{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Kleene.ERE (
ERE (..),
) where
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Algebra.Lattice
(BoundedJoinSemiLattice (..), BoundedLattice,
BoundedMeetSemiLattice (..), JoinSemiLattice (..), Lattice,
MeetSemiLattice (..))
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.RangeSet.Map (RSet)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import qualified Data.Function.Step.Discrete.Closed as SF
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.RangeSet.Map as RSet
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
import qualified Kleene.Classes as C
import qualified Kleene.Internal.Partition as P
import Kleene.Internal.Pretty
data ERE c
= EREChars (RSet c)
| EREAppend [ERE c]
| EREUnion (RSet c) (Set (ERE c))
| EREStar (ERE c)
| ERENot (ERE c)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
empty :: ERE c
empty = EREChars RSet.empty
everything :: ERE c
everything = complement empty
eps :: ERE c
eps = EREAppend []
char :: c -> ERE c
char = EREChars . RSet.singleton
charRange :: Ord c => c -> c -> ERE c
charRange c c' = EREChars $ RSet.singletonRange (c, c')
anyChar :: Bounded c => ERE c
anyChar = EREChars RSet.full
appends :: Eq c => [ERE c] -> ERE c
appends rs0
| elem empty rs1 = empty
| otherwise = case rs1 of
[r] -> r
rs -> EREAppend rs
rs1 = concatMap f rs0
f (EREAppend rs) = rs
f r = [r]
unions :: (Ord c, Enum c) => [ERE c] -> ERE c
unions = uncurry mk . foldMap f where
mk cs rss
| Set.null rss = EREChars cs
| Set.member everything rss = everything
| RSet.null cs = case Set.toList rss of
[] -> empty
[r] -> r
_ -> EREUnion cs rss
| otherwise = EREUnion cs rss
f (EREUnion cs rs) = (cs, rs)
f (EREChars cs) = (cs, Set.empty)
f r = (mempty, Set.singleton r)
intersections :: (Ord c, Enum c) => [ERE c] -> ERE c
intersections = complement . unions . map complement
complement :: ERE c -> ERE c
complement r = case r of
ERENot r' -> r'
_ -> ERENot r
star :: (Ord c, Bounded c) => ERE c -> ERE c
star r = case r of
EREStar _ -> r
EREAppend [] -> eps
EREChars cs | RSet.null cs -> eps
EREChars cs | RSet.isFull cs -> everything
EREUnion cs rs | Set.member eps rs -> case Set.toList rs' of
[] -> star (EREChars cs)
[r'] | RSet.null cs -> star r'
_ -> EREStar (EREUnion cs rs')
rs' = Set.delete eps rs
_ -> EREStar r
string :: [c] -> ERE c
string [] = eps
string [c] = EREChars (RSet.singleton c)
string cs = EREAppend $ map (EREChars . RSet.singleton) cs
instance (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => C.Kleene c (ERE c) where
empty = empty
eps = eps
char = char
appends = appends
unions = unions
star = star
instance (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => C.FiniteKleene c (ERE c) where
everything = everything
charRange = charRange
fromRSet = EREChars
anyChar = anyChar
instance C.Complement c (ERE c) where
complement = complement
nullable :: ERE c -> Bool
nullable (EREChars _) = False
nullable (EREAppend rs) = all nullable rs
nullable (EREUnion _cs rs) = any nullable rs
nullable (EREStar _) = True
nullable (ERENot r) = not (nullable r)
derivate :: (Ord c, Enum c) => c -> ERE c -> ERE c
derivate c (EREChars cs) = derivateChars c cs
derivate c (EREUnion cs rs) = unions $ derivateChars c cs : [ derivate c r | r <- toList rs]
derivate c (EREAppend rs) = derivateAppend c rs
derivate c rs@(EREStar r) = derivate c r <> rs
derivate c (ERENot r) = complement (derivate c r)
instance (Ord c, Enum c) => C.Derivate c (ERE c) where
nullable = nullable
derivate = derivate
instance (Ord c, Enum c) => C.Match c (ERE c) where
match r = nullable . foldl' (flip derivate) r
derivateAppend :: (Enum c, Ord c) => c -> [ERE c] -> ERE c
derivateAppend _ [] = empty
derivateAppend c [r] = derivate c r
derivateAppend c (r:rs)
| nullable r = unions [r' <> appends rs, rs']
| otherwise = r' <> appends rs
r' = derivate c r
rs' = derivateAppend c rs
derivateChars :: Ord c => c -> RSet c -> ERE c
derivateChars c cs
| c `RSet.member` cs = eps
| otherwise = empty
isEmpty :: ERE c -> Bool
isEmpty (EREChars rs) = RSet.null rs
isEmpty _ = False
isEverything :: ERE c -> Bool
isEverything (ERENot (EREChars rs)) = RSet.null rs
isEverything _ = False
:: forall c. (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c)
=> ERE c
-> Map (ERE c) (SF.SF c (ERE c))
