Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- class Monad m => Carrier m where
- type Effect = (* -> *) -> * -> *
- class (forall m n x. Coercible m n => Coercible (e m x) (e n x)) => RepresentationalEff (e :: Effect)
- type Eff e m = Effs '[e] m
- type Effs es m = (EffMembers es (Derivs m), Carrier m)
- data Bundle :: [Effect] -> Effect
- class Member e r
- send :: (Member e (Derivs m), Carrier m) => e m a -> m a
- run :: RunC a -> a
- runM :: Monad m => RunMC m a -> m a
- newtype Embed b m a where
- embed :: Eff (Embed b) m => b a -> m a
- interpretSimple :: forall e m a p. (RepresentationalEff e, Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p, Carrier m) => EffHandler e m -> InterpretSimpleC e m a -> m a
- type SimpleInterpreterFor e m = forall x p. Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p => InterpretSimpleC e m x -> m x
- interpretViaHandler :: forall h e m a. Handler h e m => InterpretC h e m a -> m a
- class (RepresentationalEff e, Carrier m) => Handler (h :: *) e m where
- effHandler :: EffHandler e m
- interpret :: forall e m a. (RepresentationalEff e, Carrier m) => EffHandler e m -> InterpretReifiedC e m a -> m a
- type InterpreterFor e m = forall x. InterpretReifiedC e m x -> m x
- type EffHandler e m = forall z x. (Carrier z, Derivs z ~ Derivs m, Prims z ~ Prims m, MonadBase m z) => e (Effly z) x -> Effly z x
- reinterpretSimple :: forall e new m a p. (RepresentationalEff e, KnownList new, HeadEffs new m, Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p) => EffHandler e m -> ReinterpretSimpleC e new m a -> m a
- reinterpretViaHandler :: forall h e new m a. (Handler h e m, KnownList new, HeadEffs new m) => ReinterpretC h e new m a -> m a
- reinterpret :: forall e new m a. (RepresentationalEff e, KnownList new, HeadEffs new m) => EffHandler e m -> ReinterpretReifiedC e new m a -> m a
- type Threaders cs m p = (p ~ Prims m, SatisfiesAll p cs)
- class (forall i. Threads (ReaderT i) p) => ReaderThreads p
- intro1 :: forall e m a. IntroConsistent '[] '[e] m => IntroTopC '[e] m a -> m a
- intro :: forall new m a. (KnownList new, IntroConsistent '[] new m) => IntroTopC new m a -> m a
- introUnder1 :: forall new e m a. IntroConsistent '[e] '[new] m => IntroUnderC e '[new] m a -> m a
- introUnder :: forall new e m a. (KnownList new, IntroConsistent '[e] new m) => IntroUnderC e new m a -> m a
- introUnderMany :: forall top new m a. (KnownList top, KnownList new, IntroConsistent top new m) => IntroUnderManyC top new m a -> m a
- type HeadEff e m = (IntroConsistent '[] '[e] m, Carrier m)
- type HeadEffs new m = (IntroConsistent '[] new m, Carrier m)
- data CompositionC ts m a
- runComposition :: CompositionC ts m a -> CompositionBaseM ts m a
- newtype Effly m a = Effly {
- runEffly :: m a
- subsume :: (Carrier m, Member e (Derivs m)) => SubsumeC e m a -> m a
- class (Applicative b, Applicative m, Monad b, Monad m) => MonadBase (b :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) | m -> b where
- liftBase :: b α -> m α
- class MonadTrans (t :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) where
- type RunC = Identity
- data RunMC m a
- data InterpretSimpleC (e :: Effect) (m :: * -> *) a
- data InterpretC (h :: *) (e :: Effect) (m :: * -> *) a
- type InterpretReifiedC e m a = forall s. ReifiesHandler s e m => InterpretC (ViaReifiedH s) e m a
- type ReifiesHandler s e m = Reifies s (ReifiedHandler e m)
- data ViaReifiedH (s :: *)
- data ReinterpretSimpleC e new m a
- data ReinterpretC h e new m a
- type ReinterpretReifiedC e new m a = forall s. ReifiesHandler s e m => ReinterpretC (ViaReifiedH s) e new m a
- type IntroConsistent top new m = Append top (Append new (StripPrefix new (StripPrefix top (Derivs m)))) ~ Derivs m
- data IntroC (top :: [Effect]) (new :: [Effect]) (m :: * -> *) a
- type IntroTopC = IntroC '[]
- type IntroUnderC e = IntroC '[e]
- type IntroUnderManyC = IntroC
- class KnownList l
- data SubsumeC (e :: Effect) m a
Core class
class Monad m => Carrier m Source #
The class of effect carriers, and the underlying mechanism with which effects are implemented.
