{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, BangPatterns, CPP, PatternGuards #-}
module Jukebox.Tools.Clausify where
import Jukebox.Form hiding (run)
import qualified Jukebox.Form as Form
import Jukebox.Name
import Data.List( maximumBy, sortBy, partition )
import Data.Ord
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Jukebox.Utils
import Jukebox.Options
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set(Set)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative
newtype ClausifyFlags = ClausifyFlags { splitting :: Bool } deriving Show
clausifyFlags =
inGroup "Input and clausifier options" $
ClausifyFlags <$>
bool "split"
["Split the conjecture into several sub-conjectures (off by default)."]
clausify :: ClausifyFlags -> Problem Form -> CNF
clausify flags inps = Form.run inps (run . clausifyInputs [] [])
clausifyInputs theory obligs [] =
do return (toCNF (reverse theory) (reverse obligs))
clausifyInputs theory obligs (inp:inps)
| splitting flags, Ax NegatedConjecture <- kind inp =
clausifyInputs theory obligs (inp':inps)
inp' =
inp {
kind = Conj Conjecture,
what = Not (what inp) }
clausifyInputs theory obligs (inp:inps)
| Ax axiom <- kind inp =
do cs <- clausForm axiom inp
clausifyInputs (cs ++ theory) obligs inps
clausifyInputs theory obligs (inp:inps)
| Conj _ <- kind inp =
do clausifyObligs theory obligs inp (split' (what inp)) inps
clausifyObligs theory obligs _ [] inps =
do clausifyInputs theory obligs inps
clausifyObligs theory obligs inp (a:as) inps =
do cs <-
clausForm NegatedConjecture inp {
what = nt a,
source = Inference "negate_conjecture" "cth" [inp] }
clausifyObligs theory (cs:obligs) inp as inps
split' a | splitting flags = if null split_a then [true] else split_a
where split_a = split a
split' a = [a]
split :: Form -> [Form]
split p =
case positive p of
ForAll (Bind xs p) ->
[ ForAll (Bind xs p') | p' <- split p ]
And ps -> concatMap split ps
p `Equiv` q ->
split (nt p \/ q) ++ split (p \/ nt q)
Or ps ->
snd $
maximumBy (comparing fst)
[ (siz q, [ Or (q':qs) | q' <- sq ])
| (q,qs) <- select ps
, let sq = split q
_ ->
select [] = []
select (x:xs) = (x,xs) : [ (y,x:ys) | (y,ys) <- select xs ]
siz (And ps) = length ps
siz (ForAll (Bind _ p)) = siz p
siz (_ `Equiv` _) = 2
siz _ = 0
clausForm :: AxKind -> Input Form -> M [Input Clause]
clausForm kind inp =
withName (tag inp) $
do miniscoped <- miniscope . check . simplify . check $ what inp
noEquivPs <- removeEquiv . check $ miniscoped
noExistsPs <- mapM removeExists . check $ noEquivPs
noExpensiveOrPs <- fmap concat . mapM removeExpensiveOr . check $ noExistsPs
noForAllPs <- lift . mapM uniqueNames . check $ noExpensiveOrPs
let !thm = Input "skolemised" (Ax kind) (Inference "clausify" "esa" [inp]) (And noForAllPs)
!cnf_ = concatMap cnf . check $ noForAllPs
!simp = simplifyCNF . check $ cnf_
cs = fmap clause $ simp
inps = [ Input (tag inp ++ i) (Ax kind) (Inference "clausify" "thm" [thm]) c
| (c, i) <- zip cs ("":
[ '_':show i | i <- [1..] ]) ]
return $! force . check $ inps
miniscope :: Form -> M Form
miniscope t@Literal{} = return t
miniscope (Not f) = fmap Not (miniscope f)
miniscope (And fs) = fmap And (mapM miniscope fs)
