Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Message
- = KernelInfoRequest { }
- | KernelInfoReply { }
- | CommInfoRequest { }
- | CommInfoReply { }
- | ExecuteInput { }
- | ExecuteRequest {
- header :: MessageHeader
- getCode :: Text
- getSilent :: Bool
- getStoreHistory :: Bool
- getAllowStdin :: Bool
- getUserVariables :: [Text]
- getUserExpressions :: [Text]
- | ExecuteReply { }
- | ExecuteResult { }
- | ExecuteError { }
- | PublishStatus { }
- | PublishStream { }
- | PublishDisplayData { }
- | PublishUpdateDisplayData { }
- | PublishOutput { }
- | PublishInput {
- header :: MessageHeader
- inCode :: String
- executionCount :: Int
- | Input {
- header :: MessageHeader
- getCode :: Text
- executionCount :: Int
- | Output {
- header :: MessageHeader
- getText :: [DisplayData]
- executionCount :: Int
- | IsCompleteRequest { }
- | IsCompleteReply { }
- | CompleteRequest {
- header :: MessageHeader
- getCode :: Text
- getCursorPos :: Int
- | CompleteReply { }
- | InspectRequest { }
- | InspectReply { }
- | ShutdownRequest { }
- | ShutdownReply { }
- | ClearOutput {
- header :: MessageHeader
- wait :: Bool
- | RequestInput { }
- | InputReply { }
- | CommOpen { }
- | CommData { }
- | CommClose { }
- | HistoryRequest { }
- | HistoryReply { }
- | SendNothing
- data MessageHeader = MessageHeader {}
- data MessageType
- = KernelInfoReplyMessage
- | KernelInfoRequestMessage
- | ExecuteInputMessage
- | ExecuteReplyMessage
- | ExecuteErrorMessage
- | ExecuteRequestMessage
- | ExecuteResultMessage
- | StatusMessage
- | StreamMessage
- | DisplayDataMessage
- | UpdateDisplayDataMessage
- | OutputMessage
- | InputMessage
- | IsCompleteRequestMessage
- | IsCompleteReplyMessage
- | CompleteRequestMessage
- | CompleteReplyMessage
- | InspectRequestMessage
- | InspectReplyMessage
- | ShutdownRequestMessage
- | ShutdownReplyMessage
- | ClearOutputMessage
- | InputRequestMessage
- | InputReplyMessage
- | CommOpenMessage
- | CommDataMessage
- | CommInfoRequestMessage
- | CommInfoReplyMessage
- | CommCloseMessage
- | HistoryRequestMessage
- | HistoryReplyMessage
- dupHeader :: MessageHeader -> MessageType -> IO MessageHeader
- setVersion :: MessageHeader -> String -> MessageHeader
- type Username = Text
- data Metadata
- type BufferPath = [Text]
- replyType :: MessageType -> Maybe MessageType
- data ExecutionState
- data StreamType
- data MimeType
- data DisplayData = DisplayData MimeType Text
- data ErrorOccurred
- data EvaluationResult
- = IntermediateResult !Display
- | FinalResult !Display ![DisplayData] ![WidgetMsg]
- evaluationOutputs :: EvaluationResult -> Display
- data ExecuteReplyStatus
- data KernelState = KernelState {}
- data LintStatus
- type Width = Int
- type Height = Int
- data Display
- = Display [DisplayData]
- | ManyDisplay [Display]
- defaultKernelState :: KernelState
- extractPlain :: [DisplayData] -> String
- kernelOpts :: [KernelOpt]
- data KernelOpt = KernelOpt {
- getOptionName :: [String]
- getSetName :: [String]
- getUpdateKernelState :: KernelState -> KernelState
- class IHaskellDisplay a where
- class IHaskellDisplay a => IHaskellWidget a where
- targetName :: a -> String
- targetModule :: a -> String
- getBufferPaths :: a -> [BufferPath]
- getCommUUID :: a -> UUID
- open :: a -> (Value -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- comm :: a -> Value -> (Value -> IO ()) -> IO ()
- close :: a -> Value -> IO ()
- data Widget = forall a.IHaskellWidget a => Widget a
- data WidgetMsg
- data WidgetMethod
- data KernelSpec = KernelSpec {}
A message used to communicate with the IPython frontend.
KernelInfoRequest | A request from a frontend for information about the kernel. |
| |
KernelInfoReply | A response to a KernelInfoRequest. |
| |
CommInfoRequest | A request from a frontend for information about the comms. |
| |
CommInfoReply | A response to a CommInfoRequest. |
ExecuteInput | A request from a frontend to execute some code. |
| |
ExecuteRequest | A request from a frontend to execute some code. |
| |
ExecuteReply | A reply to an execute request. |
| |
ExecuteResult | A reply to an execute request. |
| |
ExecuteError | An error reply to an execute request |
PublishStatus | |
| |
PublishStream | |
| |
PublishDisplayData | |
| |
PublishUpdateDisplayData | |
| |
PublishOutput | |
| |
PublishInput | |
| |
Input | |
| |
Output | |
| |
IsCompleteRequest | |
| |
IsCompleteReply | |
| |
CompleteRequest | |
| |
CompleteReply | |
| |
InspectRequest | |
| |
InspectReply | |
| |
ShutdownRequest | |
| |
ShutdownReply | |
| |
ClearOutput | |
| |
RequestInput | |
| |
InputReply | |
| |
CommOpen | |
| |
CommData | |
CommClose | |
HistoryRequest | |
| |
HistoryReply | |
| |
SendNothing |
ToJSON Message | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types | |
Show Message | |
data MessageHeader #
A message header with some metadata.