Each carrier is able to implement a number of derived effects, and primitive effects. Users usually only interact with derived effects, as these determine the effects that users have access to.
The standard interpretation tools are typically powerful enough to
let you avoid making instances of this class directly. If you need to make
your own instance of Carrier
, import Control.Effect.Carrier and consult the
Minimal complete definition
Associated Types
type Derivs m :: [Effect] Source #
The derived effects that m
carries. Each derived effect is eventually
reformulated into terms of the primitive effects
or other
effects in Prims
In application code, you gain access to effects by placing membership
constraints upon
. You can use Derivs
or Effs
for this
Although rarely relevant for users,
can also contain effects
that aren't expressed in terms of other effects, as longs as the handlers
for those effects can be lifted generically using Derivs
. Such effects don't
need to be part of
, which is exclusively for primitive effects
whose handlers need special treatment to be lifted.Prims
For example, first order effects such as State
never need to be part of
. Certain higher-order effects -
such as Prims
- can also be handled such that they
never need to be primitive.
type Effect = (* -> *) -> * -> * Source #
The kind of effects.
Helpful for defining new effects:
data InOut i o :: Effect where Input :: InOut i o m i Output :: o -> InOut i o m ()
class (forall m n x. Coercible m n => Coercible (e m x) (e n x)) => RepresentationalEff (e :: Effect) Source #
is the constraint every effect is expected
to satisfy: namely, that any effect e m a
is representational in m
which -- in practice -- means that no constraints are ever placed upon
within the definion of e
You don't need to make instances of RepresentationalEff
; the compiler
will automatically infer if your effect satisfies it.
is not a very serious requirement, and
even effects that don't satisfy it can typically be rewritten into
equally powerful variants that do.
If you ever encounter that an effect you've written doesn't satisfy
, please consult
the wiki.
(forall (m :: Type -> Type) (n :: Type -> Type) x. Coercible m n => Coercible (e m x) (e n x)) => RepresentationalEff e Source # | |
Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Union |
Effect membership
type Eff e m = Effs '[e] m Source #
(Morally) a type synonym for
This and Member
e (Derivs
m), Carrier
are the typical methods to gain
access to effects.
Unlike Member
, Eff
gives Bundle
special treatment.
As a side-effect, Eff
will get stuck if e
is a type variable.
If you need access to some completely polymorphic effect e
use (
instead of Member
e (Derivs
m), Carrier
m)Eff e m
type Effs es m = (EffMembers es (Derivs m), Carrier m) Source #
A variant of Eff
that takes a list of effects, and expands them into
multiple Member
constraints on
This and Derivs
are the typical methods to gain access to effects.
Like Eff
, Effs
gives Bundle
special treatment.
As a side-effect, Effs
will get stuck if any element of the list
is a type variable.
If you need access to some completetely polymorphic effect e
use a separate
e (Derivs
data Bundle :: [Effect] -> Effect Source #
A pseudo-effect given special treatment by Eff
and Effs
constraint on
will expand it into membership constraints for Bundle
'[eff1, eff2, ... , effn]eff1
through effn
For example:
e =Bundle
e) m = (Carrier
e) (Derivs
e) (Derivs
should never be used in any other contexts but within
and Effs
, as it isn't an actual effect.
Not to be confused with Union
, which is a proper
effect that combines multiple effects into one.
A constraint that e
is part of the effect row r
is typically
for some Derivs
Member e (
allows you to use
actions of Derivs
with m
If e
occurs multiple times in r
, then the first
occurence will be used.
