idris-1.3.2: Functional Programming Language with Dependent Types
providerTy :: FC -> PTerm -> PTerm Source #
Wrap a type provider in the type of type providers
getProvided :: FC -> TT Name -> Idris (Provided (TT Name)) Source #
Handle an error, if the type provider returned an error. Otherwise return the provided term.
data Provided a Source #
Defined in Idris.Providers
fmap :: (a -> b) -> Provided a -> Provided b #
(<$) :: a -> Provided b -> Provided a #
(==) :: Provided a -> Provided a -> Bool #
(/=) :: Provided a -> Provided a -> Bool #
showsPrec :: Int -> Provided a -> ShowS #
show :: Provided a -> String #
showList :: [Provided a] -> ShowS #