{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings,KindSignatures, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

module Network.JavaScript
  (  -- * Sending Remote Monads and Packets
  , sendA
  , sendE
    -- * Building Remote Monads and Packets
  , JavaScript(..)
  , command
  , procedure
  , constructor
    -- * Remote Applicative and Monads, and classes for building them
  , Packet
  , RemoteMonad
  , Command()
  , Procedure()
    -- * Remote Values
  , RemoteValue
  , delete
  , localize
  , remote
    -- * JavaScript builders
  , var
  , value
  , call
  , number
  , string
    -- * Events
  , JavaScriptException(..)
  , event
  , addListener
  , listen
  , readEventChan
  -- * Web services
  , start
  , Engine
  , Application
  ) where

import Control.Applicative(liftA2)
import Control.Exception(Exception, throwIO)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Network.Wai (Application)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict

import Data.Aeson ( Value(..), FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), encode, Result(..), fromJSON)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding(decodeUtf8)

import Network.JavaScript.Internal
import Network.JavaScript.Services


-- | 'command' statement to execute in JavaScript. ';' is not needed as a terminator.
--   Should never throw an exception, which may be reported to console.log.
command :: Command f => JavaScript -> f ()
command = internalCommand

-- | 'constructor' expression to execute in JavaScript. ';' is not needed as a terminator.
--   Should never throw an exception, but any exceptions are returned to the 'send'
--   as Haskell exceptions.
--   The value returned in not returned to Haskell. Instead, a handle is returned,
--   that can be used to access the remote value. Examples of remote values include
--   objects that can not be serialized, or values that are too large to serialize.
--   The first type argument is the phantom type of the 'RemoteValue', so that
--   type application can be used to specify the type.
constructor :: forall a f . Command f => JavaScript -> f (RemoteValue a)
constructor = internalConstructor

-- | 'procedure' expression to execute in JavaScript. ';' is not needed as a terminator.
--   Should never throw an exception, but any exceptions are returned to the 'send'
--   as Haskell exceptions.
--   Procedures can return Promises. Before completing the transaction, all the values
--   for all the procedures that are promises are fulfilled (using Promises.all).
--  If a procedure throws an exception, future commands and procedures in
--  the same packet will not be executed. Use promises to allow all commands and
--  procedures to be invoked, if needed.
procedure :: forall a f . (Procedure f, FromJSON a) => JavaScript -> f a
procedure = internalProcedure


-- | 'send' a remote monad for execution on a JavaScript engine.
--  The monad may be split into several packets for transmission
-- and exection.

send :: Engine -> RemoteMonad a -> IO a
send e p = do
  r <- sendE e p
  case r of
    Right a -> return a
    Left err -> throwIO $ JavaScriptException err

data JavaScriptException = JavaScriptException Value
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance Exception JavaScriptException

-- | 'send' with all JavaScript exceptions caught and returned.
sendE :: Engine -> RemoteMonad a -> IO (Either Value a)
sendE e (RemoteMonad rm) = go rm
    go m = do
      w <- walkStmtM e m
      case w of
        ResultPacket af _ -> sendStmtA e af
        IntermPacket af k -> do
          r <- sendStmtA e af
          case r of
            Right a -> go (k a)
            Left msg -> return $ Left msg

data PingPong a where
  ResultPacket :: AF Stmt a -> Maybe a -> PingPong a
  IntermPacket :: AF Stmt a -> (a -> M Primitive b) -> PingPong b

walkStmtM :: Engine -> M Primitive a -> IO (PingPong a)
walkStmtM _          (PureM a) = pure $ ResultPacket (pure a) (pure a)
walkStmtM Engine{..} (PrimM p) = do
  s <- prepareStmt genNonce p
  let af = PrimAF s
  return $ ResultPacket af (evalStmtA af [])
walkStmtM e          (ApM g h) = do
  w1 <- walkStmtM e g
  case w1 of
    ResultPacket g_af g_r -> do
      w2 <- walkStmtM e h
      case w2 of
        ResultPacket h_af h_r -> return $ ResultPacket (g_af <*> h_af) (liftA2 ($) g_r h_r)
        IntermPacket h_af k -> return $
          IntermPacket (liftA2 (,) g_af h_af)
                       (\ (r1,r2) -> pure r1 <*> k r2)
    IntermPacket g_af k -> return $ IntermPacket g_af (\ r -> k r <*> h)
walkStmtM e          (BindM m k) = do
  w1 <- walkStmtM e m
  case w1 of
    ResultPacket m_af (Just a) -> do
      w2 <- walkStmtM e (k a)
      case w2 of
        ResultPacket h_af h_r ->
          return $ ResultPacket (m_af *> h_af) h_r
        IntermPacket h_af k' -> return $
          IntermPacket (m_af *> h_af) k'
    ResultPacket m_af Nothing ->
          return $ IntermPacket m_af k
    IntermPacket m_af k0 -> return $ IntermPacket m_af (\ r -> k0 r >>= k)

-- | send an (applicative) 'Packet'. This packet always sent atomically to JavaScript.
sendA :: Engine -> Packet a -> IO a
sendA e p = do
  r <- sendAE e p
  case r of
    Right a -> return a
    Left err -> throwIO $ JavaScriptException err

sendAE :: Engine -> Packet a -> IO (Either Value a)
sendAE e@Engine{..} (Packet af) = prepareStmtA genNonce af >>= sendStmtA e

