ion- EDSL for concurrent, realtime, embedded programming on top of Ivory

Copyright(c) 2015 Chris Hodapp
Safe HaskellNone






addAction :: (Schedule -> Schedule) -> Ion a -> Ion a Source

Transform a sub-node according to a function which transforms Schedule items, and then collect the state from it.

ion Source


:: String


-> Ion a


-> Ion a 

Specify a name of a sub-node, returning the parent. This node name is used in the paths to the node and in some C identifiers in the generated C code; its purpose is mainly diagnostic and to help the C code be more comprehensible.

delay Source


:: Integral i 
=> i

Relative phase

-> Ion a


-> Ion a 

Specify a relative, minimum delay for a sub-node - i.e. a minimum offset past the phase that is inherited. For instance, in the example,

    phase 20 $ do
       phase 40 $ foo
       delay 2 $ bar
       delay 2 $ baz

foo and bar both run at a (minimum) phase of 22, because the entire do block inherits that minimum phase.

phase Source


:: Integral i 
=> i


-> Ion a


-> Ion a 

Specify a minimum phase for a sub-node - that is, the earliest tick within a period that the sub-node should be scheduled at. Phase must be non-negative, and lower than the period.

period Source


:: Integral i 
=> i


-> Ion a


-> Ion a 

Specify a period for a sub-node - that is, the interval, in ticks, at which the sub-node is scheduled to repeat. Period must be positive; a period of 1 indicates that the sub-node executes at every single clock tick.

subPeriod Source


:: Integral i 
=> i

Factor by which to multiply period (must be positive)

-> Ion a


-> Ion a 

Specify a sub-period for a sub-node - that is, the factor by which to multiply the inherited period. A factor of 2, for instance, would execute the sub-node half as often as its parent.

disable :: Ion a -> Ion () Source

Ignore a sub-node completely. This is intended to mask off some part of a spec while still leaving it present for compilation. Note that this disables only the scheduled effects of a node, and so it has no effect on things like newProc.

cond :: IvoryAction IBool -> Ion a -> Ion a Source

Make a sub-node's execution conditional; if the given Ivory effect returns true (as evaluated at the inherited phase and period), then this sub-node is active, and otherwise is not. Multiple conditions may accumulate, in which case they combine with a logical and (i.e. all of them must be true for the node to be active).

ivoryEff :: IvoryAction () -> Ion () Source

Attach an Ivory effect to an Ion. This effect will execute at the inherited phase and period of the node.

newName :: Ion String Source

Return a unique name.

area' Source


:: (IvoryArea area, IvoryZero area) 
=> String

Name of variable

-> Maybe (Init area)

Initial value (or Nothing)

-> Ion (Ref Global area) 

Allocate a MemArea for this Ion, returning a reference to it. If the initial value fails to specify the type of this, then an external signature may be needed (or instead areaP'). If access to this variable is needed outside of the Ion monad, retrieve the reference from an Ion with the ionRef function. The ModuleDef for this will be generated automatically.

areaP' Source


:: (IvoryArea area, IvoryZero area) 
=> Proxy area

Proxy (to disambiguate type)

-> String

Name of variable

-> Maybe (Init area)

Initial value (or Nothing)

-> Ion (Ref Global area) 

Same as area', but with an initial Proxy to disambiguate the area type.

newArea :: (IvoryArea area, IvoryZero area) => Maybe (Init area) -> Ion (Ref Global area) Source

This is area', but using Ion to create a unique name. (The purpose for this is to help with composing an Ion or instantiating one multiple times.)

newAreaP :: (IvoryArea area, IvoryZero area) => Proxy area -> Maybe (Init area) -> Ion (Ref Global area) Source

This is areaP', but using Ion to create a unique name.

newProc :: IvoryProcDef proc impl => impl -> Ion (Def proc) Source

This is like Ivory proc, but using Ion to give the procedure a unique name.

newProcP :: IvoryProcDef proc impl => Proxy (Def proc) -> impl -> Ion (Def proc) Source

newProc with an initial Proxy to disambiguate the procedure type

adapt_0_1 :: (IvoryType a, IvoryVar a) => Def (`[]` :-> ()) -> Ion (Def (`[a]` :-> ())) Source

All the adapt_X_Y functions adapt an Ivory procedure which takes X arguments and returns nothing, into an Ivory procedure which takes Y arguments. If X > Y then zero is passed for the argument(s); if Y < X then the additional arguments are ignored. The generated procedure is automatically included as part of the Ion spec. The main point of this is to simplify the chaining together of Ivory procedures.

adapt_1_0 :: (Num a, IvoryType a, IvoryVar a) => Def (`[a]` :-> ()) -> Ion (Def (`[]` :-> ())) Source

adapt_0_2 :: (IvoryType a, IvoryVar a, IvoryType b, IvoryVar b) => Def (`[]` :-> ()) -> Ion (Def (`[a, b]` :-> ())) Source

adapt_2_0 :: (Num a, IvoryType a, IvoryVar a, Num b, IvoryType b, IvoryVar b) => Def (`[a, b]` :-> ()) -> Ion (Def (`[]` :-> ())) Source

adapt_0_3 :: (IvoryType a, IvoryVar a, IvoryType b, IvoryVar b, IvoryType c, IvoryVar c) => Def (`[]` :-> ()) -> Ion (Def (`[a, b, c]` :-> ())) Source

adapt_3_0 :: (Num a, IvoryType a, IvoryVar a, Num b, IvoryType b, IvoryVar b, Num c, IvoryType c, IvoryVar c) => Def (`[a, b, c]` :-> ()) -> Ion (Def (`[]` :-> ())) Source

adapt_0_4 :: (IvoryType a, IvoryVar a, IvoryType b, IvoryVar b, IvoryType c, IvoryVar c, IvoryType d, IvoryVar d) => Def (`[]` :-> ()) -> Ion (Def (`[a, b, c, d]` :-> ())) Source

adapt_4_0 :: (Num a, IvoryType a, IvoryVar a, Num b, IvoryType b, IvoryVar b, Num c, IvoryType c, IvoryVar c, Num d, IvoryType d, IvoryVar d) => Def (`[a, b, c, d]` :-> ()) -> Ion (Def (`[]` :-> ())) Source

adapt_0_5 :: (IvoryType a, IvoryVar a, IvoryType b, IvoryVar b, IvoryType c, IvoryVar c, IvoryType d, IvoryVar d, IvoryType e, IvoryVar e) => Def (`[]` :-> ()) -> Ion (Def (`[a, b, c, d, e]` :-> ())) Source

timer Source


:: (a ~ Stored t, Num t, IvoryStore t, IvoryInit t, IvoryEq t, IvoryOrd t, IvoryArea a, IvoryZero a) 
=> Proxy t

Proxy to resolve timer type

-> Def (`[]` :-> ())

Timer expiration procedure

-> Ion (Ref Global (Stored t)) 

Create a timer resource. The returned Ion still must be called at regular intervals (e.g. by including it in a larger Ion spec that is already active). See startTimer and stopTimer to actually activate this timer.

startTimer Source


:: (Num t, IvoryStore t, IvoryZeroVal t) 
=> Ref Global (Stored t)

Timer from timer

-> Integer

Countdown time

-> Ivory eff () 

Begin counting a timer down by the given number of ticks.

stopTimer :: (Num t, IvoryStore t, IvoryZeroVal t) => Ref Global (Stored * t) -> Ivory eff () Source

Stop a timer from running.