Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module defines parsing combinators for incremental parsers.
The exported Parser
type can provide partial parsing results from partial input, as long as the output is a
. Construct a parser using the primitives and combinators, supply it with input using functions feed
, and extract the parsed output using results
If your parser only ever uses the symmetric choice <||>
, import the Text.ParserCombinators.Incremental.Symmetric
module instead. Vice versa, if you always use the shortcutting <<|>
choice, import
Text.ParserCombinators.Incremental.LeftBiasedLocal instead of this module.
Implementation is based on Brzozowski derivatives.
- data Parser t s r
- feed :: Monoid s => s -> Parser t s r -> Parser t s r
- feedEof :: Monoid s => Parser t s r -> Parser t s r
- inspect :: Parser t s r -> Either String ([(r, s)], Maybe (Maybe (r -> r), Parser t s r))
- results :: Monoid r => Parser t s r -> ([(r, s)], Maybe (r, Parser t s r))
- completeResults :: Monoid s => Parser t s r -> [(r, s)]
- resultPrefix :: Monoid r => Parser t s r -> (r, Parser t s r)
- failure :: Parser t s r
- (<?>) :: Monoid s => Parser t s r -> String -> Parser t s r
- more :: (s -> Parser t s r) -> Parser t s r
- eof :: (MonoidNull s, Monoid r, Semigroup r) => Parser t s r
- anyToken :: FactorialMonoid s => Parser t s s
- token :: (Eq s, FactorialMonoid s) => s -> Parser t s s
- satisfy :: FactorialMonoid s => (s -> Bool) -> Parser t s s
- acceptAll :: (Semigroup s, Monoid s) => Parser t s s
- string :: (LeftReductive s, MonoidNull s, Semigroup s) => s -> Parser t s s
- takeWhile :: (FactorialMonoid s, MonoidNull s) => (s -> Bool) -> Parser t s s
- takeWhile1 :: (FactorialMonoid s, MonoidNull s) => (s -> Bool) -> Parser t s s
- satisfyChar :: TextualMonoid s => (Char -> Bool) -> Parser t s s
- takeCharsWhile :: (TextualMonoid s, MonoidNull s) => (Char -> Bool) -> Parser t s s
- takeCharsWhile1 :: (TextualMonoid s, MonoidNull s) => (Char -> Bool) -> Parser t s s
- count :: (Monoid s, Monoid r, Semigroup r) => Int -> Parser t s r -> Parser t s r
- skip :: (Monoid s, Monoid r, Semigroup r) => Parser t s r' -> Parser t s r
- moptional :: (MonoidAlternative f, Semigroup a, Monoid a) => f a -> f a
- concatMany :: (MonoidAlternative f, Semigroup a, Monoid a) => f a -> f a
- concatSome :: (MonoidAlternative f, Semigroup a, Monoid a) => f a -> f a
- manyTill :: (Monoid s, Monoid r, Semigroup r) => Parser t s r -> Parser t s r' -> Parser t s r
- (+<*>) :: MonoidApplicative f => f (a -> a) -> f a -> f a
- (<||>) :: Parser t s r -> Parser t s r -> Parser t s r
- (<<|>) :: Monoid s => Parser t s r -> Parser t s r -> Parser t s r
- (><) :: (MonoidApplicative f, Semigroup a) => f a -> f a -> f a
- lookAhead :: Monoid s => Parser t s r -> Parser t s r
- notFollowedBy :: (Monoid s, Monoid r) => Parser t s r' -> Parser t s r
- and :: (Monoid s, Monoid r1, Monoid r2) => Parser t s r1 -> Parser t s r2 -> Parser t s (r1, r2)
- andThen :: (Monoid s, Monoid r1, Monoid r2) => Parser t s r1 -> Parser t s r2 -> Parser t s (r1, r2)
- record :: (Traversable g, Applicative m, Monoid s) => g (Parser t s) -> Parser t s (g m)
- mapType :: (forall a. Parser t s a -> Parser b s a) -> Parser t s r -> Parser b s r
- mapIncremental :: (Monoid s, Monoid a, Monoid b) => (a -> b) -> Parser p s a -> Parser p s b
- mapInput :: (Monoid s, Monoid s') => (s -> s') -> (s' -> s) -> Parser t s r -> Parser t s' r
- mapMaybeInput :: (Monoid s, Monoid s') => (s -> Maybe s') -> (s' -> Maybe s) -> Parser t s r -> Parser t s' r
- isInfallible :: Parser t s r -> Bool
- showWith :: (Monoid s, Monoid r, Show s) => ((s -> Parser t s r) -> String) -> (r -> String) -> Parser t s r -> String
- defaultMany :: (Monoid s, Alternative (Parser t s)) => Parser t s r -> Parser t s [r]
- defaultSome :: (Monoid s, Alternative (Parser t s)) => Parser t s r -> Parser t s [r]
The Parser type
The central parser type. Its first parameter is the subtype of the parser, the second is the input monoid type, the third the output type.