miniscope (Or fs) = fmap Or (mapM miniscope fs)
miniscope (Equiv f g) = liftM2 Equiv (miniscope f) (miniscope g)
miniscope (ForAll (Bind xs f)) = miniscope f >>= forAll xs
miniscope (Exists (Bind xs f)) = miniscope f >>= forAll xs . nt >>= return . nt
forAll :: Set Variable -> Form -> M Form
forAll xs a
| Set.null ys = return a
| otherwise =
case positive a of
And as ->
fmap And (mapM (forAll ys) as)
ForAll (Bind zs a) ->
forAll (Set.union ys zs) a
Or as ->
forAllOr ys [ (a, free a) | a <- as ]
_ -> return (ForAll (Bind ys a))
ys = xs `Set.intersection` free a
forAllOr :: Set Variable -> [(Form, Set Variable)] -> M Form
forAllOr _ [] = return false
forAllOr xs [(f, _)] = forAll xs f
forAllOr xs fs
| Set.null xs = return (foldr (\/) false (map fst fs))
| otherwise = do
(x, xs') = Set.deleteFindMin xs
(bs1,bs2) = partition ((x `Set.member`) . snd) fs
common = Set.unions (map snd bs1) `Set.intersection` Set.unions (map snd bs2) `Set.intersection` xs
f <- forAllOr (xs' Set.\\ common) bs1
g <- forAllOr (xs' Set.\\ common) bs2
return (ForAll (Bind common (ForAll (Bind (Set.singleton x) f) \/ g)))
removeEquiv :: Form -> M [Form]
removeEquiv p =
do (defs,pos,_) <- removeEquivAux False p
return (pos:defs)
removeEquivAux :: Bool -> Form -> M ([Form],Form,Form)
removeEquivAux inEquiv p =
case simple p of
Not p ->
do (defs,pos,neg) <- removeEquivAux inEquiv p
return (defs,neg,pos)
And ps ->
do dps <- sequence [ removeEquivAux inEquiv p | p <- ps ]
let (defss,poss,negs) = unzip3 dps
return ( concat defss
, And poss
, Or negs
ForAll (Bind xs p) ->
do (defs,pos,neg) <- removeEquivAux inEquiv p
return ( defs
, ForAll (Bind xs pos)
, Exists (Bind xs neg)
p `Equiv` q ->
do (defsp,posp,negp) <- removeEquivAux True p
(defsq,posq,negq) <- removeEquivAux True q
(defsp',posp',negp') <- makeCopyable inEquiv posp negp
(defsq',posq',negq') <- makeCopyable inEquiv posq negq
return ( concat [defsp, defsq, defsp', defsq']
, (negp' \/ posq') /\ (posp' \/ negq')
, (negp' \/ negq') /\ (posp' \/ posq')
Literal l ->
do return ([],Literal l,Literal (neg l))
makeCopyable :: Bool -> Form -> Form -> M ([Form],Form,Form)
makeCopyable inEquiv pos neg
| isSmall pos || not inEquiv =
do pos' <- removeExists pos
neg' <- removeExists neg
return ([],pos',neg')
| otherwise =
do dp <- literal "equiv" (free pos)
return ([Literal (Neg dp) \/ pos, Literal (Pos dp) \/ neg], Literal (Pos dp), Literal (Neg dp))
isSmall (Literal _) = True
isSmall (Not p) = isSmall p
isSmall (ForAll (Bind _ p)) = isSmall p
isSmall (Exists (Bind _ p)) = isSmall p
isSmall _ = False
removeExists :: Form -> M Form
removeExists (And ps) =
do ps <- sequence [ removeExists p | p <- ps ]
return (And ps)
removeExists (Or ps) =
do ps <- sequence [ removeExists p | p <- ps ]
return (Or ps)
removeExists (ForAll (Bind xs p)) =
do p' <- removeExists p
return (ForAll (Bind xs p'))
removeExists t@(Exists (Bind xs p)) =
do ss <- sequence [ fmap (x |=>) (skolem x (free t)) | x <- Set.toList xs ]
removeExists (subst (foldr (|+|) ids ss) p)
removeExists lit =
do return lit
removeExpensiveOr :: Form -> M [Form]
removeExpensiveOr p =
do (defs,p',_) <- removeExpensiveOrAux p