MessageHeader | |
ToJSON MessageHeader | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods toJSON :: MessageHeader -> Value # toEncoding :: MessageHeader -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [MessageHeader] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [MessageHeader] -> Encoding # | |
Read MessageHeader | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS MessageHeader # readList :: ReadS [MessageHeader] # | |
Show MessageHeader | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> MessageHeader -> ShowS # show :: MessageHeader -> String # showList :: [MessageHeader] -> ShowS # |
data MessageType #
The type of a message, corresponding to IPython message types.
FromJSON MessageType | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types | |
Read MessageType | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS MessageType # readList :: ReadS [MessageType] # readPrec :: ReadPrec MessageType # readListPrec :: ReadPrec [MessageType] # | |
Show MessageType | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> MessageType -> ShowS # show :: MessageType -> String # showList :: [MessageType] -> ShowS # | |
Eq MessageType | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types |
dupHeader :: MessageHeader -> MessageType -> IO MessageHeader Source #
Duplicate a message header, giving it a new UUID and message type.
:: MessageHeader | The header to modify |
-> String | The version to set |
-> MessageHeader | The modified header |
Modifies a header and appends the version of the Widget Messaging Protocol as metadata
A metadata dictionary.
type BufferPath = [Text] Source #
replyType :: MessageType -> Maybe MessageType #
Get the reply message type for a request message type.
data ExecutionState #
The execution state of the kernel.
FromJSON ExecutionState | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods parseJSON :: Value -> Parser ExecutionState # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [ExecutionState] # | |
ToJSON ExecutionState | Print an execution state as "busy", "idle", or "starting". |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods toJSON :: ExecutionState -> Value # toEncoding :: ExecutionState -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [ExecutionState] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [ExecutionState] -> Encoding # | |
Show ExecutionState | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ExecutionState -> ShowS # show :: ExecutionState -> String # showList :: [ExecutionState] -> ShowS # |
data StreamType #
Input and output streams.
FromJSON StreamType | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types | |
ToJSON StreamType | Print a stream as "stdin" or "stdout" strings. |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods toJSON :: StreamType -> Value # toEncoding :: StreamType -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [StreamType] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [StreamType] -> Encoding # | |
Show StreamType | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> StreamType -> ShowS # show :: StreamType -> String # showList :: [StreamType] -> ShowS # |
data DisplayData #
Data for display: a string with associated MIME type.
DisplayData MimeType Text |
Generic DisplayData | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Associated Types type Rep DisplayData :: Type -> Type # | |
Show DisplayData | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> DisplayData -> ShowS # show :: DisplayData -> String # showList :: [DisplayData] -> ShowS # | |
Binary DisplayData | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types | |
Eq DisplayData | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types | |
IHaskellDisplay DisplayData Source # | |
Defined in IHaskell.Types | |
type Rep DisplayData | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types type Rep DisplayData = D1 ('MetaData "DisplayData" "IHaskell.IPython.Types" "ipython-kernel-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "DisplayData" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 MimeType) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Text))) |
data ErrorOccurred Source #
Whether or not an error occurred.
Show ErrorOccurred Source # | |
Defined in IHaskell.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ErrorOccurred -> ShowS # show :: ErrorOccurred -> String # showList :: [ErrorOccurred] -> ShowS # | |
Eq ErrorOccurred Source # | |
Defined in IHaskell.Types Methods (==) :: ErrorOccurred -> ErrorOccurred -> Bool # (/=) :: ErrorOccurred -> ErrorOccurred -> Bool # |
data EvaluationResult Source #
Output of evaluation.
A result can either be intermediate or final.
Final result has Mimebundles (DisplayData
) and Comm operations
) on top of Display outputs.
IntermediateResult !Display | An intermediate result which communicates what has been printed thus far. |
FinalResult !Display ![DisplayData] ![WidgetMsg] |
Show EvaluationResult Source # | |
Defined in IHaskell.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> EvaluationResult -> ShowS # show :: EvaluationResult -> String # showList :: [EvaluationResult] -> ShowS # |
data ExecuteReplyStatus #
Possible statuses in the execution reply messages.
FromJSON ExecuteReplyStatus | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods parseJSON :: Value -> Parser ExecuteReplyStatus # parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [ExecuteReplyStatus] # | |
Show ExecuteReplyStatus | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ExecuteReplyStatus -> ShowS # show :: ExecuteReplyStatus -> String # showList :: [ExecuteReplyStatus] -> ShowS # |
data KernelState Source #
All state stored in the kernel between executions.
