{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports#-}
module Data.KeyStore.Sections
, Code(..)
, Sections(..)
, SectionType(..)
, KeyData(..)
, KeyDataMode(..)
, KeyPredicate
, RetrieveDg(..)
, initialise
, rotate
, rotateIfChanged
, rotate_
, retrieve
, signKeystore
, verifyKeystore
, noKeys
, allKeys
, listKeys
, keyPrededicate
, keyHelp
, sectionHelp
, secretKeySummary
, publicKeySummary
, locateKeys
, keyName
, keyName_
, passwordName
, mkSection
import Data.KeyStore.IO
import Data.KeyStore.KS
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.API.Types
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import Data.Ord
import Data.String
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Lens(over)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Text.Printf
import System.FilePath
import Safe
class (Bounded a,Enum a,Eq a, Ord a,Show a) => Code a where
encode :: a -> String
decode :: String -> Maybe a
decode s = listToMaybe [ k | k<-[minBound..maxBound], encode k==s ]
class (Code h, Code s, Code k) => Sections h s k
| s -> h, k -> h
, h -> s, k -> s
, s -> k, h -> k
hostDeploySection :: h -> s
sectionType :: s -> SectionType
superSections :: s -> [s]
keyIsHostIndexed :: k -> Maybe (h->Bool)
keyIsInSection :: k -> s -> Bool
getKeyData :: Maybe h -> s -> k -> IO KeyData
getKeyDataWithMode :: Maybe h -> s -> k -> IO (KeyDataMode,KeyData)
sectionSettings :: Maybe s -> IO Settings
describeKey :: k -> String
describeSection :: s -> String
sectionPWEnvVar :: s -> EnvVar
sectionType = const ST_keys
superSections = const []
keyIsHostIndexed = const Nothing
keyIsInSection = const $ const True
getKeyData mb s k = snd <$> getKeyDataWithMode mb s k
getKeyDataWithMode Nothing s = get_kd $ encode s
getKeyDataWithMode (Just h) _ = get_kd $ encode h
sectionSettings = const $ return mempty
describeKey k = "The '" ++ encode k ++ "' key."
describeSection s = "The '" ++ encode s ++ "' Section."
sectionPWEnvVar = EnvVar . T.pack . ("KEY_pw_" ++) . encode
data SectionType
= ST_top
| ST_signing
| ST_keys
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
data KeyData =
{ kd_identity :: Identity
, kd_comment :: Comment
, kd_secret :: B.ByteString
deriving (Show,Eq)
data KeyDataMode
= KDM_static
| KDM_random
deriving (Bounded,Enum,Eq,Ord,Show)
type KeyPredicate h s k = Maybe h -> s -> k -> Bool
type Retrieve a = Either RetrieveDg a
data RetrieveDg
= RDG_key_not_reachable
| RDG_no_such_host_key
deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)
initialise :: Sections h s k => CtxParams -> KeyPredicate h s k -> IO ()
initialise cp kp = do
stgs <- setSettingsOpt opt__sections_fix True <$> scs kp Nothing
newKeyStore (the_keystore cp) stgs
ic <- instanceCtx cp
mapM_ (mks kp ic) [minBound..maxBound]
rotate ic kp
map _key_name <$> keys ic >>= mapM_ (keyInfo ic)
scs :: Sections h s k => KeyPredicate h s k -> Maybe s -> IO Settings
scs = const sectionSettings
mks :: Sections h s k => KeyPredicate h s k -> IC -> s -> IO ()
mks = const mkSection
rotate :: Sections h s k => IC -> KeyPredicate h s k -> IO ()
rotate ic = rotate_ ic Nothing False
rotateIfChanged :: Sections h s k => IC -> KeyPredicate h s k -> IO ()
rotateIfChanged ic = rotate_ ic Nothing True
rotate_ :: Sections h s k => IC -> Maybe KeyDataMode -> Bool -> KeyPredicate h s k -> IO ()
rotate_ ic mb ch kp = reformat ic' $ sequence_ [ rotate' mb ch ic mb_h s k | (mb_h,s,k)<-listKeys kp ]
ic' = kp_RFT kp ic
retrieve :: Sections h s k => IC -> h -> k -> IO (Retrieve [Key])
retrieve ic h k = reformat ic' $ either (return . Left) (\nm->Right <$> locate_keys ic' nm) $ keyName h k