-- statements are internal single JavaScript statements, that can be
-- transliterated trivially into JavaScript, or interpreted to give
-- a remote effect, including result.

data Stmt a where
  CommandStmt   :: JavaScript -> Stmt ()
  ProcedureStmt :: FromJSON a => Int -> JavaScript -> Stmt a
  ConstructorStmt :: RemoteValue a -> JavaScript -> Stmt (RemoteValue a)

deriving instance Show (Stmt a)

prepareStmtA :: Monad f => f Int -> AF Primitive a -> f (AF Stmt a)
prepareStmtA _  (PureAF a) = pure (pure a)
prepareStmtA ug (PrimAF p) = PrimAF <$> prepareStmt ug p
prepareStmtA ug (ApAF g h) = ApAF <$> prepareStmtA ug g <*> prepareStmtA ug h

prepareStmt :: Monad f => f Int -> Primitive a -> f (Stmt a)
prepareStmt _ (Command stmt)     = pure $ CommandStmt stmt
prepareStmt ug (Procedure stmt)   = ug >>= \ i -> pure $ ProcedureStmt i stmt
prepareStmt ug (Constructor stmt) = ug >>= \ i -> pure $ ConstructorStmt (RemoteValue i) stmt

showStmtA :: AF Stmt a -> JavaScript
showStmtA stmts = JavaScript
                $ LT.concat [ js | JavaScript js <- concatAF (return . showStmt) stmts ]

showStmt :: Stmt a -> JavaScript
showStmt (CommandStmt cmd)     = cmd <> ";"
showStmt (ProcedureStmt n cmd) = "var " <> procVar n <> "=" <> cmd <> ";"
showStmt (ConstructorStmt rv cmd) = var rv <> "=" <> cmd <> ";"

evalStmtA :: AF Stmt a -> [Value] -> Maybe a
evalStmtA af st = evalStateT (evalAF evalStmt af) st

evalStmt :: Stmt a -> StateT [Value] Maybe a
evalStmt (CommandStmt _)       = pure ()
evalStmt (ProcedureStmt _ _)   = do
  vs <- get
  case vs of
    (v:vs') -> put vs' >> case fromJSON v of
      Error _ -> fail "can not parse result"
      Success r -> return r
    _ -> fail "not enough values"
evalStmt (ConstructorStmt c _) = pure c

sendStmtA :: Engine -> AF Stmt a -> IO (Either Value a)
sendStmtA _ (PureAF a) = return (pure a)
sendStmtA e af
    | null assignments = do
        sendJavaScript e $ showStmtA af
        return $ case evalStmtA af [] of
            Nothing -> error "internal failure"
            Just r -> Right r
    | otherwise = do
        nonce <- genNonce e
        sendJavaScript e $ catchMe nonce $ showStmtA af
        theReply <- replyBox e nonce
        case theReply of
          Right replies -> return $ case evalStmtA af replies of
            Nothing -> error "internal failure"
            Just r -> Right r
          Left err -> return $ Left err

    catchMe :: Int -> JavaScript -> JavaScript
    catchMe nonce txt =
      "try{" <> txt
             <> "}catch(err){jsb.error(" <> JavaScript (LT.pack (show nonce))
             <> ",err);};" <>
      reply nonce <> ";"

    assignments :: [Int]
    assignments = concatAF findAssign af

    findAssign :: Stmt a -> Maybe Int
    findAssign (ProcedureStmt i _) = Just i
    findAssign _ = Nothing

    -- generate the call to reply (as a final command)
    reply :: Int -> JavaScript
    reply n = JavaScript $
      "jsb.reply(" <> LT.intercalate ","
      [ LT.pack (show n)
      , "[" <> LT.intercalate "," [ x | JavaScript x <- map procVar assignments] <> "]"
      ] <> ")"

-- TODO: Consider a wrapper around this Int
procVar :: Int -> JavaScript
procVar n = JavaScript $ "v" <> LT.pack (show n)


-- | 'delete' a remote value.
delete :: Command f => RemoteValue a -> f ()
delete rv = command $ "delete " <> var rv

-- | 'localize' brings a remote value into Haskell.
localize :: Procedure f => RemoteValue a -> f Value
localize = procedure . var

-- | 'remote' sends a local value to JavaScript.
remote :: Command f => Value -> f (RemoteValue a)
remote = constructor . value

-- | Generate a 'JavaScript' value, including for 'RemoteValue''s.
value :: ToJSON v => v -> JavaScript
value = JavaScript . decodeUtf8 . encode

-- | Generate JavaScript number
number :: Double -> JavaScript
number = value

-- | Generate (quoted) JavaScript string
string :: Text -> JavaScript
string = value

-- | Generate a function call
call :: JavaScript -> [JavaScript] -> JavaScript
call fn args = fn <> "(" <> JavaScript (LT.intercalate "," [ js | JavaScript js <- args ]) <> ")"

-- | Send an event back to Haskell
event :: ToJSON v => v -> JavaScript
event v = call "jsb.event" [value v]