :: t -> PArg' t Source

ptacimp :: Name -> t -> t -> PArg' t Source

highestFC :: PTerm -> Maybe FC Source

Get the highest FC in a term, if one exists

data TIData Source



a function with a partially defined type

TISolution [Term]

possible solutions to a metavariable in a type


data FnInfo Source

Miscellaneous information about functions




fn_params :: [Int]

data OptInfo Source




inaccessible :: [(Int, Name)]
detaggable :: Bool

data DSL' t Source

Syntactic sugar info




dsl_bind :: t
dsl_return :: t
dsl_apply :: t
dsl_pure :: t
dsl_var :: Maybe t
index_first :: Maybe t
index_next :: Maybe t
dsl_lambda :: Maybe t
dsl_let :: Maybe t
dsl_pi :: Maybe t


Functor DSL' 
Show t => Show (DSL' t) 
Binary t => Binary (DSL' t) 
NFData t => NFData (DSL' t) 

newtype SyntaxRules Source




syntaxRulesList :: [Syntax]


eqOpts :: [t] Source

modDocName :: Name Source

The special name to be used in the module documentation context - not for use in the main definition context. The namespace around it will determine the module to which the docs adhere.

annotationColour :: IState -> OutputAnnotation -> Maybe IdrisColour Source

Colourise annotations according to an Idris state. It ignores the names in the annotation, as there's no good way to show extended information on a terminal.

consoleDecorate :: IState -> OutputAnnotation -> String -> String Source

Colourise annotations according to an Idris state. It ignores the names in the annotation, as there's no good way to show extended information on a terminal. Note that strings produced this way will not be coloured on Windows, so the use of the colour rendering functions in Idris.Output is to be preferred.

prettyImp Source


:: PPOption

^ pretty printing options

-> PTerm

^ the term to pretty-print

-> Doc OutputAnnotation 

Pretty-print a high-level closed Idris term with no information about precedence/associativity

prettyIst :: IState -> PTerm -> Doc OutputAnnotation Source

Serialise something to base64 using its Binary instance.

Do the right thing for rendering a term in an IState

pprintPTerm Source


:: PPOption

^ pretty printing options

-> [(Name, Bool)]

^ the currently-bound names and whether they are implicit

-> [Name]

^ names to always show in pi, even if not used

-> [FixDecl]

^ Fixity declarations

-> PTerm

^ the term to pretty-print

-> Doc OutputAnnotation 

Pretty-print a high-level Idris term in some bindings context with infix info

basename :: Name -> Name Source

Strip away namespace information

isHoleName :: Name -> Bool Source

Determine whether a name was the one inserted for a hole or guess by the delaborator

containsHole :: PTerm -> Bool Source

Check whether a PTerm has been delaborated from a Term containing a Hole or Guess

prettyName Source


:: Bool

^ whether the name should be parenthesised if it is an infix operator

-> Bool

^ whether to show namespaces

-> [(Name, Bool)]

^ the current bound variables and whether they are implicit

-> Name

^ the name to pprint

-> Doc OutputAnnotation 

Pretty-printer helper for names that attaches the correct annotations

showName Source


:: Maybe IState

^ the Idris state, for information about names and colours

-> [(Name, Bool)]

^ the bound variables and whether they're implicit

-> PPOption

^ pretty printing options

-> Bool

^ whether to colourise

-> Name

^ the term to show

-> String 

Show Idris name

showTm Source


:: IState

^ the Idris state, for information about identifiers and colours

-> PTerm

^ the term to show

-> String 

showTmImpls :: PTerm -> String Source

Show a term with implicits, no colours

showTmOpts :: PPOption -> PTerm -> String Source

Show a term with specific options

namesIn :: [(Name, PTerm)] -> IState -> PTerm -> [Name] Source