ic' = h_RFT h ic
signKeystore :: Sections h s k => IC -> SECTIONS h s k -> IO B.ByteString
signKeystore ic scn = reformat ic' $ B.readFile (the_keystore $ ic_ctx_params ic) >>= sign_ ic (sgn_nme $ signing_key scn)
ic' = scn_RFT scn ic
verifyKeystore :: Sections h s k => IC -> SECTIONS h s k -> B.ByteString -> IO Bool
verifyKeystore ic scn sig = reformat ic' $ B.readFile (the_keystore $ ic_ctx_params ic) >>= flip (verify_ ic) sig
ic' = scn_RFT scn ic
noKeys :: KeyPredicate h s k
noKeys _ _ _ = False
allKeys :: KeyPredicate h s k
allKeys _ _ _ = True
listKeys :: Sections h s k => KeyPredicate h s k -> [(Maybe h,s,k)]
listKeys kp = [ trp | trp@(mb_h,s,k)<-host_keys++non_host_keys, kp mb_h s k ]
host_keys = [ (Just h ,s,k) | k<-[minBound..maxBound], Just isp<-[keyIsHostIndexed k], h<-[minBound..maxBound], isp h, let s = key_section h k ]
non_host_keys = [ (Nothing,s,k) | k<-[minBound..maxBound], Nothing <-[keyIsHostIndexed k], s<-[minBound..maxBound], keyIsInSection k s ]
keyPrededicate :: Sections h s k => Maybe h -> Maybe s -> Maybe k -> KeyPredicate h s k
keyPrededicate mbh mbs mbk mbh_ s k = h_ok && s_ok && k_ok
h_ok = maybe True (\h->maybe False (h==) mbh_) mbh
s_ok = maybe True (s==) mbs
k_ok = maybe True (k==) mbk
keyHelp :: Sections h s k => Maybe k -> T.Text
keyHelp x@Nothing = T.unlines $ map (T.pack . encode) [minBound..maxBound `asTypeOf` fromJust x ]
keyHelp (Just k) = T.unlines $ map T.pack $ (map f $ concat
[ [ (,) (encode k) "" ]
, [ (,) " hosts:" hln | Just hln <- [mb_hln] ]
, [ (,) " sections:" sln | Nothing <- [mb_hln] ]
]) ++ "" : map (" "++) (lines $ describeKey k) ++ [""]
mb_hln = fmt <$> keyIsHostIndexed k
sln = fmt $ keyIsInSection k
f = uncurry $ printf "%-10s %s"
sectionHelp :: Sections h s k => Maybe s -> IO T.Text
sectionHelp x@Nothing = return $ T.unlines $ map (T.pack . encode) [minBound..maxBound `asTypeOf` fromJust x ]
sectionHelp (Just s) = do
stgs <- sectionSettings $ Just s
return $ T.unlines $ map T.pack $ (map f $ concat
[ [ (,) (encode s) typ ]
, [ (,) " p/w env var:" env ]
, [ (,) " hosts:" hln ]
, [ (,) " super sections:" sln ]
, [ (,) " under sections:" uln ]
, [ (,) " keys:" kln ]
, [ (,) " settings" "" ]
]) ++ fmt_s stgs ++ "" : map (" "++) (lines $ describeSection s) ++ [""]
typ = case sectionType s of
ST_top -> "(top)"
ST_signing -> "(signing)"
ST_keys -> "(keys)"
env = "$" ++ T.unpack (_EnvVar $ sectionPWEnvVar s)
hln = unwords $ nub [ encode h | h<-[minBound..maxBound], hostDeploySection h==s ]
sln = unwords $ map encode $ superSections s
uln = unwords $ map encode $ [ s_ | s_<-[minBound..maxBound], s `elem` superSections s_ ]
kln = fmt $ flip keyIsInSection s
f = uncurry $ printf "%-20s %s"
fmt_s stgs = map (" "++) $ lines $ LBS.unpack $ A.encode $ A.Object $ _Settings stgs
secretKeySummary :: Sections h s k => IC -> SECTIONS h s k -> IO T.Text
secretKeySummary ic scn = reformat ic' $ T.unlines <$> mapM f (sections scn)
f s = do
sec <- T.pack . B.unpack <$> (showSecret ic False $ passwordName s)
return $ T.concat ["export ",_EnvVar $ sectionPWEnvVar s,"=",sec]
ic' = scn_RFT scn ic
publicKeySummary :: Sections h s k => IC -> SECTIONS h s k -> FilePath -> IO T.Text
publicKeySummary ic scn fp = reformat ic' $ f <$> showPublic ic True (sgn_nme $ signing_key scn)
f b = T.pack $ "echo '" ++ B.unpack b ++ "' >" ++ fp ++ "\n"
ic' = scn_RFT scn ic
locateKeys :: Sections h s k => IC -> SECTIONS h s k -> Name -> IO [Key]
locateKeys ic scn nm = locate_keys ic' nm
ic' = scn_RFT scn ic
locate_keys :: Sections h s k => REFORMAT h s k -> Name -> IO [Key]
