interactive-plot: Interactive quick time series plotting

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Quick time series terminal plotting for data exploration/in ghci. See documentation for Interactive.Plot and README for more information.

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Dependencies base (>=4.11 && <5), containers (>=0.5.11), data-default-class, interactive-plot, microlens, microlens-th, MonadRandom, mtl, transformers, vty [details]
Tested with ghc >=8.4 && <8.8
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright (c) Justin Le 2018
Author Justin Le
Category Interactive
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Uploaded by jle at 2019-09-09T21:31:16Z
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Readme for interactive-plot-

[back to package description]


Quick time series terminal plotting for data exploration/in ghci.

Most commonly used imports should be available in Interactive.Plot.

Construct a Series from scratch using the raw data type, or use one of the handy helpers:

  1. listSeries: Create a series from a list or any foldable.
  2. tupleSeries: Create a series from a list of ordered-pair tuples providing x and y locations.
  3. funcSeries: Create a series from a function Double -> Double, given a range of xs to produce the ys.

Then simply "run" a list of series (or "automatic-styled series") using runPlotAuto or runPlot:

    :: PlotOpts         -- ^ options (can be 'defaultPlotOpts')
    -> Maybe String     -- ^ optional title
    -> [AutoSeries]     -- ^ uninitialized data of serieses
    -> IO ()

Static Plots

These plots can be zoomed, stretched, scaled, panned interactively after launch. If you quit, things resume back to the ghci session (or whatever point in the program you launch from).

There are also options for rudimentary animations:

    :: PlotOpts
    -> Double           -- ^ update rate (frames per second)
    -> Maybe String     -- ^ title
    -> [[Series]]       -- ^ list of series data (potentially infinite)
    -> IO ()

    :: PlotOpts
    -> Maybe String                 -- ^ title
    -> (Double -> Maybe [Series])   -- ^ function from time to plot. will quit
                                    -- as soon as 'Nothing' is returned.
    -> IO ()

Animated Plots


  • Consider being able to use functions directly as a series, instead of converting them into ordered pairs based on a known x series.
  • I'm sure usability could always be improved :)