isomorphism-class- Isomorphism typeclass solving the conversion problem
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Lawful solution to the conversion problem.

Conversion problem

Have you ever looked for a toString function? How often do you import Data.Text.Lazy only to call its fromStrict? How about importing Data.ByteString.Builder only to call its toLazyByteString and then importing Data.ByteString.Lazy only to call its toStrict?

Those all are instances of one pattern. They are conversions between representations of the same information. Codebases that don't attempt to abstract over this pattern tend to be sprawling with this type of boilerplate. It's noise to the codereader, it's a burden to the implementor and the maintainer.

Why another conversion library?

Many libraries exist that approach the conversion problem. However most of them provide lawless typeclasses leaving it up to the author of the instance to define what makes a proper conversion. This results in inconsistencies across instances, their behaviour not being evident to the user and no way to check whether an instance is correct.

This library tackles this problem with a lawful typeclass, making it evident what any of its instances do and it provides a property-test for you to validate your instances.

The laws

The key insight of this library is that if you add a requirement for the conversion to be lossless and to have a mirror conversion in the opposite direction, there usually appears to be only one way of defining it. That makes it very clear what the conversion does to the user and how to define it to the author of the conversion. It also gives a clear criteria for validating whether the instances are correct, which can be encoded in property-tests.

That insight itself stems from an observation that almost all of the practical conversions in Haskell share a property: you can restore the original data from its converted form. E.g., you can get a text from a text-builder and you can create a text-builder from a text, you can convert a bytestring into a list of bytes and vice-versa, bytestring to/from bytearray, strict bytestring to/from lazy, list to/from sequence, sequence to/from vector, set of ints to/from int-set. In other words, it's always a two-way street with them and there's a lot of instances of this pattern.


A few other accidental findings like encoding this property with recursive typeclass constraints and fine-tuning for the use of the TypeApplications extension resulted in a terse and clear API.

Essentially the whole API is just two functions: to and from. Both perform a conversion between two types. The only difference between them is in what the first type application parameter specifies. E.g.:

toText = to @Text
fromBuilder = from @Builder

The types are self-evident:

> :t to @Text
to @Text :: IsomorphicTo Text b => b -> Text
> :t from @Builder
from @Builder :: IsomorphicTo Builder b => Builder -> b

In other words to and from let you explicitly specify either the source or the target type of a conversion when you need to help the type inferencer or the reader.


combineEncodings :: ShortByteString -> ByteArray -> ByteString -> [Word8]
combineEncodings a b c =
  from @Builder $
    to a <> to b <> to c
renderNameAndHeight :: Text -> Int -> Text
renderNameAndHeight name height =
  from @StrictTextBuilder $
    "Height of " <> to name <> " is " <> fromString (show height)


class IsomorphicTo b a => IsomorphicTo a b where Source #

Bidirectional conversion between two types with no loss of information.

The bidirectionality is encoded via a recursive dependency with arguments flipped.

You can read the signature IsomorphicTo a b as "B is isomorphic to A".


B is isomorphic to A if and only if there exists a conversion from B to A (to) and a conversion from A to B (from) such that:

  • from . to = id - For all values of B converting from B to A and then converting from A to B produces a value that is identical to the original.
  • to . from = id - For all values of A converting from A to B and then converting from B to A produces a value that is identical to the original.


For testing whether your instances conform to these laws use isomorphicToProperties.

Instance Definition

For each pair of isomorphic types (A and B) the compiler will require you to define two instances, namely: IsomorphicTo A B and IsomorphicTo B A.


to :: b -> a Source #

Convert a value into an isomophic type.