locate_keys ic' nm = reformat ic' $ sortBy (flip $ comparing _key_name) . filter yup <$> keys ic
yup = isp . _key_name
isp nm' = nm_s `isPrefixOf` _name nm'
nm_s = _name nm
ic = _REFORMAT ic'
keyName :: Sections h s k => h -> k -> Retrieve Name
keyName h k = do
mb_h <- case keyIsHostIndexed k of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just hp | hp h -> return $ Just h
| otherwise -> Left RDG_no_such_host_key
s <- keySection h k
return $ keyName_ mb_h s k
keyName_ :: Sections h s k => Maybe h -> s -> k -> Name
keyName_ mb_h s k = name' $ encode s ++ "/" ++ encode k ++ hst_sfx ++ "/"
hst_sfx = maybe "" (\h -> "/" ++ encode h) mb_h
key_section :: Sections h s k => h -> k -> s
key_section h k = either oops id $ keySection h k
oops dg = error $ "key_section: " ++ encode h ++ ": " ++ encode k ++ ": " ++ show dg
keySection :: Sections h s k => h -> k -> Retrieve s
keySection h k = maybe (Left RDG_key_not_reachable) return $ listToMaybe $
filter (keyIsInSection k) $ lower_sections $ hostDeploySection h
passwordName :: Sections h s k => s -> Name
passwordName s = name' $ "/pw/" ++ encode s
fmt :: Code a => (a->Bool) -> String
fmt p = unwords [ encode h | h<-[minBound..maxBound], p h ]
rotate' :: Sections h s k => Maybe KeyDataMode -> Bool -> IC -> Maybe h -> s -> k -> IO ()
rotate' mb ch ic mb_h s k = do
(kdm,kd@KeyData{..}) <- getKeyDataWithMode mb_h s k
case maybe True (==kdm) mb of
True -> do
ok <- case ch of
True -> do
mbkds <- map key2KeyData <$> locateKeys ic (mks k) g_nm
case mbkds of
Just kd':_ | kd==kd' -> return False
Nothing :_ -> return False
_ -> return True
False ->
return True
when ok $ do
n_nm <- unique_nme ic g_nm
putStrLn $ "rotating: " ++ _name n_nm
createKey ic n_nm kd_comment kd_identity Nothing $ Just kd_secret
False ->
return ()
g_nm = keyName_ mb_h s k
mks :: k -> SECTIONS h s k
mks = const SECTIONS
lower_sections :: Sections h s k => s -> [s]
lower_sections s0 =
s0 : concat
[ s:lower_sections s | s<-[minBound..maxBound], s0 `elem` superSections s ]
mkSection :: Sections h s k => IC -> s -> IO ()
mkSection ic s = do
mk_section ic s
case sectionType s of
ST_top -> return ()
ST_signing -> add_signing ic s
ST_keys -> return ()
mk_section :: Sections h s k => IC -> s -> IO ()
mk_section ic s =
do add_password ic s
add_save_key ic s
add_trigger ic s
mapM_ (backup_password ic s) $ superSections s
add_signing :: Sections h s k => IC -> s -> IO ()
add_signing ic s = createRSAKeyPair ic (sgn_nme s) cmt "" [pw_sg]
cmt = Comment $ T.pack $ "signing key"
pw_sg = safeguard [passwordName s]
add_password :: Sections h s k => IC -> s -> IO ()
add_password ic s = createKey ic nm cmt ide (Just ev) Nothing
cmt = Comment $ T.pack $ "password for " ++ encode s
ide = ""
ev = sectionPWEnvVar s
nm = passwordName s
add_save_key :: Sections h s k => IC -> s -> IO ()
add_save_key ic s = createRSAKeyPair ic nm cmt ide [pw_sg]
nm = sve_nme s
cmt = Comment $ T.pack $ "save key for " ++ encode s
ide = ""
pw_sg = safeguard [passwordName s]
add_trigger :: Sections h s k => IC -> s -> IO ()
add_trigger ic s = do
stgs <- (bu_settings s <>) <$> sectionSettings (Just s)
addTrigger' ic tid pat stgs
tid = TriggerID $ T.pack $ encode s
pat = scn_pattern s
bu_settings :: Sections h s k => s -> Settings
bu_settings s = Settings $ HM.fromList
[ ("backup.keys"
, A.Array $ V.singleton $ A.String $ T.pack $ _name $ sve_nme s
signing_key :: Sections h s k => SECTIONS h s k -> s
signing_key _ = maybe oops id $ listToMaybe [ s_ | s_<-[minBound..maxBound], sectionType s_ == ST_signing ]
oops = error "signing_key: there is no signing key!"
