Module      : Language.JVM.AccessFlag
Copyright   : (c) Christian Gram Kalhauge, 2017
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : kalhuage@cs.ucla.edu

Contains the AccessFlags used in the different modules.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
module Language.JVM.AccessFlag
  ( MAccessFlag(..)
  , mflags
  , FAccessFlag(..)
  , fflags
  , CAccessFlag(..)
  , cflags
  , ICAccessFlag(..)
  , icflags
  , PAccessFlag(..)
  , pflags

import           Language.JVM.Utils

import           GHC.Generics                   ( Generic )
import           Control.DeepSeq                ( NFData )

-- | Access flags for the 'Language.JVM.Method.Method'
data MAccessFlag
  = MPublic
  | MPrivate
  | MProtected
  | MStatic
  | MFinal
  | MSynchronized
  | MBridge
  | MVarargs
  | MNative
  | MAbstract
  | MStrictFP
  | MSynthetic
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, NFData, Generic)

-- | The 'Enumish' mapping of the 'MAccessFlag'
mflags :: [(Int, MAccessFlag)]
mflags =
  [ (0 , MPublic)
  , (1 , MPrivate)
  , (2 , MProtected)
  , (3 , MStatic)
  , (4 , MFinal)
  , (5 , MSynchronized)
  , (6 , MBridge)
  , (7 , MVarargs)
  , (8 , MNative)
  , (10, MAbstract)
  , (11, MStrictFP)
  , (12, MSynthetic)

instance Enumish MAccessFlag where
  inOrder = mflags

-- | Access flags for the 'Language.JVM.ClassFile.ClassFile'
data CAccessFlag
  = CPublic
  | CFinal
  | CSuper
  | CInterface
  | CAbstract
  | CSynthetic
  | CAnnotation
  | CEnum
  | CModule
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, NFData, Generic)

-- | The 'Enumish' mapping of the 'CAccessFlag'
cflags :: [(Int, CAccessFlag)]
cflags =
  [ (0 , CPublic)
  , (4 , CFinal)
  , (5 , CSuper)
  , (9 , CInterface)
  , (10, CAbstract)
  , (12, CSynthetic)
  , (13, CAnnotation)
  , (14, CEnum)
  , (15, CModule)

instance Enumish CAccessFlag where
  inOrder = cflags

-- | Access flags for the 'Language.JVM.Attribute.InnerClass'
data ICAccessFlag
  = ICPublic
  | ICPrivate
  | ICProtected
  | ICStatic
  | ICFinal
  | ICInterface
  | ICAbstract
  | ICSynthetic
  | ICAnnotation
  | ICEnum
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, NFData, Generic)

-- | The 'Enumish' mapping of the 'CAccessFlag'
icflags :: [(Int, ICAccessFlag)]
icflags =
  [ (0 , ICPublic)
  , (1 , ICPrivate)
  , (2 , ICProtected)
  , (3 , ICStatic)
  , (4 , ICFinal)
  , (9 , ICInterface)
  , (10, ICAbstract)
  , (12, ICSynthetic)
  , (13, ICAnnotation)
  , (14, ICEnum)

instance Enumish ICAccessFlag where
  inOrder = icflags

-- | Access flags for the 'Language.JVM.Field.Field'
data FAccessFlag
  = FPublic
  | FPrivate
  | FProtected
  | FStatic
  | FFinal
  | FVolatile
  | FTransient
  | FSynthetic
  | FEnum
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, NFData, Generic)

-- | The 'Enumish' mapping of the 'FAccessFlag'
fflags :: [(Int, FAccessFlag)]
fflags =
  [ (0 , FPublic)
  , (1 , FPrivate)
  , (2 , FProtected)
  , (3 , FStatic)
  , (4 , FFinal)
  , (6 , FVolatile)
  , (7 , FTransient)
  , (12, FSynthetic)
  , (14, FEnum)

instance Enumish FAccessFlag where
  inOrder = fflags

-- | Access flags for parameters, as declared in the documentation.
data PAccessFlag
  = PFinal
    -- ^ Indicates that the formal parameter was declared final.
  | PSynthetic
    -- ^ Indicates that the formal parameter was not explicitly or
    -- implicitly declared in source code, according to the specification
    -- of the language in which the source code was written (JLS §13.1).
    -- (The formal parameter is an implementation artifact of the compiler
    -- which produced this class file.) 
  | PMandated
    -- ^ Indicates that the formal parameter was implicitly declared in
    -- source code, according to the specification of the language in which
    -- the source code was written (JLS §13.1). (The formal parameter is
    -- mandated by a language specification, so all compilers for the
    -- language must emit it.)  
  deriving (Ord, Show, Eq, NFData, Generic)

instance Enumish PAccessFlag where
  inOrder = pflags

-- | The 'Enumish' mapping of the 'PAccessFlag'
pflags :: [(Int, PAccessFlag)]
pflags = [(4, PFinal), (12, PSynthetic), (15, PMandated)]