If possible, use
Minimal complete definition
(TypeError (((Text "Unhandled effect: " :<>: ShowType e) :$$: Text "You need to either add or replace an interpreter in your interpretation stack so that the effect gets handled.") :$$: Text "To check what effects are currently handled by your interpretation stack, use `debugEffects' from `Control.Effect.Debug'.") :: Constraint) => Member (e :: a) ([] :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Membership Methods membership :: ElemOf e [] Source # | |
Member e r => Member (e :: a) (_e ': r :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Membership Methods membership :: ElemOf e (_e ': r) Source # | |
Member (e :: a) (e ': r :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Membership Methods membership :: ElemOf e (e ': r) Source # |
Sending actions of effects
send :: (Member e (Derivs m), Carrier m) => e m a -> m a Source #
Perform an action of an effect.
should be used to create actions of your own effects.
For example:
data CheckString :: Effect where CheckString :: String -> CheckString m Bool checkString :: Eff CheckString m => String -> m Bool checkString str = send (CheckString str)
Running final monad
Extract the final result from a computation of which no effects remain to be handled.
runM :: Monad m => RunMC m a -> m a Source #
Extract the final monad m
from a computation of which
no effects remain to be handled except for
Integrating external monads
newtype Embed b m a where Source #
An effect for embedding actions of a base monad into the current one.
Effect interpretation
interpretSimple :: forall e m a p. (RepresentationalEff e, Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p, Carrier m) => EffHandler e m -> InterpretSimpleC e m a -> m a Source #
Interpret an effect in terms of other effects, without needing to
define an explicit Handler
instance. This is an alternative to
See EffHandler
for more information about the handler you pass to
this function.
This is a significantly slower variant of interpret
that doesn't have
a higher-ranked type, making it much easier to use partially applied.
Note: this emits the threading constraint ReaderThreads
(see Threaders
This makes interpretSimple
significantly less attractive to use
in application code, as it means propagating that constraint
through your application.
Example usage:
data Teletype :: Effect where ReadTTY :: Teletype m String WriteTTY :: String -> Teletype m () readTTY ::Eff
Teletype m => m String readTTY = send ReadTTY writeTTY ::Eff
Teletype m => String -> m () writeTTY = send . WriteTTY echo ::Eff
Teletype m => m () echo = readTTY >>= sendTTY teletypeToIO ::Eff
IO) m =>SimpleInterpreterFor
Teletype m teletypeToIO =interpretSimple
$ case ReadTTY ->embed
getLine WriteTTY str ->embed
$ putStrLn str main :: IO () main =runM
$ teletypeToIO $ echo
type SimpleInterpreterFor e m = forall x p. Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p => InterpretSimpleC e m x -> m x Source #
A useful type synonym for the type of interpretSimple
provided a handler
is left polymorphic so that you may place
constraints on it.Eff
interpretViaHandler :: forall h e m a. Handler h e m => InterpretC h e m a -> m a Source #
Interpret an effect in terms of other effects by using
an explicit Handler
See Handler
for more information.
Unlike interpret
, this does not have a higher-rank type,
making it easier to use partially applied, and unlike
doesn't sacrifice performance.
Example usage:
data Teletype :: Effect where ReadTTY :: Teletype m String WriteTTY :: String -> Teletype m () readTTY ::Eff
Teletype m => m String readTTY = send ReadTTY writeTTY ::Eff
Teletype m => String -> m () writeTTY = send . WriteTTY echo ::Eff
Teletype m => m () echo = readTTY >>= sendTTY data TeletypeToIOH instanceEff
IO) m =>Handler
TeletypeToIOH Teletype m where effHandler = case ReadTTY ->embed
getLine WriteTTY str ->embed
$ putStrLn str type TeletypeToIOC =InterpretC
TeletypeToIOH Teletype teletypeToIO ::Eff
IO) m => TeletypeToIOC m a -> m a teletypeToIO =interpretViaHandler
main :: IO () main =runM
$ teletypeToIO $ echo
class (RepresentationalEff e, Carrier m) => Handler (h :: *) e m where Source #
The class of effect handlers for derived effects.