Instances details
IsomorphicTo ByteArray Builder Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteArrayAndLazyByteStringBuilder


to :: Builder -> ByteArray Source #

IsomorphicTo ByteArray ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteArrayAndByteString

IsomorphicTo ByteArray ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteArrayAndLazyByteString

IsomorphicTo ByteArray ShortByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteArrayAndShortByteString

IsomorphicTo ByteArray Array Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteArrayAndTextArray


to :: Array -> ByteArray Source #

IsomorphicTo Int16 Word16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.Int16AndWord16


to :: Word16 -> Int16 Source #

IsomorphicTo Int32 Word32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.Int32AndWord32


to :: Word32 -> Int32 Source #

IsomorphicTo Int64 Word64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.Int64AndWord64


to :: Word64 -> Int64 Source #

IsomorphicTo Int8 Word8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.Int8AndWord8


to :: Word8 -> Int8 Source #

IsomorphicTo Word16 Int16 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.Int16AndWord16


to :: Int16 -> Word16 Source #

IsomorphicTo Word32 Int32 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.Int32AndWord32


to :: Int32 -> Word32 Source #

IsomorphicTo Word64 Int64 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.Int64AndWord64


to :: Int64 -> Word64 Source #

IsomorphicTo Word8 Int8 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.Int8AndWord8


to :: Int8 -> Word8 Source #

IsomorphicTo Builder ByteArray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteArrayAndLazyByteStringBuilder


to :: ByteArray -> Builder Source #

IsomorphicTo Builder ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteStringAndLazyByteStringBuilder

IsomorphicTo Builder ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyByteStringAndLazyByteStringBuilder

IsomorphicTo Builder ShortByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyByteStringBuilderAndShortByteString

IsomorphicTo Builder Array Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyByteStringBuilderAndTextArray


to :: Array -> Builder Source #

IsomorphicTo ByteString ByteArray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteArrayAndByteString

IsomorphicTo ByteString Builder Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteStringAndLazyByteStringBuilder

IsomorphicTo ByteString ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteStringAndLazyByteString

IsomorphicTo ByteString ShortByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteStringAndShortByteString

IsomorphicTo ByteString Array Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteStringAndTextArray


to :: Array -> ByteString Source #

IsomorphicTo ByteString ByteArray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteArrayAndLazyByteString

IsomorphicTo ByteString Builder Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyByteStringAndLazyByteStringBuilder

IsomorphicTo ByteString ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteStringAndLazyByteString

IsomorphicTo ByteString ShortByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyByteStringAndShortByteString

IsomorphicTo ByteString Array Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyByteStringAndTextArray


to :: Array -> ByteString Source #

IsomorphicTo ShortByteString ByteArray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteArrayAndShortByteString

IsomorphicTo ShortByteString Builder Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyByteStringBuilderAndShortByteString

IsomorphicTo ShortByteString ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteStringAndShortByteString

IsomorphicTo ShortByteString ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyByteStringAndShortByteString

IsomorphicTo ShortByteString Array Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ShortByteStringAndTextArray

IsomorphicTo Array ByteArray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteArrayAndTextArray


to :: ByteArray -> Array Source #

IsomorphicTo Array Builder Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyByteStringBuilderAndTextArray


to :: Builder -> Array Source #

IsomorphicTo Array ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteStringAndTextArray


to :: ByteString -> Array Source #

IsomorphicTo Array ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyByteStringAndTextArray


to :: ByteString -> Array Source #

IsomorphicTo Array ShortByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ShortByteStringAndTextArray

IsomorphicTo Text Builder Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyTextBuilderAndText


to :: Builder -> Text Source #

IsomorphicTo Text Text Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyTextAndText


to :: Text -> Text0 Source #

IsomorphicTo Text StrictBuilder Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.StrictTextBuilderAndText

IsomorphicTo Builder Text Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyTextBuilderAndText


to :: Text -> Builder Source #

IsomorphicTo Builder Text Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyTextAndLazyTextBuilder


to :: Text -> Builder Source #

IsomorphicTo Builder StrictBuilder Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyTextBuilderAndStrictTextBuilder

IsomorphicTo Text Text Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyTextAndText


to :: Text0 -> Text Source #

IsomorphicTo Text Builder Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyTextAndLazyTextBuilder


to :: Builder -> Text Source #

IsomorphicTo Text StrictBuilder Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyTextAndStrictTextBuilder

IsomorphicTo StrictBuilder Text Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.StrictTextBuilderAndText

IsomorphicTo StrictBuilder Builder Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyTextBuilderAndStrictTextBuilder

IsomorphicTo StrictBuilder Text Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyTextAndStrictTextBuilder

IsomorphicTo Int Word Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.IntAndWord


to :: Word -> Int Source #

IsomorphicTo Word Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.IntAndWord


to :: Int -> Word Source #

IsomorphicTo a a Source #

Every type is isomorphic to itself.

Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Classes.IsomorphicTo


to :: a -> a Source #

IsomorphicTo ByteArray [Word8] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteArrayAndWord8List


to :: [Word8] -> ByteArray Source #

IsomorphicTo Builder [Word8] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyByteStringBuilderAndWord8List


to :: [Word8] -> Builder Source #

IsomorphicTo ByteString [Word8] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteStringAndWord8List


to :: [Word8] -> ByteString Source #

IsomorphicTo ByteString [Word8] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyByteStringAndWord8List


to :: [Word8] -> ByteString Source #

IsomorphicTo ShortByteString [Word8] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ShortByteStringAndWord8List

IsomorphicTo IntSet (Set Int) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.IntSetAndSetOfInt


to :: Set Int -> IntSet Source #

IsomorphicTo Array [Word8] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.TextArrayAndWord8List


to :: [Word8] -> Array Source #

IsomorphicTo (Set Int) IntSet Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.IntSetAndSetOfInt


to :: IntSet -> Set Int Source #

IsomorphicTo [Word8] ByteArray Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteArrayAndWord8List


to :: ByteArray -> [Word8] Source #

IsomorphicTo [Word8] Builder Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyByteStringBuilderAndWord8List


to :: Builder -> [Word8] Source #

IsomorphicTo [Word8] ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ByteStringAndWord8List


to :: ByteString -> [Word8] Source #

IsomorphicTo [Word8] ByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.LazyByteStringAndWord8List


to :: ByteString -> [Word8] Source #

IsomorphicTo [Word8] ShortByteString Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ShortByteStringAndWord8List

IsomorphicTo [Word8] Array Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.TextArrayAndWord8List


to :: Array -> [Word8] Source #

IsomorphicTo (Seq a) (Vector a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.BoxedVectorAndSeq


to :: Vector a -> Seq a Source #

IsomorphicTo (Seq a) [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ListAndSeq


to :: [a] -> Seq a Source #

IsomorphicTo (Vector a) (Seq a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.BoxedVectorAndSeq


to :: Seq a -> Vector a Source #

IsomorphicTo (Vector a) [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.BoxedVectorAndList


to :: [a] -> Vector a Source #

IsomorphicTo [a] (Seq a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.ListAndSeq


to :: Seq a -> [a] Source #

IsomorphicTo [a] (Vector a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.BoxedVectorAndList


to :: Vector a -> [a] Source #

IsomorphicTo (IntMap v) (Map Int v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.IntMapAndMapOfInt


to :: Map Int v -> IntMap v Source #

IsomorphicTo (Map Int v) (IntMap v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in IsomorphismClass.Relations.IntMapAndMapOfInt


to :: IntMap v -> Map Int v Source #

from :: IsomorphicTo a b => a -> b Source #

to in reverse direction.

Particularly useful in combination with the TypeApplications extension, where it allows to specify the input type, e.g.:

fromText :: IsomorphicTo Text b => Text -> b
fromText = from @Text

The first type application of the to function on the other hand specifies the output data type.


isomorphicToIso :: (IsomorphicTo a b, Profunctor p, Functor f) => p b (f b) -> p a (f a) Source #

Van-Laarhoven-style Isomorphism, compatible with the "lens" library.


isomorphicToProperties :: (IsomorphicTo a b, Eq a, Eq b, Arbitrary a, Show a, Arbitrary b, Show b) => Proxy a -> Proxy b -> [(String, Property)] Source #

Properties testing whether an instance satisfies the laws of IsomorphicTo.

The instance is identified via the proxy types that you provide.

E.g., here's how you can integrate it into an Hspec test-suite:

spec = do
  describe "IsomorphicTo laws" do
      (uncurry prop)
      (isomorphicToProperties @Int32 @Word32 Proxy Proxy)