{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Development.KansasLava.Shake.Xilinx ( XilinxTarget(..) , papilioOne, papilioPro , xilinxRules ) where import Development.Shake hiding ((~>)) import Development.Shake.FilePath import Development.Shake.Config import qualified Data.Text as T import Text.Mustache import Text.Mustache.Types import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Paths_kansas_lava_shake data XilinxTarget = XilinxTarget{ targetFamily, targetDevice, targetPackage, targetSpeed :: String } papilioPro :: XilinxTarget papilioPro = XilinxTarget "Spartan6" "xc6slx9" "tqg144" "-2" papilioOne :: XilinxTarget papilioOne = XilinxTarget "Spartan3E" "xc3s500e" "vq100" "-5" boards :: M.Map String XilinxTarget boards = M.fromList [ ("papilio-pro", papilioPro) , ("papilio-one", papilioOne) ] xilinxRules :: Maybe XilinxTarget -> FilePath -> String -> [FilePath] -> [FilePath] -> Rules () xilinxRules mtarget outDir projName srcs ipcores = do usingConfigFile "build.mk" outDir </> projName <.> "bit" %> \_out -> do need . concat $ [ [ outDir </> src | src <- srcs ] , [ outDir </> "ipcore_dir" </> xco | xco <- ipcores ] , [ outDir </> projName <.> "tcl" ] ] xilinx "xtclsh" [projName <.> "tcl", "rebuild_project"] outDir </> "*.tcl" %> \out -> do target <- case mtarget of Just target -> return target Nothing -> do board <- fromMaybe (error "Please set BOARD in build.mk") <$> getConfig "BOARD" return $ fromMaybe (error $ unwords ["Unknown board:", board]) $ M.lookup board boards mustache (projCtxt target) out where xilinx tool args = do root <- getConfig "XILINX_ROOT" wrap <- getConfig "XILINX_WRAPPER" let exe = case (wrap, root) of (Just wrap, _) -> [wrap, tool] (Nothing, Just root) -> [root </> tool] (Nothing, Nothing) -> error "XILINX_ROOT or XILINX_WRAPPER must be set" cmd (Cwd outDir) exe args projCtxt XilinxTarget{..} = object $ [ "project" ~= projName, "targetFamily" ~= targetFamily, "targetDevice" ~= targetDevice, "targetSpeed" ~= targetSpeed, "targetPackage" ~= targetPackage, "ipcores" ~> (map (\n -> object ["name" ~> n]) $ map dropExtension ipcores), "srcs" ~> (map (\s -> object ["fileName" ~> s]) srcs) ] mustache :: Value -> FilePath -> Action () mustache ctxt target = do alwaysRerun rSrc <- liftIO $ getDataFileName ("ise.template" </> templateName) withTempDir $ \tempDir -> do copyFileChanged rSrc (tempDir </> templateName) tE <- liftIO $ automaticCompile [tempDir] templateName case tE of Left err -> liftIO $ error $ "KansasLava.Shake.Xilinx - mustache template problem: " ++ show err Right template -> do let st = substitute template ctxt writeFileChanged target $ T.unpack st where ext = drop 1 . takeExtension $ target templateName = ext <.> "mustache"