Instances of this class can be used together interpretViaHandler
in order to interpret effects.
is the tag for the handler, e
is the effect to interpret,
and m
is the Carrier
on which the handler operates.
To define your own interpreter using this method, create a new
datatype without any constructors to serve as the tag
for the handler, and then define a Handler
instance for it.
Then, you can use your handler to interpret effects with
Alternatively, you can use interpret
or interpretSimple
which lets you avoid the need to define instances of Handler
but come at other costs.
effHandler :: EffHandler e m Source #
Eff (ListenPrim w) m => Handler ListenSteppedH (Listen w) m Source # | |
Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Intercept Methods effHandler :: EffHandler (Listen w) m Source # | |
(FirstOrder e, Member e (Derivs m), Eff (Unravel (InterceptB e)) m) => Handler InterceptH (InterceptCont e) m Source # | |
Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Intercept Methods effHandler :: EffHandler (InterceptCont e) m Source # | |
(FirstOrder e, Eff (Unravel (InterceptB e)) m) => Handler InterceptH (Intercept e) m Source # | |
Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Intercept Methods effHandler :: EffHandler (Intercept e) m Source # | |
(RepresentationalEff e, Carrier m, Reifies s (ReifiedHandler e m)) => Handler (ViaReifiedH s) e m Source # | |
Defined in Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Interpret Methods effHandler :: EffHandler e m Source # |
interpret :: forall e m a. (RepresentationalEff e, Carrier m) => EffHandler e m -> InterpretReifiedC e m a -> m a Source #
Interpret an effect in terms of other effects, without needing to
define an explicit Handler
instance. This is an alternative to
, and is more performant than interpretSimple
See EffHandler
for more information about the handler you pass to
this function.
This has a higher-rank type, as it makes use of InterpretReifiedC
This makes interpret
very difficult to use partially applied.
In particular, it can't be composed using
. You must use
paranthesis or .
Consider using interpretSimple
instead if performance is secondary.
Example usage:
data Teletype :: Effect where ReadTTY :: Teletype m String WriteTTY :: String -> Teletype m () readTTY ::Eff
Teletype m => m String readTTY = send ReadTTY writeTTY ::Eff
Teletype m => String -> m () writeTTY = send . WriteTTY echo ::Eff
Teletype m => m () echo = readTTY >>= sendTTY teletypeToIO ::Eff
IO) m =>InterpreterFor
Teletype m teletypeToIO =interpret
$ case ReadTTY ->embed
getLine WriteTTY str ->embed
$ putStrLn str main :: IO () main =runM
$ teletypeToIO $ echo
type InterpreterFor e m = forall x. InterpretReifiedC e m x -> m x Source #
type EffHandler e m = forall z x. (Carrier z, Derivs z ~ Derivs m, Prims z ~ Prims m, MonadBase m z) => e (Effly z) x -> Effly z x Source #
The type of effect handlers for a derived effect e
with current
carrier m
Don't let the type overwhelm you; in most cases, you can treat this as
e m x -> m x
Any EffHandler
is required to work with any carrier monad z
lifts m
, and has the same derived and primitive effects as m
The only constraints that are propagated to z
are membership
MonadIO m
doesn't imply MonadIO z
, but Eff (Embed IO) m
imply Eff (Embed IO) z
In addition, since z
lifts m
, you can lift values of m
to z
through liftBase
. This is most useful when using
or interpretSimple
, as it allows you to
bring monadic values of m
from outside of the handler
(like arguments to the interpreter) into the handler.
The z
provided to the handler has Effly
wrapped around it,
so the handler may make use of the various instances of Effly
For example, you have access to MonadFix
inside the handler
if you have
Any effect to be handled needs to be
representational in the monad parameter. See RepresentationalEff
for more information.
Effect reinterpretation
reinterpretSimple :: forall e new m a p. (RepresentationalEff e, KnownList new, HeadEffs new m, Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p) => EffHandler e m -> ReinterpretSimpleC e new m a -> m a Source #
Reinterpret an effect in terms of newly introduced effects.