sections :: Sections h s k => SECTIONS h s k -> [s]
sections _ = [minBound..maxBound]
backup_password :: Sections h s k => IC -> s -> s -> IO ()
backup_password ic s sv_s = secureKey ic (passwordName s) $ safeguard [sve_nme sv_s]
sgn_nme :: Sections h s k => s -> Name
sgn_nme s = name' $ encode s ++ "/keystore_signing_key"
sve_nme :: Sections h s k => s -> Name
sve_nme s = name' $ "/save/" ++ encode s
scn_pattern :: Sections h s k => s -> Pattern
scn_pattern s = pattern $ "^" ++ encode s ++ "/.*"
unique_nme :: IC -> Name -> IO Name
unique_nme ic nm =
do nms <- filter isp . map _key_name <$> keys ic
return $ unique_nme' nms nm
isp nm' = _name nm `isPrefixOf` _name nm'
unique_nme' :: [Name] -> Name -> Name
unique_nme' nms nm0 = headNote "unique_name'" c_nms
c_nms = [ nm | i<-[length nms+1..], let nm=nname i nm0, nm `notElem` nms ]
nname :: Int -> Name -> Name
nname i nm_ = name' $ _name nm_ ++ printf "%03d" i
the_keystore :: CtxParams -> FilePath
the_keystore = maybe "keystore.json" id . cp_store
get_kd :: Sections h s k => String -> k -> IO (KeyDataMode,KeyData)
get_kd sd k = do
ide <- B.readFile $ fp "_id"
cmt <- B.readFile $ fp "_cmt"
sec <- B.readFile $ fp ""
( KDM_static
, KeyData
{ kd_identity = Identity $ T.pack $ B.unpack ide
, kd_comment = Comment $ T.pack $ B.unpack cmt
, kd_secret = sec
fp sfx = sd </> encode k ++ sfx
reformat :: Sections h s k => REFORMAT h s k -> IO a -> IO a
reformat rft@(REFORMAT ic) p = reformat_ic (encoding rft) ic >> p
data CODE a = CODE
scn_RFT :: SECTIONS h s k -> IC -> REFORMAT h s k
kp_RFT :: KeyPredicate h s k -> IC -> REFORMAT h s k
h_RFT :: h -> IC -> REFORMAT h s k
scn_RFT _ ic = REFORMAT ic
kp_RFT _ ic = REFORMAT ic
h_RFT _ ic = REFORMAT ic
reformat_ic :: Encoding -> IC -> IO ()
reformat_ic enc ic = do
(ctx,st) <- getCtxState ic
putCtxState ic ctx $
st { st_keystore = reformat_keystore enc $ st_keystore st }
reformat_keystore :: Encoding -> KeyStore -> KeyStore
reformat_keystore enc ks =
case getSettingsOpt opt__sections_fix $ _cfg_settings $ _ks_config ks of
True -> ks
False -> over ks_config (reformat_config enc) $
over ks_keymap (reformat_key_map enc) ks
reformat_config :: Encoding -> Configuration -> Configuration
reformat_config enc =
over cfg_settings (setSettingsOpt opt__sections_fix True) .
over cfg_settings (reformat_settings enc) .
over cfg_triggers (reformat_triggers enc)
reformat_triggers :: Encoding -> TriggerMap -> TriggerMap
reformat_triggers enc = Map.map $
over trg_pattern (reformat_pattern enc) .
over trg_settings (reformat_settings enc)
reformat_settings :: Encoding -> Settings -> Settings
reformat_settings enc stgs =
case getSettingsOpt' opt__backup_keys stgs of
Nothing -> stgs
Just nms -> setSettingsOpt opt__backup_keys (map (reformat_name enc) nms) stgs
reformat_pattern :: Encoding -> Pattern -> Pattern
reformat_pattern enc pat = maybe oops id $ run_munch (m_pattern enc) $ _pat_string pat
oops = error $ "reformat_pattern: bad pattern format: " ++ _pat_string pat
reformat_key_map :: Encoding -> KeyMap -> KeyMap
reformat_key_map enc km = Map.fromList [ (reformat_name enc nm,r_ky ky) | (nm,ky)<-Map.toList km ]
r_ky =
over key_name (reformat_name enc) .
