jord- Geographical Position Calculations

Copyright(c) 2018 Cedric Liegeois
MaintainerCedric Liegeois <>
Safe HaskellSafe



Earth Centred, Earth Fixed (ECEF) position.

See Earth Coordinates



data EcefPosition Source #

An earth position expressed in the Earth Centred, Earth Fixed (ECEF) coordinates system.

ex-ey plane is the equatorial plane, ex is on the prime meridian, and ez on the polar axis.

Note: on a spherical model earth, an n-vector is equivalent to a normalised version of an (ECEF) cartesian coordinate.

ecef :: Length -> Length -> Length -> EcefPosition Source #

EcefPosition from given x, y and z length.

ex-ey plane is the equatorial plane, ey is on the prime meridian, and ez on the polar axis.

ecefMetres :: Double -> Double -> Double -> EcefPosition Source #

EcefPosition from given x, y and z length in metres.

ex-ey plane is the equatorial plane, ey is on the prime meridian, and ez on the polar axis.

ex :: EcefPosition -> Length Source #

x coordinate of the given EcefPosition.

ey :: EcefPosition -> Length Source #

y coordinate of the given EcefPosition.

ez :: EcefPosition -> Length Source #

z coordinate of the given EcefPosition.