This combines interpretSimple
and introUnder
in order to introduce
the effects new
under e
, which you then may make use of inside the
handler for e
This is a significantly slower variant of reinterpret
that doesn't have
a higher-ranked type, making it much easier to use partially applied.
reinterpretViaHandler :: forall h e new m a. (Handler h e m, KnownList new, HeadEffs new m) => ReinterpretC h e new m a -> m a Source #
Reinterpret an effect in terms of newly introduced effects by using
an explicit Handler
See Handler
for more information.
This combines interpretViaHandler
and introUnder
in order to introduce
the effects new
under e
, which you then may make use of inside the handler
for e
Unlike reinterpret
, this does not have a higher-rank type,
making it easier to use partially applied, and unlike
doesn't sacrifice performance.
reinterpret :: forall e new m a. (RepresentationalEff e, KnownList new, HeadEffs new m) => EffHandler e m -> ReinterpretReifiedC e new m a -> m a Source #
Reinterpret an effect in terms of newly introduced effects.
This combines interpret
and introUnder
in order to introduce the effects
under e
, which you then may make use of inside the handler for e
This has a higher-rank type, as it makes use of ReinterpretReifiedC
This makes reinterpret
very difficult to use partially applied.
In particular, it can't be composed using
. You must use
paranthesis or .
Consider using reinterpretSimple
instead if performance is secondary.
Threading constraints
type Threaders cs m p = (p ~ Prims m, SatisfiesAll p cs) Source #
A constraint that
satisfies all the constraints in the list
This is used for threading constraints.
Every interpreter that relies on an underlying
non-trivial monad transformer -- such as runState
which uses StateT
internally --
must be able to lift all primitive effect handlers of the monad it's transforming
so that the resulting transformed monad can also handle the primitive effects.
The ability of a monad transformer to lift handlers of a particular primitive effect is called threading that effect. Threading constraints correspond to the requirement that the primitive effects of the monad that's being transformed can be thread by certain monad transformer.
For example, the runState
places the threading
constraint StateThreads
, so that
can carry all primitive effects that
s mm
is used to handle threading constraints.
allows you to use Threaders
, ExceptThreads
] m prunState
with the carrier m
Sometimes, you may want to have a local effect which you interpret
inside of application code; such as a local State
or Error
effect. In such cases, try to use
split interpretation instead of using interpreters with threading constraints
inside of application code. If you can't, then using Threaders
is necessary to propagate the threading constraints
throughout the application.
The third argument p
should always be a polymorphic type variable, which
you can simply provide and ignore.
It exists as a work-around to the fact that many threading constraints
don't actually work if they operate on
directly, since
threading constraints often involve quantified constraints, which are fragile
in combination with type families -- like Prims
doesn't expand to Threaders
] m p
, but rather,
m)(p ~
m, StateThreads
class (forall i. Threads (ReaderT i) p) => ReaderThreads p Source #
The most common threading constraint of the library, as it is emitted by
interpreters (interpreters that internally make use of
or reinterpretSimple
accepts all the primitive effects
(intended to be used as such) offered in this library.
Most notably, ReaderThreads
(forall i. Threads (ReaderT i) p) => ReaderThreads p Source # | |
Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Union |
Effect Introduction
intro1 :: forall e m a. IntroConsistent '[] '[e] m => IntroTopC '[e] m a -> m a Source #
Introduce an effect at the top of the stack -- or rather, reveal an effect previously hidden.
[e] m) =StripPrefix
'[e] (Derivs
intro :: forall new m a. (KnownList new, IntroConsistent '[] new m) => IntroTopC new m a -> m a Source #
Introduce multiple effects on the top of the effect stack -- or rather, reveal effects previously hidden.
new m) =StripPrefix
new (Derivs
introUnder1 :: forall new e m a. IntroConsistent '[e] '[new] m => IntroUnderC e '[new] m a -> m a Source #
Introduce an effect under the top effect of the effect stack -- or rather, reveal that effect which was previously hidden.
e '[new] m) = e ':StripPrefix
[e, new] (Derivs
introUnder :: forall new e m a. (KnownList new, IntroConsistent '[e] new m) => IntroUnderC e new m a -> m a Source #
Introduce multiple effects under the top effect of the effect stack -- or rather, reveal those effects which were previously hidden.