over key_secret_copies (reformat_ecm enc)
reformat_ecm :: Encoding -> EncrypedCopyMap -> EncrypedCopyMap
reformat_ecm enc ecm = Map.fromList [ (reformat_sg enc sg,r_ec ec) | (sg,ec)<-Map.toList ecm ]
r_ec = over ec_safeguard (reformat_sg enc)
reformat_sg :: Encoding -> Safeguard -> Safeguard
reformat_sg enc = safeguard . map (reformat_name enc) . safeguardKeys
reformat_name :: Encoding -> Name -> Name
reformat_name enc nm = maybe oops id $ run_munch (m_name enc) $ _name nm
oops = error $ "reformat_name: bad name format: " ++ _name nm
m_pattern :: Encoding -> Munch Pattern
m_pattern enc = do
munch_ "^"
s <- enc_s enc
munch_ "_.*"
return $ fromString $ "^" ++ s ++ "/.*"
m_name, m_save, m_pw, m_section :: Encoding -> Munch Name
m_name enc = m_save enc <|> m_pw enc <|> m_section enc
m_save enc = do
munch_ "save_"
s <- enc_s enc
return $ name' $ "/save/" ++ s
m_pw enc = do
munch_ "pw_"
s <- enc_s enc
return $ name' $ "/pw/" ++ s
m_section enc = do
s <- enc_s enc
m_section_signing enc s <|> m_section_key enc s
m_section_key, m_section_signing :: Encoding -> String -> Munch Name
m_section_signing _ s = do
munch_ "_keystore_signing_key"
return $ name' $ s ++ "/keystore_signing_key"
m_section_key enc s = do
munch_ "_"
k <- enc_k enc
m_section_key_host enc s k <|> m_section_key_vrn enc s k
m_section_key_vrn, m_section_key_host :: Encoding -> String -> String -> Munch Name
m_section_key_vrn _ s k = do
munch_ "_"
v <- munch_vrn
return $ name' $ s ++"/" ++ k ++ "/" ++ v
m_section_key_host enc s k = do
munch_ "_"
h <- enc_h enc
munch_ "_"
v <- munch_vrn
return $ name' $ s ++"/" ++ k ++ "/" ++ h ++ "/" ++ v
munch_vrn :: Munch String
munch_vrn = do
c1 <- munch1 isDigit
c2 <- munch1 isDigit
c3 <- munch1 isDigit
return [c1,c2,c3]
data Encoding =
{ enc_h, enc_s, enc_k :: Munch String
encoding :: Sections h s k => REFORMAT h s k -> Encoding
encoding rft =
{ enc_h = code_m $ host_c rft
, enc_s = code_m $ section_c rft
, enc_k = code_m $ key_c rft
host_c :: Sections h s k => REFORMAT h s k -> CODE h
host_c _ = CODE
section_c :: Sections h s k => REFORMAT h s k -> CODE s
section_c _ = CODE
key_c :: Sections h s k => REFORMAT h s k -> CODE k
key_c _ = CODE
code_m :: Code a => CODE a -> Munch String
code_m c = foldr (<|>) empty $ [ munch $ encode x | x<-bds c ]
bds :: Code a => CODE a -> [a]
bds _ = [minBound..maxBound]
newtype Munch a = Munch { _Munch :: String -> Maybe (a,String) }
instance Functor Munch where
fmap f m = m >>= \x -> return $ f x
instance Applicative Munch where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance Alternative Munch where
empty = Munch $ const Nothing
(<|>) x y = Munch $ \s -> _Munch x s <|> _Munch y s
instance Monad Munch where
return x = Munch $ \s -> Just (x,s)
(>>=) m f = Munch $ \s -> _Munch m s >>= \(x,s') -> _Munch (f x) s'
run_munch :: Munch a -> String -> Maybe a
run_munch (Munch f) str = case f str of
Just (x,"") -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
munch1 :: (Char->Bool) -> Munch Char
munch1 p = Munch $ \str -> case str of
c:t | p c -> Just (c,t)
_ -> Nothing
munch_ :: String -> Munch ()
munch_ s = const () <$> munch s
munch :: String -> Munch String
munch str_p = Munch $ \str -> case str_p `isPrefixOf` str of
True -> Just (str_p,drop (length str_p) str)
False -> Nothing
key2KeyData :: Key -> Maybe KeyData
key2KeyData Key{..} = f <$> _key_clear_text
f (ClearText(Binary bs)) =
{ kd_identity = _key_identity
, kd_comment = _key_comment
, kd_secret = bs
name' :: String -> Name
name' = either (error.show) id . name