Using a Parser
feed :: Monoid s => s -> Parser t s r -> Parser t s r Source #
Feeds a chunk of the input to the parser.
results :: Monoid r => Parser t s r -> ([(r, s)], Maybe (r, Parser t s r)) Source #
Extracts all available parsing results from a Parser
. The first component of the result pair is a list of
complete results together with the unconsumed remainder of the input. If the parsing can continue further, the second
component of the pair provides the partial result prefix together with the parser for the rest of the input.
completeResults :: Monoid s => Parser t s r -> [(r, s)] Source #
Like results
, but returns only the complete results with the corresponding unconsumed inputs.
resultPrefix :: Monoid r => Parser t s r -> (r, Parser t s r) Source #
Like results
, but returns only the partial result prefix.
Parser primitives
(<?>) :: Monoid s => Parser t s r -> String -> Parser t s r infix 0 Source #
Name a parser for error reporting in case it fails.
eof :: (MonoidNull s, Monoid r, Semigroup r) => Parser t s r Source #
A parser that fails on any non-empty input and succeeds at its end.
anyToken :: FactorialMonoid s => Parser t s s Source #
A parser that accepts any single input atom.
token :: (Eq s, FactorialMonoid s) => s -> Parser t s s Source #
A parser that accepts a specific input atom.
satisfy :: FactorialMonoid s => (s -> Bool) -> Parser t s s Source #
A parser that accepts an input atom only if it satisfies the given predicate.
acceptAll :: (Semigroup s, Monoid s) => Parser t s s Source #
A parser that accepts and consumes all input.
string :: (LeftReductive s, MonoidNull s, Semigroup s) => s -> Parser t s s Source #
A parser that consumes and returns the given prefix of the input.
takeWhile :: (FactorialMonoid s, MonoidNull s) => (s -> Bool) -> Parser t s s Source #
A parser accepting the longest sequence of input atoms that match the given predicate; an optimized version of 'concatMany . satisfy'.
takeWhile1 :: (FactorialMonoid s, MonoidNull s) => (s -> Bool) -> Parser t s s Source #
A parser accepting the longest non-empty sequence of input atoms that match the given predicate; an optimized version of 'concatSome . satisfy'.
Character primitives
satisfyChar :: TextualMonoid s => (Char -> Bool) -> Parser t s s Source #
Specialization of satisfy
on TextualMonoid
inputs, accepting an input character only if it satisfies the given
takeCharsWhile :: (TextualMonoid s, MonoidNull s) => (Char -> Bool) -> Parser t s s Source #
Specialization of takeWhile
on TextualMonoid
inputs, accepting the longest sequence of input characters that
match the given predicate; an optimized version of 'concatMany . satisfyChar'.
takeCharsWhile1 :: (TextualMonoid s, MonoidNull s) => (Char -> Bool) -> Parser t s s Source #
Specialization of takeWhile1
on TextualMonoid
inputs, accepting the longest non-empty sequence of input atoms
that match the given predicate; an optimized version of 'concatSome . satisfyChar'.