return (p':defs)
type Cost = (Integer,Integer)
unitCost :: Cost
unitCost = (1,1)
andCost :: [Cost] -> Cost
andCost cs = (sum (map fst cs), sum (map snd cs))
orCost :: [Cost] -> Cost
orCost [] = (1,0)
orCost [c] = c
orCost ((c1,l1):cs) = (c1 * c2, c1 * l2 + c2 * l1)
(c2,l2) = orCost cs
removeExpensiveOrAux :: Form -> M ([Form],Form,Cost)
removeExpensiveOrAux (And ps) =
do dcs <- sequence [ removeExpensiveOrAux p | p <- ps ]
let (defss,ps,costs) = unzip3 dcs
return (concat defss, And ps, andCost costs)
removeExpensiveOrAux (Or ps) =
do dcs <- sequence [ removeExpensiveOrAux p | p <- ps ]
let (defss,ps,costs) = unzip3 dcs
(defs2,p,c) <- makeOr (sortBy (comparing snd) (zip ps costs))
return (defs2 ++ concat defss,p,c)
removeExpensiveOrAux (ForAll (Bind xs p)) =
do (defs,p',cost) <- removeExpensiveOrAux p
return (fmap (ForAll . Bind xs) defs, ForAll (Bind xs p'), cost)
removeExpensiveOrAux lit =
do return ([], lit, unitCost)
makeOr :: [(Form,Cost)] -> M ([Form],Form,Cost)
makeOr [] =
do return ([], false, orCost [])
makeOr [(f,c)] =
do return ([],f,c)
makeOr fcs
| null fcs2 =
do return ([], Or (map fst fcs1), orCost (map snd fcs1))
| otherwise =
do d <- literal "or" (free (map fst fcs2))
(defs,p,_) <- makeOr ((Literal (Neg d),unitCost):fcs2)
return ( p:defs
, Or (Literal (Pos d) : map fst fcs1)
, orCost (unitCost : map snd fcs1)
(fcs1,fcs2) = split [] fcs
split fcs1 [] = (fcs1,[])
split fcs1 (fc@(_,(cc,_)):fcs) | cc <= 1 = split (fc:fcs1) fcs
split fcs1 fcs@((_,(cc,_)):_) | cc <= 2 = (take 2 fcs ++ fcs1, drop 2 fcs)
split fcs1 fcs = (take 1 fcs ++ fcs1, drop 1 fcs)
cnf :: Form -> [[Literal]]
cnf (ForAll (Bind _ p)) = cnf p
cnf (And ps) = concatMap cnf ps
cnf (Or ps) = cross (fmap cnf ps)
cnf (Literal x) = [[x]]
cross :: [[[Literal]]] -> [[Literal]]
cross [] = [[]]
cross (cs:css) = liftM2 (++) cs (cross css)
simplifyCNF :: [[Literal]] -> [[Literal]]
simplifyCNF =
usort . concatMap (tautElim . unify [])
unify xs [] = xs
unify xs (Neg (Var v :=: t@Var{}):ys) =
unify (subst (v |=> t) xs) (subst (v |=> t) ys)
unify xs (l:ys) = unify (l:xs) ys
tautElim ls
| Set.null (pos `Set.intersection` neg) && not (any tauto ls)
= [map Neg (Set.toList neg) ++ map Pos (Set.toList pos)]
| otherwise = []
where pos = Set.fromList [ l | Pos l <- ls ]
neg = Set.fromList [ l | Neg l <- ls ]
tauto (Pos (t :=: u)) = t == u
tauto _ = False
type M = ReaderT Tag NameM
run :: M a -> NameM a
run x = runReaderT x ""
skolemName :: Named a => String -> a -> M Name
skolemName prefix v = do
s <- getName
name <- lift (newName v)
return $ withRenamer name $ \str i ->
Renaming [prefix ++ show (i+1)] $
prefix ++ show (i+1) ++ concat [ "_" ++ t | t <- [s, str], not (null t) ]
withName :: Tag -> M a -> M a
withName s m = lift (runReaderT m s)
getName :: M Tag
getName = ask
skolem :: Variable -> Set Variable -> M Term
skolem (v ::: t) vs =
do n <- skolemName "sK" v
let f = n ::: FunType (map typ args) t
return (f :@: map Var args)
args = Set.toList vs
literal :: String -> Set Variable -> M Atomic
literal w vs =
do n <- skolemName "sP" w
let p = n ::: FunType (map typ args) O
return (Tru (p :@: map Var args))
args = Set.toList vs