transitionMap re = go Map.empty [re] where
go :: Map (ERE c) (SF.SF c (ERE c))
-> [ERE c]
-> Map (ERE c) (SF.SF c (ERE c))
go !acc [] = acc
go acc (r : rs)
| r `Map.member` acc = go acc rs
| otherwise = go (Map.insert r pm acc) (SF.values pm ++ rs)
pm = P.toSF (\c -> derivate c r) (leadingChars r)
instance (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => C.TransitionMap c (ERE c) where
transitionMap = transitionMap
leadingChars :: (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => ERE c -> P.Partition c
leadingChars (EREChars cs) = P.fromRSet cs
leadingChars (EREUnion cs rs) = P.fromRSet cs <> foldMap leadingChars rs
leadingChars (EREStar r) = leadingChars r
leadingChars (EREAppend rs) = leadingCharsAppend rs
leadingChars (ERENot r) = leadingChars r
leadingCharsAppend :: (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => [ERE c] -> P.Partition c
leadingCharsAppend [] = P.whole
leadingCharsAppend (r : rs)
| nullable r = leadingChars r <> leadingCharsAppend rs
| otherwise = leadingChars r
equivalent :: forall c. (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => ERE c -> ERE c -> Bool
equivalent x0 y0 = go mempty [(x0, y0)] where
go :: Set (ERE c, ERE c) -> [(ERE c, ERE c)] -> Bool
go !_ [] = True
go acc (p@(x, y) : zs)
| p `Set.member` acc = go acc zs
| x == y = go (Set.insert p acc) zs
| all agree ps = go (Set.insert p acc) (ps ++ zs)
| otherwise = False
cs = toList $ P.examples $ leadingChars x `P.wedge` leadingChars y
ps = map (\c -> (derivate c x, derivate c y)) cs
agree :: (ERE c, ERE c) -> Bool
agree (x, y) = nullable x == nullable y
instance (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c) => C.Equivalent c (ERE c) where
equivalent = equivalent
instance Eq c => Semigroup (ERE c) where
r <> r' = appends [r, r']
instance Eq c => Monoid (ERE c) where
mempty = eps
mappend = (<>)
mconcat = appends
instance (Ord c, Enum c) => JoinSemiLattice (ERE c) where
r \/ r' = unions [r, r']
instance (Ord c, Enum c) => BoundedJoinSemiLattice (ERE c) where
bottom = empty
instance (Ord c, Enum c) => MeetSemiLattice (ERE c) where
r /\ r' = intersections [r, r']
instance (Ord c, Enum c) => BoundedMeetSemiLattice (ERE c) where
top = everything
instance (Ord c, Enum c) => Lattice (ERE c)
instance (Ord c, Enum c) => BoundedLattice (ERE c)
instance c ~ Char => IsString (ERE c) where
fromString = string
instance (Ord c, Enum c, Bounded c, QC.Arbitrary c) => QC.Arbitrary (ERE c) where
arbitrary = QC.sized arb where
c :: QC.Gen (ERE c)
c = EREChars . RSet.fromRangeList <$> QC.arbitrary
arb :: Int -> QC.Gen (ERE c)
arb n | n <= 0 = QC.oneof [c, fmap char QC.arbitrary, pure eps]
| otherwise = QC.oneof
[ c
, pure eps
, fmap char QC.arbitrary
, liftA2 (<>) (arb n2) (arb n2)
, liftA2 (\/) (arb n2) (arb n2)
, fmap star (arb n2)
, fmap complement (arb n2)
n2 = n `div` 2
instance (QC.CoArbitrary c) => QC.CoArbitrary (ERE c) where
coarbitrary (EREChars cs) = QC.variant (0 :: Int) . QC.coarbitrary (RSet.toRangeList cs)
coarbitrary (EREAppend rs) = QC.variant (1 :: Int) . QC.coarbitrary rs
coarbitrary (EREUnion cs rs) = QC.variant (2 :: Int) . QC.coarbitrary (RSet.toRangeList cs, Set.toList rs)
coarbitrary (EREStar r) = QC.variant (3 :: Int) . QC.coarbitrary r
coarbitrary (ERENot r) = QC.variant (4 :: Int) . QC.coarbitrary r
instance c ~ Char => Pretty (ERE c) where
prettyS x = showChar '^' . go False x . showChar '$'
go :: Bool -> ERE Char -> ShowS
go p (EREStar a)
= parens p
$ go True a . showChar '*'
go p (EREAppend rs)
= parens p $ goMany id rs
go p (EREUnion cs rs)
| RSet.null cs = goUnion p rs
| Set.null rs = prettyS cs
| otherwise = goUnion p (Set.insert (EREChars cs) rs)
go _ (EREChars cs)
= prettyS cs
go p (ERENot r)
= parens p $ showChar '~' . go True r
goUnion p rs
| Set.member eps rs = parens p $ goUnion' True . showChar '?'
| otherwise = goUnion' p
goUnion' p' = case Set.toList (Set.delete eps rs) of
[] -> go True empty
[r] -> go p' r
(r:rs') -> parens True $ goSome1 (showChar '|') r rs'
goMany :: ShowS -> [ERE Char] -> ShowS
goMany sep = foldr (\a b -> go False a . sep . b) id
goSome1 :: ShowS -> ERE Char -> [ERE Char] -> ShowS
goSome1 sep r = foldl (\a b -> a . sep . go False b) (go False r)
parens :: Bool -> ShowS -> ShowS
parens True s = showString "(" . s . showChar ')'
parens False s = s