e new m) = e ':StripPrefix
(e ': new) (Derivs
introUnderMany :: forall top new m a. (KnownList top, KnownList new, IntroConsistent top new m) => IntroUnderManyC top new m a -> m a Source #
Introduce multiple effects under a number of top effects of the effect stack -- or rather, reveal those effects which were previously hidden.
top new m) = Append top (StripPrefix
(Append top new) (Derivs
type HeadEff e m = (IntroConsistent '[] '[e] m, Carrier m) Source #
type HeadEffs new m = (IntroConsistent '[] new m, Carrier m) Source #
Combining effect carriers
data CompositionC ts m a Source #
Composition of a list of carrier transformers.
This is useful when you have multiple interpretations whose
carriers you'd like to treat as one larger object, such that
lifts past all those carriers.
For example:
data Counter m a where Probe :: Counter m Int type CounterC =CompositionC
Counter '[State
Int] ,StateC
Int ] runCounter :: (Carrier
] m p) => CounterC m a -> m a runCounter =runState
0 .reinterpretSimple
(case Probe ->state'
(s -> (s+1,s)) ) .runComposition
Then you have lift
:: Monad m => m a -> CounterC m a
runComposition :: CompositionC ts m a -> CompositionBaseM ts m a Source #
to CompositionC
[t1, t2, ..., tn] m at1 (t2 (... (tn m) ...)) a
Other utilities
A newtype wrapper with instances based around the effects of m
when possible; Effly
as in "Effectfully."
This is often useful for making use of these instances inside of interpreter handlers, or within application code.
subsume :: (Carrier m, Member e (Derivs m)) => SubsumeC e m a -> m a Source #
Interpret an effect in terms of another, identical effect.
This is very rarely useful, but one use-case is to transform reinterpreters into regular interpreters.
For example,
is morally equivalent
to subsume
. reinterpretSimple
@e hinterpretSimple
@e h
Reexports from other modules
class (Applicative b, Applicative m, Monad b, Monad m) => MonadBase (b :: Type -> Type) (m :: Type -> Type) | m -> b where #
class MonadTrans (t :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) where #
The class of monad transformers. Instances should satisfy the
following laws, which state that lift
is a monad transformation:
lift :: Monad m => m a -> t m a #
Lift a computation from the argument monad to the constructed monad.
Carriers and other misc. types
data InterpretSimpleC (e :: Effect) (m :: * -> *) a Source #
data InterpretC (h :: *) (e :: Effect) (m :: * -> *) a Source #
type InterpretReifiedC e m a = forall s. ReifiesHandler s e m => InterpretC (ViaReifiedH s) e m a Source #
type ReifiesHandler s e m = Reifies s (ReifiedHandler e m) Source #
data ViaReifiedH (s :: *) Source #
(RepresentationalEff e, Carrier m, Reifies s (ReifiedPrimHandler e m)) => PrimHandler (ViaReifiedH s) e m Source # | |
Defined in Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Interpret Methods effPrimHandler :: EffPrimHandler e m Source # | |
(RepresentationalEff e, Carrier m, Reifies s (ReifiedHandler e m)) => Handler (ViaReifiedH s) e m Source # | |
Defined in Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Interpret Methods effHandler :: EffHandler e m Source # |
data ReinterpretSimpleC e new m a Source #
data ReinterpretC h e new m a Source #
type ReinterpretReifiedC e new m a = forall s. ReifiesHandler s e m => ReinterpretC (ViaReifiedH s) e new m a Source #
type IntroConsistent top new m = Append top (Append new (StripPrefix new (StripPrefix top (Derivs m)))) ~ Derivs m Source #
A constraint that the effect stack of m
begins with Derivs
mAppend top new
data IntroC (top :: [Effect]) (new :: [Effect]) (m :: * -> *) a Source #
type IntroUnderC e = IntroC '[e] Source #
type IntroUnderManyC = IntroC Source #
Synonym for IntroC
to match introUnderMany
Minimal complete definition
data SubsumeC (e :: Effect) m a Source #