Parser combinators
count :: (Monoid s, Monoid r, Semigroup r) => Int -> Parser t s r -> Parser t s r Source #
Accepts the given number of occurrences of the argument parser.
skip :: (Monoid s, Monoid r, Semigroup r) => Parser t s r' -> Parser t s r Source #
Discards the results of the argument parser.
moptional :: (MonoidAlternative f, Semigroup a, Monoid a) => f a -> f a Source #
Like optional
, but restricted to Monoid
concatMany :: (MonoidAlternative f, Semigroup a, Monoid a) => f a -> f a Source #
Zero or more argument occurrences like many
, but concatenated.
concatSome :: (MonoidAlternative f, Semigroup a, Monoid a) => f a -> f a Source #
One or more argument occurrences like some
, but concatenated.
manyTill :: (Monoid s, Monoid r, Semigroup r) => Parser t s r -> Parser t s r' -> Parser t s r Source #
Repeats matching the first argument until the second one succeeds.
(+<*>) :: MonoidApplicative f => f (a -> a) -> f a -> f a infixl 4 Source #
A variant of the Applicative's <*>
operator specialized for endomorphic functions.
(><) :: (MonoidApplicative f, Semigroup a) => f a -> f a -> f a infixl 5 Source #
Lifted and potentially optimized monoid mappend
operation from the parameter type.
lookAhead :: Monoid s => Parser t s r -> Parser t s r Source #
Behaves like the argument parser, but without consuming any input.
notFollowedBy :: (Monoid s, Monoid r) => Parser t s r' -> Parser t s r Source #
Does not consume any input; succeeds (with mempty
result) iff the argument parser fails.
and :: (Monoid s, Monoid r1, Monoid r2) => Parser t s r1 -> Parser t s r2 -> Parser t s (r1, r2) Source #
Parallel parser conjunction: the combined parser keeps accepting input as long as both arguments do.
andThen :: (Monoid s, Monoid r1, Monoid r2) => Parser t s r1 -> Parser t s r2 -> Parser t s (r1, r2) Source #
A sequence parser that preserves incremental results, otherwise equivalent to liftA2
record :: (Traversable g, Applicative m, Monoid s) => g (Parser t s) -> Parser t s (g m) Source #
Combine a record of parsers into a record parser.
Parser mapping
mapType :: (forall a. Parser t s a -> Parser b s a) -> Parser t s r -> Parser b s r Source #
Modifies the parser type
mapIncremental :: (Monoid s, Monoid a, Monoid b) => (a -> b) -> Parser p s a -> Parser p s b Source #
mapInput :: (Monoid s, Monoid s') => (s -> s') -> (s' -> s) -> Parser t s r -> Parser t s' r Source #
Converts a parser accepting one input type to another. The argument functions forth
and back
must be inverses
of each other and they must distribute through <>
f (s1 <> s2) == f s1 <> f s2
mapMaybeInput :: (Monoid s, Monoid s') => (s -> Maybe s') -> (s' -> Maybe s) -> Parser t s r -> Parser t s' r Source #
Converts a parser accepting one input type to another, just like 'mapMaybeInput except the two argument functions can
demand more input by returning Nothing
. If 'mapMaybeInput is defined for the two input inputs, then
mapInput f g == mapMaybeInput (Just . f) (Just . g)
isInfallible :: Parser t s r -> Bool Source #
showWith :: (Monoid s, Monoid r, Show s) => ((s -> Parser t s r) -> String) -> (r -> String) -> Parser t s r -> String Source #
defaultMany :: (Monoid s, Alternative (Parser t s)) => Parser t s r -> Parser t s [r] Source #
defaultSome :: (Monoid s, Alternative (Parser t s)) => Parser t s r -> Parser t s [r] Source #