{-# Language StandaloneDeriving, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Language.Javascript.JMacro.Types (
JType(..), Constraint(..), JLocalType, VarRef, anyType, parseType, runTypeParser
) where
import Control.Applicative hiding ((<|>))
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Parsec.Prim hiding (runParser, try)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language(emptyDef)
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Generics
type VarRef = (Maybe String, Int)
data JType = JTNum
| JTString
| JTBool
| JTStat
| JTFunc [JType] (JType)
| JTList JType
| JTMap JType
| JTRecord JType (Map String JType)
| JTRigid VarRef (Set Constraint)
| JTImpossible
| JTFree VarRef
| JTForall [VarRef] JType
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
data Constraint = Sub JType
| Super JType
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show, Typeable, Data)
type JLocalType = ([(VarRef,Constraint)], JType)
type TypeParserState = (Int, Map String Int)
type TypeParser a = CharParser TypeParserState a
typLang :: P.LanguageDef TypeParserState
typLang = emptyDef {
P.reservedNames = ["()","->"],
P.reservedOpNames = ["()","->","::"],
P.identLetter = alphaNum <|> oneOf "_$",
P.identStart = letter <|> oneOf "_$"
lexer :: P.TokenParser TypeParserState
lexer = P.makeTokenParser typLang
reservedOp :: String -> TypeParser ()
parens, braces, brackets, lexeme :: TypeParser a -> TypeParser a
identifier :: TypeParser String
commaSep, commaSep1 :: TypeParser a -> TypeParser [a]
parens = P.parens lexer
braces = P.braces lexer
brackets = P.brackets lexer
identifier= P.identifier lexer
reservedOp= P.reservedOp lexer
commaSep1 = P.commaSep1 lexer
commaSep = P.commaSep lexer
lexeme = P.lexeme lexer
parseType :: String -> Either ParseError JType
parseType s = runParser anyType (0,M.empty) "" s
parseConstrainedType :: String -> Either ParseError JLocalType
parseConstrainedType s = runParser constrainedType (0,M.empty) "" s
runTypeParser :: CharParser a JLocalType
runTypeParser = withLocalState (0,M.empty) (try (parens constrainedType) <|> constrainedType)
withLocalState :: (Functor m, Monad m) => st -> ParsecT s st m a -> ParsecT s st' m a
withLocalState initState subParser = mkPT $
\(State input pos otherState) -> fixState otherState <$> runParsecT subParser (State input pos initState)
fixState s res = (fmap . fmap) go res
where go (Ok a (State input pos _localState) pe) = Ok a (State input pos s) pe
go (Error e) = (Error e)
constrainedType :: TypeParser JLocalType
constrainedType = do
c <- try (Just <$> (constraintHead <* reservedOp "=>")) <|> return Nothing
t <- anyType
return (fromMaybe [] c, t)
constraintHead :: TypeParser [(VarRef,Constraint)]
constraintHead = parens go <|> go
where go = commaSep1 constraint
constraint = do
r <- freeVarRef =<< identifier
c <- (reservedOp "<:" >> (return Sub)) <|>
(reservedOp ":>" >> (return Super))
t <- anyType
return $ (r, c t)
anyType :: TypeParser JType
anyType = try (parens anyType) <|> funOrAtomType <|> listType <|> recordType
funOrAtomType :: TypeParser JType
funOrAtomType = do
r <- anyNestedType `sepBy1` (lexeme (string "->"))
return $ case reverse r of
[x] -> x
(x:xs) -> JTFunc (reverse xs) x
_ -> error "funOrAtomType"
listType :: TypeParser JType
listType = JTList <$> brackets anyType
anyNestedType :: TypeParser JType
anyNestedType = nullType <|> parens anyType <|> atomicType <|> listType <|> recordType
nullType :: TypeParser JType
nullType = reservedOp "()" >> return JTStat
atomicType :: TypeParser JType
atomicType = do
a <- identifier
case a of
"Num" -> return JTNum
"String" -> return JTString
"Bool" -> return JTBool
(x:_) | isUpper x -> fail $ "Unknown type: " ++ a
| otherwise -> JTFree <$> freeVarRef a
_ -> error "typeAtom"
recordType :: TypeParser JType
recordType = braces $ JTRecord JTImpossible . M.fromList <$> commaSep namePair
where namePair = do
n <- identifier
reservedOp "::"
t <- anyType
return (n, t)
freeVarRef :: String -> TypeParser VarRef
freeVarRef v = do
(i,m) <- getState
(\x -> (Just v, x)) <$> maybe (setState (i+1,M.insert v i m) >> return i)
(M.lookup v m)