KernelState | |
Show KernelState Source # | |
Defined in IHaskell.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> KernelState -> ShowS # show :: KernelState -> String # showList :: [KernelState] -> ShowS # |
data LintStatus Source #
Current HLint status.
Show LintStatus Source # | |
Defined in IHaskell.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> LintStatus -> ShowS # show :: LintStatus -> String # showList :: [LintStatus] -> ShowS # | |
Eq LintStatus Source # | |
Defined in IHaskell.Types |
Wrapper for ipython-kernel's DisplayData which allows sending multiple results from the same expression.
Display [DisplayData] | |
ManyDisplay [Display] |
ToJSON Display Source # | |
Defined in IHaskell.Types | |
Monoid Display Source # | |
Semigroup Display Source # | |
Generic Display Source # | |
Show Display Source # | |
Binary Display Source # | |
Eq Display Source # | |
IHaskellDisplay Display Source # | |
type Rep Display Source # | |
Defined in IHaskell.Types type Rep Display = D1 ('MetaData "Display" "IHaskell.Types" "ihaskell-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Display" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 [DisplayData])) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "ManyDisplay" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 [Display]))) |
extractPlain :: [DisplayData] -> String #
kernelOpts :: [KernelOpt] Source #
Kernel options to be set via `:set` and `:option`.
KernelOpt | |
class IHaskellDisplay a where Source #
A class for displayable Haskell types.
IHaskell's displaying of results behaves as if these two overlapping/undecidable instances also existed:
instance (Show a) => IHaskellDisplay a instance Show a where shows _ = id
IHaskellDisplay Display Source # | |
IHaskellDisplay Widget Source # | |
IHaskellDisplay DisplayData Source # | |
Defined in IHaskell.Types | |
IHaskellDisplay a => IHaskellDisplay (IO a) Source # | these instances cause the image, html etc. which look like: Display [Display] IO [Display] IO (IO Display) be run the IO and get rendered (if the frontend allows it) in the pretty form. |
IHaskellDisplay a => IHaskellDisplay [a] Source # | |
class IHaskellDisplay a => IHaskellWidget a where Source #
Display as an interactive widget.
Minimal complete definition
targetName :: a -> String Source #
Target name for this widget. The actual input parameter should be ignored. By default evaluate to "jupyter.widget", which is used by IPython for its backbone widgets.
targetModule :: a -> String Source #
Target module for this widget. Evaluates to an empty string by default.
getBufferPaths :: a -> [BufferPath] Source #
Buffer paths for this widget. Evaluates to an empty array by default.
getCommUUID :: a -> UUID Source #
Get the uuid for comm associated with this widget. The widget is responsible for storing the UUID during initialization.
:: a | Widget to open a comm port with. |
-> (Value -> IO ()) | A function for sending messages. |
-> IO () |
Called when the comm is opened. Allows additional messages to be sent after comm open.
:: a | Widget which is being communicated with. |
-> Value | Data recieved from the frontend. |
-> (Value -> IO ()) | Way to respond to the message. |
-> IO () |
Respond to a comm data message. Called when a message is recieved on the comm associated with the widget.
Called when a comm_close is recieved from the frontend.
IHaskellWidget Widget Source # | |
Defined in IHaskell.Types |
forall a.IHaskellWidget a => Widget a |
Show Widget Source # | |
Eq Widget Source # | |
IHaskellDisplay Widget Source # | |
IHaskellWidget Widget Source # | |
Defined in IHaskell.Types |
Send JSON objects with specific formats
Open Widget Value | Cause the interpreter to open a new comm, and register the associated widget in the kernelState. Also sends an initial state Value with comm_open. |
Update Widget Value | Cause the interpreter to send a comm_msg containing a state update for the widget. Can be used to send fragments of state for update. Also updates the value of widget stored in the kernelState |
View Widget | Cause the interpreter to send a comm_msg containing a display command for the frontend. |
Close Widget Value | Cause the interpreter to close the comm associated with the widget. Also sends data with comm_close. |
Custom Widget Value | A [method .= custom, content = value] message |
JSONValue Widget Value | A json object that is sent to the widget without modifications. |
DispMsg Widget Display | A |
ClrOutput Bool | A |
data WidgetMethod Source #
UpdateState Value [BufferPath] | |
CustomContent Value | |
DisplayWidget |
ToJSON WidgetMethod Source # | |
Defined in IHaskell.Types Methods toJSON :: WidgetMethod -> Value # toEncoding :: WidgetMethod -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [WidgetMethod] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [WidgetMethod] -> Encoding # |
data KernelSpec #
KernelSpec | |
ToJSON KernelSpec | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods toJSON :: KernelSpec -> Value # toEncoding :: KernelSpec -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [KernelSpec] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [KernelSpec] -> Encoding # | |
Show KernelSpec | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types Methods showsPrec :: Int -> KernelSpec -> ShowS # show :: KernelSpec -> String # showList :: [KernelSpec] -> ShowS # | |
Eq KernelSpec | |
Defined in IHaskell.IPython.Types |